"You didn't get there on your own"

Only when the government fucks you it doesn't care if you get there or not.

Actually, I'm not the government, and when I have sex with a woman, I really don't care if she gets there or not. I got mine, time to move along.

I'm pretty sure you meant IF you ever had sex with a woman.

In the middle has sex with stuffed animals...I have proof.
Was there a point to that?

The point is that whether he realizes it or not, his business depends on the society

The truth is, that Jose couldn't have that sort of business at all in this country. While kwc's analogy is valuable in reminding us how capitalism is supposed to work... it hasn't worked that way in years. If a guy just starts selling homemade tamales on the street, he gets a citation. If he persists, he goes to jail.

We've allowed a preemptive approach to business in America where we attempt to forecast problems and prevent them. On the surface, that might sound like a good thing. But in practice, what it does is stop Jose from selling homemade tamales, leaving him and his family without income on the off-chance that he might make someone sick. In a free enterprise situation, the law would say that Jose can't make people sick with his tamales and he'd face prosecution if he broke that law. And it wouldn't be all that easy for him to drum up business until he'd built some trust in the community, because after all... how many consumers would buy a tamale from some yahoo he didn't know peddling them in the street? Nope, he'd have to work hard, produce good quality tamales, and eventually he might find success.

That opportunity is NOT being taken away from him by the free market. It's being taken from him by the nanny state.

"You must spread some Rep..." :clap2: :clap2:

Somehow I just don't think you'll get through to them, but at least you tried.

Something that these useful idiots wouldn't know anything about.
National Road - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Construction of the Cumberland Road (which later became part of the National Road) was authorized on March 29, 1806, by President Thomas Jefferson. The Cumberland Road would replace the Braddock Road for travel between the Potomac and Ohio Rivers, following roughly the same alignment until just east of Uniontown, Pennsylvania. From there, where the Braddock Road turned north to Pittsburgh, the Cumberland Road would continue west to Wheeling, West Virginia (then part of Virginia), also on the Ohio River.

The contract for the construction of the first section was awarded to Henry McKinley on May 8, 1811,[3] and construction began later that year, with the road reaching Wheeling on August 1, 1818

So the government built a fucking highway, and that somehow gives them the right to plunder the wealth of this country in order to line their own pockets and and make their already rich supporters even richer?? What am I missing here.

Even the most notorious villains in history did a few good things. I heard that Adolph Hitler would occasionally pet a dog. Jeffry Dahmer once was known to drop a coin or two into the Salvation Army kettle. So fucking what?

Is Obama meeting his responsibilities to the American taxpayers? A simple “yes” or “no” is all that is needed. If he is getting enough tax dollars, why are we having so damn many financial problems? If he is not getting enough revenue to take care of America's problems then why in the hell is he sending so much of taxpayer dollars overseas? Obama is loony tunes. The most overrated individual in all of human history.

Obama's legacy, other than the destruction of the Country will be this: He has turned more people into millionaires and more millionaires into billionaires than any other President on history. And the turd masquerades as the savior of the poor and downtrodden. Puke!

Hitler promoted development and production of the Volkswagon.

Obama promoted development and production of the Chevy Volt.

There's an analogy there. :cool:

No Volkswagons were ever produced or delivered during Hitlers life.
If he is getting enough tax dollars, why are we having so damn many financial problems? If he is not getting enough revenue to take care of America's problems then why in the hell is he sending so much of taxpayer dollars overseas? Obama is loony tunes. The most overrated individual in all of human history.

Obama is sending tax dollars overseas?

Wait, I am as pissed off as the next guy that we dont initiate some level of protectionism like we did the entire time we built the greatest middle class in history (which just happened to be at the same time of 90% top tax rates), but to blame Obama as if he is the one that is the problem in all this and not ALL american politicians, ESPECIALLY rightwingers who enact tax law that REWARDS sending jobs overseas...wow
And without roads, Jose's tamales and the customers would have never met. Without a safe food supply, Jose probably would have tainted his customers. Without police protection, some thug would have stolen Jose's money...
Infrastructure follows busniess. Always.

So why is the infrastructure back east falling apart? Did they stop doing business?

Back East? You mean all those Blue states that spent all their money on feel-good programs and wealth redistribution schemes?

:dunno: ... They ran outta money?? ...
More leftist-think:

That those who have received much must be obligated to pay—not to give, not to “cut a check and shut up,” in Governor Christie’s words, but to pay—in the same proportion. That’s called stepping up and not whining about it. That’s called patriotism, a word the Tea Partiers love to throw around as long as it doesn’t cost their beloved rich folks any money.

