Bachmann: Jesus is ‘coming soon’

I have never heard of any RAPTURE theory that includes----lets nuke the world

Somewhere in Joel Joel 1 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre.
Only 4 chapters; take a look.
I don't have time right now as I am humiliating some morons at the moment.

Post the scripture. No such scripture exists in Joel. Put it up here for everyone to see.

I posted two links to two very short chapters than describe evil people being consumed by fire.
I apologize if that's not enough.
I will go back in time and discuss it with Joel.

Evil people burning with fire doesn't say anything about nukes. Please back up your claim with something that does.[/QUOTE
"Have a few homosexuals living in your city? Destroy them."

"Look back? Pillar of salt!"

"Kill your son for me."

"I'm just fuckin' with ya."

"Don't forget how compassionate I am or I'll condemn you to a life off eternal suffering."

"What do you mean my book makes no sense?" :dunno:

Google "jeremiah Sodom"
Sodom was NOT destroyed due to homosexuality.

EKE 16 also tells why Sodom was destroyed and EKE said the Israelites were acting worst than those of Sodom, according to scripture, I believe it was a earthquake or natural disaster, volcano.

WHAT reality is that Penelope? you call yourself a health care
worker and have no idea upon whom to request a psychiatry

I'm not a shrink, there are too many literalist who believe this stuff, and its so programed in them and continuously reinforced so I doubt they can be deprogramed.

You seem obsessed with it? You'd best run out and get your hair done just in case.
Ha Ha I don't get my hair done. When I hear talk like this I do find it upsetting, as they are also teaching their kids this, and with all the wackos in the world all it takes is for several to get hold of nukes, just to see the "face of Jesus". I do honestly believe they are sick in the mind to think this.

So why can't you provide a single person suggesting we throw nukes around to see Jesus?

simply put, the bible was wrote thousands of years ago, and it has not a thing to do with the events of today.

your comment is utterly idiotic. That the bible was written thousands of years ago does not mean it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH PRESENT DAY EARTH-----it
reflects the intellectual legacy of mankind----in fact in terms of TIME---fairly recently ---------did you attend any kind of school ??
in the course of your life?
Post the scripture. No such scripture exists in Joel. Put it up here for everyone to see.

I posted two links to two very short chapters than describe evil people being consumed by fire.
I apologize if that's not enough.
I will go back in time and discuss it with Joel.

Evil people burning with fire doesn't say anything about nukes. Please back up your claim with something that does.[/QUOTE
Google "jeremiah Sodom"
Sodom was NOT destroyed due to homosexuality.

EKE 16 also tells why Sodom was destroyed and EKE said the Israelites were acting worst than those of Sodom, according to scripture, I believe it was a earthquake or natural disaster, volcano.

You seem obsessed with it? You'd best run out and get your hair done just in case.
Ha Ha I don't get my hair done. When I hear talk like this I do find it upsetting, as they are also teaching their kids this, and with all the wackos in the world all it takes is for several to get hold of nukes, just to see the "face of Jesus". I do honestly believe they are sick in the mind to think this.

So why can't you provide a single person suggesting we throw nukes around to see Jesus?

simply put, the bible was wrote thousands of years ago, and it has not a thing to do with the events of today.

Simply put-----you are ignorant, illiterate and vulgar Scriptural writings
are very important in understanding human history and intellect Also "was wrote...." does not exist in the English language------You should have written
"was written..." If you tell me what your mother tongue is I might be able
to help you. I did English writing remediation as a freshman in college

Vulgar, really me? I understand the OT and NT very well. Its tells more about man and their cultures than God. Now if your one of these kooks that think New Orleans flooding was due to sins of New Orleans, then you much believe that the everything is the work of God.

You just issued another vulgar idiotic remark. It is very clear from your posts over months that you have no idea what the bible is. I find it interesting that a person
who rejects the classical writings as "meaningless" is so convinced that jews have
SPECIAL MALIGNANT MAGICAL POWERS. In sum----you reject the bible as being "hocus pocus" -----but you accept the hocus pocus of illiterate old women living in shanty towns
"Have a few homosexuals living in your city? Destroy them."

"Look back? Pillar of salt!"

"Kill your son for me."

"I'm just fuckin' with ya."

"Don't forget how compassionate I am or I'll condemn you to a life off eternal suffering."

