You almost hope Republicans win the Senate

If the GOP takes the Senate (if), it would be their chance to take two years to avoid crazy, self-destructive absolutism and build a solid case (via legislation that would most likely be vetoed) for their agenda with a clear, strong and positive vision of America.

Chances of that happening? Given their current proclivities, not terribly high.

It is not possible to be a conservative and have a positive vision of America. Every current policy and ideal is built on fear and loathing.
God I hope the Republican Party doesn't win the Senate, because that would put me in the position of having to vote Dem for President in 2016 regardless of candidate because I firmly believe that NEITHER party should control both houses of Congress AND the White House.
We've got to undo what Obama and the democrats did. That won't happened if a democrat can veto repeal legislation. Use your head!
God I hope the Republican Party doesn't win the Senate, because that would put me in the position of having to vote Dem for President in 2016 regardless of candidate because I firmly believe that NEITHER party should control both houses of Congress AND the White House.
We've got to undo what Obama and the democrats did. That won't happened if a democrat can veto repeal legislation. Use your head!
Should republicans win the presidency and congress you will never hear them mention the name of Obama again. They talk of executive over reach but never when they have the white house, executive over reach is their favorite way to rule.
It is almost as if all of the Clinton assslurpers forget that the republicans controlled the Senate AND the House from 1994 till 2006.

Check out the economy during that time.

Oh, never mind.

Liberals like Rdean are hopeless brainwashed hacks.

I think what you'll find, that realists in the House will rein in the "extremists" you obsess so much about and send bills to the Senate that cut needless regulations, cut waste in government, return more power to local governments rather than the Federal Government and create jobs by making us more competitive with the rest of the world.

The problem that Barack Obama will then face is either vetoing those bills (and being exposed as the "President of No") or learning how to craft political compromise (Something that he's absolutely clueless on so far!). To say it will be a painful two years for Barry is an understatement!

Not really guy.

You see, the problem is, the GOP will spend the next two years screaming about Benghazi and Lois Lerner and all the other shit most Americans don't care about.

Because the GOP has had LOTS of oppurtunities to cut needless regulations and cut waste in government. They've just never done it. Not even when they've controlled both houses and the presidency. Government spending INCREASES when the GOP controls all the levers.

They won't control all the "levers". It would be more like when the GOP controlled the House and Senate and Bill Clinton was in the Oval Office. Think Barry is smart enough to do a Clinton and work with a GOP majority? I don't...I think he's such a smug know it all that he'll defy the people and try to govern with Executive Orders. Which means WHOEVER takes over in 2016 will inherit a total cluster fuck...which in the long run will BE the legacy of Barack Obama!
The GOP already controls the Senate with their historic number of filibusters.

Suppose they did take over the Senate. Their only action will be trying to impeach Obama for, well, for. For "something". "Something" the American people don't want.

And what will their other policies be?

Health care? - We hate Obama.

Isis? - We hate Obama.

Jobs? - We need to continue to move the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1% and hope they make jobs here and not in China. (we hope?)

Education? - We hate Obama. Besides, education makes people "liberal".

The environment? - It will take care of itself. Besides, we hate Obama.

Republicans don't have any policies that anyone likes. Not even other Republicans. The problem there is that the GOP base, when their party's policies are explained, simply don't believe it. People who have never had health care are screaming "don't take away my health care". People working for minimum wage feel without the minimum wage law, their salaries will go up. These same people who are struggling to feed their families are screaming to cut food stamps. These same people who are working like dogs to provide something for their families are screaming don't tax billionaires because they earned it. Beside, they are the "job creators".

Everyone except Republicans knew when Bush Jr. became president, he would be a disaster. But he was so much worse than anyone could have imagined. That's what the GOP taking over the Senate will do. The only thing that unites them is "hate Obama".

It's like that guy from the video who couldn't name any Obama policy he liked. In fact, he couldn't name any Obama policy. And when asked about race, he said race had nothing to do with it. Only Obama is mulatto and he hates mulatto.

Or in Kentucky. Great example. They hate Obamacare. They said Obamacare should be like the wildly successful "Kynect". You know, what they renamed Obamacare in Kentucky?

With Republicans in control of the Senate, Obama can use executive action to do what needs to be done and Republicans will try to block everything and make the country hate their guts. That's the bottom line. Probably the only thing that will really suffer is passing Obama appointees. But they won't allow that to happen now. Besides, it only two more years. Let America see this disastrous GOP up close just before the next presidential elections.
those fucking Republicans.....
God I hope the Republican Party doesn't win the Senate, because that would put me in the position of having to vote Dem for President in 2016 regardless of candidate because I firmly believe that NEITHER party should control both houses of Congress AND the White House.

