A Tax-the-Rich Scenario that Liberals Should Cheer

danielpalos posts are actually quite simple to understand....they all read the same with a slight variation.
“Give me free shit, give wetbacks free shit, we deserve free shit says the US constitution.”
Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing while alleging to care about the law.
/——/ feed a fever, feed a cold and feed a hangnail
random words that only lead to gibberish.
/----/ I learned from the feet of the master of gibberish - you.
i actually have valid arguments, as well. you should have learned that, too.
/---/ You may have valid arguments but you sure can't communicate them very well.
But, but, but you LefTarded folks hate “old America”, the way things were, those good ole days....right?

Yes, the good old days for the privileged white males, right? I came from what was considered white trash back then. We were marginally treated better than Blacks back then (actually quite a bit better) but things weren't rosy for any of us and the only reason I got a break was by staying in the Military for 20 years. Rich folks had all the breaks that money could buy and not a single one of them worked nearly as hard as us poor white trash did. So go ahead and want things the way they were but the majority of the population would never stand for it.

Privileged White males in a nation founded and built by White males...how fucking strange. Are you one of those Loonies...one of those whom harbor White guilt?
Haha...look, another self proclaimed “military man”....damn, I’ve never seen more military trash in one place before. All you beggars tend to be “War Hero’s”. You should be ashamed of yourself for all the begging you do. My father and grandfather, both REAL hardcore military men would condemn youfor scrounging around begging for free shit...they both firmly believed that a REAL man should ALWAYS pave his own way.

Have I asked your for free shit? Or have I asked you to make sure that children do not go to bed hungry. I am a Warrior. A Warrior makes sure the Children are fed before we eat. A Warrior makes sure that the Children are out of the cold before we warm ourselves. And if the Children are Hungry and Cold then I will also be Hungry and Cold. How many meals did you miss last week. How many nights last week did you sleep out in the street in the cold last week? A Real Military Man is a Warrior. If you don't fit the Warrior ethos then you should not claim to have ever served.

WOW...that’s some warm and fuzzy shit right there...that’s DEEP.
I think I get it now...so you’re begging not for yourself...but because you’re such a noble badass you’re begging on behalf of the little wetback kids that you keep forcing on me?

Funny you should bring that up. When I go out on North Avenue or by the Soup Kitchen, I see white children with single mothers as well. We have only one shelter here and I see them turn entire families away because they are full up. Hunger and Cold doesn't know race. But you do. You overlook the whites that are out on that street. Or do you want us to send all the white homeless to your home so you can put them up?

Haha...I’m the wrong guy for you to lay that bullshit guilt trip on...See, I’m bigoted as fuck, I fucking hate the poor....of all colors...in fact, I may hate white trash the most. Where do you go with this? I bet I know...let’s see how predictable you can be...hahaha
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Capitalism; What is That, Sayeth the Right Wing while alleging to care about the law.
/——/ feed a fever, feed a cold and feed a hangnail
random words that only lead to gibberish.
/----/ I learned from the feet of the master of gibberish - you.
i actually have valid arguments, as well. you should have learned that, too.
/---/ You may have valid arguments but you sure can't communicate them very well.
only the right wing claims that. i must not be dumbing it down enough.
There are only two ways to bring about "equality".

One is to build everyone up.

The other, the Democrat-Socialist Party way, is to tear everybody (except their own elites) down.
Yes, the good old days for the privileged white males, right? I came from what was considered white trash back then. We were marginally treated better than Blacks back then (actually quite a bit better) but things weren't rosy for any of us and the only reason I got a break was by staying in the Military for 20 years. Rich folks had all the breaks that money could buy and not a single one of them worked nearly as hard as us poor white trash did. So go ahead and want things the way they were but the majority of the population would never stand for it.

