Why Trump Won’t Win

Again , trump inherited a growing economy from Obama.


Every positive trend during trump is a continuance of trends that began with Obama.

Correct. So Trump managed to not screw that up despite giving a tax cut to all who paid federal income tax.

It trump is returned to office, he will inherit a record economy built by Joe Biden

I gather you fancy yourself clever with such language. Trump inherited a growing economy from Slowbama and keep it going, SlowJoe inherited the same kinda economy from Trump and if he keeps it going (you claim record but the number ain't in so hang in there Captain Patience) good for him.

and idiots like you will hail the immediate success

I just said the opposite. Don't put words into my mouth!

of trump when in reality he will be handed the economy you guys are now claiming is failing.

You people have to stop with the "you guys." I'm not claiming that, talk to me and stop pretending I'm one of the idiot right-wingers at this site.


All I really have to do to whup a liberal is let them type. Sooner or later they screw themselves. You did this last night. I didn't want to deliver the coup de grace at 2 in the morning to a guy in his Mother's basement not wearing pants and your 7 cats so now should do it...

Trump came into offiice after Obama created 77 consecutive months of job growth and revived a dead economy. He did that by putting stimulus money into the hands of consumers. Trumps tax cuts didn't grow anything,

And there you are admitting that cash in the hands of Americans is a good thing for the American economy. Slowbama did that by taking tax payers cash and giving it to every body, many of those that don't pay taxes so gift. Trump did it by letting people that earn money keep some of that money. You're a socialist and I'm a capitalist. Took me this long to get here with your dumb azz when you could've went "capitalism su(ks, socialism rocks" right off the bat and all this typing would not have been necessary.

Trump "stimulated" the economy by letting folks pay a tad less taxes. The folks already had the money so nuttin happened. Slowbama gave the folks a bunch of cash. This is tax payers cash and as such had to be filtered through the leaky bucket of Mother government. Consider a hundred dollar bill...

well lookie there. I searched youtube for "James Carville drag a hundred dollar bill though a trailer park" and I couldn't find it. We all heard that. And you guys (that's how that's done) claim the liberal social media doesn't censor anti-left/pro-right content. But then I've known that cents 2012. Go ahead, ask me how I know that.

anyway our $100. Got to pay the IRS do all this work. People and infrastructure. Then whatever other group of Mother government. Who knows? How much of that hundred is left for the folks? Efficiency of that $100 after Mom? Damn sure ain't 100% like the folks that keep their cash in the first place.
Republicans here keep talking about aa Trump victory and the first primary has not been held. You guys seem to think that when the campaign starts the mindless tweets from trump cult members are going to be the only informattion. Trump is about to get crushed by organizations who will run ads blasting his presidency, and all the stuff has has talked in his rallies is going to be played as well. We will be reminded of 1-6, and then there will be videos about the trials.

The game his not started yet and Trump supporters are declaring victory. But:

Why Trump Won’t Win​

Over the past few weeks, warnings about the threat posed by Donald Trump’s potential reelection have grown louder, including in a series of articles in The Atlantic. This alarm-raising is justified and appropriate, given the looming danger of authoritarianism in American politics. But amid all of the worrying, we might be losing sight of the most important fact: Trump’s chances of winning are slim.

Some look at Trump’s long list of flaws and understandably see reasons to worry about him winning. I see reasons to think he almost certainly won’t.

Trump’s flaws look far worse today than they did eight years ago. To take one example that should concern conservative voters: his behavior toward and views of service members.

Similarly, in 2016, Trump’s campaign was briefly rocked by the Access Hollywood videotape in which he boasted about grabbing women by the genitalia. He survived, in large part because many voters chose to accept his comments as “locker room” bluster. Several women accused him of sexual misconduct, but Trump fended off their allegations too. Now he has been held civilly liable by a New York jury for sexually abusing the advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. A federal judge has said that the jury concluded that what Trump did to Carroll was rape in the common sense of the term. Some Americans will shrug that off, but many won’t be able to.

And when you are proven wrong, you will admit it or make some lame excuse as always?
Again , trump inherited a growing economy from Obama. Every positive trend during trump is a continuance of trends that began with Obama. It trump is returned to office, he will inherit a record economy built by Joe Biden and idiots like you will hail the immediate success of trump when in reality he will be handed the economy you guys are now claiming is failing.

Trump left this nation in a bad way and blaming COVID for his failures doesn''t cut it. Because handling crisiss is the job of the president and Trump failed miserably with tthe only real test of his presidency. Given the world as it is now, we cannot afford to have that moron and the clown car cabinet he will assemble in charge.
Hahahahaha! FALSE! So very freaking FALSE!!!!!!!!!!!! :mm:

You can´t use the site.

