Yes, I'm a Conservative, But SOME Rent Control IS Necesary

Rent control is an absolute disaster wherever it is implemented, no matter what the justification or rationalization, i.e. "some rent control."

It is the government creating laws to help the privileged few at the expense of property owners and everyone else.

It's typical statist socialist/fascist failure.

We have property tax control here, and the GOP is trying to end it. Most of our tax increases are due for millages.
What the hell is "property tax control?"

The tax on our property.

We voted to have the sales tax increased and the cap put on property tax.

You fell for the scam.

what do you expect when a brain surgeon who turned down the position to be sec of HHS because it was 'too complicated' (ironically though he ran for potus) then accepts the position of sec of HUD? what qualifications did he possess to be considered for such a position? cause he had the right 'look'?

trump has installed the most incompetent individuals to head every dept in order to destroy them. betsy devos for ed sec? scott pruitt & now his replacement for sec of EPA?

what did you expect was gonna happen?

And the new Medicaid Secretary sought to end Medicaid in her state of Maine.

Who in the hell is the Medicaid Secretary?

Please stop the stupid! It hurts!

Mary Mayhew. Look her up. deputy administrator same as secretary.
I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.
Saying we need rent control is like saying you need to put a gun in your mouth and pull the trigger. If you don't want your rent to go up, then buy a place. In places where they do have rent control people sign a lease and then live in that place for 30 - 40 years. The owners go bankrupt because after 30 years the rent no longer covers the upkeep on the property.

Where do they have rent control. Also no ones signs a least for that long, 1 year is the normal lease time.

This is another topic you know nothing about. Why not shut up now and save yourself the embarrassment?

Renters sign a one lease or less. We rented out house for 3 months, we figured if one didn't want to live there they would not take care of the place.
Rent control is an absolute disaster wherever it is implemented, no matter what the justification or rationalization, i.e. "some rent control."

It is the government creating laws to help the privileged few at the expense of property owners and everyone else.

It's typical statist socialist/fascist failure.

We have property tax control here, and the GOP is trying to end it. Most of our tax increases are due for millages.
What the hell is "property tax control?"

The tax on our property.

We voted to have the sales tax increased and the cap put on property tax.

You fell for the scam.

Rent control is an absolute disaster wherever it is implemented, no matter what the justification or rationalization, i.e. "some rent control."

It is the government creating laws to help the privileged few at the expense of property owners and everyone else.

It's typical statist socialist/fascist failure.

We have property tax control here, and the GOP is trying to end it. Most of our tax increases are due for millages.
What the hell is "property tax control?"

The tax on our property.

We voted to have the sales tax increased and the cap put on property tax.

You fell for the scam.

The GOP scam. I didn't vote for it. By We , I mean the state of MI.
Land is a finite resource and needs government control assuming government is taxpaying nationalistic US citizens. For example if an enemy of US citizens like Soros bought up a town and then raised rents and or property costs beyond anyone's means, it does not matter to him. It is not a fair market exchange, it is extortion, invasion, etc. Everything might be vacant for years and he does not care since free market is not in play with real estate. This is what is quite common today. Any property that is vacant for 6 months means the owner is trying to fuck with citizens and it is the responsibility of the government to protect its citizens.

That said, a safe town in Connecticut, meaning very few blacks and browns (over 90% of whom get free taxpayer supported rent), inflicts property tax of say $10,000 a year on a modest house. Add to that insurance, oil heat, etc., no appreciation in home values plus commission to "agent" when buying and selling, it is much more economical to pay like $2,500/month rent .

The long dead "brick and mortar" (mom and pop who were usually crooks) real estate properties should be converted to residential housing for American citizens. Sadly the democrat governor wants to TAX internet sales to help non-existant retailers and wants to install TOLLS on I-95 to pay for democrats ripping off taxpayers for their benefit. Democrats really care about the environment! :p Imagine the air pollution with vehicles stopping for tolls and waiting to pay.
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Land is a finite resource and needs government control assuming government is taxpaying nationalistic US citizens. For example if an enemy of US citizens like Soros bought up a town and then raised rents and or property costs beyond anyone's means, it does not matter to him. It is not a fair market exchange, it is extortion, invasion, etc. Everything might be vacant for years and he does not care since free market is not in play with real estate. This is what is quite common today. Any property that is vacant for 6 months means the owner is trying to fuck with citizens and it is the responsibility of the government to protect its citizens.

That said, a safe town in Connecticut, meaning very few blacks and browns (over 90% of whom get free taxpayer supported rent), inflicts property tax of say $10,000 a year on a modest house. Add to that insurance, oil heat, etc., no appreciation in home values plus commission to "agent" when buying and selling, it is much more economical to pay like $2,500/month rent .

