A Message From Our Great President


1. Dow highest ever.
2. Unemployment hits 16-year-low
3. Increased GDP
4. Prosperity b/c putting American workers FIRST!
5. Gone are the days of funding one global initiative after another at the expense of American jobs.
6. Gone are the days of taxing American out of making a proper living.
7. Regulations and unfair trade practices removed.
8. Ending war on coal and unleashing American energy.
9. Introduction of tax plan to promote prosperity and create jobs.
10. Factories returning.
11. No welfare for illegals.
12. American free to pursue their dreams.
13. God Bless The USA / Making America Great Again!

Let's see.

1, 2, 3. Do you honestly believed all of that happened overnight? Look at the unemployment, Dow and GDP in last 2 years all are on the recovery from recession. Trump inherited a good economy and he owed that from Obama.
4. That's purely hypocrite. So tell me why does he continue to hire foreign workers instead of Americans? Make his products overseas and sell them here.
What happened to his motto Hire Americans Buy Americans? EXPLAIN.
5. Like WHAT?
6. Like WHAT?
7. Like WHAT?
8. There was no war on coal. It happened that clean energy technology and cheaper/cleaner natural gas is killing the coal industry. Whether Adolf Trump or you liked it or not coal industry will die sooner or later. That's a fact. Both you and Trump are lying.
9. What tax plan? We have not seen anything.
10. Like WHAT?
11. Did Trump change anything? I have not seen any changes.
12. Americans is always free to pursue their dreams. Did anyone stop you if you want to be a janitor or a liar?
13. Crap. No he is not Making America Great. He is dividing this country big time, made us the laughingstock of the whole world, made us look stupid and ignorant, non stop lying, like a little kid always saying something dumb, republican investigating a republican president, racism increases since election. Did you look at your window the anti Trump rally here and overseas?
I can go on and on and on. Fuck NO he is not Making America Great.

TheGreatGatsby------- NO REBUTTAL? Next time try to make sense and be sure you know what you are talking about. Most especially be honest.
Fine; three RINOs. Now STFU.

Right. Your entire party campaigned on repealing and replacing healthcare for 7 years, but not one of them bothered to come up with a plan, and you want to pick out three to blame. That's rich. A little bit nuts too. It's your clusterfuck blame who you want. I'll just be over here laughing at you Keystone Cops.

Brah, I told you I'm not Republican I don't know how many times now. And none of this absolves Democrats of their bull shit.

Call yourself what ever you want, but yes you are a republican. I would be embarrassed to admit it too.

I'm not a Republican. If it seems that way to a turd like you, it's because I am constantly calling you out on your foul odor. The flies gather on you, but you're not embarrassed. What piece of shit is ever embarrassed?

You are in lock step with every republican goal. You are a republican. Accept what you are.

If you believe that, then you don't pay attention. Not my problem though.
Right. Your entire party campaigned on repealing and replacing healthcare for 7 years, but not one of them bothered to come up with a plan, and you want to pick out three to blame. That's rich. A little bit nuts too. It's your clusterfuck blame who you want. I'll just be over here laughing at you Keystone Cops.

Brah, I told you I'm not Republican I don't know how many times now. And none of this absolves Democrats of their bull shit.

Call yourself what ever you want, but yes you are a republican. I would be embarrassed to admit it too.

I'm not a Republican. If it seems that way to a turd like you, it's because I am constantly calling you out on your foul odor. The flies gather on you, but you're not embarrassed. What piece of shit is ever embarrassed?

You are in lock step with every republican goal. You are a republican. Accept what you are.

If you believe that, then you don't pay attention. Not my problem though.

Really? So tell me where you differ from the GOP. From anyone on the right in any way.
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.
Oh they can too apply.

And if they claim DV, they can receive it.

In the case of illegals, they apply with their children...and they get benefits for the children, if not for themselves.
they get food stamps
they get health insurance

Illegals can get foodstamps for themselves if they are DV victims.
However, if they are illegals and we know it, they can't get snap for themselves..but they can get it for their kids.

Shit in my town, Habitat for Humanity built a house for a couple who are both illegal, who have 4 kids.

The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
Brah, I told you I'm not Republican I don't know how many times now. And none of this absolves Democrats of their bull shit.

Call yourself what ever you want, but yes you are a republican. I would be embarrassed to admit it too.

I'm not a Republican. If it seems that way to a turd like you, it's because I am constantly calling you out on your foul odor. The flies gather on you, but you're not embarrassed. What piece of shit is ever embarrassed?

