Why should other taxpayers have to subsidize gay mating?

Homosexual couples can have children without outside intervention. Every gay couple can go to a lesbian couple and have kids through surrogate procedure, also known as in vitro fertilization.

I wish there were more gays in this country to flaunt their sexuality on right wing republicans' faces.

Which would require a male

Thanks for playin

We have a nice parting gift for ya

Oh, and you probably wish there were more gays cuz, your odds would be better?

Just guessing
Homosexual couples can have children without outside intervention. Every gay couple can go to a lesbian couple and have kids through surrogate procedure, also known as in vitro fertilization.

I wish there were more gays in this country to flaunt their sexuality on right wing republicans' faces.

Which would require a male

Thanks for playin

We have a nice parting gift for ya

Oh, and you probably wish there were more gays cuz, your odds would be better?

Just guessing

Well, not being a homophobe unlike most RWers, I don't even know why you'd think my "odds would be better". You just don't understand statistics. If I was gay, then having more gays would also increase the competition. It cuts both ways. Of course, most cons don't understand these basic details so I don't discuss it with them. Bye.
Homosexual couples can have children without outside intervention. Every gay couple can go to a lesbian couple and have kids through surrogate procedure, also known as in vitro fertilization.

I wish there were more gays in this country to flaunt their sexuality on right wing republicans' faces.

Which would require a male

Thanks for playin

We have a nice parting gift for ya

Oh, and you probably wish there were more gays cuz, your odds would be better?

Just guessing

Well, not being a homophobe unlike most RWers, I don't even know why you'd think my "odds would be better". You just don't understand statistics. If I was gay, then having more gays would also increase the competition. It cuts both ways. Of course, most cons don't understand these basic details so I don't discuss it with them. Bye.

Thanks for the statistics lesson!

Oh, I'm a moderate

And, statistically speaking......

100% of all children born come from male/female couplings

0% of all children born come from same sex couplings.

True story.
Homosexual couples can have children without outside intervention. Every gay couple can go to a lesbian couple and have kids through surrogate procedure, also known as in vitro fertilization.

I wish there were more gays in this country to flaunt their sexuality on right wing republicans' faces.

Which would require a male

Thanks for playin

We have a nice parting gift for ya

Oh, and you probably wish there were more gays cuz, your odds would be better?

Just guessing

Well, not being a homophobe unlike most RWers, I don't even know why you'd think my "odds would be better". You just don't understand statistics. If I was gay, then having more gays would also increase the competition. It cuts both ways. Of course, most cons don't understand these basic details so I don't discuss it with them. Bye.

Thanks for the statistics lesson!

Oh, I'm a moderate

And, statistically speaking......

100% of all children born come from male/female couplings

0% of all children born come from same sex couplings.

True story.

OK I understand. I look at homosexuality as a natural phenomenon. It's like nature putting brakes on rampant uncontrolled population growth . Some gays go for in vitro fertilization, i.e. having a baby with a surrogate mom who receives the sperms through a medical procedure and not through natural intercourse. To say gays can't reproduce is obviously wrong because we can manufacture kids without natural intercourse.

The other gays have kids through adoption. The adopted children are the ones heterosexual couples throw in the "trash", so to speak. Gays pick up the unwanted kids. If there were more gays, then there would be more adoptions rather than natural population increase. This helps control population if a small portion of the population (gays) don't reproduce.
Homosexual couples can have children without outside intervention. Every gay couple can go to a lesbian couple and have kids through surrogate procedure, also known as in vitro fertilization.

I wish there were more gays in this country to flaunt their sexuality on right wing republicans' faces.

Which would require a male

Thanks for playin

We have a nice parting gift for ya

Oh, and you probably wish there were more gays cuz, your odds would be better?

Just guessing

Well, not being a homophobe unlike most RWers, I don't even know why you'd think my "odds would be better". You just don't understand statistics. If I was gay, then having more gays would also increase the competition. It cuts both ways. Of course, most cons don't understand these basic details so I don't discuss it with them. Bye.

Thanks for the statistics lesson!

Oh, I'm a moderate

And, statistically speaking......

100% of all children born come from male/female couplings

0% of all children born come from same sex couplings.

True story.

OK I understand. I look at homosexuality as a natural phenomenon. It's like nature putting brakes on rampant uncontrolled population growth . Some gays go for in vitro fertilization, i.e. having a baby with a surrogate mom who receives the sperms through a medical procedure and not through natural intercourse. To say gays can't reproduce is obviously wrong because we can manufacture kids without natural intercourse.

