Why the Roman Catholic Church is the Greatest Organization in the History of the World.

I wonder if Mashmont agrees with DJT that Putin is a genius in the way he decided to kill people in Ukraine. Putin and Trump are Christians so it has to be genius right? I condemn those two phony warmongering Christians - I wonder why Mashmont is silent on Putin and Trump?
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what should Mashmont care? Ukrainians are not real Roman Catholics so let genius Putin invade like Trump explained it was because the 2020 election was rigged - So Ukrainians must submit to Trump and Putin or die.

Religion in Ukraine is diverse, with a majority of the population adhering to Christianity.
A 2018 survey conducted by the Razumkov Centre found that 71.7% of the population declared themselves believers. About 67.3% of the population declared adherence to one or another strand of Orthodox Christianity (28.7% of the Kyiv Patriarchate, 23.4% state simply 'Orthodox' with no declaration as to which Patriarchate they belong to, 12.8% of the Moscow Patriarchate, 0.3% Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, and 1.9% other types of Orthodoxy), 7.7% 'Christian' with no declared denominational affiliation, 9.4% Ukrainian Byzantine Rite Catholics, 2.2% Protestants and 0.8% Latin Rite Catholics, 2.5 % Islam, Judaism was 0.4%; while a small percentage follow Hinduism, Buddhismand Paganism (Rodnovery). A further 11.0% declared themselves non-religious or unaffiliated.[1] According to the surveys conducted by Razumkov in the 2000s and early 2010s, such proportions have remained relatively constant throughout the last decade, while the proportion of believers overall has decreased from 76% in 2014 to 70% in 2016 and 72% in 2018.[1][2]
Why the Roman Catholic Church is the Greatest Organization in the History of the World


The Catholic Church allows pedophiles in their cult.
Looking at it that way, then so do families. Schools. Every other career and religion. Clubs. Teams. Scouts.

In other words, it happens. Everywhere. Even in every place where it, contrary to your statement, is not allowed/permitted.
If we are discussing the role of Catholicism as the major player that brought us to the modern western world I don’t think “organization” is the proper way to refer to the “institution” of the Roman Catholic church. it is an institution that is ‘organized’ around the metaphysical life and teaching of the historical figure and messiah - as in the one and only Son of God and as recorded in the Holy Bible - a book said to be the Only written Word of GOD..

If we want to better understand the history and contributions of all western civilization’s ideas that have brought us to where we are today I say the institution of Roman Catholicism played a major role in shaping Europe until the end of the 18th Century. In the New World, however, there’s three major stories about how it was explored and settled at that time. Three monarchies chose the places. French took the cold climate north of the Great Lakes - They didn’t bring their women too much. The Spaniards took the warm places from Florida to the south they didn’t bring their women too much. Brits brought their women and settled in the most temperate zone between the two. The Roman Church continued influence to the north and the south, but in between - not so much. Very few Catholics were present where all the western civilization game changing was going on. A new “institution” rejected Royalty and the Roman Catholic Church as sovereign authority over the people. I don’t see much input by the Church after 1780 once the new ‘institution’ was ratified in the Constitution of the United States of America. Do you agree with me so far ding ?
Organization, institution, is splitting hairs. How about non-governmental institution or organization?

The point is no other non-governmental institution or organization played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the HRCC which America is a part of and influenced by that shaping. I can't think of any other non-governmental institutions or organization that can make that claim.
The point is no other non-governmental institution or organization played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the HRCC which America is a part of and influenced by that shaping. I can't think of any other non-governmental institutions or organization that can make that claim.
NFBW {€} What exactly did the HRCC shape?

The first half of the 20th Century was shaped by two World Wars and the horror of anti-Semitisn and racism in a white ruled Europe and the HRCC was ruled under a racist and anti-Semitic Pope who had a long history of intolerance and authoritarianism in Germany where and as Hitler came into existence.

This association of Jewishness with Bolshevism confirms that Pacelli, from his early 40s, nourished a suspicion of and contempt for the Jews for political reasons. But the repeated references to the Jewishness of these individuals, along with the catalogue of stereotypical epithets deploring their physical and moral repulsiveness, betray a scorn and revulsion consistent with anti-Semitism.