You are in lock step with every republican goal. You are a republican. Accept what you are.

If you believe that, then you don't pay attention. Not my problem though.

Really? So tell me where you differ from the GOP. From anyone on the right in any way.

Bro, you can find literally hundreds of posts on this. When I said you weren't paying attention, I meant you either weren't paying attention or believing what you want to believe. Go do a search if you want to educate yourself.
Call yourself what ever you want, but yes you are a republican. I would be embarrassed to admit it too.

I'm not a Republican. If it seems that way to a turd like you, it's because I am constantly calling you out on your foul odor. The flies gather on you, but you're not embarrassed. What piece of shit is ever embarrassed?

You are in lock step with every republican goal. You are a republican. Accept what you are.

If you believe that, then you don't pay attention. Not my problem though.

Really? So tell me where you differ from the GOP. From anyone on the right in any way.

Bro, you can find literally hundreds of posts on this. When I said you weren't paying attention, I meant you either weren't paying attention or believing what you want to believe. Go do a search if you want to educate yourself.

What ever you say repub.
Fine; three RINOs. Now STFU.

Right. Your entire party campaigned on repealing and replacing healthcare for 7 years, but not one of them bothered to come up with a plan, and you want to pick out three to blame. That's rich. A little bit nuts too. It's your clusterfuck blame who you want. I'll just be over here laughing at you Keystone Cops.

Brah, I told you I'm not Republican I don't know how many times now. And none of this absolves Democrats of their bull shit.

Call yourself what ever you want, but yes you are a republican. I would be embarrassed to admit it too.

I'm not a Republican. If it seems that way to a turd like you, it's because I am constantly calling you out on your foul odor. The flies gather on you, but you're not embarrassed. What piece of shit is ever embarrassed?

You are in lock step with every republican goal. You are a republican. Accept what you are.

I think he is embarrassed to admit he is a republican. But then I know him as a liar.
I'm not a Republican. If it seems that way to a turd like you, it's because I am constantly calling you out on your foul odor. The flies gather on you, but you're not embarrassed. What piece of shit is ever embarrassed?

You are in lock step with every republican goal. You are a republican. Accept what you are.

If you believe that, then you don't pay attention. Not my problem though.

Really? So tell me where you differ from the GOP. From anyone on the right in any way.

Bro, you can find literally hundreds of posts on this. When I said you weren't paying attention, I meant you either weren't paying attention or believing what you want to believe. Go do a search if you want to educate yourself.

What ever you say repub.

Like a typical liberal, you're lazy af.
Right. Your entire party campaigned on repealing and replacing healthcare for 7 years, but not one of them bothered to come up with a plan, and you want to pick out three to blame. That's rich. A little bit nuts too. It's your clusterfuck blame who you want. I'll just be over here laughing at you Keystone Cops.

Brah, I told you I'm not Republican I don't know how many times now. And none of this absolves Democrats of their bull shit.

Call yourself what ever you want, but yes you are a republican. I would be embarrassed to admit it too.

I'm not a Republican. If it seems that way to a turd like you, it's because I am constantly calling you out on your foul odor. The flies gather on you, but you're not embarrassed. What piece of shit is ever embarrassed?

You are in lock step with every republican goal. You are a republican. Accept what you are.

I think he is embarrassed to admit he is a republican. But then I know him as a liar.

Yep. As always, out of embarrassment, they try calling themselves all kinds of things. I don't care if they call themselves a fluffy bunny. If they support the republican president and republican goals, they are republicans.
You are in lock step with every republican goal. You are a republican. Accept what you are.

If you believe that, then you don't pay attention. Not my problem though.

Really? So tell me where you differ from the GOP. From anyone on the right in any way.

Bro, you can find literally hundreds of posts on this. When I said you weren't paying attention, I meant you either weren't paying attention or believing what you want to believe. Go do a search if you want to educate yourself.

What ever you say repub.

Like a typical liberal, you're lazy af.

Like a typical republican, you're nuts.
If you believe that, then you don't pay attention. Not my problem though.

Really? So tell me where you differ from the GOP. From anyone on the right in any way.

Bro, you can find literally hundreds of posts on this. When I said you weren't paying attention, I meant you either weren't paying attention or believing what you want to believe. Go do a search if you want to educate yourself.

What ever you say repub.

Like a typical liberal, you're lazy af.

Like a typical republican, you're nuts.

