yes, kids, he really is this stupid

if by educating, you mean turning me into a trumpling, then you're right

i don't have the basic lack of intellect that is clearly required.
More like 2 trillion to save our Auto industry and many other businesses and keep teachers and policemen and firemen working, and another four trillion for unemployment and Welfare for victims of the corrupt GOP World depression that you idiots don't even know about. ..

Auto plants--union
Other industries--mostly union.
Unemployment, welfare and food stamps--increase government dependency.
????? Actually GOP corrupt recessions and depressions cause increased government dependency, thanks GOP... What bubble is Trump working on?

There is no bubble here. The bubble was started in the housing market and Quantitive Easing under DumBama.

What Trump did was lower corporate taxes, taxes on most individuals, rescinded multiple job killing regulations put forth under the DumBama administration, and gave them hope that they will have a government on their side for a change.

Between that and lifting the idiotic healthcare coverage mandate, businesses are now free to concentrate on making profit and creating jobs. Small businesses no longer have to worry about growing because before, if they went over 50 employees, they had to be subjected to Commie Care. No more. Now they can grow all they want without worry of government intrusion of their business.
Obama started the real estate bubble five years before he became president... Amazing

Yes this new boom under Trump it's just wonderful, super dupe. Unfortunately there is no evidence of that except on the propaganda Channel. The only real difference is a 29 billion dollar tax cut for Buffett Etc. Funny how the GOP never does anything they promise to you. D'oh! And the Reaganist ruin of the middle class Etc and our infrastructure accelerates again...

80% of those on the exchanges pay less than $75 a month... And ACA was the only solution ever tried that could cure our GOP scam Health System sorry your boss fell for the BS from the GOP. Still even without a mandate ACA just becomes more and more popular.Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year.

You made a point I have been stressing all along. And that is Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. HTF do you think they are getting health insurance for only $75.00 a month? That's right, other people are paying for it.

Now watch what happens to Commie Care the next few years. It's doing to diminish and eventually evaporate. That's because the younger healthier people who were buying it because of law will now drop it because they feel they don't need insurance at that age. When you take out the healthy people and leave the sick people, do you think insurance rates will still be affordable even to the poor?

As for the economy, all signs are for a strong healthy one. This year, Trump plans to focus on the reduction of social programs and get those people off government handouts and put them to work.
With the GOP scam Health System, the poor and the middle classes Healthcare is still paid for everyone, just in the cruelest and most deadly fashion, dumbass. With 45,000 deaths because of no insurance and being too dignified, 750000 bankruptcies a year, 500,000 who thought they had good insurance, it's a disaster for the entire economy, the reason it now costs 18% of the whole economy, basically twice as much as any where else with worse outcomes. Great job. ACA has some problems, due to the ridiculous costs of Healthcare in the country that could have been cured under ACA I will now get worse again if ACA is finally ended. That's what happens when big house and big Pharma and the bought off GOP run the country,dupe.
And it's not his MSM's fault their reporting on Trump is over 80% negative all the time either, huh?

The Cleveland Browns also got 80%+ negative coverage from the MSM.

Which would be suspicious if the Browns were a first place team.

Donald Trump is presiding over a great economy, stock market, fuel prices, consumer confidence and corporate confidence. Most Americans have more money in their pockets and with the addition of getting rid of Commie Care fines, they will be able to keep more of their hard earned money.

All those things you mentioned were all either at or near all-time highs before he got elected.

Look it up.

after all this time, you're still trying to teach pigs to whistle

the only thing they need to know about obama/maobama/obummer is that he's black.
Teaching pigs how to whistle sounds easier than educating you. Just saying. :)
It's hard because all your b******* facts are just no evidence propaganda, Super Dupe. Read something the economy is no better than it was under Obama for 6 years 7 years and he turned around a Great Depression from your corrupt Heroes. We've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him. ACA is working slowly thanks to sabotage.
Auto plants--union
Other industries--mostly union.
Unemployment, welfare and food stamps--increase government dependency.
????? Actually GOP corrupt recessions and depressions cause increased government dependency, thanks GOP... What bubble is Trump working on?

There is no bubble here. The bubble was started in the housing market and Quantitive Easing under DumBama.

What Trump did was lower corporate taxes, taxes on most individuals, rescinded multiple job killing regulations put forth under the DumBama administration, and gave them hope that they will have a government on their side for a change.

Between that and lifting the idiotic healthcare coverage mandate, businesses are now free to concentrate on making profit and creating jobs. Small businesses no longer have to worry about growing because before, if they went over 50 employees, they had to be subjected to Commie Care. No more. Now they can grow all they want without worry of government intrusion of their business.
Obama started the real estate bubble five years before he became president... Amazing

Yes this new boom under Trump it's just wonderful, super dupe. Unfortunately there is no evidence of that except on the propaganda Channel. The only real difference is a 29 billion dollar tax cut for Buffett Etc. Funny how the GOP never does anything they promise to you. D'oh! And the Reaganist ruin of the middle class Etc and our infrastructure accelerates again...