Stephen King: Tax Me, for F@%&

"That those who have received much must be obligated to pay in the same proportion". Somehow I don't think King is talking about a flat tax, do you?

"Received". That, in a nutshell, is the basis of leftist thinking. One "receives" welfare, one "receives" benefits, one "receives" wealth; "earning" never enters their tiny minds.

The funny thing is, as someone who reads every page of the book including the copyright date, I can distinctly remember Stephen King bitching about how high his tax rate is at least twice in the forewords on his books.
"You didn't get there on your own"

That's what my wife says every time we have sex...

Only when the government fucks you it doesn't care if you get there or not.

Actually, I'm not the government, and when I have sex with a woman, I really don't care if she gets there or not. I got mine, time to move along.

And as long as you leave the money on the dresser, I'm sure she's fine with that. I doubt she was expecting you to be able to "get her there", anyway.
But then, MY goal in a Union isn't to wind up running other people's lives for them.

I'm glad that we both can at least be united on one thing; no more opposition to gay marriage, abortion rights, or drug usage. Okay, three things.

Ahh, the famed leftist ability to conflate two concepts that have fuck-all to do with each other in such a way as to make it inescapable to everyone that said leftist is a moron.

Well done. :clap2:
Only when the government fucks you it doesn't care if you get there or not.

Actually, I'm not the government, and when I have sex with a woman, I really don't care if she gets there or not. I got mine, time to move along.

And as long as you leave the money on the dresser, I'm sure she's fine with that. I doubt she was expecting you to be able to "get her there", anyway.

I don't pay. But as far as her expectations, that's the beauty of it. She was definitely expecting it. That is, until we got back to my place and I took off my pants, and she realized that I wasn't joking when I said I had a tiny penis. At that point, though, they usually feel obligated, because it's not like I lied to them. So, it's game on. Until I get bored.
1) You're right. Hawking isn't a paraplegic. He's a quadriplegic, since paraplegics have only lost the function of the lower half of the body. Doesn't really much matter to the definition HOW he lost that function. That's just hair-splitting.

Actually, I further misspoke, because I meant to say that he wasn't always a (near) quadriplegic.

Ah, so instead of making an utterly pathetic and useless point that at least vaguely related to the topic, you were making a completely irrelevant point that had nothing whatsoever to do with the topic and was a waste of time and space. Got it.

So your belief is that Hawking is an exception, and that all other severely handicapped people are useless and have nothing to offer society? Is that really what you're arguing for?

*cough* I'll point you to the last person who wanted to make insinuations about my feelings regarding disabled persons. And I'll kindly ask you to refrain from putting words in my mouth, regardless of the the subject.

You're the one who said it, Sparkles. Don't blame ME if, when repeated back to you, your remarks sound as putrid to you as they did to everyone else when you uttered them. Whatcha gonna do, make more irrelevant, unrelated diversionary remarks at me REALLY LOUDLY? Gosh, I'm trembling in my booties.

Any time you want to PROVE to me - and everyone else - that you were NOT, in fact, telling us that the severely handicapped are useless victims with nothing to offer society who should therefore be treated like helpless wards of the state, rather than impotently demanding that I respect some non-existent and unproven championing of the handicapped on your part, you feel free. Until then, YOU said it. YOU own it. Enjoy your total, helpless inability to make me stop saying what you don't want to hear.
But then, MY goal in a Union isn't to wind up running other people's lives for them.

I'm glad that we both can at least be united on one thing; no more opposition to gay marriage, abortion rights, or drug usage. Okay, three things.

Ahh, the famed leftist ability to conflate two concepts that have fuck-all to do with each other in such a way as to make it inescapable to everyone that said leftist is a moron.

Well done. :clap2:

dont make me repeat the famous Animal House line for you too...
I'm glad that we both can at least be united on one thing; no more opposition to gay marriage, abortion rights, or drug usage. Okay, three things.

Ahh, the famed leftist ability to conflate two concepts that have fuck-all to do with each other in such a way as to make it inescapable to everyone that said leftist is a moron.

Well done. :clap2:

dont make me repeat the famous Animal House line for you too...

is that akin to I might stare at you incessantly?

S0n? YOU are pathetic.
My response would be if I had an idea and started up a business.. it would be something like this.

I got my business to succeed in spite of government getting in the way and throwing up roadblocks
and obstacles at every turn...

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