Are the NFL national anthem protesters racist?

The players aren't racist, they're just a symptom, and they're being enabled by those who have decided that payback is a higher priority than healing.
Yeah. They should just chill out and wait for Trump and Sessions to heal the nation. Good plan.
^^^ Note how the Regressives' very first impulse is to toss out dishonest Straw Man distortions. This is how they try to cover for their behaviors.

No honest conversation can take place when zealots like this are a part of it.
Well we all know LL is one really big dumb fuck.
He's just another Regressive.
The players aren't racist, they're just a symptom, and they're being enabled by those who have decided that payback is a higher priority than healing.
BO was all about pay back.
Well, this isn't going away. They're emboldened now, they think this is their chance, and it's slash & burn time.
All we need now is an incident that they will use, to set the nation on fire.
We appear to be getting closer to that.

When payback is the goal, any excuse is a good excuse.

Who told you that payback is the goal? Name the person and cite the comments. Thanks.
You have to be able to think logically and understand the mindset of radical leftists.

Clearly you are unable.
The players aren't racist, they're just a symptom, and they're being enabled by those who have decided that payback is a higher priority than healing.

Yeah. They should just chill out and wait for Trump and Sessions to heal the nation. Good plan.
...but I thought your Messiah was suppose to heal the nation and stop the oceans from rising.

Dumb ass think: America is racist. Burn it all down....MAN!
When you hate the country, what's happening now is like opening a present on your birthday.

Who.hates the country? Name names.
You and most radical leftists. are dupes for the elite left, and merely march to their tune.
Memories run shallow for the left


Lions Players Celebrate by Mocking Broncos QB Tim Tebow’s Praying

You don’t have to be a football fan to know who Tim Tebow is. He’s the current Denver Broncos quarterback and former University of Florida Heisman Trophy winner. He’s also an ardent Christian who doesn’t hide his faith, and he regularly — before, during, and after games — drops to one knee to thank the Lord. But his praying has become a worldwide internet sensation, with people from all over taking pictures of themselves “Tebowing” — or dropping to one knee and pretending to pray. In fact, two of his opponents did it in celebration during this Sunday’s blowout win over the Broncos.

So are you still confused as to what “Tebowing” is? How about some visuals from the site devoted to it. There’s the original from Tebow himself:

Lions Players Celebrate by Mocking Broncos QB Tim Tebow’s Praying

The kneeling changes nothing but America turning off the TV. So.... I guess it does change something

The kneeling changes nothing but America turning off the TV. So.... I guess it does change something


Ratings will be high today.

Maybe for about 2 minutes to see if the players are wising up, then click...... OFF


Had the president not decided to further divide this nation while campaigning, nobody would have given kneeling during the anthem a second thought today.

Now more players than ever will kneel. This time to protest him. He's a fucking genius.
The kneeling changes nothing but America turning off the TV. So.... I guess it does change something


Ratings will be high today.

Maybe for about 2 minutes to see if the players are wising up, then click...... OFF


Had the president not decided to further divide this nation while campaigning, nobody would have given kneeling during the anthem a second thought today.

Now more players than ever will kneel. This time to protest him. He's a fucking genius.

Ask Tebow what kneeling gets you

The dumb thing about the NFL Protesters is that more than twice as many White suspects are killed by the police and 99% of the time it is justified and it is very rarely murder.

The NFL protesters are the real racist, not the Police or America.
The kneeling changes nothing but America turning off the TV. So.... I guess it does change something -Geaux
It would be interesting to know if people who are walking away are doing so because of specific partisan reasons, or because they just can't fucking stand politics being crammed into every last fucking nook & cranny in this culture and they're like to escape it for just three fucking hours once a week.

Maybe some combination therein.
The kneeling changes nothing but America turning off the TV. So.... I guess it does change something


Ratings will be high today.

Maybe for about 2 minutes to see if the players are wising up, then click...... OFF


Had the president not decided to further divide this nation while campaigning, nobody would have given kneeling during the anthem a second thought today.

