A Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman

Please explain to me how homosexuality is "immoral".

Answers you are not allowed to use are any variation of "God says it's wrong" or "I think it's icky".

There has to be some unchanging standard of good (God) or morality or good/evil is just an opinion..

Is Hitler bad/immoral? I believe he is, but I have a standard by which to make that determination. I‘m sure Hitler didn’t think he was evil.
Look at you trying to dictate the conversation.... dumbass
Not at all... because all your argument generally boil down to those two points.

Because it is. God says it's wrong. Just because you say I can't use it doesn't make it so.

Okay, let's look at that. There are a whole bunch of things God says is wrong. Eating shellfish. Eating Pork. Trimming your hair. Women wearing pants. People with bad eyesight in Church.


On the other things, God endorsed things we now know are wrong, such as slavery and genocide.

You God-botherers have been killing each other for 3000 years over what your imaginary friend in the sky wants.

Take a look at any electrical cord.

How would it work if both ends were male?
Do you frequently run an electrical current through your genitals? Hey, man I'm not here to judge or anything, I'm a live and let live kind of guy but that sounds weird... and painful.
There has to be some unchanging standard of good (God) or morality or good/evil is just an opinion..

Is Hitler bad/immoral? I believe he is, but I have a standard by which to make that determination. I‘m sure Hitler didn’t think he was evil.

By my standard, Hitler was bad.

By the Bible's standard, not so much. The Bible clearly endorses aggressive war and genocide. Just read the books of Joshua and Judges some time, the Hebrews were genociding the shit out of the Moabites, Amalekites, Ammonites, Philistines, etc, etc...

Same thing with slavery. We've decided slavery was wrong, but the bible is full of all sorts of rules to justify slavery .

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours...
By my standard, Hitler was bad.

By the Bible's standard, not so much. The Bible clearly endorses aggressive war and genocide. Just read the books of Joshua and Judges some time, the Hebrews were genociding the shit out of the Moabites, Amalekites, Ammonites, Philistines, etc, etc...

Same thing with slavery. We've decided slavery was wrong, but the bible is full of all sorts of rules to justify slavery .

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours...
But that's just an opinion isn't it? Like I said I'm sure Hitler didn't see himself as evil, so by his standard he wasn't bad.

By the slaveowner's standard what he's doing isn't bad.

Good/Evil cant be a personal standard or it doesn't really mean anything.

Why is killing the Moabites bad or anyone else for that matter? How do you justify genocide being bad if that's just your opinion? Im sure the people perpetrating the genocide would disagree would they not? Why is your opinion on the matter hold any more weight than theirs?
But that's just an opinion isn't it? Like I said I'm sure Hitler didn't see himself as evil, so by his standard he wasn't bad.

By the slaveowner's standard what he's doing isn't bad.

Good/Evil cant be a personal standard or it doesn't really mean anything.

Why is killing the Moabites bad or anyone else for that matter? How do you justify genocide being bad if that's just your opinion? Im sure the people perpetrating the genocide would disagree would they not? Why is your opinion on the matter hold any more weight than theirs?

Well, for one thing, the Bible was written by people who thought thunder was God being angry at them.

So we have to question their judgement on other things.

I have a pretty simple test for determining morality.

Is what you are doing harming someone? If yes, then it's immoral. Genocide and Slavery clearly fall into that category.

Homosexuality... um, sorry, if everyone involved is a consenting adult, I'm just not seeing the problem. I mean, it's not something I would be into, but there are a whole lot of things I wouldn't be into. I personally think foot-fetishes are weird, but some guys are really turned on by women's feet.

So I go back to my original statement.

Without citing "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad", can you tell me why homosexuality is immoral.

I'll wait.
Well, for one thing, the Bible was written by people who thought thunder was God being angry at them.

So we have to question their judgement on other things.

I have a pretty simple test for determining morality.

Is what you are doing harming someone? If yes, then it's immoral. Genocide and Slavery clearly fall into that category.

Homosexuality... um, sorry, if everyone involved is a consenting adult, I'm just not seeing the problem. I mean, it's not something I would be into, but there are a whole lot of things I wouldn't be into. I personally think foot-fetishes are weird, but some guys are really turned on by women's feet.

So I go back to my original statement.

Without citing "I think it's icky" and "God says it's bad", can you tell me why homosexuality is immoral.

I'll wait.
Take the bible out of it.

What your saying means that there is no objective morality. Because you have no standard by which to judge your morality it's just your opinion. Hitler would have a starkly different opinion as would countless other people. Using that standard is easy to justify homosexuality or anything else as immoral.

It's just my opinion.

Name something else and I can make that "immoral" as well by just saying it. I mean that's all your doing.
ake the bible out of it.

What your saying means that there is no objective morality. Because you have no standard by which to judge your morality it's just your opinion. Hitler would have a starkly different opinion as would countless other people. Using that standard is easy to justify homosexuality or anything else as immoral.

It's just my opinion.

Name something else and I can make that "immoral" as well by just saying it. I mean that's all your doing.

Guy, you are being obtuse. I gave you a perfectly workable model of objective morality that is God Free.

You simply measure actions on the harmful effects they have.. It really didn't matter if Hitler had a "subjective" opinion that what he was doing was "good", the fact he started a war/genocide that took 70 million lives proves otherwise.

So going back to my original statement, can you tell me why homosexuality is immoral other than you think it's icky and God says it's bad?
Guy, you are being obtuse. I gave you a perfectly workable model of objective morality that is God Free.

You simply measure actions on the harmful effects they have.. It really didn't matter if Hitler had a "subjective" opinion that what he was doing was "good", the fact he started a war/genocide that took 70 million lives proves otherwise.

