A Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman

I was laughing at you claiming to be centrist :laughing0301:
Oh, but I am...

I hold some fairly strong positions that are Left of Center...

I hold some fairly strong positions that are Right of Center...

I hold several positions that are pretty much right down the middle...

But I pick-and-choose on an issue-by-issue basis, akin to the concept of a "Cafeteria Catholic"...

Thus, the label "Cafeteria Centrist"...

Your acceptance or rejection of that label does not change its truth for me...
You don't care about women being beaten by fucked in the head men? And celebrated by our society for doing it?

Well, I believe you, that you don't care about that. You are a soulless partisan zealot.
WTF are you babbling about now?
Hey, wait there just a minute. In 2016, America held an election and Trump won. But for months on end, the Democrats protested, tried on a daily basis to unseat Trump, claimed he was not your president and dressed up as vaginas. And you have the utter retardness to claim Republicans are attacking democracy?

I think your better shut your mouth because you're proving to everyone on the planet that you're utterly retarded.

Trump was held accountable for his actions as President

Only President to be impeached TWICE
The election was stolen so there was no "choice".
Oh, dear me, another swallower of The Big Lie kool-aid...

You(r side) filed sixty-plus court challenges in the November 4 - January 19 time frame...

In a wide variety of jurisdictions, many of them controlled by Republicans, many of them staff by Republican and even Trump-appointed judges...

And each and every one of them got tossed out of court, on the municipal, county, State and Federal levels...

Every one...


Because you(r side) failed to provide evidence of Fruad or Irregularities of sufficient substance to materially impact or overturn the election...

You(r side) is packed with gullible dolts and dullards who are simply Bad Losers, Whiny Bitches and Enablers of the Power-Mad Orange Baboon-God...

The election was N-O-T stolen...

Imagine just how $hitty a candidate you fielded if even Sleepy Old Uncle Joe could beat him fair-and-square...

You lost... grow a pair... get over it... move on... and do better nex time...

The Best President of modern times was replaced by this Joe Potatohead idiot who is the Worst President.
Rump did, indeed, serve-up a number of extremely attractive agenda elements, and even actually slowly began to execute on a couple of them...

YOUR problem is that he (and his big mouth and Twitter account) was his own worst enemy... a truly cringe-worthy, clumsy spoiled little rich boy...

He was a Democrat and gave tons of money to Democrats until he figured he could grab political power by telling you exactly what you wanted to hear...

As genuine and sincere as a Three-Dollar-Bill and incapable of thinking before opening his mouth...

There is little argument from ME that Sleepy Old Uncle Joe is headed towards the Bad Presidents List...

But topping that List is the one scumbag who incited an Insurrection against the United States in order to hold onto personal political power...

Next time, serve-up someone who can advance a Trump -like agenda but who is a Man of the People who understands Servant Leadership and Cincinnatus.

That is saying a lot since the runner up for Worst President is The Worthless Negro.
Nahhhhh... so far, Buchannan is probably the worst, followed by Jimmah Abdul carter, followed by Rump... Obumble is much further down that list...
Trump was held accountable for his actions as President

Only President to be impeached TWICE
Did you reply to the correct post?

His actions were, he won the election. You hold Democracy so close to your heart, you guys immediately declared him as not your president.

Can you see what a pile of shit you wrap yourself up in?

If you value democracy, and you claim you value democracy, I suggest you stop publicly undermining it. Better still, go and find out what democracy is, you seem at odds with the definition.

As for impeachment goes in the US and vote of no confidence goes in the UK, it's irrelevant if you want to do it a million times. If the sole agenda is to impeach, it's meaningless. It has to be credible, the Democrats are now known as the party to have tried to impeach a president twice based on their dummy (pacifier) falling out of the pram as opposed to being based on anything credible. See how it works there? Your the party of nothingburgers.
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Dude, dudette or whatever.... Putin merely stated a fact and for some reason you loon's heads are spinning and exploding.

Get past it
This fact has inaccuracies in it and thus is compromised. Basically, a compromised fact ceases to be a 'fact'.
I think the important part is, that the man said he was a "woman" so lefties transferred him to a woman's prison were he raped women.

The point is, that a "man is a man" and him claiming otherwise, is not a reason to room him with a woman in prison.
He didn't rape anyone in prison. About a transgender person being sent to a jail according to their 'new' gender, that is a complex question.

I am in no way support the idea that someone should be able to choose prisons basing simply on their claims. There should be some procedure and requirements for that.
He didn't rape anyone in prison. About a transgender person being sent to a jail according to their 'new' gender, that is a complex question.

I am in no way support the idea that someone should be able to choose prisons basing simply on their claims. There should be some procedure and requirements for that.

Sorry. Your walking it back, doesn't change the fact that went put into practice, that this is what this gender bs leads to.

You talk more reasonably when called on it. But when the policies are put into place, and brainless bureaucrats do the job, it is not reasonable. It is utter madness.
I just figured it out. You just never stopped after that midnight glass of champagne. Time to put the alcohol down and go take a little nap, baby killer, and then come back and talk when you're sober.
Keep trying. You'll find some way to convince yourself you aren't wrong.
Well I'm not the world's most physical guy
But when she squeezed me tight she nearly broke my spine
Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola
Well I'm not dumb but I can't understand
Why she walked like a woman and talked like a man
Oh my Lola la-la-la-la Lola la-la-la-la Lola
1. Taxes and welfare make us stronger by supplying better infrastructure for our businesses, and raising the standard of living for our poorest citizens, assuring more customers for those businesses.
2. If the GOP would cooperate, instead of just being whiny bitches, we would have a fair and reasonable immigration system.
3. We have always had queers in the military. They just had to hide that fact. Why get rid of soldiers who have been courageously, and honorably serving our country?
4 A fetus is not a person.
5. Nobody said police are not needed. Police who refuse to follow the rules, and think they are above the law are not needed.
6. $30 trillion is a huge thing, but we have to pay our bills when they come due, just like anyone else, and if we don't fix our infrastructure now, it will cost us a lot more in the future.
Stealing money from me so that you can take some small portion of it, to give to someone who might spend some portion of that money at my business doesnt make me or anyone else wealthier. Governments can't create wealth; they can only steal it and transfer it. Which might create the illusion of greater wealth for some people but only at the expense of the wealth of another.
Sorry. Your walking it back, doesn't change the fact that went put into practice, that this is what this gender bs leads to.

You talk more reasonably when called on it. But when the policies are put into place, and brainless bureaucrats do the job, it is not reasonable. It is utter madness.
Yes, quite often bureaucrats screw up everything they touch. But what do you propose? This issue should be dealt with. You can't just push them under the ground again as it used to be.

If we are talking about prisons, then you can't just send a transgender woman to men's jail just because she was born a man biologically. By doing that, you are virtually send this person to a constant sexual harassment.
Oh my. One crazy right winger says he doesn't love Putin. Go convince all those other nutbags and then get back with me.
China has their interests in mind, and doesn't give a shit about us. Unless you want a war, we still have to figure out a way to do business with them. I don't want a war with China.
nobody said anything about a war with China ... your opinion isnt going to start one ! and you know that ! everyone listen to the cowardly commy's refusal to call the leader of a country that uses slave labor and puts Uighurs in concentration camps an evil marxist tyrant ! i got news for you pal China has in recent years done more harm to the world than you dare to admit !
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Oh my. One crazy right winger says he doesn't love Putin. Go convince all those other nutbags and then get back with me.
China has their interests in mind, and doesn't give a shit about us. Unless you want a war, we still have to figure out a way to do business with them. I don't want a war with China.
conservatives dont like commies period !

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