A Big Fat "WE TOLD YOU SO"!!!

Voices in his head and possibly the DailyKook
The snivelers are very, very upset that the nation is recovering, and most Americans satisfied with the President they elected, and the progress he is making.

I don't believe polls but keep trying
Today's Pinochijoe poll says 48% approval, 50% disapproval 42% strongly disapprove. They must interview at least some sane people in this one.
Subprime Housing Lending Bubble was a direct action of Bush!

In 2003 President Bush Signed American Dream Downpayment Act!

There's this:
Here's what really caused the housing crisis - CBS News

One story of the housing crisis goes like this: Government programs that helped low-income households purchase houses led to widespread defaults on the subprime loans they held, sparking the entire the financial meltdown.

For example, Lawrence Kudlow and Stephen Moore, both of whom have been named as economic advisers to Donald Trump, argue that the financial crisis and recession were caused by policies Bill Clinton implemented that were designed to stop discrimination in housing loans, known as “red-lining,” in poor areas. In particular, they argue that the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA), legislated in 1977, is to blame:
“Under Clinton’s Housing and Urban Development (HUD) secretary, Andrew Cuomo, Community Reinvestment Act regulators gave banks higher ratings for home loans made in ‘credit-deprived’ areas. Banks were effectively rewarded for throwing out sound underwriting standards and writing loans to those who were at high risk of defaulting.
No, any poll can be manipulated to achieve any desired result
If you'd rather poll just yourself, and imagine that your little poll is more reflective of the public than all the public surveys, there is nothing to prevent you doing that.

Just be careful. Polling yourself can be painful.
But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".

As well displayed over the last 80 years, your resistance is futile.

Hey, I'd rather America suffer the above fate than live in your Communist shithole.

It's already over for you folks. Trumpsters refusals to accept the results of the presidential election is surely a sign of liberal indoctronation through the practice of participation awards. Face reality, in 10 years you'll all be wearing Birkenstocks.
If your hyper-partisan alienation from America requires that you thusly characterize the majority of Americans who approve of the performance of the President they elected, so be it.
majority of who?
No, any poll can be manipulated to achieve any desired result
If you'd rather poll just yourself, and imagine that your little poll is more reflective of the public than all the public surveys, there is nothing to prevent you doing that.

Just be careful. Polling yourself can be painful.
polls are useless as stated already. the fact you actually believe them is in itself hilarious. you're a twat.
Voices in his head and possibly the DailyKook
The snivelers are very, very upset that the nation is recovering, and most Americans satisfied with the President they elected, and the progress he is making.

I don't believe polls but keep trying
Today's Pinochijoe poll says 48% approval, 50% disapproval 42% strongly disapprove. They must interview at least some sane people in this one.
still is a useless poll. none are anywhere near accurate.
Voices in his head and possibly the DailyKook
The snivelers are very, very upset that the nation is recovering, and most Americans satisfied with the President they elected, and the progress he is making.

I don't believe polls but keep trying
Today's Pinochijoe poll says 48% approval, 50% disapproval 42% strongly disapprove. They must interview at least some sane people in this one.
still is a useless poll. none are anywhere near accurate.
I agree just like to find a semireal one once in a while.
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!
I guess you ignored the dot com bubble burst that took place right after Clinton became a lame duck.

likewise, you seemed to ignore 9-11 under Bush

Furthermore, you seemed to ignore the pandemic that affected the economy of every country.

So, in other words...you look at stats but dont break them down so you can analyze them in context.


Because it makes you feel good.

Thats why.

The dot.com bubble bursting didn't lead to 10% unemployment, or even 6% unemployment. It lead to a mild recession. That's how capitalism works - periods of expansion, followed by periods of retraction, called "recessions". It's why a social safety net is a necessity for capitalist economies. What no Democrats has ever done is to "crash" the economy. Republicans have done it four times now, three in the past 30 years, each one worse than the last.

As for the pandemic, Trump's failed response to the pandemic CAUSED the economic crash. And it was made much worse by Trump's initial stimulus bill which only gave most of the money to corporations and the wealthy. Added to which, Trump's $1.9 trillion dollar tax cut, left the government short of cash and other resources when the pandemic hit.

As for 9/11, it had NOTHING to do with the economic crash. That's all on the Republicans. W's American Dream Downpayment Act in 2003, to get increased the declining rate of home ownership. Combined with the deregulation of the banking industry written by and passed by Republicans, and signed into law by Clinton in 1999, and near zero interest rates, W's bill combined to created the toxic Housing Bubble which nearly destroyed not only the American economy, but nearly took the world economy down with it.

