Will ANYONE in the government be held accountable for violations of the first amendment via Twitter?

Will anyone be held to account for the government violating the first amendment rights of citizens?

  • Yes

  • No

  • There were no first amendment violations

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hmmm, can you write to your local newspaper and have your opinions printed? is the newspaper a privately owned company? How about your TV station if they interview you and air the interview? Of course censorship by twitter and facebook are first amendment issues. Freedom of speech does not end at the entrance to a private corporation.

Freedom of speech does not end at the entrance to a private corporation.
Actually it does, unless the corporation is acting as an agent of the government.

Doesn't mean they weren't willing accomplices to government censorship.

How would you like the feds to tell a "private" security company is would be nice if they searched your home, because the feds didn't have enough for a warrant. Would you throw your hands up in the air as they kick in your door, and say, nothing I can do, after all it's "private" company? You're a fucking moron that buys into anything the commies feed ya. Must be tough not to be able to think for yourself.

Read what you wrote. If a private company forced their way into my house that's a crime called home invasion. You're dumb as a stump.
You're a fucking idiot. The government can't enlist companies/third parties to do things it is constitutionally prohibited from doing. You're a poor liar and even a poorer propagandist.

Everything has to be on the extreme for you people.

Assuming this happened, it was wrong and can't happen. It has to be stopped and fixed. We have to learn more about what actually took place, to what degree, how, and by whom. Is it contrary to the philosophy of freedom of expression? Very possibly. We need to know more. That's what intelligent adults do when they see a potential problem.

Instead, sensing political advantage, you folks are going full hair-on-fire drama queen, like someone has stolen your tampons, as usual from both ends of the political spectrum. You're a big victim, everyone is out to get poor little you, and they're so mean.

My goodness, you're boring.
hmmm, can you write to your local newspaper and have your opinions printed? is the newspaper a privately owned company? How about your TV station if they interview you and air the interview? Of course censorship by twitter and facebook are first amendment issues. Freedom of speech does not end at the entrance to a private corporation.

Yes it does.
Yes it does.
There is the First Amendment, a part of the Constitution. Then there is the general (and great) American philosophy of freedom of expression.

Because virtually every issue has to be completely binary and spectacularly simple for them, they don't understand the difference between the First Amendment and the general philosophy of freedom of expression.

A private company can control expression within its doors, whether the doors are real or virtual. They are not breaking a law by doing so. And yes, going too far can strain the boundaries of the SPIRIT of freedom of expression.

Life can be a little bit complicated at times. But, as we know, these people hate nuance and complexity, because it requires them to break out of their bubble and engage in a little intellectual elasticity. So, it scares them.
There is the First Amendment, a part of the Constitution. Then there is the general (and great) American philosophy of freedom of expression.

Because virtually every issue has to be completely binary and spectacularly simple for them, they don't understand the difference between the First Amendment and the general philosophy of freedom of expression.

A private company can control expression within its doors, whether the doors are real or virtual. They are not breaking a law by doing so. And yes, going too far can strain the boundaries of the SPIRIT of freedom of expression.

Life can be a little bit complicated at times. But, as we know, these people hate nuance and complexity, because it requires them to break out of their bubble and engage in a little intellectual elasticity. So, it scares them.

You're being nice. Basically they're just stupid.
To anyone but the most partisan it is clear that first amendment violations are abundant but will ANYONE be held to account for it?

If not our so called constitutional rights are nothing but a figment of our imagination IMO.

Taking the New York Times and Washington Post to court to stop them from publishing news is a violation of the first amendment.

Calling up or sending an email asking, suggesting, or whatever isn’t. Want to talk about Constitutional Violation’s? Let’s talk. But pretending this is Censorship is ridiculous.

One platform. You saw links to the Hunter Laptop story all over the web. It was on Fox. It was on websites. It wasn’t stopped at all. Nobody went to jail to get the story out.

Stop the hysteria. Grow up and put your big boy pants on for s change.
There is the First Amendment, a part of the Constitution. Then there is the general (and great) American philosophy of freedom of expression.

Because virtually every issue has to be completely binary and spectacularly simple for them, they don't understand the difference between the First Amendment and the general philosophy of freedom of expression.