Now more players than ever will kneel. This time to protest him. He's a fucking genius.

Ask Tebow what kneeling gets you


You seem to think Tebow has been opressed in some way.
The kneeling changes nothing but America turning off the TV. So.... I guess it does change something -Geaux
It would be interesting to know if people who are walking away are doing so because of specific partisan reasons, or because they just can't fucking stand politics being crammed into every last fucking nook & cranny in this culture and they're like to escape it for just three fucking hours once a week.

Maybe some combination therein.

Or...maybe because the game is less interesting and has peaked in popularity?
The kneeling changes nothing but America turning off the TV. So.... I guess it does change something


Ratings will be high today.

Maybe for about 2 minutes to see if the players are wising up, then click...... OFF


Had the president not decided to further divide this nation while campaigning, nobody would have given kneeling during the anthem a second thought today.

Now more players than ever will kneel. This time to protest him. He's a fucking genius.

Ask Tebow what kneeling gets you


You seem to think Tebow has been opressed in some way.

There are some bad dudes on both sides

The kneeling changes nothing but America turning off the TV. So.... I guess it does change something


Ratings will be high today.

Maybe for about 2 minutes to see if the players are wising up, then click...... OFF


Had the president not decided to further divide this nation while campaigning, nobody would have given kneeling during the anthem a second thought today.

Now more players than ever will kneel. This time to protest him. He's a fucking genius.

Ask Tebow what kneeling gets you


You seem to think Tebow has been opressed in some way.
If a minority were treated as Tebow was, you would be told to scream racism by your bosses, and you would dutifully do as told.

Less than 1% of Black murder victims are killed by policemen but they never protest about the other 99% of Black murder victims.

The Police kill more than twice as many White suspects as Black suspects, but they don’t protest for the White suspects who are killed.

Blacks commit 50X more interracial violence than Whites and yet they only protest when Whites commit interracial violence.

Is Colin Kaepernick actually just protesting because he was fired for being incompetent, but attempting to use race as an excuse?

No, just ignorant.
Ratings will be high today.

Maybe for about 2 minutes to see if the players are wising up, then click...... OFF


Had the president not decided to further divide this nation while campaigning, nobody would have given kneeling during the anthem a second thought today.

Now more players than ever will kneel. This time to protest him. He's a fucking genius.

Ask Tebow what kneeling gets you


You seem to think Tebow has been opressed in some way.

There are some bad dudes on both sides

You just really upset him. He is told by the MSM (his bosses) that blacks can't be bad. Only whites are bad.
Ratings will be high today.

Maybe for about 2 minutes to see if the players are wising up, then click...... OFF


Had the president not decided to further divide this nation while campaigning, nobody would have given kneeling during the anthem a second thought today.

Now more players than ever will kneel. This time to protest him. He's a fucking genius.

Ask Tebow what kneeling gets you


You seem to think Tebow has been opressed in some way.
If a minority were treated as Tebow was, you would be told to scream racism by your bosses, and you would dutifully do as told.


How was he treated?
Trump showed his appreciation of Tim Tebow in classic Trump fashion:

Donald Trump used charity money to buy Tebow helmet: report

"Even shameless Donald Trump can regret Tebowmania now.

The name of quarterback Tim Tebow now figures in Trump’s circus-fire presidential campaign after
the Washington Post reported Friday that Trump used charity money for a $12,000 autographed football helmet in 2012."
This must be the reason for your thinking, all in the up bringing.
Less than 1% of Black are killed by policemen but they never protest about Black murder victims.

The Police kill more than twice as many White suspects as Black suspects, but they don’t protest for the White suspects who are killed.

Blacks commit 50X more interracial violence than Whites and yet they only protest when Whites commit interracial violence.
g to use race as an excuse?
Predators Feed on Loud-Mouth Cowardice

Using logic against the Ding Dongs of the Bell Curve is itself illogical. They and the power-hungry Whiteys Hating Whitey only respond to force, and that's what it will have to be.

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