Will any states secede if Trump is re-elected?


Senior Member
Nov 26, 2019
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?
According to Texas vs Wright, it will take an amendment.
Of course, I don't agree. There is nothing in the constitution that prohibits it.
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?


Send in the troops. The Democrats tried this once before. Smash it immediately this time.
There's the little problem with the numerous federal installations (not only military bases) and the federally owned lands in those states.

You really think that the powers that be are going to allow those uppity Jacobin moonbats to just walk away with what they see as theirs?
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?

It would then set off an in-state secession crisis, with inland California and Upstate NY wanting to leave the leavers.
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?
I hope a bunch do. Then maybe, this criminal government might come crashing down.
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?


Send in the troops. The Democrats tried this once before. Smash it immediately this time.

What if they voted to send a secession petition to congress?

Not actually seceding, but declaring their intent to secede, and asking congress to approve it?
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?


Send in the troops. The Democrats tried this once before. Smash it immediately this time.

What if they voted to send a secession petition to congress?

Not actually seceding, but declaring their intent to secede, and asking congress to approve it?

That's fine. No problem there. Acting upon it would be a different story, however.
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?


Send in the troops. The Democrats tried this once before. Smash it immediately this time.

What if they voted to send a secession petition to congress?

Not actually seceding, but declaring their intent to secede, and asking congress to approve it?

That's fine. No problem there. Acting upon it would be a different story, however.

I agree, as there is no mechanism in the Constitution for it. The closest thing is how new States get admitted.

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.[4]

Will Trumpublican States accept a loss? Or will the South rebel again?

Will Trumpublican States accept a loss? Or will the South rebel again?

The other question is will the blue states want to keep them?

Same question if Trump wins and the blue states want out, will the red states want to keep them?

The Civil War happened because the Northern States refused to accept unilateral secession. While the Federal Government made the declarations and ran the war, it would have never worked without the Northern States themselves supporting the effort.

Do you really see that level of caring from one side today if the other side decides it wants to take is ball and go home?
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?

I know people in upper NY state and they say they literally have no voice in their government because of NYC.

At 55 EC votes, I think the time has come when California has outgrown itself. It was supposed to be two states anyway, with northern California named Jefferson State.
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?

Yeah, they will secede just like they moved out of the country after Bush won twice and after Trump's win. Nobody went anywhere unfortunately.

The only real solution is to divide the country in half and have two countries instead. A line from north to south dividing us as one country to the west and another country to the east. Who gets what side will be decided by a national vote. After we separate, we conservatives put up a huge Trump wall to stop the Democrats from getting in.
I recall there was a succession movement in California around the time that Trump took office.

I'm wondering if, when he's re-elected, California or any other states will follow through with the succession proposal.

What are your thoughts on this? Would anyone be fine with California, New York, or other states having a referendum on the subject of secession?
What batshit crazy propagandist put this idea in your pointy head?
The big questions for CA are counter secessions and interstate water rights followed by inclusion or exclusion in USMCA?
There's a secession movement within California ... I'm not talking about that ridiculous gerrymandering "Cal 3" movement ... there's honest division within the State going back to the days of New Sweden in the north, while the land was Mexican territory ...

There's real political divide there ... folks that think California is nothing but liberal city-slickers are wrong ... much of rural California is quite conservative and will be voting for The Donald ... especially north of the Bay Area and that evil cesspool Sacramento ... here in Oregon it's even worse, it's just the Willamette Valley that run nuts on liberalism, the rest of the State is very conservative ...

It might surprise you to know that one of the main reasons California entered the union as one State was the Missouri Compromise ... South California would have been a slave state ... the population centers back then in Monterey and Vallejo didn't want to help the spread of slavery ... and there's been conflict ever since ...

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