So going back to my original statement, can you tell me why homosexuality is immoral other than you think it's icky and God says it's bad?
Are you disputing that, that's just your opinion? Your morality is subjective not objective is it not? I mean you not drawing that standard from some unchanging standard that we can all point to, your just saying this is morality according to JoeB131. Well why is that any more valid than my standard or anyone else's? The answer is it isnt and you can't justify your morality as any more valid than Hitler's using this construct.
Are you disputing that, that's just your opinion? Your morality is subjective not objective is it not? I mean you not drawing that standard from some unchanging standard that we can all point to, your just saying this is morality according to JoeB131. Well why is that any more valid than my standard or anyone else's? The answer is it isnt and you can't justify your morality as any more valid than Hitler's using this construct.

Uh, no, guy, I gave you a completely working objective definition of morality... Something is immoral if it brings harm to another. I mean I can't make it any simpler for you, Corky.

Since no one is being harmed by homosexuality, it is not immoral. Maybe not your cup of tea, certainly not MY cup of tea. But nothing immoral or harmful about it.
THIS is why normal people have more respect for Vlad Putin than almost anyone in the Borg Democrat Party.

For the leader of a "communist" country, at least he understands the necessary role of the spiritual in human cultures

It isn’t a communist country and he is an authoritarian dictator. No wonder Rightwingnuts (Who self identify as “normal) adore him.
By my standard, Hitler was bad.

By the Bible's standard, not so much. The Bible clearly endorses aggressive war and genocide. Just read the books of Joshua and Judges some time, the Hebrews were genociding the shit out of the Moabites, Amalekites, Ammonites, Philistines, etc, etc...

Same thing with slavery. We've decided slavery was wrong, but the bible is full of all sorts of rules to justify slavery .

God didn't change his mind, we changed ours...
In America the people who live closest to the Bible are the Amish I would think. They work hard and with a purpose. To many bums in our system and to many people which is most of us with vices. And it costs the total well being of a civilization including financially and jades us.
In America the people who live closest to the Bible are the Amish I would think. They work hard and with a purpose. To many bums in our system and to many people which is most of us with vices. And it costs the total well being of a civilization including financially and jades us.

Ah, if only we could get you to live like the Amish... then we wouldn't have to read your barely literate drivel.
Uh, no, guy, I gave you a completely working objective definition of morality... Something is immoral if it brings harm to another. I mean I can't make it any simpler for you, Corky.

Since no one is being harmed by homosexuality, it is not immoral. Maybe not your cup of tea, certainly not MY cup of tea. But nothing immoral or harmful about it.
That's just your opinion on what the moral standard should be. So sure under your idea of morality homosexuality isn't immoral, but how does that matter to anyone who doesn't share your opinion on morality? The answer is it doesn't. You can retype your opinion on morality as many times as you'd like but it doesn't change the fact that it's just an opinion and doesn't hold any more weight than anyone else's opinion. Im not sure why that's so hard for you to understand.

Answer this question.

Is your moral construct you're opinion or is it a fact?
Not at all... because all your argument generally boil down to those two points.

Okay, let's look at that. There are a whole bunch of things God says is wrong. Eating shellfish. Eating Pork. Trimming your hair. Women wearing pants. People with bad eyesight in Church.

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On the other things, God endorsed things we now know are wrong, such as slavery and genocide.

You God-botherers have been killing each other for 3000 years over what your imaginary friend in the sky wants.

Do you frequently run an electrical current through your genitals? Hey, man I'm not here to judge or anything, I'm a live and let live kind of guy but that sounds weird... and painful.
You're an idiot.
That's just your opinion on what the moral standard should be. So sure under your idea of morality homosexuality isn't immoral, but how does that matter to anyone who doesn't share your opinion on morality? The answer is it doesn't. You can retype your opinion on morality as many times as you'd like but it doesn't change the fact that it's just an opinion and doesn't hold any more weight than anyone else's opinion. Im not sure why that's so hard for you to understand.

Answer this question.

Is your moral construct you're opinion or is it a fact?

I can't have a conversation with you if you are going to be obtuse.

If you think "morality" is a book of rules written by sheep-herders 3000 years ago, then clearly, that is a subjective standard that even most Christians ignore.

The standard I have is actually the one engrained in law... if you do harm to someone, either their lives, their health or their property, there are consequences and everyone agrees what those consequences should be.

Murder is wrong. You can get an Atheist, a Catholic, a Jew, a Muslim, and a Shinto, and they would all agree that murder is wrong. For pretty much the reasons I stated. Pretty much the same for slavery at this point in history, or Genocide.

But you talk about homosexuality, then you get a largely subjective view and no real agreement, because most of it is subjective. You think it's icky, that's fine, but that doesn't make it immoral.
I can't have a conversation with you if you are going to be obtuse.

If you think "morality" is a book of rules written by sheep-herders 3000 years ago, then clearly, that is a subjective standard that even most Christians ignore.

The standard I have is actually the one engrained in law... if you do harm to someone, either their lives, their health or their property, there are consequences and everyone agrees what those consequences should be.

Murder is wrong. You can get an Atheist, a Catholic, a Jew, a Muslim, and a Shinto, and they would all agree that murder is wrong. For pretty much the reasons I stated. Pretty much the same for slavery at this point in history, or Genocide.

But you talk about homosexuality, then you get a largely subjective view and no real agreement, because most of it is subjective. You think it's icky, that's fine, but that doesn't make it immoral.
yeah Im the one being obtuse.

Answer the question:

Opinion or fact?
So, you are supporting the idea that a man says he is a woman and then he can compete in woman's sports?
I found it comical that the first "woman" Jeopardy mega winner is a man. SMH. Gender classifications mean nothing anymore. When I hear "the first __fill in th blank__" I instantly disregard anything it is promoting. It's all bullshit.

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