Privileged White males in a nation founded and built by White males...how fucking strange. Are you one of those Loonies...one of those whom harbor White guilt?
Haha...look, another self proclaimed “military man”....damn, I’ve never seen more military trash in one place before. All you beggars tend to be “War Hero’s”. You should be ashamed of yourself for all the begging you do. My father and grandfather, both REAL hardcore military men would condemn youfor scrounging around begging for free shit...they both firmly believed that a REAL man should ALWAYS pave his own way.

Have I asked your for free shit? Or have I asked you to make sure that children do not go to bed hungry. I am a Warrior. A Warrior makes sure the Children are fed before we eat. A Warrior makes sure that the Children are out of the cold before we warm ourselves. And if the Children are Hungry and Cold then I will also be Hungry and Cold. How many meals did you miss last week. How many nights last week did you sleep out in the street in the cold last week? A Real Military Man is a Warrior. If you don't fit the Warrior ethos then you should not claim to have ever served.

WOW...that’s some warm and fuzzy shit right there...that’s DEEP.
I think I get it now...so you’re begging not for yourself...but because you’re such a noble badass you’re begging on behalf of the little wetback kids that you keep forcing on me?

Funny you should bring that up. When I go out on North Avenue or by the Soup Kitchen, I see white children with single mothers as well. We have only one shelter here and I see them turn entire families away because they are full up. Hunger and Cold doesn't know race. But you do. You overlook the whites that are out on that street. Or do you want us to send all the white homeless to your home so you can put them up?

Haha...I’m the wrong guy for you to lay that bullshit guilt trip on...See, I’m bigoted as fuck, I fucking hate the poor....of all colors...in fact, I may hate white trash the most. Where do you go with this? I bet I know...let’s see how predictable you can be...hahaha

At least you didn't deny it. What time should we schedule the first busload to arrive at your place? Should be interesting. We'll make sure we don't send any of the undesirables like anyone brown, black, yellow or red.
There are only two ways to bring about "equality".

One is to build everyone up.

The other, the Democrat-Socialist Party way, is to tear everybody (except their own elites) down.

You build everybody up by limiting business tax deductions to employee expenses.
I won't even bother to point out the stupidity of your whole argument. Suffice to say, it's just plain stupid and let's leave it at that.

Umm, sorry, but that's EXACTLY what some liberals here have proposed. Go read the liberal replies in my thread The Rich Are *Not* Paying Their Fair Share? The Facts Say Otherwise and see with your own eyes.

Yes, if you only use about every 3rd word and leave out the rest. This is another case of either selective reading or just plain making shit up. I suggest you read up on the Marginal Tax Rate that went by the way in the early 1980s. It was created in 1935 and taxed on amounts only when a ceiling was reached. For instance, in 1935, that amount was 75% at 250,000. Anything less than that was the normal taxation. Today, that amount would be adjusted to 3.4 million. What has been proposed is to put the Marginal Tax Rate at 10 million and 70%.

In 1935, only one person actually paid the Marginal Tax Rate. Just one. It's not before adjusted income, it's after adjusted income. How do you think the rich get by by paying either ridiculously low percentages or no tax at all on their income? In the 2008 Presidential Election, Obama paid 18% for the year before while Romney paid 12%. I paid about 26% myself and so did most Americans on the average. Romney had millions in income that year yet he paid very little tax. But I have to give it to him, at least he reported much of it. Most of the super rich figure out ways to pay nothing. So who, exactly, will pay that Marginal Tax Rate? No one unless they clean the tax system up which they need to do. But won't because the biggest cheaters are the ones that write the laws.

Cool, you cherry picked a few cases...BUT, BUT, BUT you twisted wacks hate “painting with a broad brush”....right?
What about the inconvenient truth below?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax

The top 20% have almost all the money and income in comparison. Funny how that works. But the Marginal Tax Rate only really affects the top .5%. Only the top .5% makes more than 10 million a year. The old marginal Tax rate paid for the interstates, hydroelectric plants, levies, waterworks, etc.. Today, it's not there and it's come time to repair or replace those systems and the money just ins't there. And don't tell me that you don't use those services. But you would be the first to complain that they are bad. They have to be paid for.