Educate yourself or QFT
Kim Jung Un? Is that you?
Hey Trumpbots, reality would like a word with you. No president in living memory has been this bad at advancing his agenda in a supposedly friendly congress. If he is actually making America great it is by not being able to do anything except tweet contradictory messages in the middle of the night.
Really? So tell me where you differ from the GOP. From anyone on the right in any way.

Bro, you can find literally hundreds of posts on this. When I said you weren't paying attention, I meant you either weren't paying attention or believing what you want to believe. Go do a search if you want to educate yourself.

What ever you say repub.

Like a typical liberal, you're lazy af.

Like a typical republican, you're nuts.

Educate yourself or QFT

Quit making up initialisms. Dumb ass.
No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.
Oh they can too apply.

And if they claim DV, they can receive it.

In the case of illegals, they apply with their children...and they get benefits for the children, if not for themselves.
they get food stamps
they get health insurance

Illegals can get foodstamps for themselves if they are DV victims.
However, if they are illegals and we know it, they can't get snap for themselves..but they can get it for their kids.

Shit in my town, Habitat for Humanity built a house for a couple who are both illegal, who have 4 kids.

The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
ad hom. You don't say a word about the information, instead you attack the source...and you don't support that either.

Give up now.
Now what the left will say is that this is all because of Obama.

Because IT IS.

Trump has done shit except maybe temporarily pushed some hot air into stock market (which grew 170% under Obama btw)

Seems just yesterday Trump was saying unemployment is perhaps as high as 40% and U3 is a lie, yet as soon as he gets into the White House he is touting that super great 4.X% u3 unemployment number Obama handed over to him.

The guy is a fucking clown.

No immigrant can apply for Welfare for the first 5 years they are here. These decisions by our President are the reasons why he won the popular vote AND the electoral votes. After 8 disastrous years of Obama, Americans once again have been given hope. Thank God.
Oh they can too apply.

And if they claim DV, they can receive it.

In the case of illegals, they apply with their children...and they get benefits for the children, if not for themselves.
they get food stamps
they get health insurance

Illegals can get foodstamps for themselves if they are DV victims.
However, if they are illegals and we know it, they can't get snap for themselves..but they can get it for their kids.

Shit in my town, Habitat for Humanity built a house for a couple who are both illegal, who have 4 kids.

The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
Funny how liberals cannot celebrate national success unless it's on their subversive and often faked terms.
The SUCCESS you talk about has been inherited by the pussy grabber

Sure it has, and if it continues the next six years, you will still be saying that.
WTF has that ah done so far except digging a hole into with who were once our friends?

Once friends? Like who? Who is now our enemy that were once friends?
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.
Oh they can too apply.

And if they claim DV, they can receive it.

In the case of illegals, they apply with their children...and they get benefits for the children, if not for themselves.
they get food stamps
they get health insurance

Illegals can get foodstamps for themselves if they are DV victims.
However, if they are illegals and we know it, they can't get snap for themselves..but they can get it for their kids.

Shit in my town, Habitat for Humanity built a house for a couple who are both illegal, who have 4 kids.

The problem is not with just illegals, it's with legal immigrants as well:

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

You must be desperate using a link from cis.org. A fake news, right wing bias, hate garbage, media and catered to your group .

Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) - Media Bias/Fact Check

A questionable source exhibits one or more of the following: extreme bias, overt propaganda, poor or no sourcing to credible information and/or is fake news. Fake News is the deliberate attempt to publish hoaxes and/or disinformation for the purpose of profit or influence (Learn More). Sources listed in the Questionable Category may be very untrustworthy and should be fact checked on a per article basis. Please note sources on this list are not considered fake news unless specifically written in the notes section for that source. See all Questionable sources.

Bias: Extreme Right, Hate Group

Center for Immigration Studies - Wikipedia
The SUCCESS you talk about has been inherited by the pussy grabber

Sure it has, and if it continues the next six years, you will still be saying that.
WTF has that ah done so far except digging a hole into with who were once our friends?

Once friends? Like who? Who is now our enemy that were once friends?
He's badmouthed Canada Mexico Germany France for beginners

Badmouthing them is not the same as making enemies out of them.

Really? Is that the way Trump works? Rosie made fun of his hair 12 years ago, and he hasn't gotten past that yet.
Bro, you can find literally hundreds of posts on this. When I said you weren't paying attention, I meant you either weren't paying attention or believing what you want to believe. Go do a search if you want to educate yourself.

What ever you say repub.

Like a typical liberal, you're lazy af.

Like a typical republican, you're nuts.

Educate yourself or QFT

Quit making up initialisms. Dumb ass.


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