Long-Buried Vatican Files Reveal A New Indictment Of Pope Pius XII

Not long after this, Pacelli campaigned to have black French troops removed from the Rhineland, convinced that they were raping women and abusing children—even though an independent inquiry sponsored by the U.S. Congress, of which Pacelli was aware, proved this allegation false. Twenty-three years later, when the Allies were about to enter Rome, he asked the British envoy to the Vatican to request of the British Foreign Office that no Allied colored troops would be among the small number that might be garrisoned in Rome after the occupation

The above link thanks to;

The Pope at the time backed Hitler.

Totally false and debunked.

In this our discussion, I give credit to the HRCC with its flaws and credits for its part in shaping Western Civilization in a positive sense toward the progression of the human condition up to 1780 when a better but also imperfect institution was designed by men - secular men. - - - After that momentous event the HRCC becomes a bystander - in the bjeacher seats if you will - watching the game of human progress and suffering more so than playing and coaching in it.

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$4B is not much for a worldwide organization serving 1.6 billion Catholics plus much of the world's poor. Especially when much of it is in priceless artwork donated as gifts to God. How do you sell the Sistine Chapel, for example?
eBay ?
Does that black woman contribute anything to society? People on welfare who don't file tax returns should not get a vote, IMHO.

NFBW {€} wrote: Half the American HRCC think like that. Sitting in the cheap seats throwing tomatoes at the poor.

Organization, institution, is splitting hairs. How about non-governmental institution or organization?

NFBW {€} wrote: In Europe Western civilization was developed by government institutions. The Roman Catholic Church’s alliance with the kingdoms of Europe makes them a government institution by default. They only became a non-government institution after the fall of all the European monarchies in the domino effect of the greatest revolution that mankind has ever seen. The Revolution begun in 1776 in the New World against the British Crown and the CHURCH OF ENGLAND,

It was in the New World where mostly English-speaking families became settlers who learned to live lives that were unfettered by the tyranny of royal authority, and official religion and social hierarchies that they had left behind. Self created ideals were to became synonymous with American Colonial life. They embraced reverence for individual liberty and self government. They had to choose religious tolerance over squabbling over who best represented God in order to focus on the pursuit of happiness and creating economic opportunity and well being for all.

The HRCC had virtually nothing to do with that epochal grit and genius transformation in the New World except eventually jumping on that humanistic multicultural societal structure bandwagon created by free and independent people with a common cause - Liberty. That includes Liberty of the mind.

The Henry Ford Motor Company and General Motors contributed more to SHAPING western civilization than the HRCC after 1780. In my opinion.

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Looking at it that way, then so do families. Schools. Every other career and religion. Clubs. Teams. Scouts.

In other words, it happens. Everywhere. Even in every place where it, contrary to your statement, is not allowed/permitted.
Yes, it happens everywhere but clergy are held to a higher reverence. It is allowed to happen when a pedophile priest is only given a slap on the wrist or simply moved to another location instead of excommunicated.
Why the Roman Catholic Church is the Greatest Organization in the History of the World.

There are a number of reasons, but they all stem from one main reason: The RCC was founded by Jesus who is perfect, and God’s rules are perfect and loving. And by perfect, that means following God’s rules leads to the best life you can possibly live which not only prepares you for Heaven, but also creates the greatest earthly happiness. This is the part atheists miss.

The Roman Catholic Church has been the single most powerful force for people accomplishing the most and greatest good in the history of the world. Think of the legions of selfless priests, sisters, nuns, missionaries, and consecrated individuals who have devoted their lives to the service of others for little or no financial compensation. They are motivated by something far more powerful than money to do superhuman things.

Take Mother Teresa’s order of nuns, the Missionaries of Charity in Calcutta India. These women work 14-18 hours day caring for the sick in the poorest most dangerous area of the city. They subsist on a nutritious stew for every meal; they have two sets of clothes, one to wash and one to wear; they have forsaken all possessions. Visitors marvel at how 80-year-old sisters can do backbreaking work all day long with a cheerful disposition, day in and day out. It’s because they are moved by God.

The irreligious do not have such a powerful source of motivation.

The canonized Roman Catholic saints are examples of the extreme motivation from God helping them to accomplish unbelievable good on earth. Take St. John Bosco. Turned thousands of delinquent young orphans into solid contributing citizens. His schools didn’t use punishment at all. He used the sacraments of the church plus kind encouraging words. John Bosco once had 800 young delinquents in a large hall, doing school work. It was so quiet, one could hear a pin could drop. Outsiders marveled at how this could be possible. It was God who showed St. John Bosco the way.

What other organization, religious or otherwise, has such a corresponding venerable group as the canonized saints of the Catholic Church; people who live and work among the people they serve and accomplish great things?