Yep, both have proven their incompetence, over and over.

tell the "party" people that......oh wait, you have, a few times....sorry....
The GOP already controls the Senate with their historic number of filibusters.

Suppose they did take over the Senate. Their only action will be trying to impeach Obama for, well, for. For "something". "Something" the American people don't want.

And what will their other policies be?

Health care? - We hate Obama.

Isis? - We hate Obama.

Jobs? - We need to continue to move the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1% and hope they make jobs here and not in China. (we hope?)

Education? - We hate Obama. Besides, education makes people "liberal".

The environment? - It will take care of itself. Besides, we hate Obama.

Republicans don't have any policies that anyone likes. Not even other Republicans. The problem there is that the GOP base, when their party's policies are explained, simply don't believe it. People who have never had health care are screaming "don't take away my health care". People working for minimum wage feel without the minimum wage law, their salaries will go up. These same people who are struggling to feed their families are screaming to cut food stamps. These same people who are working like dogs to provide something for their families are screaming don't tax billionaires because they earned it. Beside, they are the "job creators".

Everyone except Republicans knew when Bush Jr. became president, he would be a disaster. But he was so much worse than anyone could have imagined. That's what the GOP taking over the Senate will do. The only thing that unites them is "hate Obama".

It's like that guy from the video who couldn't name any Obama policy he liked. In fact, he couldn't name any Obama policy. And when asked about race, he said race had nothing to do with it. Only Obama is mulatto and he hates mulatto.

Or in Kentucky. Great example. They hate Obamacare. They said Obamacare should be like the wildly successful "Kynect". You know, what they renamed Obamacare in Kentucky?

With Republicans in control of the Senate, Obama can use executive action to do what needs to be done and Republicans will try to block everything and make the country hate their guts. That's the bottom line. Probably the only thing that will really suffer is passing Obama appointees. But they won't allow that to happen now. Besides, it only two more years. Let America see this disastrous GOP up close just before the next presidential elections.
Republicans taking the Senate this year might actually work out well for democrats come 2016.

After two years of republican Congressional partisanism, incompetence, and inaction, in conjunction with the larger voter turnout, democrats could win back control of the Senate and retain the WH.

A classic example of 'careful what you wish for.'
hey Jones? ever going to actually participate or just say something and run?.....i know you read this a man Jones....let those balls drop.....
The GOP already controls the Senate with their historic number of filibusters.

Suppose they did take over the Senate. Their only action will be trying to impeach Obama for, well, for. For "something". "Something" the American people don't want.

And what will their other policies be?

Health care? - We hate Obama.

Isis? - We hate Obama.

Jobs? - We need to continue to move the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1% and hope they make jobs here and not in China. (we hope?)

Education? - We hate Obama. Besides, education makes people "liberal".

The environment? - It will take care of itself. Besides, we hate Obama.
I see the Democrats, out of ideas as usual, are working frantically to pump up their talking-points lies about Republicans instead of coming up with any actual truth.

1.) Republicans want to imeach Obama. (false)
2.) Their disapproval of Obamacare comes only from "hatred of Obama" (false), not from that fact that the scheme won't work.
3.) Republicans "hate education" (false)
4.) All othe objections Republicans have, come from "hating Obama" (false). Never mind that they have objected to most of these things since long before Obama ever showed up.

These desperate lies are all the Democrats have left. No ideas, no plans that have any hope of working, no facts, no integrity.

But it sure makes them feel good to recite these lies to each other, over and over. (true)
Deans logic about "hating" education comes from some people wanting to abolish the Dept. of to Dean.....if you dont think an agency is worth a dam and feel it should be hate and want to do away with what the agency represented.....what else can you be?.....and he will actually try and justify what he says.....
If the GOP takes the Senate (if), it would be their chance to take two years to avoid crazy, self-destructive absolutism and build a solid case (via legislation that would most likely be vetoed) for their agenda with a clear, strong and positive vision of America.

Chances of that happening? Given their current proclivities, not terribly high.

It is not possible to be a conservative and have a positive vision of America. Every current policy and ideal is built on fear and loathing.
and you dont think there are Liberals who feel the same way?......
It was the 1970's when the Democrats had a true majority in Congress, and it's been a royal screwing to the working class since.

Maybe if you became more pro-family and worked to unite this country. Maybe you could have that again?

