A Trump surrogate just said WHAT?!?!?

Trump: We should be vetting them and we dont
Reality calls: Uhh we do vet them
Trump: Well, we should be vetting hard....Extreme Vetting! :eusa_dance:

What vetting? Are you good or bad?.OK come right in?
Actually, that's demonstrably not true. This is the current vetting process:

  1. Register with the UN
  2. Interview with the UN
  3. Get Refugee Status from the UN
  4. Get referral to the United States
  5. Interview with the State Department
  6. First Background Check
  7. High level background check, if there are any red flags
  8. A second (or possibly third) background check
  9. Fingerprint screening #1
  10. Fingerprint screening #2 (just in case the first one wasn't enough)
  11. And, just because we like to be thorough, fingerprint screening #3
  12. Review by US Immigration
  13. A second review, if there are any inconsistencies, or concerns
  14. In-person Homeland security review
  15. A secondary approval of the aforementioned in-person review
  16. Contagious disease screening
  17. Cultural Orientation
  18. Resettlement Agency Match
  19. Multi-agency security check
  20. Final security check at airport
And if any one of these checks is failed, the candidate is refused. But, you know, don't let a little thing like facts get in the way...

So.where is this process detailed? And we need to.change the vetting process if thats.waht they're using in Europe
If you mean by "detailed", what the specific questions asked during interviews are, etc., I don't think you're going to find that anywhere. Does it seem reasonable that you should be able to find, online somewhere, exactly what questions vetting interviewers are going to ask, so that anyone can download them, and frame the "right answers"?
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
So, this is so much better than the interment camps. Once again, you are pointing to a practice that has been rather universally condemned as irrational policy that caused our nation a black eye. Just a few phrases from your cited article:

"...the United States had a poor track record..."

"...historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion."

"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

As you can see, this was not a positive practice that we engaged in. It lessened us as a nation.

But, you want to use this "precedent" to justify doing it again, this time with Muslims. Really???
I have a response to this, but, before I bother, I just want to be sure we understand one another. To be clear, you are saying that there are no Constitutional guarantees that apply to anyone who is not a United States citizen?

If they are on American soil there might be certain Constitutional rights they have but if they are applying for immigration to this country, they are not on American soil. They are not afforded ANY Constitutional rights. Furthermore, if they are here due to a guest visa, they are subject to ejection for ANY national security reason. So don't come at me with any bullshit SCOTUS ruling that protects "anchor babies" because that's not the debate here. Just to head that off at the pass.
Who is siding with rapist immigrants? and how are they doing it?

Apparently the OP.
Explain yourself

I'll get right on that :laugh:
What's the point of making statements if you can't or won't explain yourself... This is a discussion forum right?

I didn't make a statement the OP did, I made an observation.
And on what are you basing that "observation"?
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
So, this is so much better than the interment camps. Once again, you are pointing to a practice that has been rather universally condemned as irrational policy that caused our nation a black eye. Just a few phrases from your cited article:

"...the United States had a poor track record..."

"...historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion."

"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

As you can see, this was not a positive practice that we engaged in. It lessened us as a nation.

But, you want to use this "precedent" to justify doing it again, this time with Muslims. Really???


If I wanted to live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan with all the bombings going on, I'd move there.

I'm against it coming here
I have a response to this, but, before I bother, I just want to be sure we understand one another. To be clear, you are saying that there are no Constitutional guarantees that apply to anyone who is not a United States citizen?

If they are on American soil there might be certain Constitutional rights they have but if they are applying for immigration to this country, they are not on American soil. They are not afforded ANY Constitutional rights. Furthermore, if they are here due to a guest visa, they are subject to ejection for ANY national security reason. So don't come at me with any bullshit SCOTUS ruling that protects "anchor babies" because that's not the debate here. Just to head that off at the pass.
Not where I am going. So, you would agree that the reason to refuse entry, or ejection should be matters of national security?
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
So, this is so much better than the interment camps. Once again, you are pointing to a practice that has been rather universally condemned as irrational policy that caused our nation a black eye. Just a few phrases from your cited article:

"...the United States had a poor track record..."

"...historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion."

"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

As you can see, this was not a positive practice that we engaged in. It lessened us as a nation.

But, you want to use this "precedent" to justify doing it again, this time with Muslims. Really???


If I wanted to live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan with all the bombings going on, I'd move there.

I'm against it coming here
Non sequitur noted. Care to respond to the actual post?
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
So, this is so much better than the interment camps. Once again, you are pointing to a practice that has been rather universally condemned as irrational policy that caused our nation a black eye. Just a few phrases from your cited article:

"...the United States had a poor track record..."

