As A Black Person Why Should I Celebrate the 4th of July?

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If it's so horrid, why do you stay here, exactly?
If whats so horrid and why do I stay where?

In the U.S.A, where else?
Who told you that I thought the US was horrid? I asked why should celebrate the 4th. Cant you read?

The reason is simple, the Forth of July is fun.
I think you're just soft, and "Touchy" as a "Victim"

My Poles were treated much worse by Germans in the past 100 years than Blacks were by Whitey in the U.S.A.

Even so I still like German Oktoberfest, I fail to see why I shouldn't like it, exactly?

The reason is simply that it's fun, Oktoberfest is fun, just like the Forth of July is fun.
If it's so horrid, why do you stay here, exactly?
If whats so horrid and why do I stay where?

In the U.S.A, where else?
Who told you that I thought the US was horrid? I asked why should celebrate the 4th. Cant you read?

The reason is simple, the Forth of July is fun.
I think you're just soft, and "Touchy" as a "Victim"

My Poles were treated much worse by Germans in the past 100 years than Blacks were by Whitey in the U.S.A.

Even so I still like German Octoberfest, I fail to see why I shouldn't like it, exactly?

The reason is simply that it's fun, Oktoberfest is fun, just like the Forth of July is fun.
Ok thats one answer. Because its fun. Thanks for your input.
IMO butterfly need NOT celebrate the fourth of July if he does not wish to. I do
not celebrate my birthdays
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black, because you're not really "black." WHat you mostly identify with is liberalism or the Democrat Party. And the Democrats lost the most important election of their lifetimes, because they have become obsolete and out of touch.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

It must really suck to have to drag around that burdensome modifier "black" wherever you go from day to day. I know it probably doesn't get old to you because that's what you identify with, but it sorta gets old to everyone else who has to hear it over and over again.

You might have missed it, but there was once this guy named "Martin Luther King." He once visualized a country where a person would just be a "person.", regardless of their color. You might take some time out and go to your local library and read up on him. He had some interesting ideas.

Actually its pretty empowering being Black.

MLK also said he thought he made a mistake trying to integrate with whites. I'm guessing that was kept from you.

I don't see how it's "empowering", being black. After all, you Democrats lost the most important election of your lifetimes.

Now it might be "empowering" to be a Republican or a conservative right now, because we own this shit. But please, don't equate "republican" or "conservative" with "white", because there are plenty of black Republicans and conservatives. We are after all, the ones who held a Civil War to stop slavery, enacted constitutional qualities, and voted for Civil Rights in the 60's.

Your buddies in the Democrat Party fought tooth and nail to prevent those from happening, ya know.
I never asked you to see how it was empowering to be Black. I was just informing you that it was empowering. Now that you have finished deflecting please answer my question.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

I can give you one with certainty. be happy you aren't living in Canada.
naw Ace , there are just people that i AVOID all interaction with . Almost 70 years experience have shown me that i can quite often spot a trouble maker simply by their Appearance, So why ask them a silly question Ace .
Can anyone give an answer to my question? So far 3 pages in and no one has addressed my question.
You mean it's not a question worthy of discussion?

Sorry, Man.
Why are you on the thread if you didnt want to discuss it? Are you just flaming?

Here I thought you liked the Forth of July, because many serve "Flaming Weiner's"
I've never like the fourth. I have always thought it was hypocritical.
So the success you have enjoyed living in the greatest country in the world means nothing, but things that happened hundreds of years ago is what shapes your thoughts and actions every day. I don't understand that at all.
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.

I can give you one with certainty. be happy you aren't living in Canada.
I love Canada. Well Vancouver. Almost moved there. Still looking for some reasons I should celebrate the 4th though. So far after all these pages I have only got one response. Fun
same way i won't ask a muslim or a guy with a 'sombrero' or a guy with an 'english' accent if they celebrate the 4TH of July . Why give these people a soapbox Ace ??
So the success you have enjoyed living in the greatest country in the world means nothing, but things that happened hundreds of years ago is what shapes your thoughts and actions every day. I don't understand that at all.
Thats subjective. Who says US is the greatest country in the world and what does that have to do with the 4th specifically?
My neighbor came over and asked if I was going to do fireworks today. I told her no and that I do not celebrate the 4th. She asked me why and I told her I didnt want to spoil her fun. She insisted I tell her and I eventually relented. I told her that my ancestors were still enslaved on this day even though a man that looked like me was the first to die in defense of this country.
No one cares.
If thats true why do people ask me why I dont celebrate the 4th?

Because when they see something really strange and odd they want to know more about it. They want to know if you're someone they should keep their kids away from or if you're basically harmless, albeit a little kooky.
same way i won't ask a muslim or a guy with a 'sombrero' or a guy with an 'english' accent if they celebrate the 4TH of July . Why give these people a soapbox Ace ??
I thought they were intelligent enough to come up with some reasons. So far I have 1 and a half reasons.
So the success you have enjoyed living in the greatest country in the world means nothing, but things that happened hundreds of years ago is what shapes your thoughts and actions every day. I don't understand that at all.
Don't bother.
Can anyone give an answer to my question? So far 3 pages in and no one has addressed my question.
You mean it's not a question worthy of discussion?

Sorry, Man.
Why are you on the thread if you didnt want to discuss it? Are you just flaming?
Red, black, and green? Seriously?

See, your thread raises bigger issues than your question does. Like your anti-Americanism.
My thread wasnt about the flag. It was about reasons to celebrate the fourth. Youre talking about a deflection.
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