Moderates like me agree with quite abit of your economic policies. Your constant attacks on males and playing the race card does come back to bite you in the ass. are pretty racial yourself.....maybe you should leave out the race card shit....
The best thing that would come out of Republicans winning the Senate would be they would end the filibuster

Dems don't have the balls
The GOP already controls the Senate with their historic number of filibusters.
Suppose they did take over the Senate. Their only action will be trying to impeach Obama for, well, for. For "something". "Something" the American people don't want.
And what will their other policies be?
Health care? - We hate Obama.
Isis? - We hate Obama.
Jobs? - We need to continue to move the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1% and hope they make jobs here and not in China. (we hope?)
Education? - We hate Obama. Besides, education makes people "liberal".
The environment? - It will take care of itself. Besides, we hate Obama.
I see the Democrats, out of ideas as usual, are working frantically to pump up their talking-points lies about Republicans instead of coming up with any actual truth.
1.) Republicans want to imeach Obama. (false)
2.) Their disapproval of Obamacare comes only from "hatred of Obama" (false), not from that fact that the scheme won't work.
3.) Republicans "hate education" (false)
4.) All othe objections Republicans have, come from "hating Obama" (false). Never mind that they have objected to most of these things since long before Obama ever showed up.
These desperate lies are all the Democrats have left. No ideas, no plans that have any hope of working, no facts, no integrity.
But it sure makes them feel good to recite these lies to each other, over and over. (true)
If the GOP takes the Senate (if), it would be their chance to take two years to avoid crazy, self-destructive absolutism and build a solid case (via legislation that would most likely be vetoed) for their agenda with a clear, strong and positive vision of America.

Chances of that happening? Given their current proclivities, not terribly high.

It is not possible to be a conservative and have a positive vision of America. Every current policy and ideal is built on fear and loathing.
and you dont think there are Liberals who feel the same way?......
Fatalism runs deep in conservative politics. We can no longer build big projects or take care of festering domestic problems or help out some third-world shithole or welcome immigrants or do a lot of the other things that used to make the world see us as a well-intentioned force for good in the world because, all together now, we can't afford it. Need I mention that conservatives always think war and defense spending on any scale is affordable as long as one of their own beats the war drum?

Republicans do not do optimism these days, it's all about retreat from the high ideals that made America stop being insular and internally divided and become a real example of democracy done right. Liberals are looking around at all the conservatives with their heads in the sand wondering how they can twist such cowardice and apathy into patriotism.
The GOP already controls the Senate with their historic number of filibusters.

Suppose they did take over the Senate. Their only action will be trying to impeach Obama for, well, for. For "something". "Something" the American people don't want.

And what will their other policies be?

Health care? - We hate Obama.

Isis? - We hate Obama.

Jobs? - We need to continue to move the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1% and hope they make jobs here and not in China. (we hope?)

Education? - We hate Obama. Besides, education makes people "liberal".

The environment? - It will take care of itself. Besides, we hate Obama.

Republicans don't have any policies that anyone likes. Not even other Republicans. The problem there is that the GOP base, when their party's policies are explained, simply don't believe it. People who have never had health care are screaming "don't take away my health care". People working for minimum wage feel without the minimum wage law, their salaries will go up. These same people who are struggling to feed their families are screaming to cut food stamps. These same people who are working like dogs to provide something for their families are screaming don't tax billionaires because they earned it. Beside, they are the "job creators".

Everyone except Republicans knew when Bush Jr. became president, he would be a disaster. But he was so much worse than anyone could have imagined. That's what the GOP taking over the Senate will do. The only thing that unites them is "hate Obama".

It's like that guy from the video who couldn't name any Obama policy he liked. In fact, he couldn't name any Obama policy. And when asked about race, he said race had nothing to do with it. Only Obama is mulatto and he hates mulatto.

Or in Kentucky. Great example. They hate Obamacare. They said Obamacare should be like the wildly successful "Kynect". You know, what they renamed Obamacare in Kentucky?

With Republicans in control of the Senate, Obama can use executive action to do what needs to be done and Republicans will try to block everything and make the country hate their guts. That's the bottom line. Probably the only thing that will really suffer is passing Obama appointees. But they won't allow that to happen now. Besides, it only two more years. Let America see this disastrous GOP up close just before the next presidential elections.

So control 2/3 of the Gov for the better part of a decade just inst enough,other than blame the other guy,you are a world class idiot.
If the GOP takes the Senate (if), it would be their chance to take two years to avoid crazy, self-destructive absolutism and build a solid case (via legislation that would most likely be vetoed) for their agenda with a clear, strong and positive vision of America.

Chances of that happening? Given their current proclivities, not terribly high.