The long dead "brick and mortar" (mom and pop who were usually crooks) real estate properties should be converted to residential housing for American citizens. Sadly the democrat governor wants to TAX internet sales to help non-existant retailers and wants to install TOLLS on I-95 to pay for democrats ripping off taxpayers for their benefit. Democrats really care about the environment! :p Imagine the air pollution with vehicles stopping for tolls and waiting to pay.
"There's no free market in real estate?" What a load of crap.
bripat, ever hear of the game called Monopoly? :p If every real estate transaction was individual US citizen to another individual US citizen, then yes that would be free market. But since the 1940's and beyond ethnic syndicates, assorted, creepy "corporations," etc. have conspired to use real estate to capitalize on the fact US citizens HAVE NO CHOICE but to concede to whatever they demand.

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Sorry Penelope, the CT legislature is playing politics. Keep in mind CT is not really a Dem state. Voter fraud and Blacks and Browns who get free rent and food and Jews who hate Whitey keep Dems in office. That said Dems love to tax US American citizens as much as they can and have zero interest in feeling their pain.
For example if an enemy of US citizens like Soros bought up a town and then raised rents and or property costs beyond anyone's means, it does not matter to him. It is not a fair market exchange, it is extortion, invasion, etc

then your heads really gonna explode over foreign owned american real estate

and i have not even delved into infastructure....

I am well aware of Asian folks buying real estate. I know some folks who arrange loans for them. They seem to be individuals That said other ethnic groups such as Jewish syndicates operating from any of those "foreign countries" could disguise themselves as being "Chinese" or "Canadian" for example.
I am well aware of Asian folks buying real estate. I know some folks who arrange loans for them. They seem to be individuals That said other ethnic groups such as Jewish syndicates operating from any of those "foreign countries" could disguise themselves as being "Chinese" or "Canadian" for example.

I see.....

So there appears to be a fine line betwixt 'individual investor' , and 'invasive extortionary invester' to you Snout

perhaps you could expand on that?

Pay what the apartment is worth on the open market. Anything else is socialism. Now stop crying, you’re a grown man for crissakes.
The landlords are the ones who are crying - about not being able to raise rents $360 a month (60% increase). Incredible. As for your rush to judgement, When YOU have to move from where you have lived for years, just because of one person's GREED, then you can talk.

Old Indian saying - "never judge a man until you've walked a mile in his mocassins."
I own my own house (and several others which are rented at market value because my renters don't expect me to subsidize their lifestyle).
You're against a free market.

Amazing how many define themselves as conservative, when it works for them

Which translates to greed cloaked in the guise of moral superiority .....

I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.

It's about a business owner raising prices and people making a choice of whether or not to pay that higher price.

Do you know what (fill in the blank) is worth? The fill in the blank is any good/service that someone offers for a price to another person.

I've recently been shopping for trucks. I priced a Ford F350 with almost everything on it you can imagine. It was over $80,000. I had a choice and chose not to buy it because I thought that was too much. However, the dealership continues to sell them for that price. Do you know why they don't lower the price?
I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.

I'm a conservative and I don't disagree with this. It's the reason I'm not a libertarian. The free market needs some oversight.

I'm sorry about this--grossly unfair.

How is it unfair? The owners give a price and the renters have a choice.
I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.

I'm a conservative and I don't disagree with this. It's the reason I'm not a libertarian. The free market needs some oversight.

I'm sorry about this--grossly unfair.

How is it unfair? The owners give a price and the renters have a choice.

fair or unfair isn't the point

Protectionists is insisting the GubMit protect him

I live in an apartment complex, that recently was bought by a new landlord. That landlord has been increasing expired lease rents by as much as 60%. Imagine that your rent is $600/month and suddenly it's damn near $1,000/month.

Whoa! For low income seniors on Social Security and small pensions, this aint gonna fly. Actually, younger people still in the workforce with higher incomes, aren't taking to well to it either. Practically everybody in this complex is moving out. Some people are moving in and paying the higher rents, but not as many as are moving out. I've never seen so many moving vans in my life.

Next May, I will be moving out too, and still haven't figured out where to move to. I have limitations because of a low credit score and income, but I'll find someplace, even if it's not as good as where I am now.

All this is because Florida has no limit of what landlords can raise rents to. The only thing limiting them is new residents' capability to pay, and what they are able to rent apartments for.

But there is another side to this, This isn't oil or minerals mined from the ground. It's not furniture being made and sold. This is about PEOPLE. And it's about people who have been living in this complex for years, and these apartments are their HOMES. One woman who just moved out, had been living here for 25 years. Longtime neighbor-friendships are being obliterated.

If landlords NEED to raise rents, (say 10% or less) for some reason, that's understandable, but to raise them by HUNDREDS of dollars, just for GREED, is not what we ought to be OK with in this country. When hundreds of people are forced out of their homes, this is unacceptable. As is the case with most conservatives, I also favor deregulation of business, but this is one case that is screaming for MORE regulation, to a reasonable degree.

I'm a conservative and I don't disagree with this. It's the reason I'm not a libertarian. The free market needs some oversight.

I'm sorry about this--grossly unfair.

How is it unfair? The owners give a price and the renters have a choice.

fair or unfair isn't the point

Protectionists is insisting the GubMit protect him

Apparently it was to the person to which I responded. THEIR statement was that it was unfair. I was asking why he/she thought so.

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