airforce now forces you to swear to god

when you join the military, you do give up certain Constitutional rights. In exchange, the military attempts to provide most if not all your basic needs. You are taught from day one that military needs will outweigh rights enjoyed by fellow citizens.
Does that include giving up the right of Freedom of Religion?

if mission needs require it, then yes. For example, if you are engaged in an operation on a Sunday & you normally go to Church that day, then mission needs will outweigh your right to attend Church. It's very situational but when it comes right down to it, yes, military needs will always trump constitutional rights for its members.
If onlywe had a commander in chief who would step in an use his power constructively instead of sympathizing with black criminals.
You understand Obama is Commander in Chief and can step in and take care of this with one EO, right?
SO why doesnt he?
or let the courts take care of it.....

Of course he does that and you guys cry about how he is a dictator

um civilians courts wouldn't have jurisdiction. Do you understand that?

Now, I think a military panel would rule that the guy does not have t say "under God" , but the COTUS does NOT apply here. should be removed

Personally I believe it should be optional.

In either case though, the ridiculous notion that the first amendment has anything to do with this is just ridiculous.I have a hard time believing anyone who served doesn't remember that one of the first things they tell you is "The military owns you now"

The UCMJ gives many of the same protections as the COTUS, but entirely the same .
well outside of the argument that the government may be promoting one religion over another, and since the Air-force tends to be mostly Fundi Christians its not that far of a leap.

While I object to the term Fundi Christian, let's set that aside for a moment.

Are you aware that UCMJ could be amended t say that ONLY Christians could serve and there isn't a damned thing the ACLU could do about it?

Now, don't think that I am suggesting such a thing, I am not. I am merely setting up a hypothetical. Soldiers in the military have VOLUNTARILY given up their Constitutional rights.
well your hypothetical wouldnt get very far.

Of course it wouldn't. That wasn't the point of bringing it up
People just need a reason to be pissed off. I am not a Christian and took the Navy oath and said "so help me god" big fucking deal.
He's no longer in the military. He can sue the Feds over a blatantly unConstitutional policy. And he will win. What amazes me is the stupidity of the Air Farce to dig their heals in on this.

I never understand this kind of crap. NO one in the chain of command said "hold it, this isn't gonna fly, and it's gonna make us look like kooks"? They thought the rule would just go through without a peep?

I don't get it.


You don't get it is right sir.

The military doesn't give two figs what the COTUS says in terms of violating your rights.

Go into your commanding officer's office call him a fucking dickhead, then hire an ACLU lawyer after they "violate your freedom of speech"

I'm not sure what this has to do with what I said.


It has to do with when you sign on the dotted line you have given up any claims of violating your constitutional rights bu tje US military , in favor of UCMJ protections.

One obvious example.

The fourth amendment right to not have your person searched without a warrant, it does NOT exist in the UCMJ. The military can search you, your housing (if on base) your car (again if on base) or anywhere else sans probable cause or a warrant. The UCMJ does not afford that protection.
If I were the Air Force, Id change my policy, reenlist this pussy and send him to the North Pole for 4 years.
Minot is sufficient.
No shit my brother in law was stationed there. What a hell hole.
Decades ago I used to send people there...sent one of my best friends there to have a shot as a squadron commander...he got into a scrap with the DO. So the plan didn't work out. But he had a blast there. Then got him a job at Tyndall.
People....if you think the Religious Right was just going to go after the gays, guess again. Remember that they go after the non-Christians too.

if you think anyone is "going after gays" chances are good that you are going after that group instead.
As if there's the faintest sliver of a chance that any of the weak wristed loons posting about how "The AF has a CHRISTIAN problem" would ever, ever be accepted into the Air Force.


If I were the Air Force, Id change my policy, reenlist this pussy and send him to the North Pole for 4 years.
And people like you is why we have the 1st Amendment and the ACLU.

You have a first amendment right to not be sent somewhere when you join the military? II though you served?
I did...and the Navy didn't make us swear to God...we could swear or affirm.
What Navy were you in? we were told to raise our right and and repeat the oath, no one said you can skip the "so help me god" part. I took mine June 6th 1979.
What does any of this have to do with religion? And what religion is that specified, if any?
Making a re-enlistee swear to god or else they cannot re-enlist.....Are you going to assert that that isn't a Freedom of
[QUOTE="bodecea, post: 9778560, member: 20112"
So...we are being told now that when we sign up to the military we ALSO give up our freedom of religion?

More absolute proof that your claims of serving are false.

You give up your CONSTITUTIONAL protections, absolutely positively. You DO however have legal protections, as defined in the UCMJ

By the way, did you acknowledge that this airman IS still in the Air Force
contrary to your earlier claims?[/QUOTE]
Til November

An atheist airman at Creech Air Force Base in Nevada has until November to change his mind and swear a reenlistment oath to God, the Air Force said. believe we give up our Freedom of Religion too when we enlist?