My taxes went up. The Top 20% taxes went down. I am paying more than they are. Simple as that when you figure that there are one hell of a lot of us in the same boat. If you are making in the excess of 150,000 a year but less than 10 mil then you really don't have any skin in the game and are just trolling.

But, but, but you LefTarded folks hate “old America”, the way things were, those good ole days....right?
We liked the tax rate where the wealthy were expected to contribute as well as the public works and infrastructure projects that those taxes used to fund
The problem with taxing the income of the wealthy is they know better than to actually have to declare income

Their accumulated wealth is untouchable

We need to apply a sales tax to them on every transfer of money. Stock sales and purchases, bonds, real estate transfers

You can have your wealth, but every time you move it around, you will pay a 1 percent fee
/----/ " you will pay a 1 percent fee"
1% Year one - then in year 6 it will quietly move up to 2% then in 4 years - Congress will in the dead of night raise it to 4% until a few decades later it will be at 30%
Don't believe me - look at the history of the US Income tax.
Let’s see how much 1 percent generates first

One percent on all real estate, stocks and business transaction should be huge
There are only two ways to bring about "equality".

One is to build everyone up.

The other, the Democrat-Socialist Party way, is to tear everybody (except their own elites) down.

You build everybody up by limiting business tax deductions to employee expenses.

You bottom feeders are hilarious and never rational.
Imagine if businesses couldn’t deduct advertisement expense, equipment expense...etc etc.
How bout we quit paying the filth of this nation to reproduce more of their filthy same?
How bout we make the filth of this nation contribute on some level?
Make any sense to you gutter dwellers?
Umm, sorry, but that's EXACTLY what some liberals here have proposed. Go read the liberal replies in my thread The Rich Are *Not* Paying Their Fair Share? The Facts Say Otherwise and see with your own eyes.

Yes, if you only use about every 3rd word and leave out the rest. This is another case of either selective reading or just plain making shit up. I suggest you read up on the Marginal Tax Rate that went by the way in the early 1980s. It was created in 1935 and taxed on amounts only when a ceiling was reached. For instance, in 1935, that amount was 75% at 250,000. Anything less than that was the normal taxation. Today, that amount would be adjusted to 3.4 million. What has been proposed is to put the Marginal Tax Rate at 10 million and 70%.

In 1935, only one person actually paid the Marginal Tax Rate. Just one. It's not before adjusted income, it's after adjusted income. How do you think the rich get by by paying either ridiculously low percentages or no tax at all on their income? In the 2008 Presidential Election, Obama paid 18% for the year before while Romney paid 12%. I paid about 26% myself and so did most Americans on the average. Romney had millions in income that year yet he paid very little tax. But I have to give it to him, at least he reported much of it. Most of the super rich figure out ways to pay nothing. So who, exactly, will pay that Marginal Tax Rate? No one unless they clean the tax system up which they need to do. But won't because the biggest cheaters are the ones that write the laws.

Cool, you cherry picked a few cases...BUT, BUT, BUT you twisted wacks hate “painting with a broad brush”....right?
What about the inconvenient truth below?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax

The top 20% have almost all the money and income in comparison. Funny how that works. But the Marginal Tax Rate only really affects the top .5%. Only the top .5% makes more than 10 million a year. The old marginal Tax rate paid for the interstates, hydroelectric plants, levies, waterworks, etc.. Today, it's not there and it's come time to repair or replace those systems and the money just ins't there. And don't tell me that you don't use those services. But you would be the first to complain that they are bad. They have to be paid for.

My taxes went up. The Top 20% taxes went down. I am paying more than they are. Simple as that when you figure that there are one hell of a lot of us in the same boat. If you are making in the excess of 150,000 a year but less than 10 mil then you really don't have any skin in the game and are just trolling.

