A Man is a Man and a Woman is a Woman

they silenced and censored a sitting POTUS and refused to allow reports on the Biden family business dealings on the msm and social media platforms ! that has never happened in this country before ! if that would have happened to the lefts candidate riots would still be happening !
Social media is private business. When did you first start wanting the government to be in charge of all information?
Putin is ten time the man than that piece of shit Joe Poatohead that you idiot Moon Bats voted for and then ignored the fact that he stole the election.

Compared to Potatohead he is more honest and he actually is a good leader while Potatohead has failed at everything and Putin is a million times more competent. He puts Russia's interest first while Potatohead is working to make the US a shithole.

Putin is is smart while Potatohead is dumber than a door knob.

There is no head of state in the entire world that isn't significantly more intelligence than this idiot we have.
And there ya go. The Trumpsters have made their choice.
Did either of you actually listen to what he said?

1. He didn't say transgendered people shouldn't exist.
2. He didn't say they shouldn't be allowed to transition
3. He did say that just because a man says/thinks they are a woman doesn't mean the society has to suspend all common sense as it pertains to the differences between the two genders. Sports, Prison, etc are separated for a reason, and the rest of society shouldn't have to ignore those reasons because you have some mental issues you're working through. Happy to help you if we can but 99% of the population shouldn't bend to 1%.
4. Nothing in that video had anything to do with homosexuality.
It's in generalisation of Russia's values as opposed to one single video
Yep, certainly don't have an interest in your sexuality. Just amused that you can't tell the difference between males and females.
Not sure why you might think that, but then I have no idea why you think most of the crazy conspiracy theory shit you post.
They have truly gone around the bend, haven't they? Their ancestors in the John Birch Society are rolling over in their graves.
They love the aggressive, pugilistic "strongman" Neanderthal type to rally around and buttress their self esteem.

They know they can no longer win the popular vote, so the last card they can play is force, a la Putin.
Putin is an evil marxist tyrant ! now will you say the same about the leader of China ?
Oh my. One crazy right winger says he doesn't love Putin. Go convince all those other nutbags and then get back with me.
China has their interests in mind, and doesn't give a shit about us. Unless you want a war, we still have to figure out a way to do business with them. I don't want a war with China.
I don’t really care

I am more concerned with Republicans attacking our Democracy
Hey, wait there just a minute. In 2016, America held an election and Trump won. But for months on end, the Democrats protested, tried on a daily basis to unseat Trump, claimed he was not your president and dressed up as vaginas. And you have the utter retardness to claim Republicans are attacking democracy?

I think your better shut your mouth because you're proving to everyone on the planet that you're utterly retarded.
Hey, wait there just a minute. In 2016, America held an election and Trump won. But for months on end, the Democrats protested, tried on a daily basis to unseat Trump, claimed he was not your president and dressed up as vaginas. And you have the utter retardness to claim Republicans are attacking democracy?

I think your better shut your mouth because you're proving to everyone on the planet that you're utterly retarded.
It proves how ignorant they truly are. Only they are allowed to insurrections. Ask them
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They love the aggressive, pugilistic "strongman" Neanderthal type to rally around and buttress their self esteem.

They know they can no longer win the popular vote, so the last card they can play is force, a la Putin.
Whistling past the graveyard. ^^^^^ Pure fear.
Well, what can be said about this story. Things about this guy to be a 'sexual predator' began surfacing when he was already in jail for another crime.

The rapes in prison didn't happen, there were sexual assaults which were later added to his conviction list.

After the truth about him became known, he got a life term in men's prison.

And it was England, not the US.

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