80% of those on the exchanges pay less than $75 a month... And ACA was the only solution ever tried that could cure our GOP scam Health System sorry your boss fell for the BS from the GOP. Still even without a mandate ACA just becomes more and more popular.Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year.

You made a point I have been stressing all along. And that is Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. HTF do you think they are getting health insurance for only $75.00 a month? That's right, other people are paying for it.

Now watch what happens to Commie Care the next few years. It's doing to diminish and eventually evaporate. That's because the younger healthier people who were buying it because of law will now drop it because they feel they don't need insurance at that age. When you take out the healthy people and leave the sick people, do you think insurance rates will still be affordable even to the poor?

As for the economy, all signs are for a strong healthy one. This year, Trump plans to focus on the reduction of social programs and get those people off government handouts and put them to work.
With the GOP scam Health System, the poor and the middle classes Healthcare is still paid for everyone, just in the cruelest and most deadly fashion, dumbass. With 45,000 deaths because of no insurance and being too dignified, 750000 bankruptcies a year, 500,000 who thought they had good insurance, it's a disaster for the entire economy, the reason it now costs 18% of the whole economy, basically twice as much as any where else with worse outcomes. Great job. ACA has some problems, due to the ridiculous costs of Healthcare in the country that could have been cured under ACA I will now get worse again if ACA is finally ended. That's what happens when big house and big Pharma and the bought off GOP run the country,dupe.

I dare you to provide evidence of any of your claims. 45,000 Americans died because of no health insurance? Nobody is refused emergency treatment by law in this country. Yes, your dreaded Ronald Reagan made that the law.

You'll get worse if Commie Care is ended? told me you're a retired teacher and not on welfare. You should be on know.....government run Medicare. That's what retired people go on you know.
????? Actually GOP corrupt recessions and depressions cause increased government dependency, thanks GOP... What bubble is Trump working on?

There is no bubble here. The bubble was started in the housing market and Quantitive Easing under DumBama.

What Trump did was lower corporate taxes, taxes on most individuals, rescinded multiple job killing regulations put forth under the DumBama administration, and gave them hope that they will have a government on their side for a change.

Between that and lifting the idiotic healthcare coverage mandate, businesses are now free to concentrate on making profit and creating jobs. Small businesses no longer have to worry about growing because before, if they went over 50 employees, they had to be subjected to Commie Care. No more. Now they can grow all they want without worry of government intrusion of their business.
Obama started the real estate bubble five years before he became president... Amazing

Yes this new boom under Trump it's just wonderful, super dupe. Unfortunately there is no evidence of that except on the propaganda Channel. The only real difference is a 29 billion dollar tax cut for Buffett Etc. Funny how the GOP never does anything they promise to you. D'oh! And the Reaganist ruin of the middle class Etc and our infrastructure accelerates again...

80% of those on the exchanges pay less than $75 a month... And ACA was the only solution ever tried that could cure our GOP scam Health System sorry your boss fell for the BS from the GOP. Still even without a mandate ACA just becomes more and more popular.Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year.

You made a point I have been stressing all along. And that is Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. HTF do you think they are getting health insurance for only $75.00 a month? That's right, other people are paying for it.

Now watch what happens to Commie Care the next few years. It's doing to diminish and eventually evaporate. That's because the younger healthier people who were buying it because of law will now drop it because they feel they don't need insurance at that age. When you take out the healthy people and leave the sick people, do you think insurance rates will still be affordable even to the poor?

As for the economy, all signs are for a strong healthy one. This year, Trump plans to focus on the reduction of social programs and get those people off government handouts and put them to work.
With the GOP scam Health System, the poor and the middle classes Healthcare is still paid for everyone, just in the cruelest and most deadly fashion, dumbass. With 45,000 deaths because of no insurance and being too dignified, 750000 bankruptcies a year, 500,000 who thought they had good insurance, it's a disaster for the entire economy, the reason it now costs 18% of the whole economy, basically twice as much as any where else with worse outcomes. Great job. ACA has some problems, due to the ridiculous costs of Healthcare in the country that could have been cured under ACA I will now get worse again if ACA is finally ended. That's what happens when big house and big Pharma and the bought off GOP run the country,dupe.

I dare you to provide evidence of any of your claims. 45,000 Americans died because of no health insurance? Nobody is refused emergency treatment by law in this country. Yes, your dreaded Ronald Reagan made that the law.

You'll get worse if Commie Care is ended? told me you're a retired teacher and not on welfare. You should be on know.....government run Medicare. That's what retired people go on you know.
People get sick and tired of going to the ER and die . others decide to save their assets... It's a catastrophe of a system... I meant it not I... Stupid smart phone. By which I mean the problems will come back again high cost bankruptcies deaths rising cost s..
There is no bubble here. The bubble was started in the housing market and Quantitive Easing under DumBama.

