A Trump surrogate just said WHAT?!?!?

So, fuck the Constitution, fuck our American values. Let's just ban an entire people based on nothing but their beliefs. Because...yay `Murica!!!! Thanks for demonstrating that this "Exteme Vetting" bullshit is nothing more than a smoke screen to justify Trump's Muslim Ban.


We can ban people from entering our country just because they come from a country we don't like. We're not fucking obligated to accept ANYONE in our country. It's not unconstitutional and it's not against our values. It may be against YOUR values, but you're a little shitstain enemy of the state.
Undecided, huh?

Yes, at this point, I am. Trump has made two strong speeches this week and sounding more like someone I could hold my nose and vote for... but there is a long way to go until the election.

But look... let's be clear, I don't have to be a "Trump supporter" to defend against this kind of absolute slanderous rhetoric. This woman didn't mention anything about citizens or internment, that's all manufactured bullshit from Cybernoggin.
So, Betsy McCaughey, the Republican Lieutenant Governor under George Petacki, in case anyone wants to pretend that she is a "Nobody", went on CNN this week, defending Trump's "Extreme Vetting" rhetoric. Considering her comments, one has to wonder, does the Trump campaign prepare their surrogates at all?!?! Let's start with her very first comment:

Let me tell you what the danger is. Number one, rape. When you look at what’s happening across Europe, women and young girls are being gang raped by Syrian and Muslim refugees who claimed it was because these women were scantily dressed.

Shall we cite all of the times when Right Wing spokespersons - beginning with Rush Limbaugh - have repeatedly "warned" women to be careful what they wear, how they act, how much they drink, what parties they go to, so they don't "make themselves targets" for rapists? Now, suddenly because it's Muslim men, the Right recognises that what a woman wears should make no difference, and never makes it okay to be raped?!?!

As a side note, she cited "European papers" as her source - that's it. Not any particular papers. Just the generic "European papers" - and claimed that it was "well documented". The reality is that according to the Swedish National Council for Crime Prevention victim survey shows that the number of sex crimes is virtually unchanged since 2005. So, you know...there's that. Also there's this: Over a hundred women did report sexual assaults in the German city of Cologne on New Year’s Eve, which was widely blamed on an influx of refugees. But one high-profile gang rape cased blamed on Muslim men earlier this year turned out to be a fabrication.

But it gets better!!!! This genius went on to say:

Take a look at what we did during World War II, for example. We need to have the same kind of meticulous vetting that we did during previous wars because we are at war.

I can't wait to see some Trump supporter come in and try to insist that McCaughey wasn't saying exactly what she was saying. That's right. She endorsed a return to the Japanese Interment Camps that made us sooo popular, and that historians all agree was such a brilliant idea, and to use them for Muslims refugees! Because, you know, that will so encourage them to assimilate into American Society.

You can find the story here, at The Raw Story. And I included a video of the interview, so you can watch these words come out of the woman's mouth for yourself. Does the Trump campaign even pretend to vet, or prepare these surrogates before they trot them out in front of the cameras?!?!?! I mean, Trump does get that, because he is allowing her to speak on his behalf, he will be associated with the things she says, right?

Your denial of the problem is insane.
Undecided, huh?

Yes, at this point, I am. Trump has made two strong speeches this week and sounding more like someone I could hold my nose and vote for... but there is a long way to go until the election.

But look... let's be clear, I don't have to be a "Trump supporter" to defend against this kind of absolute slanderous rhetoric. This woman didn't mention anything about citizens or internment, that's all manufactured bullshit from Cybernoggin.
I'm afraid I agree with him/her that many of Trump's plans re: immigration/refugees lead one to look down that path and I don't consider it "slanderous" at all. I agree with you that his law and order speech last night was pretty palatable. I've defended Trump et al, as well, although I won't vote for him. Fair is fair. But so was the OP.
Trump: We should be vetting them and we dont
Reality calls: Uhh we do vet them
Trump: Well, we should be vetting hard....Extreme Vetting! :eusa_dance:

What vetting? Are you good or bad?.OK come right in?
Actually, that's demonstrably not true. This is the current vetting process:

  1. Register with the UN
  2. Interview with the UN
  3. Get Refugee Status from the UN
  4. Get referral to the United States
  5. Interview with the State Department
  6. First Background Check
  7. High level background check, if there are any red flags
  8. A second (or possibly third) background check
  9. Fingerprint screening #1
  10. Fingerprint screening #2 (just in case the first one wasn't enough)
  11. And, just because we like to be thorough, fingerprint screening #3
  12. Review by US Immigration
  13. A second review, if there are any inconsistencies, or concerns
  14. In-person Homeland security review
  15. A secondary approval of the aforementioned in-person review
  16. Contagious disease screening
  17. Cultural Orientation
  18. Resettlement Agency Match
  19. Multi-agency security check
  20. Final security check at airport
And if any one of these checks is failed, the candidate is refused. But, you know, don't let a little thing like facts get in the way...

So.where is this process detailed? And we need to.change the vetting process if thats.waht they're using in Europe
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
To you, that was a good thing?
See, that's what haunts me--I never want to see us do that again, so even though Syrian refugees are risky, I will always be in their favor.

poster was asking about precedence, I provided it.

What percentage of the incoming refugees being terrorists are you willing to put up with?