"What do you mean my book makes no sense?" :dunno:

Google "jeremiah Sodom"
Sodom was NOT destroyed due to homosexuality.

EKE 16 also tells why Sodom was destroyed and EKE said the Israelites were acting worst than those of Sodom, according to scripture, I believe it was a earthquake or natural disaster, volcano.

A person who lives in reality.

WHAT reality is that Penelope? you call yourself a health care
worker and have no idea upon whom to request a psychiatry

I'm not a shrink, there are too many literalist who believe this stuff, and its so programed in them and continuously reinforced so I doubt they can be deprogramed.

You seem obsessed with it? You'd best run out and get your hair done just in case.
Ha Ha I don't get my hair done. When I hear talk like this I do find it upsetting, as they are also teaching their kids this, and with all the wackos in the world all it takes is for several to get hold of nukes, just to see the "face of Jesus". I do honestly believe they are sick in the mind to think this.

So why can't you provide a single person suggesting we throw nukes around to see Jesus?

did Billy Graham say it? There are ayatoilets and Imams who have asked for------worse carnage
Post the scripture. No such scripture exists in Joel. Put it up here for everyone to see.

I posted two links to two very short chapters than describe evil people being consumed by fire.
I apologize if that's not enough.
I will go back in time and discuss it with Joel.

Evil people burning with fire doesn't say anything about nukes. Please back up your claim with something that does.[/QUOTE
Google "jeremiah Sodom"
Sodom was NOT destroyed due to homosexuality.

EKE 16 also tells why Sodom was destroyed and EKE said the Israelites were acting worst than those of Sodom, according to scripture, I believe it was a earthquake or natural disaster, volcano.

You seem obsessed with it? You'd best run out and get your hair done just in case.
Ha Ha I don't get my hair done. When I hear talk like this I do find it upsetting, as they are also teaching their kids this, and with all the wackos in the world all it takes is for several to get hold of nukes, just to see the "face of Jesus". I do honestly believe they are sick in the mind to think this.

So why can't you provide a single person suggesting we throw nukes around to see Jesus?

simply put, the bible was wrote thousands of years ago, and it has not a thing to do with the events of today.

Simply put-----you are ignorant, illiterate and vulgar Scriptural writings
are very important in understanding human history and intellect Also "was wrote...." does not exist in the English language------You should have written
"was written..." If you tell me what your mother tongue is I might be able
to help you. I did English writing remediation as a freshman in college

Vulgar, really me? I understand the OT and NT very well. Its tells more about man and their cultures than God. Now if your one of these kooks that think New Orleans flooding was due to sins of New Orleans, then you much believe that the everything is the work of God.

I will help you You should have written >>>
VULGAR?? REALLY? me? I understand the OT and NT very well. They
reveal more about man and 'his' cultures than they reveal about God. Now, if
you're one of the kooks who believe that New Orleans flooding was caused by the sins of New Orleans, they your must believe that everything is the work of God.

I fixed it up just so that it is now ENGLISH
I posted two links to two very short chapters than describe evil people being consumed by fire.
I apologize if that's not enough.
I will go back in time and discuss it with Joel.

Evil people burning with fire doesn't say anything about nukes. Please back up your claim with something that does.

Zechariah 14 / Hebrew - English Bible / Mechon-Mamre
Zachariah 14:12...Check it out and come your own conclusion.

No mention of nukes nor of a rapture there. I submit you are attempting to write your own scriptures.

12 And this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the peoples that have warred against Jerusalem: their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their sockets, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.

I am quoting a verse.
I don't know how explicit you need your Scripture to be.
As I said, this is what the Christian Rapture folk use.

That could be from common old napalm or from some chemical or biological agent. The rapture thing, of which the Bible is silent, is supposed to be the catching away of the Church. Nothing there about that. Like I say, no mention of nukes nor of rapture.

C'mon folks-----it's poetry
Her takeaway from the trip, she says, is “that the Jewish state of Israel truly is a miracle of the hand of God.”

And here I thought it was a series of political moves the British made at the end of WW1, starting with the Balfour Declaration and ending with 1947.

Must of been the hand of God. Must have.
So should I guess from the lack of any attempt to defend the statement that you admit you were less than truthful about Christians wanting to throw nukes around to meet Jesus? I mean finding one who says that shouldn't be difficult if there are so many of us believing and working for that., right?

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