What Trump did was lower corporate taxes, taxes on most individuals, rescinded multiple job killing regulations put forth under the DumBama administration, and gave them hope that they will have a government on their side for a change.

Between that and lifting the idiotic healthcare coverage mandate, businesses are now free to concentrate on making profit and creating jobs. Small businesses no longer have to worry about growing because before, if they went over 50 employees, they had to be subjected to Commie Care. No more. Now they can grow all they want without worry of government intrusion of their business.
Obama started the real estate bubble five years before he became president... Amazing

Yes this new boom under Trump it's just wonderful, super dupe. Unfortunately there is no evidence of that except on the propaganda Channel. The only real difference is a 29 billion dollar tax cut for Buffett Etc. Funny how the GOP never does anything they promise to you. D'oh! And the Reaganist ruin of the middle class Etc and our infrastructure accelerates again...

80% of those on the exchanges pay less than $75 a month... And ACA was the only solution ever tried that could cure our GOP scam Health System sorry your boss fell for the BS from the GOP. Still even without a mandate ACA just becomes more and more popular.Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year.

You made a point I have been stressing all along. And that is Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. HTF do you think they are getting health insurance for only $75.00 a month? That's right, other people are paying for it.

Now watch what happens to Commie Care the next few years. It's doing to diminish and eventually evaporate. That's because the younger healthier people who were buying it because of law will now drop it because they feel they don't need insurance at that age. When you take out the healthy people and leave the sick people, do you think insurance rates will still be affordable even to the poor?

As for the economy, all signs are for a strong healthy one. This year, Trump plans to focus on the reduction of social programs and get those people off government handouts and put them to work.
With the GOP scam Health System, the poor and the middle classes Healthcare is still paid for everyone, just in the cruelest and most deadly fashion, dumbass. With 45,000 deaths because of no insurance and being too dignified, 750000 bankruptcies a year, 500,000 who thought they had good insurance, it's a disaster for the entire economy, the reason it now costs 18% of the whole economy, basically twice as much as any where else with worse outcomes. Great job. ACA has some problems, due to the ridiculous costs of Healthcare in the country that could have been cured under ACA I will now get worse again if ACA is finally ended. That's what happens when big house and big Pharma and the bought off GOP run the country,dupe.

I dare you to provide evidence of any of your claims. 45,000 Americans died because of no health insurance? Nobody is refused emergency treatment by law in this country. Yes, your dreaded Ronald Reagan made that the law.

You'll get worse if Commie Care is ended? told me you're a retired teacher and not on welfare. You should be on know.....government run Medicare. That's what retired people go on you know.
People get sick and tired of going to the ER and die . others decide to save their assets... It's a catastrophe of a system... I meant it not I... Stupid smart phone. By which I mean the problems will come back again high cost bankruptcies deaths rising cost s..

If you do any research you will find that most bankruptcies had to do with multiple debts--not just medical. Very few people had to go bankrupt just over medical bills alone.

Yes, the system is terrible and Commie Care didn't help--at least for those of us that make a moderate income. They wanted over 30% of my net pay to get a plan that had any kind of decent coverage. I think they said they'd give me twenty bucks a month towards it. Big Fn deal. That was my government subsidy.

Not only that, but there was only one insurance company that would cover the institution I've been going to my entire life. No choice. That company too wanted around 30% of my net pay, but didn't cover shit. It was virtually worthless.

Commie Care was not about helping all people. It was purely political which is why it was a failure.
Obama started the real estate bubble five years before he became president... Amazing

Yes this new boom under Trump it's just wonderful, super dupe. Unfortunately there is no evidence of that except on the propaganda Channel. The only real difference is a 29 billion dollar tax cut for Buffett Etc. Funny how the GOP never does anything they promise to you. D'oh! And the Reaganist ruin of the middle class Etc and our infrastructure accelerates again...

80% of those on the exchanges pay less than $75 a month... And ACA was the only solution ever tried that could cure our GOP scam Health System sorry your boss fell for the BS from the GOP. Still even without a mandate ACA just becomes more and more popular.Most Obamacare enrollees could pay less for policies next year.

You made a point I have been stressing all along. And that is Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. HTF do you think they are getting health insurance for only $75.00 a month? That's right, other people are paying for it.

Now watch what happens to Commie Care the next few years. It's doing to diminish and eventually evaporate. That's because the younger healthier people who were buying it because of law will now drop it because they feel they don't need insurance at that age. When you take out the healthy people and leave the sick people, do you think insurance rates will still be affordable even to the poor?

As for the economy, all signs are for a strong healthy one. This year, Trump plans to focus on the reduction of social programs and get those people off government handouts and put them to work.
With the GOP scam Health System, the poor and the middle classes Healthcare is still paid for everyone, just in the cruelest and most deadly fashion, dumbass. With 45,000 deaths because of no insurance and being too dignified, 750000 bankruptcies a year, 500,000 who thought they had good insurance, it's a disaster for the entire economy, the reason it now costs 18% of the whole economy, basically twice as much as any where else with worse outcomes. Great job. ACA has some problems, due to the ridiculous costs of Healthcare in the country that could have been cured under ACA I will now get worse again if ACA is finally ended. That's what happens when big house and big Pharma and the bought off GOP run the country,dupe.