Obama wants to bring in 10,000 refugees

1% would be 100 willing to die to take out our citizens, our cities

Are you ok with that?
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
To you, that was a good thing?
See, that's what haunts me--I never want to see us do that again, so even though Syrian refugees are risky, I will always be in their favor.

poster was asking about precedence, I provided it.

What percentage of the incoming refugees being terrorists are you willing to put up with?




Obama wants to bring in 10,000 refugees

1% would be 100 willing to die to take out our citizens, our cities

Are you ok with that?
No of course, I'm not "okay" with it, but nothing is going to stop them 100% Don't forget most of our terrorists have been homegrown. I've heard it before, Will. Sorry. I'd take my chances.
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
To you, that was a good thing?
See, that's what haunts me--I never want to see us do that again, so even though Syrian refugees are risky, I will always be in their favor.

poster was asking about precedence, I provided it.

What percentage of the incoming refugees being terrorists are you willing to put up with?




Obama wants to bring in 10,000 refugees

1% would be 100 willing to die to take out our citizens, our cities

Are you ok with that?
No of course, I'm not "okay" with it, but nothing is going to stop them 100% Don't forget most of our terrorists have been homegrown. I've heard it before, Will. Sorry. I'd take my chances.

Take your chances then.

Don't force them on the rest of the country.

A majority of them might want to live
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
To you, that was a good thing?
See, that's what haunts me--I never want to see us do that again, so even though Syrian refugees are risky, I will always be in their favor.

poster was asking about precedence, I provided it.

What percentage of the incoming refugees being terrorists are you willing to put up with?




Obama wants to bring in 10,000 refugees

1% would be 100 willing to die to take out our citizens, our cities

Are you ok with that?
No of course, I'm not "okay" with it, but nothing is going to stop them 100% Don't forget most of our terrorists have been homegrown. I've heard it before, Will. Sorry. I'd take my chances.

Take your chances then.

Don't force them on the rest of the country.

A majority of them might want to live
The majority of the refugees just want to live, too. Have ANY refugees attacked us here?
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
To you, that was a good thing?
See, that's what haunts me--I never want to see us do that again, so even though Syrian refugees are risky, I will always be in their favor.

poster was asking about precedence, I provided it.

What percentage of the incoming refugees being terrorists are you willing to put up with?




Obama wants to bring in 10,000 refugees

1% would be 100 willing to die to take out our citizens, our cities

Are you ok with that?
No of course, I'm not "okay" with it, but nothing is going to stop them 100% Don't forget most of our terrorists have been homegrown. I've heard it before, Will. Sorry. I'd take my chances.

Take your chances then.

Don't force them on the rest of the country.

A majority of them might want to live
The majority of the refugees just want to live, too. Have ANY refugees attacked us here?

Plenty of areas to go instead of coming here.

Outback of Australia for one
Undecided, huh?

Yes, at this point, I am. Trump has made two strong speeches this week and sounding more like someone I could hold my nose and vote for... but there is a long way to go until the election.

But look... let's be clear, I don't have to be a "Trump supporter" to defend against this kind of absolute slanderous rhetoric. This woman didn't mention anything about citizens or internment, that's all manufactured bullshit from Cybernoggin.
I'm afraid I agree with him/her that many of Trump's plans re: immigration/refugees lead one to look down that path and I don't consider it "slanderous" at all. I agree with you that his law and order speech last night was pretty palatable. I've defended Trump et al, as well, although I won't vote for him. Fair is fair. But so was the OP.

Well no... leading one to look down a path is a far fucking cry from accusing someone of making a statement they did not make, which is precisely what the OP attempted. That's just flat out dishonest. Claiming someone said something they didn't say is called slander. I'm sorry but that's what it is. And it's par for the course with this poster, he constantly spews slander and left-wing radical rhetoric.

I don't give a damn who you defend or who you'll vote for... this has nothing to do with that. Everyone here knows that I am not a big Trump supporter, I have been overtly vocal on that... but I am going to give him credit when he gives a good speech and says things that need to be said. Fair is fair.
Don't forget most of our terrorists have been homegrown. I've heard it before, Will. Sorry. I'd take my chances.
The majority of the refugees just want to live, too. Have ANY refugees attacked us here?

Do we need to wait for radical jihadists to attack us before we do something? :dunno:

Have you not got enough sense to understand these people want to kill us all? What do you think "death to America" means? Their leaders have stated openly that they plan to exploit our lax immigration and refugee policies to secrete terrorists into the country. We're seeing the results of this across Europe already and it's just a matter of time before they hit us here... and you want to sit there like some kind of fucking moron and defend this "open door" policy to just keep letting them flood in to the country! Wake the fuck up!
I have no problem with what she said. People who side with rapist immigrants are traitors.
Who is siding with rapist immigrants? and how are they doing it?

Apparently the OP.
Explain yourself

I'll get right on that :laugh:
What's the point of making statements if you can't or won't explain yourself... This is a discussion forum right?

I didn't make a statement the OP did, I made an observation.
So, fuck the Constitution, fuck our American values. Let's just ban an entire people based on nothing but their beliefs. Because...yay `Murica!!!! Thanks for demonstrating that this "Exteme Vetting" bullshit is nothing more than a smoke screen to justify Trump's Muslim Ban.

I have a response to this, but, before I bother, I just want to be sure we understand one another. To be clear, you are saying that there are no Constitutional guarantees that apply to anyone who is not a United States citizen?

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