I've looked at the stats and I've broken them down. All of them. There wasn't a single economic crash under the Roosevelt's New Deal, and those policies were in effect for nearly 40 years. Recessions, yes. But those economic policies created the greatest middle class the world has ever seen, and the most successful. It gave the world the American Dream.

Republicans have one strategy: cut taxes and run up the deficit. It's resulted in economic crashes all three times it's been tried. And each crash has been worst than the last. Republican economic policies of the past 40 years have destroyed the American Dream, and the American middle class.

Thanks to Republican economic policies, the USA has the only middle class in the first world that's shrinking, and more people are falling back into poverty than are moving up into wealth. Generation X, born in the 70's and 80's, is the first generation of Americans to do less well economically than their parents, and their children are doing worse than them, because of student debt. Children who grew up under Republican economic policies are much worse off than those who grew up under the New Deal.

Every other first world country in the world is doing better economically than the USA right now, and that's ALL on Donald Trump. None of the rest of us are paying for 30 million people to be tested and treated for covid. The costs of caring for the sick and dying are hundreds of time more money than the rest of us are spending.

Now tell me exactly what economic numbers are better under Republicans than Democrats, because I don't see a single economic indicator which shows where American workers have been better off under Republican economic policies.
Both party's are a mess, most of our so called leaders have been in office so long that they no longer can relate (if they ever did) with the general public. They lead life's of wealth & privilege. And only come down to speak to us when looking for reelection.
Both party's are a mess, most of our so called leaders have been in office so long that they no longer can relate (if they ever did) with the general public. They lead life's of wealth & privilege. And only come down to speak to us when looking for reelection.
the entire political field is corrupt. money buys elections and that is the only thing that wins them.
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!
I guess you ignored the dot com bubble burst that took place right after Clinton became a lame duck.

likewise, you seemed to ignore 9-11 under Bush

Furthermore, you seemed to ignore the pandemic that affected the economy of every country.

So, in other words...you look at stats but dont break them down so you can analyze them in context.


Because it makes you feel good.

Thats why.

The dot.com bubble bursting didn't lead to 10% unemployment, or even 6% unemployment. It lead to a mild recession. That's how capitalism works - periods of expansion, followed by periods of retraction, called "recessions". It's why a social safety net is a necessity for capitalist economies. What no Democrats has ever done is to "crash" the economy. Republicans have done it four times now, three in the past 30 years, each one worse than the last.

As for the pandemic, Trump's failed response to the pandemic CAUSED the economic crash. And it was made much worse by Trump's initial stimulus bill which only gave most of the money to corporations and the wealthy. Added to which, Trump's $1.9 trillion dollar tax cut, left the government short of cash and other resources when the pandemic hit.

As for 9/11, it had NOTHING to do with the economic crash. That's all on the Republicans. W's American Dream Downpayment Act in 2003, to get increased the declining rate of home ownership. Combined with the deregulation of the banking industry written by and passed by Republicans, and signed into law by Clinton in 1999, and near zero interest rates, W's bill combined to created the toxic Housing Bubble which nearly destroyed not only the American economy, but nearly took the world economy down with it.

I've looked at the stats and I've broken them down. All of them. There wasn't a single economic crash under the Roosevelt's New Deal, and those policies were in effect for nearly 40 years. Recessions, yes. But those economic policies created the greatest middle class the world has ever seen, and the most successful. It gave the world the American Dream.

Republicans have one strategy: cut taxes and run up the deficit. It's resulted in economic crashes all three times it's been tried. And each crash has been worst than the last. Republican economic policies of the past 40 years have destroyed the American Dream, and the American middle class.

Thanks to Republican economic policies, the USA has the only middle class in the first world that's shrinking, and more people are falling back into poverty than are moving up into wealth. Generation X, born in the 70's and 80's, is the first generation of Americans to do less well economically than their parents, and their children are doing worse than them, because of student debt. Children who grew up under Republican economic policies are much worse off than those who grew up under the New Deal.

Every other first world country in the world is doing better economically than the USA right now, and that's ALL on Donald Trump. None of the rest of us are paying for 30 million people to be tested and treated for covid. The costs of caring for the sick and dying are hundreds of time more money than the rest of us are spending.

Now tell me exactly what economic numbers are better under Republicans than Democrats, because I don't see a single economic indicator which shows where American workers have been better off under Republican economic policies.
Long post. Quite partisan....but long none the less. Very one sided. According to your post, when bad happens under a democratic administration it is mild and not devastating to the country. When it happens under a republican administration, it is catastrophic.

Speaks volumes about your credibility.
We have constantly warned America about the Left and their real agenda to silence any and all opposition to their sick twisted agenda. Sorry if you fuckers fail in the arena of policy. But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".