I dare you to provide evidence of any of your claims. 45,000 Americans died because of no health insurance? Nobody is refused emergency treatment by law in this country. Yes, your dreaded Ronald Reagan made that the law.

You'll get worse if Commie Care is ended? told me you're a retired teacher and not on welfare. You should be on know.....government run Medicare. That's what retired people go on you know.
People get sick and tired of going to the ER and die . others decide to save their assets... It's a catastrophe of a system... I meant it not I... Stupid smart phone. By which I mean the problems will come back again high cost bankruptcies deaths rising cost s..

If you do any research you will find that most bankruptcies had to do with multiple debts--not just medical. Very few people had to go bankrupt just over medical bills alone.

Yes, the system is terrible and Commie Care didn't help--at least for those of us that make a moderate income. They wanted over 30% of my net pay to get a plan that had any kind of decent coverage. I think they said they'd give me twenty bucks a month towards it. Big Fn deal. That was my government subsidy.

Not only that, but there was only one insurance company that would cover the institution I've been going to my entire life. No choice. That company too wanted around 30% of my net pay, but didn't cover shit. It was virtually worthless.

Commie Care was not about helping all people. It was purely political which is why it was a failure.
Your company let you down. That still would have been great and a miracle for someone with pre-existing conditions and no company. Big health and big Pharma and big doctors are the Scandal not ACA. And the bought off and brainwashing GOP of course....
Between grievances about “atrocities” committed by the “crooked media,” President Trump paused during Friday's speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference to reminisce about the good old days.

“They used to treat me so good, too, before I ran for office,” Trump said of the press. “I used to get the greatest publicity. A friend of mine said to me, ‘You know, you used to be the king of getting great publicity. What happened?’ I said, ‘Well, I have a lot of views that they're opposed to for a lot of bad reasons.’ ”

Trump has never seemed to understand why seeking and ultimately occupying the nation's highest office should bring more intense scrutiny than hosting “The Apprentice” or building towers and golf courses.

When I won, I said, ‘Well, the one thing good is now I'll get good press,’ ” he told the Associated Press last year. “And it got worse. … So that was one thing that is a little bit of a surprise to me. I thought the press would become better, and it actually, in my opinion, got more nasty.”

he's almost as stupid as the morons that voted for him

Love it. What an AH. And it proves he just ran to feed his ego. He doesn't give a fuck about this country.
Last edited:
The Cleveland Browns also got 80%+ negative coverage from the MSM.

Which would be suspicious if the Browns were a first place team.

Donald Trump is presiding over a great economy, stock market, fuel prices, consumer confidence and corporate confidence. Most Americans have more money in their pockets and with the addition of getting rid of Commie Care fines, they will be able to keep more of their hard earned money.

All those things you mentioned were all either at or near all-time highs before he got elected.

Look it up.

after all this time, you're still trying to teach pigs to whistle

the only thing they need to know about obama/maobama/obummer is that he's black.
Teaching pigs how to whistle sounds easier than educating you. Just saying. :)
It's hard because all your b******* facts are just no evidence propaganda, Super Dupe. Read something the economy is no better than it was under Obama for 6 years 7 years and he turned around a Great Depression from your corrupt Heroes. We've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him. ACA is working slowly thanks to sabotage.
President Trump's plan is being slowed by sabotage....from assholes that do not accept the results of the Hillary Rotten Clinton who once said that anybody not accepting the results is undermining our democracy.
Last edited:
Which would be suspicious if the Browns were a first place team.

Donald Trump is presiding over a great economy, stock market, fuel prices, consumer confidence and corporate confidence. Most Americans have more money in their pockets and with the addition of getting rid of Commie Care fines, they will be able to keep more of their hard earned money.

All those things you mentioned were all either at or near all-time highs before he got elected.

Look it up.

after all this time, you're still trying to teach pigs to whistle

the only thing they need to know about obama/maobama/obummer is that he's black.
Teaching pigs how to whistle sounds easier than educating you. Just saying. :)
It's hard because all your b******* facts are just no evidence propaganda, Super Dupe. Read something the economy is no better than it was under Obama for 6 years 7 years and he turned around a Great Depression from your corrupt Heroes. We've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him. ACA is working slowly thanks to sabotage.
President Trump's plan is being slowed by sabotage....from assholes that do not accept the results of the Hillary Rotten Clinton who once said that anybody not accepting the results id undermining our democracy.
You dupes of fox and the a****** Rich GOP Have no clue that Obama was totally obstructed by the GOP even though he had a actual mandate. He won by five or six points. Rotten my ass by the way... How is the prosecution coming, Super dupe?
All those things you mentioned were all either at or near all-time highs before he got elected.

