Will Smith Resigns

What does it mean when one resigns from the academy?n What are the ramifications?

Does he still get to pretend that he's somebody else and get paid for it?
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I don't think that was a real slap. It sounded more like a thud, as if he hit his shoulder. So this whole thing might have been a planned publicity stunt, designed to create some interest in a dying ceremony.
I don't think that was a real slap. It sounded more like a thud, as if he hit his shoulder. So this whole thing might have been a planned publicity stunt, designed to create some interest in a dying ceremony.
Would Smith resign from the academy if it were just a stunt?

Seems quite the elaborate follow through for a stunt.
This incident will have no effect on Will Smith's box office at all. No one is not going to see a Will Smith movie because he slapped Chris Rock. Few people care that much. He didn't punch Rock out. He pussy slapped his face. Resignation from the Academy only means he will not be able to vote on Oscar contenders. It has no bearing on his ability to make movies. It's not like giving up his SAG card.
This incident will have no effect on Will Smith's box office at all. No one is not going to see a Will Smith movie because he slapped Chris Rock. Few people care that much. He didn't punch Rock out. He pussy slapped his face. Resignation from the Academy only means he will not be able to vote on Oscar contenders. It has no bearing on his ability to make movies. It's not like giving up his SAG card.
The almighty dollar ALWAYS rules, doesn't it.

Will Smith makes money for people. As long as he remains a cash cow, he will continue just fine. People have awfully short memories, after all.
What does it mean when one resigns from the academy?n What are the ramifications?

He won't get to vote for himself for the Oscar.

Now if the Screen Actors Guild expels him, he won't find much work outside of OnlyFans. The Oscars broadcast is a SAG-AFTRA covered event and the union is apparently very unhappy with Mr. Smith at the moment independent of the optics for the Academy Awards show for assaulting another one of its members.
On the world stage? Yeah, I think so.
and when you think about it, it is called a bitch slap for a reason. It is intended to keep one's bitch in line and is a term used for misogynistic men who dominate women.

Jada turned Will into her cuck, thus emasculating him. Smith then used a bitch slap on Rock to do the same. By slapping him like that rather than slugging him, Smith is trying to turn him into HIS bitch.

Kudos to rock for his response to it.
The optics are so fine that some wonder if it wasn't staged. If not for this, no one would be talking about the Oscars at all.
Good riddance.

His schtick of "I'm going to be the blackest black man I can be for the cameras" got really old decades ago. He always seemed like he was a bad stereotype black person. He wore that shit out in men in black 1. I loved the movie, but he kind of ruined it.
I am on Will side in this one and felt Chris was being a punk, but Will did overreact and will be punished but as for Chris, well never like the weasel…
Will should be punished. He should be treated like Clarance Thomas.....his wife accused by the Democrat Controlled media of being in charge of an attempted insurrection.
In all honesty, the Oscars were no more than a backdrop, the meat and potatoes was Will and Chris
The Oscars is a total joke. They show us every year how much further they are out of touch with their fanbase.
It's even worse than the Grammys....where rock bands that spend much of their time getting wasted and running naked thru hotel lobbies get awards for music that most people don't listen to or bother to buy.
Most of the movies these people produce are garbage.
Too preachy and too many political messages.
Moviegoers just want entertainment.....not a message about men who wear dresses or people with handicaps who only got the award because they are deaf.

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Will Smith made a mistake and let his emotions get out of control. Violence is not the answer, and outside of defending yourself and others it never should be. The better response IMHO would've been to get up and walk out, now that would've made his point a lot better than the slap. But he didn't. He fucked up. He apologized and resigned from the Academy, when do we move on? There are no winners in this sad story, and we have a lotta other stuff to worry about that is far more important than somebody that got bitch-slapped.
Will Smith made a mistake and let his emotions get out of control. Violence is not the answer, and outside of defending yourself and others it never should be. The better response IMHO would've been to get up and walk out, now that would've made his point a lot better than the slap. But he didn't. He fucked up. He apologized and resigned from the Academy, when do we move on? There are no winners in this sad story, and we have a lotta other stuff to worry about that is far more important than somebody that got bitch-slapped.
I don't think he was emotional.
He was thinking about that bitch making him sleep on the couch all week.

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