Republicans here keep talking about aa Trump victory and the first primary has not been held. You guys seem to think that when the campaign starts the mindless tweets from trump cult members are going to be the only informattion. Trump is about to get crushed by organizations who will run ads blasting his presidency, and all the stuff has has talked in his rallies is going to be played as well. We will be reminded of 1-6, and then there will be videos about the trials.

The game his not started yet and Trump supporters are declaring victory. But:

Why Trump Won’t Win​

Over the past few weeks, warnings about the threat posed by Donald Trump’s potential reelection have grown louder, including in a series of articles in The Atlantic. This alarm-raising is justified and appropriate, given the looming danger of authoritarianism in American politics. But amid all of the worrying, we might be losing sight of the most important fact: Trump’s chances of winning are slim.

Some look at Trump’s long list of flaws and understandably see reasons to worry about him winning. I see reasons to think he almost certainly won’t.

Trump’s flaws look far worse today than they did eight years ago. To take one example that should concern conservative voters: his behavior toward and views of service members.

Similarly, in 2016, Trump’s campaign was briefly rocked by the Access Hollywood videotape in which he boasted about grabbing women by the genitalia. He survived, in large part because many voters chose to accept his comments as “locker room” bluster. Several women accused him of sexual misconduct, but Trump fended off their allegations too. Now he has been held civilly liable by a New York jury for sexually abusing the advice columnist E. Jean Carroll in 1996. A federal judge has said that the jury concluded that what Trump did to Carroll was rape in the common sense of the term. Some Americans will shrug that off, but many won’t be able to.

Trumptards never matured past the 8th grade. If Trump loses in 2024, they will knee jerk reject the results. They are childish morons.
Why Trump won't win is exactly the same reason he lost in 2020. The fix will be in; fraud will be everywhere and the Democrats will allow millions of illegal votes to be counted.
Jesus. You'll say anything to be saying something, won't you?

He's an attention whore

Next up one of my favorite tricks: Take a weak azz insult and turn it around, embrace it, turn it back...

While you two(2) idiots are it please to fill out my questionnaire as I'm keeping track of weak azz. Marchimedes has...

check list 1.1.png

you can check as many as you like. Yes, I expect and am prepared for all of this.
Wait a second, are you stupid liberals trying to make me beat up every liberal at this site at the same time in two(2) different threads? Nice try but my PC is only so fast.

Go fu(k yourselves. I'm busy holding court here...

One batch of liberals at a time, please.
So, per you...

View attachment 875289

2016 -2020 is Trump then the Yellow Menace Satan Bug hit. What's your point?

Nage zhongguoren bu shi womende pengyou men.

I know, my Mandarin is a tad rusty.
You seem to lie to yourself. Trump is 2017 - 2021. We were discussing the impact of Trump´s tax cuts, but you can´t remember. Since the unemployment rate was already on the decline, we can´t see an impact. You are even politicizing a virus now. The more the Americans point at others the more likely it is that it came from one of their labs. However, a bred virus meant to kill people is not as harmless as Covid, so it is very likely not from any lab.
Trumptards never matured past the 8th grade. If Trump loses in 2024, they will knee jerk reject the results. They are childish morons.
If Trump loses in 2024 the voters are Low-IQ morons.
You seem to lie to yourself. Trump is 2017 - 2021.

Do we have to do math now?

Math is racist!

Was I a WHOLE year off there? If I were you I'd keep harping on that no matter what comes next.

We were discussing the impact of Trump´s tax cuts, but you can´t remember.

It's all a bit foggy now but I trust you.

Since the unemployment rate was already on the decline, we can´t see an impact.


You are even politicizing a virus now.

If I were to say such a thing I would show where. Instead of just saying crap.

The more the Americans point at others the more likely it is that it came from one of their labs.

Who are others and who are their?

However, a bred virus meant to kill people is not as harmless as Covid,

You have zero idea what gain-of-function means and what happens when one of those gets loose. Roger that.

so it is very likely not from any lab.

A bat fu(ked a gay Pangolin who just happened to run across you naked, shaved, greased and spread legged in the jungle. Roger that.

This site has not yet had me type a dozen or so long paragraphs gettin busy in this thread about all this. The other day I was gettin busy in a different thread...

ban 1.1.jpg

So lemme say the same thing again.

I will start at the OP and go through this thread one stupid post by one by one until I am the last man standing and you retards are afeared to post where I have the watch. Then I shall declare this thread my thread and it shall quickly fade to second page effectively making me the derailer of this thread.

I kid, I'm not gonna do that, I just got banned from a thread while I was prosecuting exactly that. And you fu(kin retards wonder why I post the good stuff in The Flame Zone. There ya go, this site already has a reason to keep me from destroying an entire thread and here I am just starting to get busy as of a couple of weeks ago. Now this site knows exactly what happens when the likes of Marchimedes arrives. I am to be suppressed with lose interpretations of weak rules. Gimme a while, I'll make this site change the rules just cause of me. Been there, done that got the t-shirt...

teacher 4.8.png

that image is an easy decade old and now you fu(ks are going "who the fu(k does this?" I do cause I get banned or rule. Free speech or suppression. Decide! And now the staff is furiously trying to figure out how to ban me for violating the rules of The Flame Zone which I read are pretty much zero cept for actual First Amendment violations. I've a long thread in The Flame Zone. It's called...

