A Judge Has Been Chosen.But To The Left,It's The End Of The World And We Are All Gonna Die.


Gold Member
Jul 1, 2018
Yup, as expected, the left will now warn us of bad things to come if this Judge gets onto the Supreme Court. So far,it looks like all pregnant women will either be prosecuted, convicted, summoned, lose all rights to a lawyer or free speech, maybe even sent to jail?
And thats just one warning, what else will happen with a 5/4 Supreme Court? Are we all gonna starve to death and eventually wind up like Chicago and Venezuela? And will all major cities be taken out by giant monsters? What else is gonna happen if Kavanaugh gets on the bench?
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i see myself in one of those movies where the aliens have arrived and eventually nuke out many large metropolitan areas
In some states, women may be forced to get their abortions no later than week 20. OMG!
In some states, women may be forced to get their abortions no later than week 20. OMG!
has chuck schumer predicted that if kavanaough gets on the court, all those dinasours from jurrassic park will invade the USA?
Yup, as expected, the left will know warn us of bad things to come if this Judge gets onto the Supreme Court. So far,it looks like all pregnant women will either be prosecuted, convicted, summoned, lose all rights to a lawyer or free speech, maybe even sent to jail?
And thats just one warning, what else will happen with a 5/4 Supreme Court? Are we all gonna starve to death and eventually wind up like Chicago and Venezuela? And will all major cities be taken out by giant monsters? What else is gonna happen if Kavanaugh gets on the bench?

Seems like a decent choice to me. Don't know much about him.
tomorrow nancy pelosi will make a public statement claiming that president Bush has made a terrible decision
why is the left making it sound as if 65% of all americans are pregnant?
This had to be too funny. Imagine, all the protesters were outside waiting. When the announcement is made, they shuffle through all their protest signs looking for Kavanaugh. Wonder how many of those idiots just grabbed a sign with the wrong name on it....sure didn't want to miss the protest....LOL.
I predict that the talking heads on the Left will warn about how Jim Crowe will be put back into law, how African Americans will be seen hanging from trees along side those from the LGBT Community.

They will warn that the United States will round up illegal immigrants along with Democrats and any who disagree with the right and place them in concentration camps and have the ovens running 24 hours a day, 6 days a week, not on Sunday since that's "The Lords Day" and white Christian males will be in church.

They will warn about how our water and food will now be poison and if you eat it, you will slowly die from cancer of the everything.

They will warn about how Trump will become king of the United States and everyone else will die in the fields or on the oil rigs or in the coal mines as Trump wages war with ever country on the earth.
Who gives a fuck what Democrat socialists believe? We know how their policies destroy societies. History is not on their side
The American people are wise enough to see through the dems and the media....common sense is what is needed on the courts and Trump is returning common sense to the courts...the dems are pissed because they use the courts to govern......and now they can't...even if they win back the house senate and the white house...
Yup, as expected, the left will *know warn us of bad things to come if this Judge gets onto the Supreme Court.


So far,it looks like all pregnant women will either be prosecuted, convicted, summoned, lose all rights to a lawyer or free speech, maybe even sent to jail?
And thats just one warning, what else will happen with a 5/4 Supreme Court? Are we all gonna starve to death and eventually wind up like Chicago and Venezuela? And will all major cities be taken out by giant monsters? What else is gonna happen if Kavanaugh gets on the bench?

I'm sure you believe all of this will happen, dum dum. Bleve! MAGA! How the fuck do you even get dressed every day?
all of what the left has warned us so far has been happening in Chicago,LA,Oakland,Baltimore and the rest. so why are they in panic mode?
OMG The Children! The Children! What about THE CHILDREN !!!
Very very few objections here, evidently CNN has not conveyed their talking points yet.

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