Look it up.

after all this time, you're still trying to teach pigs to whistle

the only thing they need to know about obama/maobama/obummer is that he's black.
Teaching pigs how to whistle sounds easier than educating you. Just saying. :)
It's hard because all your b******* facts are just no evidence propaganda, Super Dupe. Read something the economy is no better than it was under Obama for 6 years 7 years and he turned around a Great Depression from your corrupt Heroes. We've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him. ACA is working slowly thanks to sabotage.
President Trump's plan is being slowed by sabotage....from assholes that do not accept the results of the Hillary Rotten Clinton who once said that anybody not accepting the results id undermining our democracy.
You dupes of fox and the a****** Rich GOP Have no clue that Obama was totally obstructed by the GOP even though he had a actual mandate. He won by five or six points. Rotten my ass by the way... How is the prosecution coming, Super dupe?
Unlike Trump, Obama was trying to ruin the country. No sane American citizen would refuse to obstruct that. Obama did more damage to this country than he did good. Obama was and still is a total piece of shit.
after all this time, you're still trying to teach pigs to whistle

the only thing they need to know about obama/maobama/obummer is that he's black.
Teaching pigs how to whistle sounds easier than educating you. Just saying. :)
It's hard because all your b******* facts are just no evidence propaganda, Super Dupe. Read something the economy is no better than it was under Obama for 6 years 7 years and he turned around a Great Depression from your corrupt Heroes. We've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him. ACA is working slowly thanks to sabotage.
President Trump's plan is being slowed by sabotage....from assholes that do not accept the results of the Hillary Rotten Clinton who once said that anybody not accepting the results id undermining our democracy.
You dupes of fox and the a****** Rich GOP Have no clue that Obama was totally obstructed by the GOP even though he had a actual mandate. He won by five or six points. Rotten my ass by the way... How is the prosecution coming, Super dupe?
Unlike Trump, Obama was trying to ruin the country. No sane American citizen would refuse to obstruct that. Obama did more damage to this country than he did good. Obama was and still is a total piece of shit.

that's nice, honey

have a nice warm cup of metamucil

it's good for what ails you
You made a point I have been stressing all along. And that is Commie Care was designed for likely Democrat voters at the expense of likely Republican voters. HTF do you think they are getting health insurance for only $75.00 a month? That's right, other people are paying for it.

Now watch what happens to Commie Care the next few years. It's doing to diminish and eventually evaporate. That's because the younger healthier people who were buying it because of law will now drop it because they feel they don't need insurance at that age. When you take out the healthy people and leave the sick people, do you think insurance rates will still be affordable even to the poor?

As for the economy, all signs are for a strong healthy one. This year, Trump plans to focus on the reduction of social programs and get those people off government handouts and put them to work.
With the GOP scam Health System, the poor and the middle classes Healthcare is still paid for everyone, just in the cruelest and most deadly fashion, dumbass. With 45,000 deaths because of no insurance and being too dignified, 750000 bankruptcies a year, 500,000 who thought they had good insurance, it's a disaster for the entire economy, the reason it now costs 18% of the whole economy, basically twice as much as any where else with worse outcomes. Great job. ACA has some problems, due to the ridiculous costs of Healthcare in the country that could have been cured under ACA I will now get worse again if ACA is finally ended. That's what happens when big house and big Pharma and the bought off GOP run the country,dupe.

I dare you to provide evidence of any of your claims. 45,000 Americans died because of no health insurance? Nobody is refused emergency treatment by law in this country. Yes, your dreaded Ronald Reagan made that the law.

You'll get worse if Commie Care is ended? told me you're a retired teacher and not on welfare. You should be on know.....government run Medicare. That's what retired people go on you know.
People get sick and tired of going to the ER and die . others decide to save their assets... It's a catastrophe of a system... I meant it not I... Stupid smart phone. By which I mean the problems will come back again high cost bankruptcies deaths rising cost s..

If you do any research you will find that most bankruptcies had to do with multiple debts--not just medical. Very few people had to go bankrupt just over medical bills alone.

Yes, the system is terrible and Commie Care didn't help--at least for those of us that make a moderate income. They wanted over 30% of my net pay to get a plan that had any kind of decent coverage. I think they said they'd give me twenty bucks a month towards it. Big Fn deal. That was my government subsidy.

Not only that, but there was only one insurance company that would cover the institution I've been going to my entire life. No choice. That company too wanted around 30% of my net pay, but didn't cover shit. It was virtually worthless.

Commie Care was not about helping all people. It was purely political which is why it was a failure.
Your company let you down. That still would have been great and a miracle for someone with pre-existing conditions and no company. Big health and big Pharma and big doctors are the Scandal not ACA. And the bought off and brainwashing GOP of course....