Silencing opposing views has been the left's goal for 30+ years. Unfortunately for the left they picked a fight with Americans, we'll go to war and wipe them out before we give up our freedoms.

Oh please, just stop with the bullshit of white boy grievance. You're being silenced, you're being disrespected, you're being badly used.

For the past 40 years, right wingers have lied about and denigrated the left, fomented racial animus and the politics of white grievance. Where has that gotten you? 3 economic crashes in 40 years. When Reagan took office, you had a 20% chance of working yourself out of poverty, into the middle class. Today you have a 2% chance.

Republicanism has created the wealthiest country in the history of the world, and the least equitable in the first world. 80% of your wealth is now held by the top 10% of Americans. The gap between rich and poor is widening at the fastest rate in history, and your school, infrastructure, and government are crumbling, while the wealthy get an every larger piece of the American pie.

And you sit there whining about right wingers being "cancelled". Get your head out of your ass, fool.

That's a heap of liberal projection right there. You people have zero tolerance for any opposing viewpoint. Silencing opposition is what you do. :talk2hand:
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!
I guess you ignored the dot com bubble burst that took place right after Clinton became a lame duck.

likewise, you seemed to ignore 9-11 under Bush

Furthermore, you seemed to ignore the pandemic that affected the economy of every country.

So, in other words...you look at stats but dont break them down so you can analyze them in context.


Because it makes you feel good.

Thats why.

The dot.com bubble bursting didn't lead to 10% unemployment, or even 6% unemployment. It lead to a mild recession. That's how capitalism works - periods of expansion, followed by periods of retraction, called "recessions". It's why a social safety net is a necessity for capitalist economies. What no Democrats has ever done is to "crash" the economy. Republicans have done it four times now, three in the past 30 years, each one worse than the last.

As for the pandemic, Trump's failed response to the pandemic CAUSED the economic crash. And it was made much worse by Trump's initial stimulus bill which only gave most of the money to corporations and the wealthy. Added to which, Trump's $1.9 trillion dollar tax cut, left the government short of cash and other resources when the pandemic hit.

As for 9/11, it had NOTHING to do with the economic crash. That's all on the Republicans. W's American Dream Downpayment Act in 2003, to get increased the declining rate of home ownership. Combined with the deregulation of the banking industry written by and passed by Republicans, and signed into law by Clinton in 1999, and near zero interest rates, W's bill combined to created the toxic Housing Bubble which nearly destroyed not only the American economy, but nearly took the world economy down with it.

I've looked at the stats and I've broken them down. All of them. There wasn't a single economic crash under the Roosevelt's New Deal, and those policies were in effect for nearly 40 years. Recessions, yes. But those economic policies created the greatest middle class the world has ever seen, and the most successful. It gave the world the American Dream.

Republicans have one strategy: cut taxes and run up the deficit. It's resulted in economic crashes all three times it's been tried. And each crash has been worst than the last. Republican economic policies of the past 40 years have destroyed the American Dream, and the American middle class.

Thanks to Republican economic policies, the USA has the only middle class in the first world that's shrinking, and more people are falling back into poverty than are moving up into wealth. Generation X, born in the 70's and 80's, is the first generation of Americans to do less well economically than their parents, and their children are doing worse than them, because of student debt. Children who grew up under Republican economic policies are much worse off than those who grew up under the New Deal.

Every other first world country in the world is doing better economically than the USA right now, and that's ALL on Donald Trump. None of the rest of us are paying for 30 million people to be tested and treated for covid. The costs of caring for the sick and dying are hundreds of time more money than the rest of us are spending.

Now tell me exactly what economic numbers are better under Republicans than Democrats, because I don't see a single economic indicator which shows where American workers have been better off under Republican economic policies.
Long post. Quite partisan....but long none the less. Very one sided. According to your post, when bad happens under a democratic administration it is mild and not devastating to the country. When it happens under a republican administration, it is catastrophic.

Speaks volumes about your credibility.

She literally has none.
But REAL America will never accept your Socialist "utopia".

As well displayed over the last 80 years, your resistance is futile.

Hey, I'd rather America suffer the above fate than live in your Communist shithole.

It's already over for you folks. Trumpsters refusals to accept the results of the presidential election is surely a sign of liberal indoctronation through the practice of participation awards. Face reality, in 10 years you'll all be wearing Birkenstocks.

You understand that President Trump was reelected vote - wise yes?
Democrat President Bill Clinton's Economy Created More Jobs than Republican Presidents Ford + Reagan + Bush1 + Bush2 + Trump COMBINED!
Clinton had a republican congress----A strong congress that went after his ass and he had the TECH bubble working until well it didn't.

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