But, but, but you LefTarded folks hate “old America”, the way things were, those good ole days....right?
We liked the tax rate where the wealthy were expected to contribute as well as the public works and infrastructure projects that those taxes used to fund

The top 20% pay 87% of all income tax...are they utilizing public works and infrastructure more so than you beggars are?
Yes, if you only use about every 3rd word and leave out the rest. This is another case of either selective reading or just plain making shit up. I suggest you read up on the Marginal Tax Rate that went by the way in the early 1980s. It was created in 1935 and taxed on amounts only when a ceiling was reached. For instance, in 1935, that amount was 75% at 250,000. Anything less than that was the normal taxation. Today, that amount would be adjusted to 3.4 million. What has been proposed is to put the Marginal Tax Rate at 10 million and 70%.

In 1935, only one person actually paid the Marginal Tax Rate. Just one. It's not before adjusted income, it's after adjusted income. How do you think the rich get by by paying either ridiculously low percentages or no tax at all on their income? In the 2008 Presidential Election, Obama paid 18% for the year before while Romney paid 12%. I paid about 26% myself and so did most Americans on the average. Romney had millions in income that year yet he paid very little tax. But I have to give it to him, at least he reported much of it. Most of the super rich figure out ways to pay nothing. So who, exactly, will pay that Marginal Tax Rate? No one unless they clean the tax system up which they need to do. But won't because the biggest cheaters are the ones that write the laws.

Cool, you cherry picked a few cases...BUT, BUT, BUT you twisted wacks hate “painting with a broad brush”....right?
What about the inconvenient truth below?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax

The top 20% have almost all the money and income in comparison. Funny how that works. But the Marginal Tax Rate only really affects the top .5%. Only the top .5% makes more than 10 million a year. The old marginal Tax rate paid for the interstates, hydroelectric plants, levies, waterworks, etc.. Today, it's not there and it's come time to repair or replace those systems and the money just ins't there. And don't tell me that you don't use those services. But you would be the first to complain that they are bad. They have to be paid for.

My taxes went up. The Top 20% taxes went down. I am paying more than they are. Simple as that when you figure that there are one hell of a lot of us in the same boat. If you are making in the excess of 150,000 a year but less than 10 mil then you really don't have any skin in the game and are just trolling.

But, but, but you LefTarded folks hate “old America”, the way things were, those good ole days....right?
We liked the tax rate where the wealthy were expected to contribute as well as the public works and infrastructure projects that those taxes used to fund

The top 20% pay 87% of all income tax...are they utilizing public works and infrastructure more so than you beggars are?
Not only do they utilize it more, they make a profit off of it

Business does not function without public infrastructure
Cool, you cherry picked a few cases...BUT, BUT, BUT you twisted wacks hate “painting with a broad brush”....right?
What about the inconvenient truth below?
Top 20% of Americans Will Pay 87% of Income Tax

The top 20% have almost all the money and income in comparison. Funny how that works. But the Marginal Tax Rate only really affects the top .5%. Only the top .5% makes more than 10 million a year. The old marginal Tax rate paid for the interstates, hydroelectric plants, levies, waterworks, etc.. Today, it's not there and it's come time to repair or replace those systems and the money just ins't there. And don't tell me that you don't use those services. But you would be the first to complain that they are bad. They have to be paid for.

My taxes went up. The Top 20% taxes went down. I am paying more than they are. Simple as that when you figure that there are one hell of a lot of us in the same boat. If you are making in the excess of 150,000 a year but less than 10 mil then you really don't have any skin in the game and are just trolling.