Bull. I've had preexisting conditions most all of my adult life, and until that big-eared clown destroyed our healthcare system, I always had coverage.

Like I said, all politics which is mostly what the Socialists are all about. The medications I take are life sustaining. If I don't take them, I die. So what did DumBama do? He wrote into his program that birth control had to be part of every plan.

Only a Democrat would consider birth control more important than life sustaining medication. Why? Because he wanted to buy the female vote. Screw the people that are dependent on medication for real medical needs. Let them die. I'll get more votes if I provide free birth control pills.
With the GOP scam Health System, the poor and the middle classes Healthcare is still paid for everyone, just in the cruelest and most deadly fashion, dumbass. With 45,000 deaths because of no insurance and being too dignified, 750000 bankruptcies a year, 500,000 who thought they had good insurance, it's a disaster for the entire economy, the reason it now costs 18% of the whole economy, basically twice as much as any where else with worse outcomes. Great job. ACA has some problems, due to the ridiculous costs of Healthcare in the country that could have been cured under ACA I will now get worse again if ACA is finally ended. That's what happens when big house and big Pharma and the bought off GOP run the country,dupe.

I dare you to provide evidence of any of your claims. 45,000 Americans died because of no health insurance? Nobody is refused emergency treatment by law in this country. Yes, your dreaded Ronald Reagan made that the law.

You'll get worse if Commie Care is ended? told me you're a retired teacher and not on welfare. You should be on know.....government run Medicare. That's what retired people go on you know.
People get sick and tired of going to the ER and die . others decide to save their assets... It's a catastrophe of a system... I meant it not I... Stupid smart phone. By which I mean the problems will come back again high cost bankruptcies deaths rising cost s..

If you do any research you will find that most bankruptcies had to do with multiple debts--not just medical. Very few people had to go bankrupt just over medical bills alone.

Yes, the system is terrible and Commie Care didn't help--at least for those of us that make a moderate income. They wanted over 30% of my net pay to get a plan that had any kind of decent coverage. I think they said they'd give me twenty bucks a month towards it. Big Fn deal. That was my government subsidy.

Not only that, but there was only one insurance company that would cover the institution I've been going to my entire life. No choice. That company too wanted around 30% of my net pay, but didn't cover shit. It was virtually worthless.

Commie Care was not about helping all people. It was purely political which is why it was a failure.
Your company let you down. That still would have been great and a miracle for someone with pre-existing conditions and no company. Big health and big Pharma and big doctors are the Scandal not ACA. And the bought off and brainwashing GOP of course....

Bull. I've had preexisting conditions most all of my adult life, and until that big-eared clown destroyed our healthcare system, I always had coverage.

Like I said, all politics which is mostly what the Socialists are all about. The medications I take are life sustaining. If I don't take them, I die. So what did DumBama do? He wrote into his program that birth control had to be part of every plan.

Only a Democrat would consider birth control more important than life sustaining medication. Why? Because he wanted to buy the female vote. Screw the people that are dependent on medication for real medical needs. Let them die. I'll get more votes if I provide free birth control pills.
The money saved by actually cheaper than free birth control is huge, duh. And cuts abortion rates by 40% immediately... Glad you got in to insurance before you got any pre-existing. you were lucky under the old scam system... And you better hope ACA continues or you will be screwed...
With the GOP scam Health System, the poor and the middle classes Healthcare is still paid for everyone, just in the cruelest and most deadly fashion, dumbass. With 45,000 deaths because of no insurance and being too dignified, 750000 bankruptcies a year, 500,000 who thought they had good insurance, it's a disaster for the entire economy, the reason it now costs 18% of the whole economy, basically twice as much as any where else with worse outcomes. Great job. ACA has some problems, due to the ridiculous costs of Healthcare in the country that could have been cured under ACA I will now get worse again if ACA is finally ended. That's what happens when big house and big Pharma and the bought off GOP run the country,dupe.

I dare you to provide evidence of any of your claims. 45,000 Americans died because of no health insurance? Nobody is refused emergency treatment by law in this country. Yes, your dreaded Ronald Reagan made that the law.

You'll get worse if Commie Care is ended? told me you're a retired teacher and not on welfare. You should be on know.....government run Medicare. That's what retired people go on you know.
People get sick and tired of going to the ER and die . others decide to save their assets... It's a catastrophe of a system... I meant it not I... Stupid smart phone. By which I mean the problems will come back again high cost bankruptcies deaths rising cost s..

If you do any research you will find that most bankruptcies had to do with multiple debts--not just medical. Very few people had to go bankrupt just over medical bills alone.

Yes, the system is terrible and Commie Care didn't help--at least for those of us that make a moderate income. They wanted over 30% of my net pay to get a plan that had any kind of decent coverage. I think they said they'd give me twenty bucks a month towards it. Big Fn deal. That was my government subsidy.

Not only that, but there was only one insurance company that would cover the institution I've been going to my entire life. No choice. That company too wanted around 30% of my net pay, but didn't cover shit. It was virtually worthless.

