A Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman

I can't have a conversation with you if you are going to be obtuse.

If you think "morality" is a book of rules written by sheep-herders 3000 years ago, then clearly, that is a subjective standard that even most Christians ignore.

The standard I have is actually the one engrained in law... if you do harm to someone, either their lives, their health or their property, there are consequences and everyone agrees what those consequences should be.

Murder is wrong. You can get an Atheist, a Catholic, a Jew, a Muslim, and a Shinto, and they would all agree that murder is wrong. For pretty much the reasons I stated. Pretty much the same for slavery at this point in history, or Genocide.

But you talk about homosexuality, then you get a largely subjective view and no real agreement, because most of it is subjective. You think it's icky, that's fine, but that doesn't make it immoral.
One day even you will kneel before God. Good luck.
Uh, no, guy, I gave you a completely working objective definition of morality... Something is immoral if it brings harm to another. I mean I can't make it any simpler for you, Corky.

Since no one is being harmed by homosexuality, it is not immoral. Maybe not your cup of tea, certainly not MY cup of tea. But nothing immoral or harmful about it.
No harm/ No foul
One day even you will kneel before God. Good luck.

Works on the assumption that the Christian God is the Supreme Deity. Even though 75% of the world's population doesn't worship the Christian God.

What if you get to the afterlife and you find out the Muslims were right?

What if you get to the afterlife and find out the Shintos were right? Amaterasu wants to know why you didn't worship her.

Well, since there is near universal agreement on my definition, fact.
Ok so using you’re logic if universal acceptance and codification in the law determines moral/immoral, slavery was moral for 3-4k years and homosexuality wasn’t. That’s not my standard it’s yours
Well, since there is near universal agreement on my definition, fact.
BTW if you’re opinion if morality is a fact wouldn’t it have always been a fact? The problem is, the way you’ve established it as a fact, means it can change due to different understanding and law edicts. That doesnt sound very fact like
Works on the assumption that the Christian God is the Supreme Deity. Even though 75% of the world's population doesn't worship the Christian God.

What if you get to the afterlife and you find out the Muslims were right?

What if you get to the afterlife and find out the Shintos were right? Amaterasu wants to know why you didn't worship her.

View attachment 582492

Not half as bad as you dying and finding out Christians are right. The Christian God IS the supreme deity as you call him, because he is the only one.
THIS is why normal people have more respect for Vlad Putin than almost anyone in the Borg Democrat Party.
The fact that you think THAT is normal just shows how batshit crazy you rightwingers have gotten.

Trump has been warming you dupes up to Putin since 2016. It's working.
Compare Russia's covid mandates to ours. They respect individual freedom more than Biden's America in this case
Russia has some of lowest vaccination rates of any country and one of highest Covid deaths per capita.

Good covid policy example they are not.
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THIS is why normal people have more respect for Vlad Putin than almost anyone in the Borg Democrat Party.

For the leader of a "communist" country, at least he understands the necessary role of the spiritual in human cultures

And the best one of all: Russia reinstates yoga into prisons following claims it turned inmates gay

Russia has some of lowest vaccination rates of any country and one of highest Covid deaths per capita.

Good covid policy example they are not.
Is Africa a good example of COVID policy? Low Vax rates and low death rate….
Is Africa a good example of COVID policy? Low Vax rates and low death rate….
You probably mean a country called South Africa, were only 5% of population is 65+ and vaccination rates are low.

No it's not a good example.
You probably mean a country called South Africa, were only 5% of population is 65+ and vaccination rates are low.

No it's not a good example.
I thought COVID was killing everyone. You mean there are people with certain risk factors like age and other health considerations where it makes sense to get vaccinated but others where it doesn’t? And that good outcomes regarding COVID don’t revolve completely around vax rates? Huh.
Why is religion being brought into this at all?

Cells are cells, DNA is DNA...

These folks (leftists, democrats, Biden, etc.) who try to denounce objective, long-accepted scientific truths are mad!

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