The other gays have kids through adoption. The adopted children are the ones heterosexual couples throw in the "trash", so to speak. Gays pick up the unwanted kids. If there were more gays, then there would be more adoptions rather than natural population increase. This helps control population if a small portion of the population (gays) don't reproduce.

I've never claimed gays could not procreate, even though some claim I have. Gay males have mated and married women throughout time.

Procreation always needs one male and one female.
Homosexual couples can have children without outside intervention. Every gay couple can go to a lesbian couple and have kids through surrogate procedure, also known as in vitro fertilization.

I wish there were more gays in this country to flaunt their sexuality on right wing republicans' faces.

Which would require a male

Thanks for playin

We have a nice parting gift for ya

Oh, and you probably wish there were more gays cuz, your odds would be better?

Just guessing

Well, not being a homophobe unlike most RWers, I don't even know why you'd think my "odds would be better". You just don't understand statistics. If I was gay, then having more gays would also increase the competition. It cuts both ways. Of course, most cons don't understand these basic details so I don't discuss it with them. Bye.

Thanks for the statistics lesson!

Oh, I'm a moderate

And, statistically speaking......

100% of all children born come from male/female couplings

0% of all children born come from same sex couplings.

True story.

"coupling'? I'm assuming you don't mean sex. As a man and woman need not have sex with each other for a child to be conceived.

And of course, its all starkly irrelevant to marriage. As no one is required to procreate or be able to in order to get married.
By your bizarre illogic, then any straight woman would be depraved and mentally defective to have anything other than lesbian sex.

But then again- when have you ever cared about anything other than attacking homosexuals?
Lesbian women aren't sexually depraved, but they are mentally ill and biologically defective. Perhaps assexual in many cases.

Comparing straight women to male homosexuals makes no sense, straight women have far lower STD and sexual partner rates.

When I am talking about sexual depravity in terms of homosexuality, I am talking about gay men.

Who are you talking to? And why are you so hung up on sexuality?
Hung up on sexuality, that is something you should be asking gay men, given the fact they have hundreds of sex partners in a life time. They are emotionally stunted basket cases that use another man's anus as a masturbation tool.

And you can't stop talking about it......you clearly are obsessed with fantasizing about how men have anal sex.

Are you talking to me?

No Lilah- look and see- I am responding the anally obsessed Stein.
If gays have to use sperm and eggs to procreate, what do straight people use?
A gay couple can't procreate, it requires eggs and sperm.

A gay couple can procreate in exactly the same manner as any straight couple where one or both of the couple are infertile.

What a truly stupid argument.

By arguing that there is something wrong when gays do it- you are saying that the millions of straight Americans who use fertility assistance are somehow 'less' than hetero couples who don't need that assistance.

What a bigot.
As far as I know, invitro involves the couple's sperm and egg. So they are procreating with each other. Last I checked, a gay couple only has sperm, and a lesbian one eggs, so no, they aren't procreating with each other.

I don't know where you got this idea I oppose invitro-fertilization, the poz must be getting to your brain you disgusting faggot.

Well you are just another disgusting tiny dicked bigot, who is compensating for his small 'intellect' with hate.

Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
LOL, I like how you, being part of a homosexual rights movement that is supposedly based on "not judging" any and all sex acts and being sex positive turns to attacking your opponent's sexuality right off the bat..

No I save pointing out what a teeny tiny dick you have for pervs like yourself who have teeny tiny dick's.

More to the point- I save that comment for a response to specific posts by pervs like yourself.

i didn't point out your teeny tiny equipment for multiple posts- not until you reminded me of how you are compensating for how nature short changed you.
If gays have to use sperm and eggs to procreate, what do straight people use?
A gay couple can't procreate, it requires eggs and sperm.

A gay couple can procreate in exactly the same manner as any straight couple where one or both of the couple are infertile.

What a truly stupid argument.

By arguing that there is something wrong when gays do it- you are saying that the millions of straight Americans who use fertility assistance are somehow 'less' than hetero couples who don't need that assistance.

What a bigot.
As far as I know, invitro involves the couple's sperm and egg. So they are procreating with each other. Last I checked, a gay couple only has sperm, and a lesbian one eggs, so no, they aren't procreating with each other.

I don't know where you got this idea I oppose invitro-fertilization, the poz must be getting to your brain you disgusting faggot.

Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
If a straight couple is using another person's egg or sperm, they aren't procreating together, they are procreating who produced the egg or sperm.

Infertile couples aren't immoral degenerates who are proud of it, I have no problem with them.

Great- so your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.