Commie Care was not about helping all people. It was purely political which is why it was a failure.
Your company let you down. That still would have been great and a miracle for someone with pre-existing conditions and no company. Big health and big Pharma and big doctors are the Scandal not ACA. And the bought off and brainwashing GOP of course....

Bull. I've had preexisting conditions most all of my adult life, and until that big-eared clown destroyed our healthcare system, I always had coverage.

Like I said, all politics which is mostly what the Socialists are all about. The medications I take are life sustaining. If I don't take them, I die. So what did DumBama do? He wrote into his program that birth control had to be part of every plan.

Only a Democrat would consider birth control more important than life sustaining medication. Why? Because he wanted to buy the female vote. Screw the people that are dependent on medication for real medical needs. Let them die. I'll get more votes if I provide free birth control pills.
A real health system has to cover everything for everyone d u h... Your brain is scrambled by b*******, dupe.
after all this time, you're still trying to teach pigs to whistle

the only thing they need to know about obama/maobama/obummer is that he's black.
Teaching pigs how to whistle sounds easier than educating you. Just saying. :)
It's hard because all your b******* facts are just no evidence propaganda, Super Dupe. Read something the economy is no better than it was under Obama for 6 years 7 years and he turned around a Great Depression from your corrupt Heroes. We've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him. ACA is working slowly thanks to sabotage.
President Trump's plan is being slowed by sabotage....from assholes that do not accept the results of the Hillary Rotten Clinton who once said that anybody not accepting the results id undermining our democracy.
You dupes of fox and the a****** Rich GOP Have no clue that Obama was totally obstructed by the GOP even though he had a actual mandate. He won by five or six points. Rotten my ass by the way... How is the prosecution coming, Super dupe?
Unlike Trump, Obama was trying to ruin the country. No sane American citizen would refuse to obstruct that. Obama did more damage to this country than he did good. Obama was and still is a total piece of shit.
What is ruining the country is too low tax rates on the rich for 35 years now, and thus lack of money for investment in America and Americans while the rich get more and more ridiculously bloated, dumbass. Obama turned around another corrupt GOP World depression and we've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him, hasn't gotten any better under Trump despite all your pie in the sky propaganda. But the rich get richer , dupe.
Teaching pigs how to whistle sounds easier than educating you. Just saying. :)
It's hard because all your b******* facts are just no evidence propaganda, Super Dupe. Read something the economy is no better than it was under Obama for 6 years 7 years and he turned around a Great Depression from your corrupt Heroes. We've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him. ACA is working slowly thanks to sabotage.
President Trump's plan is being slowed by sabotage....from assholes that do not accept the results of the Hillary Rotten Clinton who once said that anybody not accepting the results id undermining our democracy.
You dupes of fox and the a****** Rich GOP Have no clue that Obama was totally obstructed by the GOP even though he had a actual mandate. He won by five or six points. Rotten my ass by the way... How is the prosecution coming, Super dupe?
Unlike Trump, Obama was trying to ruin the country. No sane American citizen would refuse to obstruct that. Obama did more damage to this country than he did good. Obama was and still is a total piece of shit.
What is ruining the country is too low tax rates on the rich for 35 years now, and thus lack of money for investment in America and Americans while the rich get more and more ridiculously bloated, dumbass. Obama turned around another corrupt GOP World depression and we've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him, hasn't gotten any better under Trump despite all your pie in the sky propaganda. But the rich get richer , dupe.
Keep laughing, dingbat dupe.
Over the past 35 years the American dream has gradually disappeared. The process was slow, so most people didn’t notice. They just worked a few more hours, borrowed a little more and cut back on non-essentials. But looking at the numbers and comparing them over long time periods, it is obvious that things have changed drastically. Here are the details:


Over the past 63 years worker productivity has grown by 2.0% per year.

But after 1980, workers received a smaller share every year. Labor’s share of income (1992 = 100%):

1950 = 101%
1960 = 105%
1970 = 105%
1980 = 105% – Reagan
1990 = 100%
2000 = 96%
2007 = 92%

A 13% drop since 1980


Share of National Income going to Top 10%:

1950 = 35%
1960 = 34%
1970 = 34%
1980 = 34% – Reagan
1990 = 40%
2000 = 47%
2007 = 50%

An increase of 16% since Reagan.


The savings Rose up to Reagan and fell during and after.

1950 = 6.0%
1960 = 7.0%
1970 = 8.5%
1980 = 10.0% – Reagan
1982 = 11.2% – Peak
1990 = 7.0%
2000 = 2.0%
2006 = -1.1% (Negative = withdrawing from savings)

A 12.3% drop after Reagan.


Household Debt as percentage of GDP:

1965 = 46%
1970 = 45%
1980 = 50% – Reagan
1990 = 61%
2000 = 69%
2007 = 95%

A 45% increase after 1980.