In a Sept. 5 email, Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson said the airman is still serving and will continue to do so for at least two more months.

“The airman’s term of service expires in November 2014,” Richeson said. “He has until this time to complete the Department of Defense Form 4 in compliance with the Title 10 USC 502.”

Please acknowledge that you were WRONG when you INSISTED that this airman was no longer in the Air force.

In a Sept. 5 email, Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson said the airman is still serving and will continue to do so for at least two more months.

“The airman’s term of service expires in November 2014,” Richeson said. “He has until this time to complete the Department of Defense Form 4 in compliance with the Title 10 USC 502.”

Please acknowledge that you were WRONG when you INSISTED that this airman was no longer in the Air force.
She wont, she is wrong all the time and never admits it.
If I were the Air Force, Id change my policy, reenlist this pussy and send him to the North Pole for 4 years.
And people like you is why we have the 1st Amendment and the ACLU.

You have a first amendment right to not be sent somewhere when you join the military? II though you served?
I did...and the Navy didn't make us swear to God...we could swear or affirm.
What Navy were you in? we were told to raise our right and and repeat the oath, no one said you can skip the "so help me god" part. I took mine June 6th 1979.

She may have went to an Old Navy store once, but there is NO WAY you serve in ANY branch of the military and don't know that the first amendment doesn't apply the to the military

Anyone else remember 4 am roll call when they'd bust open your locker and paw through everything you owned, just because....
If I were the Air Force, Id change my policy, reenlist this pussy and send him to the North Pole for 4 years.
And people like you is why we have the 1st Amendment and the ACLU.

You have a first amendment right to not be sent somewhere when you join the military? II though you served?
I did...and the Navy didn't make us swear to God...we could swear or affirm.
What Navy were you in? we were told to raise our right and and repeat the oath, no one said you can skip the "so help me god" part. I took mine June 6th 1979.

She may have went to an Old Navy store once, but there is NO WAY you serve in ANY branch of the military and don't know that the first amendment doesn't apply the to the military

Anyone else remember 4 am roll call when they'd bust open your locker and paw through everything you owned, just because....
or 1-5 day in boot camp were the other DI's trashed your shit, just because
If I were the Air Force, Id change my policy, reenlist this pussy and send him to the North Pole for 4 years.
And people like you is why we have the 1st Amendment and the ACLU.

You have a first amendment right to not be sent somewhere when you join the military? II though you served?
I did...and the Navy didn't make us swear to God...we could swear or affirm.
What Navy were you in? we were told to raise our right and and repeat the oath, no one said you can skip the "so help me god" part. I took mine June 6th 1979.

She may have went to an Old Navy store once, but there is NO WAY you serve in ANY branch of the military and don't know that the first amendment doesn't apply the to the military

Anyone else remember 4 am roll call when they'd bust open your locker and paw through everything you owned, just because....
or 1-5 day in boot camp were the other DI's trashed your shit, just because

Anyone here ever try suing their commanding officer for violating their first amendment rights when they were told to "shut their dick suckers?"
The air force has a massive Christian problem within their ranks. So the idea that they are forcing people is not shocking at all

Christian problem?
yes.. A problem. Air Force cadets revolt after officials remove biblical verse from whiteboard - Washington Times

Had it been in his room — not a problem. It’s not about the belief. It’s about the time, the place and the manner,” Mr. Weinstein told conservative commentator Todd Starnes, The Blaze reported. “It clearly elevated one religious faith over all others at an already virulently hyper-fundamentalist Christian institution. It massively poured fundamentalist Christian gasoline on an already raging out-of-control conflagration of fundamentalist Christian tyranny, exceptionalism and supremacy at [the academy].”

it is well known that the air force is made up a fundies and "zealots".

Not to mention wing nuts.....
Yet another atheist attack!

Once again, a tiny minority wishes to force their twisted beliefs on the majority.

This post is everything I hate about religion. Yet again, the fundamentalist majority wishes to force their twisted beliefs on the enlightened minority.

All religion should be banned. You create thread after thread attacking Moonslim terrorists, yet you bash Islam only because they're your competitor, not because they're evil.
We'll quit posting about religion if you quit posting about gays. Deal?

I refuse to waive my right to free speech. What you're doing, however, isn't free speech--it's rampant bigotry and incitement, and needs to be banned.

Everything I don't like needs to be.

And get rid of the avatar. It's disturbing.

In a Sept. 5 email, Air Force spokeswoman Rose Richeson said the airman is still serving and will continue to do so for at least two more months.

“The airman’s term of service expires in November 2014,” Richeson said. “He has until this time to complete the Department of Defense Form 4 in compliance with the Title 10 USC 502.”

Please acknowledge that you were WRONG when you INSISTED that this airman was no longer in the Air force.


Come on back, don't run from your lies.

There is NO WAY a former naval officer tells an obvious untruth and doesn't come back later and say "oh I was mistaken there"
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