A Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman

President Trump knew how to play them, and they feared and respected him. Biden is weak and enfeebled, projects no strength, and they neither fear or respect Biden.

Trump was a patsy to Dictators and he pandered to Putin, Kim and Bin Salman
Yes, quite often bureaucrats screw up everything they touch. But what do you propose? This issue should be dealt with. You can't just push them under the ground again as it used to be.

If we are talking about prisons, then you can't just send a transgender woman to men's jail just because she was born a man biologically. By doing that, you are virtually send this person to a constant sexual harassment.

"underground as it used to be"? What does that mean?

NOT being able to compete against women. NOT being able to demand that people respect the retarded pronouns they invent for themselves. NOT being able to have the rest of us support their delusions.

That is not being "underground". That is being treated as a normal person.
Yes, quite often bureaucrats screw up everything they touch. But what do you propose? This issue should be dealt with. You can't just push them under the ground again as it used to be.

If we are talking about prisons, then you can't just send a transgender woman to men's jail just because she was born a man biologically. By doing that, you are virtually send this person to a constant sexual harassment.
Not my problem. Their mental illness belongs to them and them alone.
Putin even gave the West a warning himself on what we are doing. He wants domination. He does not want the world turned into a cinder.

Putin is afraid of Biden

He doesn’t have Trump to push around anymore

Stealing money from me so that you can take some small portion of it, to give to someone who might spend some portion of that money at my business doesnt make me or anyone else wealthier. Governments can't create wealth; they can only steal it and transfer it. Which might create the illusion of greater wealth for some people but only at the expense of the wealth of another.
You have a child's view of what taxes are, and what they are for. Producing profit is not the government's job. . You should try to find an adult to explain these things to you.
Please explain to me how homosexuality is "immoral".

Answers you are not allowed to use are any variation of "God says it's wrong" or "I think it's icky".

Good Allah you're an idiot.

BTW, you don't get to dictate what argument anyone uses.

Take a look at any electrical cord.

How would it work if both ends were male?
nobody said anything about a war with China ... your opinion isnt going to start one ! and you know that ! everyone listen to the cowardly commy's refusal to call the leader of a country that uses slave labor and puts Uighurs in concentration camps an evil marxist tyrant ! i got news for you pal China has in recent years done more harm to the world than you dare to admit !
It's got nothing to do with opinion. The US and China are both superpowers, and some think China has a chance to take our place as the top superpower in the world in the coming years. We will be interacting on a larger scale than we have in the past. If you think my willingness to acknowledge those facts somehow means I prefer China's actions, or approve of their government in any way, then you're as stupid as I already thought you are.
Evil Putin undermines the unity of American nation saying a man is a man and a woman is a woman.

I see it as everything at all undermines the unity of American nation.

it seems just the US establishment fails to keep growing number of US population under its control with total propaganda and zombiefying..

propaganda fails when it is so mich disunited from reality..

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