You know Trump stiffs his workers. How come that doesn't bother you? I don't get it.

Trump is going to give a policy speech. Can't wait.
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

Come back to me when Trump's staff are caught stripping classified markers from sensitive information. Come back to me when Trump's staff are caught aiding and abetting his commission of federal crimes with an e-mail server.

Then we can talk about "stiffing" workers. Because nothing says "stiffing" like asking your staff to help you lie about committing a crime. Bye bye now.

We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
Now I know you're lying. Why do you think he has over 3,500 lawsuits and at least 169 federal lawsuits? Where do you get your news from? Do you know how to use Google? You know he's going to court on Nov 28th? Do you know he's being investigated for Bribery?

This is a direct link to post 20. Read it. Then prove it's not true.
You know Trump stiffs his workers. How come that doesn't bother you? I don't get it.

There is so much of this stuff about Trump, including testimony, dates, lawsuits, amounts and so on, how can you miss it? You have to be determined to stay ignorant. If you protect yourself from knowing anything, you can always and I mean ALWAYS claim ignorance.
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We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

Come back to me when Trump's staff are caught stripping classified markers from sensitive information. Come back to me when Trump's staff are caught aiding and abetting his commission of federal crimes with an e-mail server.

Then we can talk about "stiffing" workers. Because nothing says "stiffing" like asking your staff to help you lie about committing a crime. Bye bye now.

At least I have links. I even add in links from Fox because I know your kind usually don't trust anyone else. It's all in post 20.

You want so bad not to believe, you just make shit up in your head. That is so pathetic.
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

People want to believe, they want the hope he's telling them he'd give them. It never works out, but these people get in such a frenzy that they can't see the trees for the trees, or some shit like that.
Trump supporters don't care because they share the same morals -- or rather lack thereof. They also run businesses where stiffing workers is a normal daily activity. They're the same as Trump. People vote for people who reflect their own worldview and sense of morality.

To a Trump supporter, screwing your workers is "right." To a Trump supporter, getting married over and over and over is "right." A Trump supporter has no problem with Trump wanting to date his own daughter, they think that's "right." They think plagiarism is "right" and they think bribery is "right." They think bigotry is "right" and they think having a deep hatred for women is "right." They think that disparaging Mr. and Mrs Kahn was "right." They think prohibiting an entire group of people from entering the USA is "right."

In short, Trump is a sociopath who lives his life in a way that is all about himself and what he can get away with. Trump supporters are selfish pigs just like him. That's why nothing he says or does bothers them -- they do and say the exact same things in their own lives.
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?
Nancy Pelosi said the same thing, to the effect that his base of support being non college educated males, these same people are voting AGAINST their own economic interests.

I wonder if they will ever see the light before November.
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
Go ahead. Run off.

How about doing a little research and prove Trump never stiffed his employees. I dare ya!
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
Go ahead. Run off.

How about doing a little research and prove Trump never stiffed his employees. I dare ya!

Hey dipshit, it's not my first rodeo.....why don't you prove you're not gay? Yeah, he didn't pay a fee for shitty work. You know a.contract has two sides right? Just like NATO people that don't pay. We don't have to defend them. I know you're used to unions doing 5 min of work and getting full pay.

And drop the Internet tough guy, I would drop you in a heartbeat and I always dominate you, so go suck on Obama's dick some more.
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
Go ahead. Run off.

How about doing a little research and prove Trump never stiffed his employees. I dare ya!

Hey dipshit, it's not my first rodeo.....why don't you prove you're not gay? Yeah, he didn't pay a fee for shitty work. You know a.contract has two sides right? Just like NATO people that don't pay. We don't have to defend them. I know you're used to unions doing 5 min of work and getting full pay.

And drop the Internet tough guy, I would drop you in a heartbeat and I always dominate you, so go suck on Obama's dick some more.
haha... drop the internet tough guy because i'm the internet tough guy... ** Shitty insult ** Nice!
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
Go ahead. Run off.

How about doing a little research and prove Trump never stiffed his employees. I dare ya!

Hey dipshit, it's not my first rodeo.....why don't you prove you're not gay? Yeah, he didn't pay a fee for shitty work. You know a.contract has two sides right? Just like NATO people that don't pay. We don't have to defend them. I know you're used to unions doing 5 min of work and getting full pay.

And drop the Internet tough guy, I would drop you in a heartbeat and I always dominate you, so go suck on Obama's dick some more.
haha... drop the internet tough guy because i'm the internet tough guy... ** Shitty insult ** Nice!

Yeah, rdean is a complete cuck and a pussy....him talking tough is hilarious
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
Go ahead. Run off.

How about doing a little research and prove Trump never stiffed his employees. I dare ya!

Hey dipshit, it's not my first rodeo.....why don't you prove you're not gay? Yeah, he didn't pay a fee for shitty work. You know a.contract has two sides right? Just like NATO people that don't pay. We don't have to defend them. I know you're used to unions doing 5 min of work and getting full pay.

