Abortion was 50/50. Now it is quicksand.

And yet, under Roe, 47 states had bans on abortions.
Your statement is misleading: while it is true that some states had laws on the books that prohibited abortion prior to Roe v. Wade, it is incorrect to suggest that these laws were in effect "under Roe." After the Supreme Court's ruling, these laws were no longer enforceable and were effectively invalidated by the decision.
Historically, studies have shown that people don't like abortion, but still want the government out of it, with limitations.
I don't like abortion either, but I don't believe it's any one's right to tell a woman what to do with her body and private health decisions. That, is all that matters, not whether you 'like' abortion.
That's what your typical fascist/communist would say in response.

Anyone who has read history knows that the left and fascists use fear, anger, and populist slogans to fool the masses into putting them in power.
You mean like 'leftist commies' 'leftist fascists' 'TDS' 'Fake news' 'Dems stole the election' 'Press is the enemy', that Trump used to get into power? You mean like Trump's 'American Carnage' speech, all about fear, agner, and populist slogans, thought-terminating clichés?
They create a hot-button issue and folks blindly follow them without weighing the consequences.
You mean like 'and some are good people" ?
Being able to spot this isn't difficult.
I've learned about Marxist tactics for decades.
No, you are thinking of the tactics of the demagogue, Hitler, Mussolini, Bolsonaro, Trump
It's why they focus on the young and the easily manipulated like children, women, people of color, and members of the gay community.
I've seen more demagoguery in Trump than any US President.
Roe vs Wade was a fake issue.
The ruling had the force of law for 50 years. That's not fake.
The Supreme Court simply returned the decision to the states where it belongs.
According to you, but not according to the majority of the population. The right will pay at the ballot box.
Democrats refuse to write a law that legalizes abortion.....because they need the issue badly.
No, we'd love to.
That is where you are grossly mistaken. The decision was made by two people. The slut had opportunity the very next day to do something about it that was short of murder. Waiting until a child has a beating heart is the line in the sand. It is murder. You can twist yourself in as many pretzels as you choose and use as many unrelated examples as you want, the fact remains that a person is being murdered for the sole reason of the of an irresponsible slut.

You really are not interested in a serious debate. Given your ad homs and generalities over a complex issue, you can't be taken seriously.

Democrats / snowflakes always look at issues as political agendas, political gains and losses....
Give me a break.
Did you guys ever stop to think what has motivated Conservatives is a desire to save the lives of children, to stop the Death want to.kill them from the moment of conception right up to a baby fighting for survival on the table after surviving a failed abortion?!
Did it ever occur to you that banning abortion does NOT stop abortions, but INCREASES the deaths in women?
We're just trying to save women from dying.

Conservatives actually care about saving the lives of children, morality, while Democrats selfishly think children are an inconvenience that could impact their lives. Democrats are more concerned with the right to take life .. and political benefit.
No, you just want to kill more women.
Did it ever occur to you that banning abortion does NOT stop abortions, but INCREASES the deaths in women?
We're just trying to save women from dying.

Did it ever occur to you that some people already know the Death Cult won't let anything stop them from killing babies but they still believe that even if they can save 1 baby's life (from being taken by the cult who demonstrate no concern for the lives of the most vulnerable among us) it might be worth it?!
Republicans are the ones who cheat. They can't win any other way. They want to turn this country into Nazi Germany. Americans will reject that.
Republicans send the FBI after parents speaking out at school board meetings?

Republicans have the FBI direct social media companies to censor speech?

Republicans have local DA indict opposing political candidates?

Your post get both 4 Pinocchios AND 3 Adolfs!
Americans overwhelmingly supported and still do, Roe vs Wade. I just wonder how many elections you will lose before you get it.
Americans DON'T support a woman's right to choose at 9 months. How long will it be before the left get that? And, Americans DO support lower inflation and a better economy. How long will it be before the left get that? Right now Trump is on course for beating Biden in 2024. How long will it be before the left get that?

In 2016 Hillary had a 2% advantage in popular vote and still lost by quite a bit. The latest poll shows Trump with a 7% lead over Biden.
Stop calling abortion before viability murder, it isn't.
It is the intentional and premeditated homicide of an innocent human being, the use of lethal and aggressive violent force to end the life of a victim.

In all other cases, this is prosecuted as murder, the most severe category of murder, in every jurisdiction.
At a time when illegal aliens are transporting fentanyl that kills American kids and the crime rate is out of sight and trannie terrorists are beating up young conservative women and killing kids sitting in classrooms, the left wants to revisit abortion. No surprise here.

They are not transporting fentanyl. Drugs are being smuggled through ports of entry. The crime rate is higher in red areas than it is in blue areas. No transgenders are beating up right wing cows. Right wing Nazis are the ones killing children because Republicans are worried about inconveniencing people who want to buy guns.

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