But, but, but you LefTarded folks hate “old America”, the way things were, those good ole days....right?
We liked the tax rate where the wealthy were expected to contribute as well as the public works and infrastructure projects that those taxes used to fund

The top 20% pay 87% of all income tax...are they utilizing public works and infrastructure more so than you beggars are?
Not only do they utilize it more, they make a profit off of it

Business does not function without public infrastructure

That’s weird...it’s seems like all I see here in Mexifornia are broke wetbacks on the roadways, in our public schools, calling the cops and fire department, using ambulances and emergency services...you sure about that? I’m certain you have a link to share which will show the data...right?
The top 20% have almost all the money and income in comparison. Funny how that works. But the Marginal Tax Rate only really affects the top .5%. Only the top .5% makes more than 10 million a year. The old marginal Tax rate paid for the interstates, hydroelectric plants, levies, waterworks, etc.. Today, it's not there and it's come time to repair or replace those systems and the money just ins't there. And don't tell me that you don't use those services. But you would be the first to complain that they are bad. They have to be paid for.

My taxes went up. The Top 20% taxes went down. I am paying more than they are. Simple as that when you figure that there are one hell of a lot of us in the same boat. If you are making in the excess of 150,000 a year but less than 10 mil then you really don't have any skin in the game and are just trolling.

But, but, but you LefTarded folks hate “old America”, the way things were, those good ole days....right?
We liked the tax rate where the wealthy were expected to contribute as well as the public works and infrastructure projects that those taxes used to fund

The top 20% pay 87% of all income tax...are they utilizing public works and infrastructure more so than you beggars are?
Not only do they utilize it more, they make a profit off of it

Business does not function without public infrastructure

That’s weird...it’s seems like all I see here in Mexifornia are broke wetbacks on the roadways, in our public schools, calling the cops and fire department, using ambulances and emergency services...you sure about that? I’m certain you have a link to share which will show the data...right?
Business does not exist without roads, bridges, power infrastructure, public education, court system, monetary system, communications infrastructure.

They did not build that
But, but, but you LefTarded folks hate “old America”, the way things were, those good ole days....right?
We liked the tax rate where the wealthy were expected to contribute as well as the public works and infrastructure projects that those taxes used to fund

The top 20% pay 87% of all income tax...are they utilizing public works and infrastructure more so than you beggars are?
Not only do they utilize it more, they make a profit off of it

Business does not function without public infrastructure

That’s weird...it’s seems like all I see here in Mexifornia are broke wetbacks on the roadways, in our public schools, calling the cops and fire department, using ambulances and emergency services...you sure about that? I’m certain you have a link to share which will show the data...right?
Business does not exist without roads, bridges, power infrastructure, public education, court system, monetary system, communications infrastructure.

They did not build that

So hold on a minute...are you unaware that these wealthy business owners you have chosen to represent this model situation you’ve fabricated is paying your way now? You realize they are paying 87% of all income tax right?
Business does not function without public infrastructure

Glad you made the RIGHTS point.....
The VAST MAJORITY of infrastructure can be done even better with the States in charge of their own. For the most part, the Federal Government is merely a BURDEN to both growth AND productivity.

ONLY through financially robbing and raping the states (and the businesses located therein) can a Federal Government exist.

Unless you wanna count the military plundering of other nations...but I thought you Leftpukes were against military aggression?
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We liked the tax rate where the wealthy were expected to contribute as well as the public works and infrastructure projects that those taxes used to fund

The top 20% pay 87% of all income tax...are they utilizing public works and infrastructure more so than you beggars are?
Not only do they utilize it more, they make a profit off of it

Business does not function without public infrastructure

That’s weird...it’s seems like all I see here in Mexifornia are broke wetbacks on the roadways, in our public schools, calling the cops and fire department, using ambulances and emergency services...you sure about that? I’m certain you have a link to share which will show the data...right?
Business does not exist without roads, bridges, power infrastructure, public education, court system, monetary system, communications infrastructure.

They did not build that

So hold on a minute...are you unaware that these wealthy business owners you have chosen to represent this model situation you’ve fabricated is paying your way now? You realize they are paying 87% of all income tax right?
Not even close

Corporations pay less than 10 percent of our taxes

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