"...historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion."

"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

As you can see, this was not a positive practice that we engaged in. It lessened us as a nation.

But, you want to use this "precedent" to justify doing it again, this time with Muslims. Really???


If I wanted to live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan with all the bombings going on, I'd move there.

I'm against it coming here
Non sequitur noted. Care to respond to the actual post?

Did you not notice the first word in my post was 'Yup'?

Do you want the States ending up like Germany, France, and Britain?

Our borders are porous enough without sending out engraved invitations
"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

Excuse me, Liptard.... but there is no wartime paranoia... we are at war with an enemy committed religiously to our extermination. And I think most Americans have a profound bigotry toward radical Islamists who want to kill every American. Humans generally have a very justifiable bigotry against people who want to kill them.

Of course, you're a subhuman cockroach... so there's that.
I have a response to this, but, before I bother, I just want to be sure we understand one another. To be clear, you are saying that there are no Constitutional guarantees that apply to anyone who is not a United States citizen?

If they are on American soil there might be certain Constitutional rights they have but if they are applying for immigration to this country, they are not on American soil. They are not afforded ANY Constitutional rights. Furthermore, if they are here due to a guest visa, they are subject to ejection for ANY national security reason. So don't come at me with any bullshit SCOTUS ruling that protects "anchor babies" because that's not the debate here. Just to head that off at the pass.
Not where I am going. So, you would agree that the reason to refuse entry, or ejection should be matters of national security?

No, I am saying what I posted. That's what I agree with. Anyone who is here on a temporary guest visa can be exiled immediately for national security reasons and they don't have to be disclosed. Like I stated before, Jimmy Carter did this in 1979 with 15,000 Iranians who were here on guest visas. He also denied over 50,000 visa requests from Iran, mostly from people who wanted to flee the religious fanatical regime there. Refugees.
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
So, this is so much better than the interment camps. Once again, you are pointing to a practice that has been rather universally condemned as irrational policy that caused our nation a black eye. Just a few phrases from your cited article:

"...the United States had a poor track record..."

"...historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion."

"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

As you can see, this was not a positive practice that we engaged in. It lessened us as a nation.

But, you want to use this "precedent" to justify doing it again, this time with Muslims. Really???


If I wanted to live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan with all the bombings going on, I'd move there.

I'm against it coming here
Non sequitur noted. Care to respond to the actual post?

Did you not notice the first word in my post was 'Yup'?

Do you want the States ending up like Germany, France, and Britain?

Our borders are porous enough without sending out engraved invitations
Do you expect us to treat the refugees the way that Europe has - shoving them into ghettoes, ignoring them, treating them like leppers, and then being surprised that they aren't gleefully "assimilating" into our society? If so, then you're quite right. If we would treat people who are already fleeing oppression, torture, and death with such little regard, then we would be doing them a favour by just not taking them in in the first place.
"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

Excuse me, Liptard.... but there is no wartime paranoia... we are at war with an enemy committed religiously to our extermination. And I think most Americans have a profound bigotry toward radical Islamists who want to kill every American. Humans generally have a very justifiable bigotry against people who want to kill them.

Of course, you're a subhuman cockroach... so there's that.
So, to be clear, you are saying we are at war with Islam?
I have a response to this, but, before I bother, I just want to be sure we understand one another. To be clear, you are saying that there are no Constitutional guarantees that apply to anyone who is not a United States citizen?

If they are on American soil there might be certain Constitutional rights they have but if they are applying for immigration to this country, they are not on American soil. They are not afforded ANY Constitutional rights. Furthermore, if they are here due to a guest visa, they are subject to ejection for ANY national security reason. So don't come at me with any bullshit SCOTUS ruling that protects "anchor babies" because that's not the debate here. Just to head that off at the pass.
Not where I am going. So, you would agree that the reason to refuse entry, or ejection should be matters of national security?

No, I am saying what I posted. That's what I agree with. Anyone who is here on a temporary guest visa can be exiled immediately for national security reasons and they don't have to be disclosed. Like I stated before, Jimmy Carter did this in 1979 with 15,000 Iranians who were here on guest visas. He also denied over 50,000 visa requests from Iran, mostly from people who wanted to flee the religious fanatical regime there. Refugees.
Yes, IRAN - a recognized nation - had engaged in an aggressive act. Are we at war with Islam?
Don't forget most of our terrorists have been homegrown. I've heard it before, Will. Sorry. I'd take my chances.
The majority of the refugees just want to live, too. Have ANY refugees attacked us here?