Reproduction is just another tool you abuse in order to attack homosexuals because of your bigotry.
A gay couple can't procreate, it requires eggs and sperm.

A gay couple can procreate in exactly the same manner as any straight couple where one or both of the couple are infertile.

What a truly stupid argument.

By arguing that there is something wrong when gays do it- you are saying that the millions of straight Americans who use fertility assistance are somehow 'less' than hetero couples who don't need that assistance.

What a bigot.
As far as I know, invitro involves the couple's sperm and egg. So they are procreating with each other. Last I checked, a gay couple only has sperm, and a lesbian one eggs, so no, they aren't procreating with each other.

I don't know where you got this idea I oppose invitro-fertilization, the poz must be getting to your brain you disgusting faggot.

Well you are just another disgusting tiny dicked bigot, who is compensating for his small 'intellect' with hate.

Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
LOL, I like how you, being part of a homosexual rights movement that is supposedly based on "not judging" any and all sex acts and being sex positive turns to attacking your opponent's sexuality right off the bat..

No I save pointing out what a teeny tiny dick you have for pervs like yourself who have teeny tiny dick's.

More to the point- I save that comment for a response to specific posts by pervs like yourself.

i didn't point out your teeny tiny equipment for multiple posts- not until you reminded me of how you are compensating for how nature short changed you.
Lol, you are becoming a totally unhinged woman. Reduced to purely emotional arguments to try to get me to conform to the "popular" view on homosexuality.
Gays have children. Lots of people have children without having heterosexual sex. You cannot be that ignorant about science. Even straights use this science. Some gays even have gay children. All it takes is an egg and a sperm (for now). Sex is not required.
Gays can't have children, they have to use sperm and eggs. Only a female's eggs and a man's sperm can create a child. At least for now.

If gays have to use sperm and eggs to procreate, what do straight people use?
A gay couple can't procreate, it requires eggs and sperm.

A gay couple can procreate in exactly the same manner as any straight couple where one or both of the couple are infertile.

What a truly stupid argument.

By arguing that there is something wrong when gays do it- you are saying that the millions of straight Americans who use fertility assistance are somehow 'less' than hetero couples who don't need that assistance.

What a bigot.

All same sex couples require an outside source to have children.

A few straight couples do.

Wanna speak about demographics?

Sure- lets speak Demographics- why the hell do you care about who uses outside assistance to have children?

Demographics- go look up the numbers if you can find them- fairly certain you will find in absolute numbers millions more hetero couples using sperm and egg donation than gay couples.
A gay couple can procreate in exactly the same manner as any straight couple where one or both of the couple are infertile.

What a truly stupid argument.

By arguing that there is something wrong when gays do it- you are saying that the millions of straight Americans who use fertility assistance are somehow 'less' than hetero couples who don't need that assistance.

What a bigot.
As far as I know, invitro involves the couple's sperm and egg. So they are procreating with each other. Last I checked, a gay couple only has sperm, and a lesbian one eggs, so no, they aren't procreating with each other.

I don't know where you got this idea I oppose invitro-fertilization, the poz must be getting to your brain you disgusting faggot.

Well you are just another disgusting tiny dicked bigot, who is compensating for his small 'intellect' with hate.

Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
LOL, I like how you, being part of a homosexual rights movement that is supposedly based on "not judging" any and all sex acts and being sex positive turns to attacking your opponent's sexuality right off the bat..

No I save pointing out what a teeny tiny dick you have for pervs like yourself who have teeny tiny dick's.

More to the point- I save that comment for a response to specific posts by pervs like yourself.

i didn't point out your teeny tiny equipment for multiple posts- not until you reminded me of how you are compensating for how nature short changed you.
Lol, you are becoming a totally unhinged woman. Reduced to purely emotional arguments to try to get me to conform to the "popular" view on homosexuality.

I can see my posts were 'cutting' a little too close for comfort for you. Your anger and fear of homosexuals clearly is compensation.
A gay couple can't procreate, it requires eggs and sperm.

A gay couple can procreate in exactly the same manner as any straight couple where one or both of the couple are infertile.

What a truly stupid argument.

By arguing that there is something wrong when gays do it- you are saying that the millions of straight Americans who use fertility assistance are somehow 'less' than hetero couples who don't need that assistance.

What a bigot.
As far as I know, invitro involves the couple's sperm and egg. So they are procreating with each other. Last I checked, a gay couple only has sperm, and a lesbian one eggs, so no, they aren't procreating with each other.

I don't know where you got this idea I oppose invitro-fertilization, the poz must be getting to your brain you disgusting faggot.

Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
If a straight couple is using another person's egg or sperm, they aren't procreating together, they are procreating who produced the egg or sperm.

Infertile couples aren't immoral degenerates who are proud of it, I have no problem with them.

Great- so your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.

Reproduction is just another tool you abuse in order to attack homosexuals because of your bigotry.
Not a tool, a biological reality, they are evolutionary/genetic dead ends that haven't developed the drive of attraction to procreate with the opposite sex. Their lifestyle should not be promoted.
Gays do "mate", mate and are not incapable of procreation. I am a lesbian woman who has given birth to more babies than most heterosexual women...and not once did it require sex with a man.
I don't think you understand what mating is. Women can't have sex with one another and produce children. Unless you are privy to some new technology, you needed male sperm to give birth.

Well then your argument is with Kaz- he is the one who started this thread whining about 'gay mating'
I don't know who Kaz is, but I haven't argued with a Kaz as far as it pertains to this subject about whether gays can procreate. But anyone who thinks gays or lesbians can procreate is an idiot.

So you never even read the title of this thread?

Talk about an idiot- you don't even know what this thread is.

What an idiot.
I know what the title of the thread is. What does the title have to do with this Kaz?

I don't know how I can dumb this down enough for you

Kaz started this thread
Kaz stated "Why should taxpayers subsidize gay mating"
You claimed that gays cannot mate
I pointed out that logically then your argument is with Kaz

You have remained baffled by this ever since.

Title of thread 'gay mating'- you: 'gays can't mate' - hence your argument is with Kaz.
A gay couple can procreate in exactly the same manner as any straight couple where one or both of the couple are infertile.

What a truly stupid argument.

By arguing that there is something wrong when gays do it- you are saying that the millions of straight Americans who use fertility assistance are somehow 'less' than hetero couples who don't need that assistance.

What a bigot.
As far as I know, invitro involves the couple's sperm and egg. So they are procreating with each other. Last I checked, a gay couple only has sperm, and a lesbian one eggs, so no, they aren't procreating with each other.

I don't know where you got this idea I oppose invitro-fertilization, the poz must be getting to your brain you disgusting faggot.

Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
If a straight couple is using another person's egg or sperm, they aren't procreating together, they are procreating who produced the egg or sperm.

Infertile couples aren't immoral degenerates who are proud of it, I have no problem with them.

Great- so your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.

Reproduction is just another tool you abuse in order to attack homosexuals because of your bigotry.
Not a tool, a biological reality, they are evolutionary/genetic dead ends that haven't developed the drive of attraction to procreate with the opposite sex. Their lifestyle should not be promoted.

Then don't promote their lifestyle- no one will force you to have sex with any homosexual.

Like I said- your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.
As far as I know, invitro involves the couple's sperm and egg. So they are procreating with each other. Last I checked, a gay couple only has sperm, and a lesbian one eggs, so no, they aren't procreating with each other.

I don't know where you got this idea I oppose invitro-fertilization, the poz must be getting to your brain you disgusting faggot.

Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
If a straight couple is using another person's egg or sperm, they aren't procreating together, they are procreating who produced the egg or sperm.

Infertile couples aren't immoral degenerates who are proud of it, I have no problem with them.

Great- so your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.

Reproduction is just another tool you abuse in order to attack homosexuals because of your bigotry.
Not a tool, a biological reality, they are evolutionary/genetic dead ends that haven't developed the drive of attraction to procreate with the opposite sex. Their lifestyle should not be promoted.

Then don't promote their lifestyle- no one will force you to have sex with any homosexual.

Like I said- your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.
Promoting the lifestyle includes providing them government licenses for marriage, giving them tax breaks, benefits etc for their lifestyle, also the government promotes the lifestyle by forcing businesses to serve them. Society should only promote the traditional nuclear family, no polygamy, no homosexuality etc.
A gay couple can procreate in exactly the same manner as any straight couple where one or both of the couple are infertile.

What a truly stupid argument.

By arguing that there is something wrong when gays do it- you are saying that the millions of straight Americans who use fertility assistance are somehow 'less' than hetero couples who don't need that assistance.

What a bigot.
As far as I know, invitro involves the couple's sperm and egg. So they are procreating with each other. Last I checked, a gay couple only has sperm, and a lesbian one eggs, so no, they aren't procreating with each other.

I don't know where you got this idea I oppose invitro-fertilization, the poz must be getting to your brain you disgusting faggot.

Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
If a straight couple is using another person's egg or sperm, they aren't procreating together, they are procreating who produced the egg or sperm.

Infertile couples aren't immoral degenerates who are proud of it, I have no problem with them.

