Accusing Israel of Genocide is an Antisemitic Trope

Israel has spread D.U.

What's wrong with D.U.?

Are you familiar with Israel's D.I.M.E. bomb?

Is that the imaginary one that you made up?
How much longer will this horror continue?

I don't know what this has to do with my post about Grau and Sherlock's repetitive game-playing but ...

It is a horror. It is a terrible, terrible thing. It should never have been started. It should end immediately. Separate Hamas from children! Return the hostages. Surrender. Don't keep your own people in refugee camps! Take the aide money and start building water desalinization plants instead of weapons. Then build farms, and hotels, and IT companies.
I don't know what this has to do with my post about Grau and Sherlock's repetitive game-playing but ...

It is a horror. It is a terrible, terrible thing. It should never have been started. It should end immediately. Separate Hamas from children! Return the hostages. Surrender. Don't keep your own people in refugee camps! Take the aide money and start building water desalinization plants instead of weapons. Then build farms, and hotels, and IT companies.
The end of the Zionist apartheid regime is near.
Genocide my ass. This is what you get when a bunch of Palestinian subhuman animals attack Israeli homes and put babies in ovens, kill kids in front of parents and vice versa, fang rape and murder girls for the sin of attending a peaceful music festival, etc. etc. Among the countless innocent dead from over 25 countries are. 45 Americans.
Still repeating the lies i see about what happened that day, rapes babies in ovens etc, you disgusting creature.
You support a terrorist regime, but are too dumb to know it.

Indeed there is no argument the Zionist thugs have carried out and ARE carrying out Genocide, no need for further discussion just accept the filth on here who support the Genocide are in the same boat as the Camp guards in Auschwitz and the murder squads/ Einsatzgruppen who ran riot in the East, they should remember the Einsatzgruppen commanders stood trial.
Yeah thousands of the subhumans you hate are dead and wounded, but it doesn’t concern one bit.
look! More guesses about me and imputed emotions. Since you don't know where I stand on issues, you lash out. Why you call anyone "subhuman" escapes me, but you do you.
look! More guesses about me and imputed emotions. Since you don't know where I stand on issues, you lash out. Why you call anyone "subhuman" escapes me, but you do you.
Yet you consider Palestinians subhuman and massacring them is fine by you.

Could it be you don’t know this about yourself?

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