Son of "...and the horse you rode in on."​

ask me why that title! It's all very historic and political. That thread can be found here...

teacher 3.5.png

but if ya'll go there ya'll gonna get savagely whupped. That should do.

Do we have to do math now?

Math is racist!

Was I a WHOLE year off there? If I were you I'd keep harping on that no matter what comes next.

It's all a bit foggy now but I trust you.


If I were to say such a thing I would show where. Instead of just saying crap.

Who are others and who are their?

You have zero idea what gain-of-function means and what happens when one of those gets loose. Roger that.

A bat fu(ked a gay Pangolin who just happened to run across you naked, shaved, greased and spread legged in the jungle. Roger that.

This site has not yet had me type a dozen or so long paragraphs gettin busy in this thread about all this. The other day I was gettin busy in a different thread...

View attachment 876480

So lemme say the same thing again.

I will start at the OP and go through this thread one stupid post by one by one until I am the last man standing and you retards are afeared to post where I have the watch. Then I shall declare this thread my thread and it shall quickly fade to second page effectively making me the derailer of this thread.

I kid, I'm not gonna do that, I just got banned from a thread while I was prosecuting exactly that. And you fu(kin retards wonder why I post the good stuff in The Flame Zone. There ya go, this site already has a reason to keep me from destroying an entire thread and here I am just starting to get busy as of a couple of weeks ago. Now this site knows exactly what happens when the likes of Marchimedes arrives. I am to be suppressed with lose interpretations of weak rules. Gimme a while, I'll make this site change the rules just cause of me. Been there, done that got the t-shirt...

View attachment 876482

that image is an easy decade old and now you fu(ks are going "who the fu(k does this?" I do cause I get banned or rule. Free speech or suppression. Decide! And now the staff is furiously trying to figure out how to ban me for violating the rules of The Flame Zone which I read are pretty much zero cept for actual First Amendment violations. I've a long thread in The Flame Zone. It's called...

Son of "...and the horse you rode in on."​

ask me why that title! It's all very historic and political. That thread can be found here...

View attachment 876484

but if ya'll go there ya'll gonna get savagely whupped. That should do.
The first amendment deals with the government restricting speech. And even that protected speech is not absolute.

USMB is most definitely NOT the government. As such they have the right to impose any rule they so choose. Just as you have the right to not partake in any discussion under those rules.

My suggestion. Leave if you don't like it. Stay and be banned if you refuse to follow the rules. But do me a favor, don't pretend you are some first amendment warrior when you believe that your right to say whatever the fuck you like supersedes the right for a forum to police their board.
Do we have to do math now?

Math is racist!

Was I a WHOLE year off there? If I were you I'd keep harping on that no matter what comes next.

It's all a bit foggy now but I trust you.


If I were to say such a thing I would show where. Instead of just saying crap.

Who are others and who are their?

You have zero idea what gain-of-function means and what happens when one of those gets loose. Roger that.

A bat fu(ked a gay Pangolin who just happened to run across you naked, shaved, greased and spread legged in the jungle. Roger that.

This site has not yet had me type a dozen or so long paragraphs gettin busy in this thread about all this. The other day I was gettin busy in a different thread...

View attachment 876480

So lemme say the same thing again.

I will start at the OP and go through this thread one stupid post by one by one until I am the last man standing and you retards are afeared to post where I have the watch. Then I shall declare this thread my thread and it shall quickly fade to second page effectively making me the derailer of this thread.

I kid, I'm not gonna do that, I just got banned from a thread while I was prosecuting exactly that. And you fu(kin retards wonder why I post the good stuff in The Flame Zone. There ya go, this site already has a reason to keep me from destroying an entire thread and here I am just starting to get busy as of a couple of weeks ago. Now this site knows exactly what happens when the likes of Marchimedes arrives. I am to be suppressed with lose interpretations of weak rules. Gimme a while, I'll make this site change the rules just cause of me. Been there, done that got the t-shirt...

View attachment 876482

that image is an easy decade old and now you fu(ks are going "who the fu(k does this?" I do cause I get banned or rule. Free speech or suppression. Decide! And now the staff is furiously trying to figure out how to ban me for violating the rules of The Flame Zone which I read are pretty much zero cept for actual First Amendment violations. I've a long thread in The Flame Zone. It's called...

Son of "...and the horse you rode in on."​

ask me why that title! It's all very historic and political. That thread can be found here...

View attachment 876484

but if ya'll go there ya'll gonna get savagely whupped. That should do.
You didn´t met the requirement of a minimum IQ of 30 to post in this thread. This is why you got banned.

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