Great- so your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.

Reproduction is just another tool you abuse in order to attack homosexuals because of your bigotry.
Not a tool, a biological reality, they are evolutionary/genetic dead ends that haven't developed the drive of attraction to procreate with the opposite sex. Their lifestyle should not be promoted.

'Immoral degenerates' and 'you disgusting faggots' isn't a biological argument. That's just your personal bigotry.

And clearly underpopulation isn't a problem we're facing. So your 'genetic dead end' logic is pointless.

Worse, many gays and lesbians use artificial insemination or surrogacy to have their own genetic children. So your logic breaks again.

And finally, unless your view of sexuality is that its a matter of marketing....with your heterosexuality just a quirk of which team got to you first, then your 'promoting your lifestyle' schtick is meaningless. If you're straight, a gay couple getting married isn't gonna make you gay.

There's just no way your argument works.
I don't think you understand what mating is. Women can't have sex with one another and produce children. Unless you are privy to some new technology, you needed male sperm to give birth.

Well then your argument is with Kaz- he is the one who started this thread whining about 'gay mating'
I don't know who Kaz is, but I haven't argued with a Kaz as far as it pertains to this subject about whether gays can procreate. But anyone who thinks gays or lesbians can procreate is an idiot.

So you never even read the title of this thread?

Talk about an idiot- you don't even know what this thread is.

What an idiot.
I know what the title of the thread is. What does the title have to do with this Kaz?

I don't know how I can dumb this down enough for you

Kaz started this thread
Kaz stated "Why should taxpayers subsidize gay mating"
You claimed that gays cannot mate
I pointed out that logically then your argument is with Kaz

You have remained baffled by this ever since.

Title of thread 'gay mating'- you: 'gays can't mate' - hence your argument is with Kaz.
I didn't read the OP, I went straight to page 150.

If you don't have an argument with me, than why are you arguing with me? Gays cant procreate or "mate", yet you and the fag brigade have been playing word games and insisting otherwise for pages.
Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
If a straight couple is using another person's egg or sperm, they aren't procreating together, they are procreating who produced the egg or sperm.

Infertile couples aren't immoral degenerates who are proud of it, I have no problem with them.

Great- so your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.

Reproduction is just another tool you abuse in order to attack homosexuals because of your bigotry.
Not a tool, a biological reality, they are evolutionary/genetic dead ends that haven't developed the drive of attraction to procreate with the opposite sex. Their lifestyle should not be promoted.

Then don't promote their lifestyle- no one will force you to have sex with any homosexual.

Like I said- your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.
Promoting the lifestyle includes providing them government licenses for marriage, giving them tax breaks, benefits etc for their lifestyle, also the government promotes the lifestyle by forcing businesses to serve them. Society should only promote the traditional nuclear family, no polygamy, no homosexuality etc.

Yeah- well we tried your bigotry at one time- what you consider the 'good old days'.

I think promoting a lifestyle of acceptance and legal equality is better than your lifestyle of bigotry and intollerance.
Invitro requires a sperm and an egg- anyone's.
But I didn't specify invitro- I mentioned where one or both of the couple are infertile- if the man is infertile, then the couple would use a sperm donor, if the woman is infertile they would use an egg donor, or even a surrogate.

Gay and lesbian couples do exactly what hetero couples do when they are missing any of the ingredients.

You of course hate gays- because well they are gays- and you have lots of hate for them and lots of other people.

Maybe you hate all infertile couples- that wouldn't surprise me.
If a straight couple is using another person's egg or sperm, they aren't procreating together, they are procreating who produced the egg or sperm.

Infertile couples aren't immoral degenerates who are proud of it, I have no problem with them.

Great- so your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.

Reproduction is just another tool you abuse in order to attack homosexuals because of your bigotry.
Not a tool, a biological reality, they are evolutionary/genetic dead ends that haven't developed the drive of attraction to procreate with the opposite sex. Their lifestyle should not be promoted.

Then don't promote their lifestyle- no one will force you to have sex with any homosexual.

Like I said- your problem is just with your bigotry towards homosexuals.
Promoting the lifestyle includes providing them government licenses for marriage, giving them tax breaks, benefits etc for their lifestyle, also the government promotes the lifestyle by forcing businesses to serve them. Society should only promote the traditional nuclear family, no polygamy, no homosexuality etc.

Society should follow its own tenets of due process of law and equal protection. There's simply no rational reason to deny gays and lesbians marriage. Nor does denying them serve a valid state interest or a legitimate legislative purpose.

Worse, it harms their children by the 10s of thousands. While benefiting no child.

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