From my personal perspective, the RCC offers steady unwavering guidance on the best way to live. I’ve studied all the teachings, and they all make perfect sense to me, though that wasn’t always the case. The rules may sound demanding at first, but once you acclimate yourself they are easy to follow and make life go so much smoother. Compare it to an overweight person who wants to get fit. At first it’s very difficult to give up the the sugary snacks, the fast food, the fries, and the Pepsi. It’s very difficult to get up early, lift weights and do cardio and eat right. But once you do, it’s easy. And so much better.

The Catholic services are the same everywhere you go. Mass is the same. The teachings are the same. God’s laws were the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow. Maybe 0bama and Hillary, and Biden all changed their ‘core views’ on gay marriage in 2012, but God didn’t change His mind. When I go to Mass, it is the most diverse wonderful place. Many nationalities, every race, every age, rich or poor, most everybody is there because they want to get better in life. Other organizations would die for the diversity we have. Everyone is equal. Everyone is respected. You don’t have to donate to belong, although you should if you can. Nobody will ever ask anyone personally to give. No one will know if you don’t.

Are all Catholics perfect? Of course not. Even though church teaching is infallible, human beings are not. People sometimes disobey God’s perfect teachings, and do bad things. But the instances are relatively few compared to the legions of great people who do great things. There are also some, like pro-abortion politicians who claim to be Catholics, but openly disagree with major Catholic teachings. They intentionally mislead good people, but theirs and others' bad actions in no way diminish the validity of Jesus’ Church.

Jesus’ Church will be with us to the end of time. Again, very comforting. The RCC has a lineage of popes that goes directly back to St. Peter, the Apostle. All the turbulent events of the past 2000 years, the line of pope remains unbroken. That’s proof of Jesus’ promise.

I invite everyone to attend a mass at your local Catholic Church. They’re everywhere. Do it, and your life will be changed. You’ll see everything I listed above.
Burning women and their cats is not GOOD
Raping little boys and sexually harassing women and small girls is not Good
Creating wars and supporting evil leader is not good
Yes, it happens everywhere but clergy are held to a higher reverence. It is allowed to happen when a pedophile priest is only given a slap on the wrist or simply moved to another location instead of excommunicated.
Update: Through about the 1970s, the psychiatric community was telling everyone in EVERY organization, "Have the offender go through this program and then relocate them." They said this to schools, other church denominations, teams--as well as the Catholic Church. The Catholics were actually ahead of the game when they told the psychiatric community, "This does not work, does not work, does not work--neither the retraining nor the moving. We all know what thanks Catholics got for this heads up. The Catholic Church (here in America) hasn't been moving sex offenders around for decades. (The same cannot be said for schools or anyone else.)

The United States College of Catholic Bishops got on dioceses who were slow to implement this. For decades, the Church has announced to its parishes when a priest has been found guilty of such behavior. He is removed and turned over to authorities.

Meanwhile, back when the news media chose to highlight pedophile priests (ignoring the greater problem of teachers and coaches), the people of the church were working to make changes to place better separation between priests and altar servers. Eventually, the Catholic Church became the model for schools and others how to handle the problem of pedophilia.

I am not saying all Catholic parishes are now a shining example, but I will say that most in the US are.

End of this update. :)
NFBW {€} What exactly did the HRCC shape?

The first half of the 20th Century was shaped by two World Wars and the horror of anti-Semitisn and racism in a white ruled Europe and the HRCC was ruled under a racist and anti-Semitic Pope who had a long history of intolerance and authoritarianism in Germany where and as Hitler came into existence.

Long-Buried Vatican Files Reveal A New Indictment Of Pope Pius XII

The above link thanks to;

In this our discussion, I give credit to the HRCC with its flaws and credits for its part in shaping Western Civilization in a positive sense toward the progression of the human condition up to 1780 when a better but also imperfect institution was designed by men - secular men. - - - After that momentous event the HRCC becomes a bystander - in the bjeacher seats if you will - watching the game of human progress and suffering more so than playing and coaching in it.

