A Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman

No I mean the entire continent.
Then you are completely out to lunch.

Africa continent has many under-developed counties with very low vaccination rates and their own policies.

To somehow suggest that that we should compare to Africa as if it's some sort of one whole thing is just silly.

And the best one of all: Russia reinstates yoga into prisons following claims it turned inmates gay

What does all that have to do with what he said in OP?
Then you are completely out to lunch.

Africa continent has many under-developed counties with very low vaccination rates and their own policies.

To somehow suggest that that we should compare to Africa as if it's some sort of one whole thing is just silly.
The same can be said for Russia but you had no qualms about doing the same thing.
The same can be said for Russia but you had no qualms about doing the same thing.
...are you fucking high?

Russia is a single country under strong Federal government and they have had some of the earliest vaccination access (named Sputnik)
Umm simple, what two consenting adults do in the privacy if their bedroom is none of you business.
That doesn’t speak to morality.

Is it moral for me and my buddy to have dog fights in my basement? Everyone involved was a consenting adult.
...are you fucking high? Russia is a single country under Federal government and they had some of the earliest vaccination (called Sputnik)
Russia is a huge country that has huge disparities in lifestyles, access to healthcare, nutrition, basic ways of life. Even the level that their federal Government is involved. They are about as far from a homogeneous culture as you can get. It’s not surprising that they have had varying degrees of vaccine acceptance across the country.
Maybe if you think really, really hard you can figure it out.
Nope youre gonna have to explain it because you either didn’t watch the video or you fell down and hit your head in between watching it and posting that
...since when did dogs become consenting adults?
we weren’t fighting puppies. We’re not animals. Jeez

also you seem to be of the opinion that morality is just an opinion so why can’t I have the opinion that fighting dogs is moral?
Russia is a huge country that has huge disparities in lifestyles, access to healthcare, nutrition, basic ways of life. Even the level that their federal Government is involved. They are about as far from a homogeneous culture as you can get. It’s not surprising that they have had varying degrees of vaccine acceptance across the country.
Russia is a country under single federal law and policy.

Africa is a continent with 20+ countries of various development, all with their own sovereign governments and policies.

...and you can't tell the difference in comparing US Covid policy against the two? Do you have any idea how silly you sound?
we weren’t fighting puppies. We’re not animals. Jeez

also you seem to be of the opinion that morality is just an opinion so why can’t I have the opinion that fighting dogs is moral?

Morality is a system of values.

You asked to explain to you how homosexuality can be considered moral and I explained to you. It clearly does not apply to morality of abusing dogs.
THIS is why normal people have more respect for Vlad Putin than almost anyone in the Borg Democrat Party.
For the leader of a "communist" country, at least he understands the necessary role of the spiritual in human cultures

Tear down certain basic, fundamental aspects of society to where just "anything goes," and you end up with anarchy and social decay everytime because certain things, like the beam of a skyscraper, are just there for a very good reason not to be played with.

But what I really found interesting, wherever one's views are on the topic matter within, is that not only didn't the journalist/questioner ask a sound bite question, but Putin didn't give a sound bite canned answer neither! Putin sounded about 60 I.Q. points above OUR president--- Putin actually gave an honest, thoughtful, detailed, impromptu answer.
Morality is a system of values.

You asked to explain to you how homosexuality can be considered moral and I explained to you. It clearly does not apply to morality of abusing dogs.
But that’s just a subjective opinion correct? I’m sure people who fight dogs have a differing one, What makes yours more valid than theirs?
But that’s just a subjective opinion correct? I’m sure people who fight dogs have a differing one, What makes yours more valid than theirs?
No more subjective than our reality itself. Our ways and means to best live and let live in this reality.

You may imagine some old compilation of morally backward stories can give you objectivity, but to me thats not even subjectivity, thats just fantasy.
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Nope youre gonna have to explain it because you either didn’t watch the video or you fell down and hit your head in between watching it and posting that
"THIS is why normal people have more respect for Vlad Putin".

Now let's see if you can think a little harder.

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