Abortion or Birth Control

It seems that most of the women I have dated wanted to have sex on the first night. I wonder if any of the older members here have had the same experience.
On the topic of birth control, The Pill is one of the most effective. My oldest, a "Pill baby" turned 41 last month.
It seems many women are choosing abortion over birth control. We are living in a selfish society that praises the individual over the greater good.
some artificial birth control methods cause early abortion, or used to.. I hven't kept up with modern medical info
usually, or often the Pill expels the fetus.

It's abortion, not b control

The birth control pill is hormones, which inhibit or stop the egg from coming down (ovulation). It also changes the lining of the uterus so the egg does not attach itself to the wall.

No fertilized embryo is expelled, because no embryo was fertilized.
The birth control pill is hormones, which inhibit or stop the egg from coming down (ovulation). It also changes the lining of the uterus so the egg does not attach itself to the wall.

No fertilized embryo is expelled, because no embryo was fertilized.
you don't know biology. The egg gets fertilized and then attaches.

If it is expelled, it is a complete human being wh o is expelled. Attaching does not make it that.
you don't know biology. The egg gets fertilized and then attaches.

If it is expelled, it is a complete human being wh o is expelled. Attaching does not make it that.
you don't know biology. The egg gets fertilized and then attaches.

If it is expelled, it is a complete human being wh o is expelled. Attaching does not make it that.

Birth control pills stop ovulation. The egg never drops. The hormonal trigger for the egg to come is blocked.

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