AOC tests positive for Covid after her Miami “getaway”

I have it on good authority that she should be OK within a week as covid can't survive any longer than that in the brain dead. ;)

No they didn’t.
Have you ever heard an ER that takes appointments? I am sorry, but your story does not pass the smell test, and let me tell you from the voice of experience here, I spend a lot of time in our local hospital, and the University of Kentucky hospital. Like I said, my daughter is an EMT and transports to 3 different emergency rooms, depending on the patient needs. I think she would know, even if I did not.

Your relatives either lied, were confused, or they have the most messed up hospital in this nation.
Sandy Cortez looks more like a donkey than a horse, but close enough. Assuming no voter fraud, which was generally accepted in the northeast before Trump noticed it nationwide, the majority is Sandy's area allegedly voted for him or her, she might be a tranny. The majority are therefore sick, stupid, retards who exist by fleecing Whitey tax dollars.
Thing is.....

If you go partying in a packed Miami Drag Queen Bar.... well... don't complain after.:dunno:

January 9, 2022

Her boyfriend?????.........Isn't that her brother?
Lets recall what the snarky bitch tweeted about Gov. Desantis when he was spending time with his wife who is getting chemo for breast cancer

“Hasn’t Gov. DeSantis been inexplicably missing for like 2 weeks? If he’s around, I would be happy to say hello. His social media team seems to have been posting old photos for weeks. In the meantime, perhaps I could help with local organizing. Folks are quite receptive here :)

I wish her all the health and recovery that she and her supporters gave to Trump when he tested positive.
Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Philippines, and more.... And we get the same thing here that destroyed potential greatness those there. You are the same people of true socialism with all living well who visit the islands of the caribe on cruises with many of their own suffering and dying while you live high off the hog and give yourselves kudos for tipping to make them live better.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez tests positive for COVID-19
Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has tested positive for COVID-19, her office said in a statement on Sunday.

"She is experiencing symptoms and recovering at home," the statement said. "The Congresswoman received her booster this fall and encourages everyone to get their booster and follow CDC guidelines."
What a bitch, comes spends her time down here in Florida sucking up the sunshine and being a hypocrite, then goes back with the Covid shit where it all started from. She should be shot for being a super spreader.


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