Modern science was born in the Catholic Church
Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market economics five hundred years before Adam Smith
The Catholic Church invented the university
Western law grew out of Church canon law
The Catholic Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life

You can argue and disagree all you want but the fact of the matter is that until you can name another institution that shaped Western Civilization more than the HRCC it's turtles all the way down.
The Catholic Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life
Are you saying I am inhuman and incapable of grasping the sacredness of human life because I have no desire or need or want to worship your particular concept of a personal god?
Are you saying I am inhuman and incapable of grasping the sacredness of human life because I have no desire or need or want to worship your particular concept of a personal god?
No. I am saying you don't like the fact that no other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the HRCC, so you will dismiss every piece of evidence that shows the HRCC played the greatest role in shaping Western Civilization.
Burning women and their cats is not GOOD
Raping little boys and sexually harassing women and small girls is not Good
Creating wars and supporting evil leader is not good
So you must hate atheists, then. They killed 100 million in the last decade.
But atheists don't even have the tiniest fraction of good that the RCC has done throughout history.
You're dishonest for ignoring the great volume of great people and focusing on the few who did bad things.
No. I am saying you don't like the fact that no other institution played a greater role in shaping Western Civilization than the HRCC,
Actually I don’t accept your fact that the HRCC humanized Western Civilization and apparently you cannot explain what it means. I believe in the sanctity of life and it has absolutely nothing to do with the HRCC. Humans humanized themselves long before and where the HRCC wasn’t.

The Catholic Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life
Judaism insisted on the sacredness of all human life. “THOU SHALT NOT KILL” why do you think Catholics invented “the sacredness of all human life”
The Torah cannot prevent human beings from killing each other. It reminds us, however, that each human life has infinite value and that no life can be taken without consequences.
Actually I don’t accept your fact that the HRCC humanized Western Civilization and apparently you cannot explain what it means. I believe in the sanctity of life and it has absolutely nothing to do with the HRCC. Humans humanized themselves long before and where the HRCC wasn’t.

Judaism insisted on the sacredness of all human life. “THOU SHALT NOT KILL” why do you think Catholics invented “the sacredness of all human life”

Natural law and human rights[edit]​

"The philosophical foundation of the liberal concept of human rights can be found in natural law theories",[101][102] and much thinking on natural law is traced to the thought of the Dominican friar, Thomas Aquinas.[103] Aquinas continues to influence the works of leading political and legal philosophers.[103]

According to Aquinas, every law is ultimately derived from what he calls the 'eternal law': God's ordering of all created things. For Aquinas, a human action is good or bad depending on whether it conforms to reason, and it is this participation in the 'eternal law' by the 'rational creature' that is called 'natural law'. Aquinas said natural law is a fundamental principle that is woven into the fabric of human nature. Secularists, such as Hugo Grotius, later expanded the idea of human rights and built on it.

"...one cannot and need not deny that Human Rights are of Western Origin. It cannot be denied, because they are morally based on the Judeo-Christian tradition and Graeco-Roman philosophy; they were codified in the West over many centuries, they have secured an established position in the national declarations of western democracies, and they have been enshrined in the constitutions of those democracies."[104]

Howard Tumber says, "human rights is not a universal doctrine, but is the descendent of one particular religion (Christianity)." This does not suggest Christianity has been superior in its practice or has not had "its share of human rights abuses".[105]

David Gushee says Christianity has a "tragically mixed legacy" when it comes to the application of its own ethics. He examines three cases of "Christendom divided against itself": the crusades and St. Francis' attempt at peacemaking with Muslims; Spanish conquerors and the killing of indigenous peoples and the protests against it; and the on-again off-again persecution and protection of Jews.[106]

Charles Malik, a Lebanese academic, diplomat, philosopher and theologian was responsible for the drafting and adoption of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

If that's not enough, then you will need to buy this book. I'm not going to hand type it for you.


But I will copy and paste the abstract from the book.

Ask someone today where Western Civilization originated, and he or she might say Greece or Rome. But what is the ultimate source of Western Civilization? Bestselling author and professor Thomas E. Woods, Jr. provides the long neglected answer: the Catholic Church. In the new paperback edition of his critically-acclaimed book, How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, Woods goes far beyond the familiar tale of monks copying manuscripts and preserving the wisdom of classical antiquity. Gifts such as modern science, free-market economics, art, music, and the idea of human rights come from the Catholic Church, explains Woods. In How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, you’ll learn:

  • Why modern science was born in the Catholic Church
  • How Catholic priests developed the idea of free-market economics five hundred years before Adam Smith
  • How the Catholic Church invented the university
  • Why what you know about the Galileo affair is wrong
  • How Western law grew out of Church canon law
  • How the Church humanized the West by insisting on the sacredness of all human life

No institution has done more to shape Western civilization than the two-thousand-year-old Catholic Church—and in ways that many of us have forgotten or never known. How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization is essential reading for recovering this lost truth.

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