Why some regret giving women the right to vote

I did not ignore anything. I told you why I posted what I did. Are you always this stupid?
so then tell me why its OK for people that live off of the government as I detailed should be allowed to vote??

they only take from the system and give nothing back but hatred,,
so then tell me why its OK for people that live off of the government as I detailed should be allowed to vote??

they only take from the system and give nothing back but hatred,,

I didn't say they should. I simply said they had skin in the game.

See, the difference is that you want to prevent everyone who isn't likely to vote for your party from voting. I believe every American citizen over the age of 18, not incarcerated or a convicted felon, should be able to vote.
I didn't say they should. I simply said they had skin in the game.

See, the difference is that you want to prevent everyone who isn't likely to vote for your party from voting. I believe every American citizen over the age of 18, not incarcerated or a convicted felon, should be able to vote.
wheres the skin if theyve never had a job and have no intentions of getting a job and havent paid income taxs and only taken from the system??
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Most of the men I have talked with, who regret women having the vote, also want to see women stay home and not work.

If it means we only allow certain people to vote, it is not a free election.
But if women (mothers of young children) did stay home, for a generation or two, they would see the value of it to the nation and probably fully support other conservative measures.
America grew very successfully in it's early days due to conservative leadership. We were the envy of the world. Everybody wanted to move to America.

Somewhere along the line we lost our way. The Founding Fathers knew how we should run our elections, but we veered from that path. And now we are paying the price for it. Also paying the price for it are other countries that also now have liberal election laws.

---The female vote stems the tide of the far right in Europe and Latin America---

So you're blaming women for the US not being even more crackpot?

Look, the Founding Fathers made a system for the 1700s. It doesn't function any more, the rich have figured out how to manipulate it and the US is going the way of Rome. It's not women who are the problem. It's those who don't want to change the electoral system who are the problem.
So you're blaming women for the US not being even more crackpot?

Look, the Founding Fathers made a system for the 1700s. It doesn't function any more, the rich have figured out how to manipulate it and the US is going the way of Rome. It's not women who are the problem. It's those who don't want to change the electoral system who are the problem.
the electoral system is just fine and helps keep us from becomeing a direct democracy that always ends up in millions dead,,
America grew very successfully in it's early days due to conservative leadership. We were the envy of the world. Everybody wanted to move to America.

Somewhere along the line we lost our way. The Founding Fathers knew how we should run our elections, but we veered from that path. And now we are paying the price for it. Also paying the price for it are other countries that also now have liberal election laws.

---The female vote stems the tide of the far right in Europe and Latin America---

Abortion will be an issue in your upcoming loss
And Arlette shows up and proves I'm right.
I didn't say they should. I simply said they had skin in the game.

See, the difference is that you want to prevent everyone who isn't likely to vote for your party from voting. I believe every American citizen over the age of 18, not incarcerated or a convicted felon, should be able to vote.
wheres the skin if theyve never had a job and have no intentions of getting a job and havent paid income taxs and only taken from the system??
America grew very successfully in it's early days due to conservative leadership. We were the envy of the world. Everybody wanted to move to America.

Somewhere along the line we lost our way. The Founding Fathers knew how we should run our elections, but we veered from that path. And now we are paying the price for it. Also paying the price for it are other countries that also now have liberal election laws.

---The female vote stems the tide of the far right in Europe and Latin America---

The women demanded the right to vote because the decisions politicians made, affected them as well.
I do sometimes wonder how many women voted like my stepmother used to. Her stated method was to vote for the most handsome candidate. For that reason alone, she should have lost the right to vote.
wheres the skin if theyve never had a job and have no intentions of getting a job and havent paid income taxs and only taken from the system??

I explained this in Post #44. You even responded to that post.

And the system the Founding Fathers created was great for a small agriculture-based country at the time.

Now the gov't has its hands in every facet of our lives. Everyone has skin in the game. The people who are elected will make decisions that effect us all.
I explained this in Post #44. You even responded to that post.

And the system the Founding Fathers created was great for a small agriculture-based country at the time.

Now the gov't has its hands in every facet of our lives. Everyone has skin in the game. The people who are elected will make decisions that effect us all.
no you added a bunch of stuff I didnt say and answered your question/narrative not mine,,
I would like to know what skin they have in the game if theyve never contributed to anything and just took from it,,
but we know where you stand and its not with the constitution and the country,,
no you added a bunch of stuff I didnt say and answered your question/narrative not mine,,

but we know where you stand and its not with the constitution and the country,,

I added a bunch of stuff in MY posts. I did not edit yours.

Maybe if you will just tell me what you want me to say you will have an easier time?
I added a bunch of stuff in MY posts. I did not edit yours.

Maybe if you will just tell me what you want me to say you will have an easier time?
what skin do they have in the game if theyve never contributed to anything and just took from the system??
what skin do they have in the game if theyve never contributed to anything and just took from the system??

Most people on gov't assistance have not been on it their entire lives.

And they are still citizens. They are still effected by what the politicians do.
Most people on gov't assistance have not been on it their entire lives.

And they are still citizens. They are still effected by what the politicians do.
as I said some are generational freeloaders,,

so youre a sell out to the country and want to allow people to vote for more for themselves that was taken from others that worked for it,,
I knew you were a low life piece of shit,,

you dems are the party of the poor and have no intentions of helping them or you wouldnt have any voters,,

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