A Civil War if Trump is not reinstated

You meant the results you’re hoping for, shooter.
A mask mandate or a shot is hardly tyranny unless you’re a snowflake.
It's not?

When and where was anyone given the authority to mandate such a thing?

I never ceded that authority over myself to anyone else, except for when I was in the service....... but I'm not there anymore. And most never were.

So where does this supposed authority come from?
What's the source?

What's the origin?
These threats of civil war when people don't get their way are laughable.

The ones threatening it would be the last people to actually step up and fight. They talk tough but always want someone else to start the war.
That's a stupid thing to say, especially from the crowd that always wants proxies (LE for instance) to enforce their wishes on others.
These threats of civil war when people don't get their way are laughable.

The ones threatening it would be the last people to actually step up and fight. They talk tough but always want someone else to start the war.
100% agree. Pussies like freyasboi talk a lot of shit on the internet but stay in their bunkers when it comes time for action.
It's not?

When and where was anyone given the authority to mandate such a thing?

I never ceded that authority over myself to anyone else, except for when I was in the service....... but I'm not there anymore. And most never were.

So where does this supposed authority come from?
What's the source?

What's the origin?
So we’re going with snowflake then?
We don’t need a CW as tens of millions will die

We need to break this broken hell hole nation into several new ones !!
Heck even give blacks their own little chunk of land
A breakup of our nation is quite possible. If it happens hopefully it is peaceful. Done properly it might work.

The biggest problem is the new divisions of the old USA might not be able to resist a take over by the Chinese. We might need to have a military coalition to defend all the new segments of the old nation somewhat like NATO today.
Have I gone Viking, you mean? Nah, never. Unlike you, I live in the real world. But do tell. Give us more of that epic Viking shit you did.
I traveled all over the country before I was 21 and then I joined the military and traveled all over the world. I was 15 years old the first time some people tried to kill me, and that sure as hell wasn't the last time.
I jumped out of planes, I traveled to and lived in other countries (invaded a couple of them first), met people from all over, earned jump wings from Honduras, Guatemala, Great Britain, and El Salvador, got drunk with a Kaibile death squad, fought in 2 wars, and killed more people than you have probably ever had sex with..... in your entire life.

I have climbed mountain ranges in Alaska and humped a rucksack under fire in the Hindu Kush chasing the Taliban down.

I fought professionally as a boxer, kickboxer, and in early MMA tournaments before I got too old for it.

I have survived car wrecks, motorcycle crashes, a shit-ton of firefights and ambushes, and a parachute collapsed on me once.
I have broken both arms, both legs, 2 knuckles, 3 toes and my neck. I have pins, screws and plates in all four of my extremities, and 6 bullet fragments still in my foot. I have fused vertebrae in my neck. I've been shot once and knifed twice.
The VA rated me as 90% disabled and I can still whip your ass without breaking a sweat and fuck your wife better than you ever have, or ever will.

So tell me........ what have you ever done?

100% agree. Pussies like freyasboi talk a lot of shit on the internet but stay in their bunkers when it comes time for action.
No, that's not true.

I always showed up for the fight. Didn't always win, but I always showed up.
Have you seen me post anything about wanting proxies to enforce my wishes?
I don't think I have from you.
I always thought better of you than most of these authoritarians.

But you come out supporting these folks who do want to lock people up or at least restrict their movements, and some of them want to force things like masks and medical experiments on others, and I start to wonder.
I don't think I have from you.
I always thought better of you than most of these authoritarians.

But you come out supporting these folks who do want to lock people up or at least restrict their movements, and some of them want to force things like masks and medical experiments on others, and I start to wonder.

Good. Wondering is good for you.
A breakup of our nation is quite possible. If it happens hopefully it is peaceful. Done properly it might work.

The biggest problem is the new divisions of the old USA might not be able to resist a take over by the Chinese. We might need to have a military coalition to defend all the new segments of the old nation somewhat like NATO today.
The control freaks causing all of this would never allow it.

"Peacefully" isn't on the table, I'm afraid. They lack the ability to leave people alone.

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