Do we need to wait for radical jihadists to attack us before we do something? :dunno:

Have you not got enough sense to understand these people want to kill us all? What do you think "death to America" means? Their leaders have stated openly that they plan to exploit our lax immigration and refugee policies to secrete terrorists into the country. We're seeing the results of this across Europe already and it's just a matter of time before they hit us here... and you want to sit there like some kind of fucking moron and defend this "open door" policy to just keep letting them flood in to the country! Wake the fuck up!
We need to bomb the shit out of them where they live. Take back the territory they infested and the oil fields they stole. The refugees are trying to get away from a nightmare of violence, have lost everything they had, have been living in tent cities for months and years waiting for a place to come.
YOU wake the fuck up. I already told you, I can't forget the dead Jews piled in trenches and the 10 foot piles of human hair collected for stuffing furniture and WE LET THAT HAPPEN by being too weenie assed to let them in! I'll never say go ahead and do it again. NEVER. But don't you dare call me stupid for it.
Apparently the OP.
Explain yourself

I'll get right on that :laugh:
What's the point of making statements if you can't or won't explain yourself... This is a discussion forum right?

I didn't make a statement the OP did, I made an observation.
And on what are you basing that "observation"?

Your statements.
The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies | History | Smithsonian

The U.S. Government Turned Away Thousands of Jewish Refugees, Fearing That They Were Nazi Spies
So, this is so much better than the interment camps. Once again, you are pointing to a practice that has been rather universally condemned as irrational policy that caused our nation a black eye. Just a few phrases from your cited article:

"...the United States had a poor track record..."

"...historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion."

"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

As you can see, this was not a positive practice that we engaged in. It lessened us as a nation.

But, you want to use this "precedent" to justify doing it again, this time with Muslims. Really???


If I wanted to live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan with all the bombings going on, I'd move there.

I'm against it coming here
Non sequitur noted. Care to respond to the actual post?

Did you not notice the first word in my post was 'Yup'?

Do you want the States ending up like Germany, France, and Britain?

Our borders are porous enough without sending out engraved invitations
Do you expect us to treat the refugees the way that Europe has - shoving them into ghettoes, ignoring them, treating them like leppers, and then being surprised that they aren't gleefully "assimilating" into our society? If so, then you're quite right. If we would treat people who are already fleeing oppression, torture, and death with such little regard, then we would be doing them a favour by just not taking them in in the first place.

then we would be doing them a favour by just not taking them in in the first place.

I completely agree
You really can't be surprised at what comes out of the mouths of Trumpsters. Truth doesn't matter. What matters is that it gets talked about, reposted, retweeted....whatever.
Explain yourself

I'll get right on that :laugh:
What's the point of making statements if you can't or won't explain yourself... This is a discussion forum right?

I didn't make a statement the OP did, I made an observation.
And on what are you basing that "observation"?

Your statements.

Which statement specifically? Lemme guess: "All of them". Cuz, you know, you may be retarded, but, at least, you're predictable.
So, this is so much better than the interment camps. Once again, you are pointing to a practice that has been rather universally condemned as irrational policy that caused our nation a black eye. Just a few phrases from your cited article:

"...the United States had a poor track record..."

"...historians believe that Bahr's case was practically unique—and the concern about refugee spies was blown far out of proportion."

"Lipstadt says that the State Department’s attitude was shaped by wartime paranoia and downright bigotry."

As you can see, this was not a positive practice that we engaged in. It lessened us as a nation.

But, you want to use this "precedent" to justify doing it again, this time with Muslims. Really???


If I wanted to live in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Afghanistan with all the bombings going on, I'd move there.

I'm against it coming here
Non sequitur noted. Care to respond to the actual post?

Did you not notice the first word in my post was 'Yup'?

Do you want the States ending up like Germany, France, and Britain?

Our borders are porous enough without sending out engraved invitations
Do you expect us to treat the refugees the way that Europe has - shoving them into ghettoes, ignoring them, treating them like leppers, and then being surprised that they aren't gleefully "assimilating" into our society? If so, then you're quite right. If we would treat people who are already fleeing oppression, torture, and death with such little regard, then we would be doing them a favour by just not taking them in in the first place.

then we would be doing them a favour by just not taking them in in the first place.

I completely agree
I find it more than a little disturbing that you expect us to be so intolerant that we would treat these poor people with such disdain that not allowing them entry would be a service to them. That says a lot more about you, and your bigotry than it does the refugees.

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