Why Trump can't pardon himself if re-elected

Yes it will stop a shit pot load of people, that just won't vote to put a convicted felon in office of President. And he will face further charges, too. Just because you love him for some reason, does not make him above the law or not guilty. The man's a crook, plain and simple, and a stupid one at that. He didn't even beat one single charge. Nobody actually thought he would lose 34/0.
I did. Once Alan Dershowitz got in that courtroom so did he. Our judicial system is dead. It is now totally politicized. We will have more show trials, Stalinesque political persecutions and phony elections. America is no longer that shining city on a hill. It's a crumbling vomitorium in a sewer.
Jim Jofsn still has a subpoena waiting on him.
"Usually the black racist has been produced by the white racist. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to white racism, and if you analyze it closely, it's not really black racism... If we react to white racism with a violent reaction, to me that's not black racism. If you come to put a rope around my neck and I hang you for it, to me that's not racism. Yours is racism, but my reaction has nothing to do with racism..."
-- Malcolm X

you've got some serious attitude problems, using quotes like that like some form of wisdom.
"Usually the black racist has been produced by the white racist. In most cases where you see it, it is the reaction to white racism, and if you analyze it closely, it's not really black racism... If we react to white racism with a violent reaction, to me that's not black racism. If you come to put a rope around my neck and I hang you for it, to me that's not racism. Yours is racism, but my reaction has nothing to do with racism..."
-- Malcolm X

you've got some serious attitude problems, using quotes like that like some form of wisdom.
Actually it is you with the problem. If you are so arrgoant to believe that white racist behavior towards blacks doesn't create this kind of response then you need help.
Actually it is you with the problem. If you are so arrgoant to believe that white racist behavior towards blacks doesn't create this kind of response then you need help.
i wear my hair short. mohawk hairline and all that.
that does mean i wanna get physically attacked completely out of the blue by some reverse racist black dude. and his buddies.
i'm no racist, but i do expect to be handled with at least some sense of politeness.
You keep asking the same question and repeatedly get the same answer yet you refuse to accept it. Over and over again

Are you stupid or just stubborn?
The response shows that you don’t and they don’t know the law. Fortunately the Supreme Court Justices know that the verdict did not have a law on the books in it and will overturn this nonsense.
The response shows that you don’t and they don’t know the law. Fortunately the Supreme Court Justices know that the verdict did not have a law on the books in it and will overturn this nonsense.

Trump keeps thinking his personally selected Supreme Court owes him and will save him.

Yet they rarely do
Trump keeps thinking his personally selected Supreme Court owes him and will save him.

Yet they rarely do
They will have an especially tough time over an interlocutory appeal before sentencing, and even then not before the NYS court of appeals renders a decision.

The Supreme Court of the United States delineated the test for the availability of interlocutory appeals, called the collateral order doctrine, for United States federal courts in the case of Lauro Lines s.r.l. v. Chasser,[2] holding that under the relevant statute (28 U.S.C. § 1291) such an appeal would be permitted only if:

the matter appealed was conclusive on the issue presented;
the matter appealed was collateral to the merits; and
the matter appealed would be effectively unreviewable if immediate appeal were not allowed.
Derp. He's a Florida resident.
That falls under the US Constitution under reciprocity among the states. If you are a felon in one state, you are a felon in all states. If on probation, you don't get off probation, by moving to another state, and the state you move to, cannot pardon, if that is not the state, you were convicted in. It is unlikely, he will be voting this year.
Weird.....Biden has set a precedence that statute of limitations don't matter anymore.

Trump can have Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Jack Smith indicted on campaign violations early next year because they all admitted that they were put in their positions to get Trump, which means they are working for the Biden campaign.

I'm sure it won't take much to indict Hillary for plenty of felonies, and Biden is already nailed for taking money from our enemies.

And I don't think it would take much to get Obama and Michelle for a conspiracy to commit murder in the first degree. Nobody bothered to investigate the killing of their personal chef. A good detective could nail their balls to the wall.

Biden opened this Pandora's box and the press is already asking him about someone returning the favor in the future.
I am not aware of any changes to Federal Statutes of Limitation changes passed by Congress. Perhaps you have a link?
Not necessarily true.
No. Even if President, a President does not have authority to pardon State crimes. Presidents can only pardon Federal Crimes.
Since he votes in Florida he can still vote for himself...
He does not cease to be a felon, simply by going to Florida. Surely he will not attempt to vote, anyway.
His signature on checks to his lawyer.
Some call that retainer fees.
Same as legal fees.

We don't even know if Cohen even paid Stormy Daniels, but we do know that he ripped Trump off for roughly $60,000.00
The jury knows. I don't think you were actually there.
Yes it will stop a shit pot load of people, that just won't vote to put a convicted felon in office of President. And he will face further charges, too. Just because you love him for some reason, does not make him above the law or not guilty. The man's a crook, plain and simple, and a stupid one at that. He didn't even beat one single charge. Nobody actually thought he would lose 34/0.

Name a single charge?
You can't because to be a real crime, there has to be deliberate harm to a victim.
There is no victim and no harm.
So its obviously not a real crime.
I did. Once Alan Dershowitz got in that courtroom so did he. Our judicial system is dead. It is now totally politicized. We will have more show trials, Stalinesque political persecutions and phony elections. America is no longer that shining city on a hill. It's a crumbling vomitorium in a sewer.
Just because trumpers think it so, does not make it so.

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