A private company can control expression within its doors, whether the doors are real or virtual. They are not breaking a law by doing so. And yes, going too far can strain the boundaries of the SPIRIT of freedom of expression.

Life can be a little bit complicated at times. But, as we know, these people hate nuance and complexity, because it requires them to break out of their bubble and engage in a little intellectual elasticity. So, it scares them.
So, it’s perfectly acceptable for the FBI to have 115 employees embedded within Twitter, the lead counsel a former DoJ lawyer who was behind the Russia hoax, payments to Twitter from the FBI, and weekly meetings targeting right leaning posts as disinformation, using 80 agents to monitor Twitter?

Whats wrong with you?
So, it’s perfectly acceptable for the FBI to have 115 employees embedded within Twitter, the lead counsel a former DoJ lawyer who was behind the Russia hoax, payments to Twitter from the FBI, and weekly meetings targeting right leaning posts as disinformation, using 80 agents to monitor Twitter?

Whats wrong with you?
I have, twice in my last few posts, made it clear that this looks bad and we need to know more.

I can't make it any more clear for you, and I don't know how to communicate with hardcore ideologues like you.

Play your weird little games with someone else. You are out of your league.
So, it’s perfectly acceptable for the FBI to have 115 employees embedded within Twitter, the lead counsel a former DoJ lawyer who was behind the Russia hoax, payments to Twitter from the FBI, and weekly meetings targeting right leaning posts as disinformation, using 80 agents to monitor Twitter?

Whats wrong with you?

Check your facts.
I have, twice in my last few posts, made it clear that this looks bad and we need to know more.

I can't make it any more clear for you, and I don't know how to communicate with hardcore ideologues like you.

Play your weird little games with someone else. You are out of your league.
Looks bad? As in violations of law and the constitution?
What was dishonest about what I wrote Mac? Post it.
You don't even realize it.

My Post 304:
Assuming this happened, it was wrong and can't happen. It has to be stopped and fixed. We have to learn more about what actually took place, to what degree, how, and by whom. Is it contrary to the philosophy of freedom of expression? Very possibly. We need to know more. That's what intelligent adults do when they see a potential problem.

Then, your Post 310:
So, it’s perfectly acceptable for the FBI to have 115 employees embedded within Twitter, the lead counsel a former DoJ lawyer who was behind the Russia hoax, payments to Twitter from the FBI, and weekly meetings targeting right leaning posts as disinformation, using 80 agents to monitor Twitter?

Whats wrong with you?

If you don't see that, and I do think it's possible you really don't, then there is something wrong with you.

Go away. Not interested.
You don't even realize it.

My Post 304:

Then, your Post 310:

If you don't see that, and I do think it's possible you really don't, then there is something wrong with you.

Go away. Not interested.
Assuming, which means you don’t think it did…
Assuming, which means you don’t think it did…
"Hey Mac, I'm curious: Do you think this actually happened?"

"Well j-mac, it sure does look like some shady stuff happened based on what I'm seeing, yeah. This definitely warrants some serious investigation. I'd have a lot of questions, starting with whether this was officially sanctioned or whether it some rogue FBI assholes. That would help us determined what needs to be exposed and addressed. Yeah, let's dig into this thing".

"Oh, okay. Good. I agree. Thanks for clarifying. I'm asking because I don't want to make stupid assumptions based on abject ignorance. That would make me look ridiculous and foolish".

"Yeah, it would, but I know you're better than that, j-mac. Let me know if you hear any progress on this".

"Sure will!"

That's a conversation that I would have with an intelligent adult.
Everything has to be on the extreme for you people.

Assuming this happened, it was wrong and can't happen. It has to be stopped and fixed. We have to learn more about what actually took place, to what degree, how, and by whom. Is it contrary to the philosophy of freedom of expression? Very possibly. We need to know more. That's what intelligent adults do when they see a potential problem.

Instead, sensing political advantage, you folks are going full hair-on-fire drama queen, like someone has stolen your tampons, as usual from both ends of the political spectrum. You're a big victim, everyone is out to get poor little you, and they're so mean.

My goodness, you're boring.

Like what you do every day over Trump.

And yes this is a big deal; another dump of terribleness from the FBI last night on Twitter.

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