Gap Between the Share of Capital Income earned by the top 1%
and the bottom 80%:

1980 = 10%
2003 = 56%

A 5.6 times increase.


The Probably of Moving Up from the Bottom 40% to the Top 40%:

1945 = 12%
1958 = 6%
1990 = 3%
2000 = 2%

A 10% Decrease.


1 =
1 =
1 = Clipboard01.jpg (image)
2 –
3 =
3 = U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA)
4 = Federated Prudent Bear Fund (A): Overview
4 = The Fed - Financial Accounts of the United States - Z.1 - Current Release
5/6 = 15 Mind-Blowing Facts About Wealth And Inequality In America

Overview = http://www.ourfuture.
Teaching pigs how to whistle sounds easier than educating you. Just saying. :)
It's hard because all your b******* facts are just no evidence propaganda, Super Dupe. Read something the economy is no better than it was under Obama for 6 years 7 years and he turned around a Great Depression from your corrupt Heroes. We've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him. ACA is working slowly thanks to sabotage.
President Trump's plan is being slowed by sabotage....from assholes that do not accept the results of the Hillary Rotten Clinton who once said that anybody not accepting the results id undermining our democracy.
You dupes of fox and the a****** Rich GOP Have no clue that Obama was totally obstructed by the GOP even though he had a actual mandate. He won by five or six points. Rotten my ass by the way... How is the prosecution coming, Super dupe?
Unlike Trump, Obama was trying to ruin the country. No sane American citizen would refuse to obstruct that. Obama did more damage to this country than he did good. Obama was and still is a total piece of shit.
What is ruining the country is too low tax rates on the rich for 35 years now, and thus lack of money for investment in America and Americans while the rich get more and more ridiculously bloated, dumbass. Obama turned around another corrupt GOP World depression and we've had the best economy in the world for 7 years under him, hasn't gotten any better under Trump despite all your pie in the sky propaganda. But the rich get richer , dupe.
It's not low tax rates that favor the rich. It's tax loop holes that easily bought politicians put into tax laws to aid themselves and rich people. A lot of multimillionaires legally pay zero taxes despite their high income tax rates.

The economy never had as much as a 3% yearly growth rate under Obama...not his eight years of office.

The Obama economy in 10 charts
Check charts 3 and 10 compared with Trump's trending growth rate (even as reported by CNN)

Trump economy's sustained growth pace unlike anything seen in 13 years
I dare you to provide evidence of any of your claims. 45,000 Americans died because of no health insurance? Nobody is refused emergency treatment by law in this country. Yes, your dreaded Ronald Reagan made that the law.

You'll get worse if Commie Care is ended? told me you're a retired teacher and not on welfare. You should be on know.....government run Medicare. That's what retired people go on you know.
People get sick and tired of going to the ER and die . others decide to save their assets... It's a catastrophe of a system... I meant it not I... Stupid smart phone. By which I mean the problems will come back again high cost bankruptcies deaths rising cost s..

If you do any research you will find that most bankruptcies had to do with multiple debts--not just medical. Very few people had to go bankrupt just over medical bills alone.

Yes, the system is terrible and Commie Care didn't help--at least for those of us that make a moderate income. They wanted over 30% of my net pay to get a plan that had any kind of decent coverage. I think they said they'd give me twenty bucks a month towards it. Big Fn deal. That was my government subsidy.

Not only that, but there was only one insurance company that would cover the institution I've been going to my entire life. No choice. That company too wanted around 30% of my net pay, but didn't cover shit. It was virtually worthless.

Commie Care was not about helping all people. It was purely political which is why it was a failure.
Your company let you down. That still would have been great and a miracle for someone with pre-existing conditions and no company. Big health and big Pharma and big doctors are the Scandal not ACA. And the bought off and brainwashing GOP of course....

Bull. I've had preexisting conditions most all of my adult life, and until that big-eared clown destroyed our healthcare system, I always had coverage.

Like I said, all politics which is mostly what the Socialists are all about. The medications I take are life sustaining. If I don't take them, I die. So what did DumBama do? He wrote into his program that birth control had to be part of every plan.

Only a Democrat would consider birth control more important than life sustaining medication. Why? Because he wanted to buy the female vote. Screw the people that are dependent on medication for real medical needs. Let them die. I'll get more votes if I provide free birth control pills.
The money saved by actually cheaper than free birth control is huge, duh. And cuts abortion rates by 40% immediately... Glad you got in to insurance before you got any pre-existing. you were lucky under the old scam system... And you better hope ACA continues or you will be screwed...

No, I'm screwed because of Commie Care. If not for that, my employer would have had no choice but to keep providing that coverage.

Where is this evidence of yours that free BC reduced money anywhere? You're just making it all up like you do with everything else. Plus the point flew right over your head it had nothing to do with healthcare, it had to do with buying votes.

As for my insurance, I've changed jobs over a half-dozen times in my adult life, and every time, the new insurance company accepted me no questions asked.

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