It is not possible to be a conservative and have a positive vision of America. Every current policy and ideal is built on fear and loathing.
and you dont think there are Liberals who feel the same way?......
Fatalism runs deep in conservative politics. We can no longer build big projects or take care of festering domestic problems or help out some third-world shithole or welcome immigrants or do a lot of the other things that used to make the world see us as a well-intentioned force for good in the world because, all together now, we can't afford it. Need I mention that conservatives always think war and defense spending on any scale is affordable as long as one of their own beats the war drum?

Republicans do not do optimism these days, it's all about retreat from the high ideals that made America stop being insular and internally divided and become a real example of democracy done right. Liberals are looking around at all the conservatives with their heads in the sand wondering how they can twist such cowardice and apathy into patriotism.

Well here is just two example of how wrong you are,The proposed pipeline the Dems are holding back,natural gas development that the dems are holding back. Ya see where ya went way of your talking point track?
If the GOP takes the Senate (if), it would be their chance to take two years to avoid crazy, self-destructive absolutism and build a solid case (via legislation that would most likely be vetoed) for their agenda with a clear, strong and positive vision of America.

Chances of that happening? Given their current proclivities, not terribly high.

It is not possible to be a conservative and have a positive vision of America. Every current policy and ideal is built on fear and loathing.
and you dont think there are Liberals who feel the same way?......
Fatalism runs deep in conservative politics. We can no longer build big projects or take care of festering domestic problems or help out some third-world shithole or welcome immigrants or do a lot of the other things that used to make the world see us as a well-intentioned force for good in the world because, all together now, we can't afford it. Need I mention that conservatives always think war and defense spending on any scale is affordable as long as one of their own beats the war drum?

Republicans do not do optimism these days, it's all about retreat from the high ideals that made America stop being insular and internally divided and become a real example of democracy done right. Liberals are looking around at all the conservatives with their heads in the sand wondering how they can twist such cowardice and apathy into patriotism.

Well here is just two example of how wrong you are,The proposed pipeline the Dems are holding back,natural gas development that the dems are holding back. Ya see where ya went way of your talking point track?
Wanting the federal gov. to run roughshod over the states on behalf of the petroleum industry is hardly an optimistic move by republicans.
The GOP already controls the Senate with their historic number of filibusters.

Suppose they did take over the Senate. Their only action will be trying to impeach Obama for, well, for. For "something". "Something" the American people don't want.

And what will their other policies be?

Health care? - We hate Obama.

Isis? - We hate Obama.

Jobs? - We need to continue to move the wealth of the nation from the middle class to the top 1% and hope they make jobs here and not in China. (we hope?)

Education? - We hate Obama. Besides, education makes people "liberal".

The environment? - It will take care of itself. Besides, we hate Obama.

Republicans don't have any policies that anyone likes. Not even other Republicans. The problem there is that the GOP base, when their party's policies are explained, simply don't believe it. People who have never had health care are screaming "don't take away my health care". People working for minimum wage feel without the minimum wage law, their salaries will go up. These same people who are struggling to feed their families are screaming to cut food stamps. These same people who are working like dogs to provide something for their families are screaming don't tax billionaires because they earned it. Beside, they are the "job creators".

Everyone except Republicans knew when Bush Jr. became president, he would be a disaster. But he was so much worse than anyone could have imagined. That's what the GOP taking over the Senate will do. The only thing that unites them is "hate Obama".

It's like that guy from the video who couldn't name any Obama policy he liked. In fact, he couldn't name any Obama policy. And when asked about race, he said race had nothing to do with it. Only Obama is mulatto and he hates mulatto.

Or in Kentucky. Great example. They hate Obamacare. They said Obamacare should be like the wildly successful "Kynect". You know, what they renamed Obamacare in Kentucky?

With Republicans in control of the Senate, Obama can use executive action to do what needs to be done and Republicans will try to block everything and make the country hate their guts. That's the bottom line. Probably the only thing that will really suffer is passing Obama appointees. But they won't allow that to happen now. Besides, it only two more years. Let America see this disastrous GOP up close just before the next presidential elections.

Listening to the voices in your head again I see.

Nah. Don't need to. I just read news stories and listen to Republican leaders. They tell us everything we need to know.
God I hope the Republican Party doesn't win the Senate, because that would put me in the position of having to vote Dem for President in 2016 regardless of candidate because I firmly believe that NEITHER party should control both houses of Congress AND the White House.

lYep, both have proven their incompetence, over and over.


The American idiot (like the OP) is just too dumb to understand that giving ultimate power to one party is dangerous

It was dangerous when it happened with Republicans. But the Democratic Party is a coalition Party. By it's very nature, it's lot's of different types of people working together.

Republicans are 90% white, mostly Christian (not the good old fashioned kind, but the "let him die" kind that Jesus would hate), and are firmly anti science and anti education. The only direction you can go with them is down.

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