And drop the Internet tough guy, I would drop you in a heartbeat and I always dominate you, so go suck on Obama's dick some more.
haha... drop the internet tough guy because i'm the internet tough guy... ** Shitty insult ** Nice!

Yeah, rdean is a complete cuck and a pussy....him talking tough is hilarious
uhh, i was making fun of you dude
She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
Go ahead. Run off.

How about doing a little research and prove Trump never stiffed his employees. I dare ya!

Hey dipshit, it's not my first rodeo.....why don't you prove you're not gay? Yeah, he didn't pay a fee for shitty work. You know a.contract has two sides right? Just like NATO people that don't pay. We don't have to defend them. I know you're used to unions doing 5 min of work and getting full pay.

And drop the Internet tough guy, I would drop you in a heartbeat and I always dominate you, so go suck on Obama's dick some more.
haha... drop the internet tough guy because i'm the internet tough guy... ** Shitty insult ** Nice!

Yeah, rdean is a complete cuck and a pussy....him talking tough is hilarious
uhh, i was making fun of you dude

So clever, you are. Lame jokes, we'll a liberal with a. Sense of humor, how rare
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?
Because it is basic CON$ervative business practice!

Newt Gingrich Will Never Pay His 2012 Campaign Debt

WASHINGTON ― Newt Gingrich apparently has no plans to pay back dozens of small businesses that made yard signs and TV ads for his 2012 presidential campaign.

Gingrich filed a document with the Federal Election Commission this week detailing a debt settlement plan to finally terminate his 2012 presidential campaign committee. The document shows that “Newt 2012” plans to stiff 114 businesses and consultants that are altogether owed $4.6 million.

The debts are owed to small firms that helped the Gingrich campaign knock on doors, call voters, produce TV ads and distribute yard signs. In 2012, The Huffington Post interviewed several vendors who were pretty mad about getting stiffed. The sums involved ― tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars ― weren’t chump change for a small business.

The debt settlement plan document indicates the “total amount to be paid to creditors” is zero dollars.

“We got burned,” a Las Vegas graphics company owner said then.

One vendor told HuffPost in July 2015 that Gingrich is “not the first politician to disappoint his supporters, and he won’t be the last.”

Well then I won't for Gingrich!

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Why doesn't Clinton's corruption and lies bother you? Jeebus you start ignorant threads
30 years of GOP conspiracies and millions spent trying to "get" Hillary on "something" Not a single conviction. Not a singe charge. According to the laws here in this country. It's all about being charged and convicted.

Trump on the other hand has lost lawsuits many times. He's fighting multiple ones now. Bribery, Fraud, Racketeering.

3,500 lawsuits. 169 Federal Lawsuits.

That's OK with you? Answer for Trump. We know you don't like Hillary.

Does she lie Derp? This is a yes or no answer. Please save the usual moronic and failed libtard tactics. Yes or no?
Yes, they both lie and are full of shit
But only one stiffs his workers.

Only one has been chased by one of this country's two major political parties and had her family attacked again and again.

Only one has had 169 federal lawsuits against him.

Only one has been married again and again.

Only one has helped millions of children get healthcare.

Only one is under investigation for bribery.

Which is which?
All trump... And Hillary has a laundry list just as long... Trying to discredit each candidate is a shitty way to run campaigns... Too bad we can't focus on the problems our world faces and the ideas each has to fix them... More than talking points, like details... If we stopped all the garbage talk maybe we could better vet the actual ideas that and relevant and will make a difference
If there were not so many cons and crooks trying to line their own pockets in politics people could possibly get down to discussing basics but at the moment you have the money grubs, the Islamist, crooks, liars and thugs in politics plus people giving out advice who have never lived out of their own comfortable little zone so no one is getting anywhere until those are dealt with properly.
We know Trump stiffs his workers. He stiffs the kinds of people who vote for him. Can anyone explain why that's OK? Why it doesn't bother you?

She's corrupt as hell, even democrats know it....just ask Sanders supporters.

As for Trump, link to him stiffing his workers

I'd like to see how he stiffs his workers and the source of this.
Go ahead. Run off.

How about doing a little research and prove Trump never stiffed his employees. I dare ya!

Hey dipshit, it's not my first rodeo.....why don't you prove you're not gay? Yeah, he didn't pay a fee for shitty work. You know a.contract has two sides right? Just like NATO people that don't pay. We don't have to defend them. I know you're used to unions doing 5 min of work and getting full pay.

And drop the Internet tough guy, I would drop you in a heartbeat and I always dominate you, so go suck on Obama's dick some more.
Poor child.

You know Trump stiffs his workers. How come that doesn't bother you? I don't get it.

See? I proved what I said. You have a tantrum. That's what happens to you after you've been bitch slapped. You freak out. You make threats. You cry.
Perhaps you should put some of that time to more productive use. Learn something. Seriously, you might try learning something of value. That's why I posted links. So your kind could find out the truth.

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