Bi-racial marriages make white people want to puke

this is a liberal telling other liberals how awful conservatives are, not that he knows any conservatives. He needs to find actual conservatives.

Hatred, bigotry and ignorance. He is the epitome of what he charges conservatives with.

what gets me is how anyone can bring this article on this board...
some ugly people on here
Duddly once again shows the shallow, intellectually benign opinions of the ill-informed and easily duped.
Where the hell did Puddly Pillowbite go? He throws a bomb 5 days ago and doesn't come back to acknowledge the ass handing he received? Bad form Puddly.
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America is in the middle of a civil war over SOCIAL VALUES

We see this war fought here every day.
Black men make very good husbands to white women. Plus, white women tend to be very feminist and uppidy, so they need a strong Black male to squash that.
Richard Cohen: Mixed Race Familes Make 'Conventional' People 'Gag'

Richard Cohen wants you to know that there is no racism in the GOP at all. No way, no how, nuh-uh. They just find the idea of a white man married to a black woman to be nauseating. Why Richard Cohen, long time columnist at the Washington Post thinks this is not a phenomenally racist thing to say is unclear. What is clear is that Richard Cohen is a jackass and the Washington Post would be better off without him and his pervasive racism.

Richard Cohen made quite a stir earlier this year when he cheered George Zimmerman’s acquittal in the Trayvon Martin murder case. In his column he compared Trayvon in a hoodie to a white man wearing KKK robes. In essence, a black teen wearing a sweat jacket with the hood pulled up in the rain is a “uniform we all recognize.” You know, because criminals have a dress code and whatnot. No racism there or anything....

Today’s GOP is not racist, as Harry Belafonte alleged about the tea party, but it is deeply troubled — about the expansion of government, about immigration, about secularism, about the mainstreaming of what used to be the avant-garde. People with conventional views must repress a gag reflex when considering the mayor-elect of New York — a white man married to a black woman and with two biracial children. (Should I mention that Bill de Blasio’s wife, Chirlane McCray, used to be a lesbian?) Thise America. To cultural conservatives, this doesn’t look like their country at all.

(The same article quotes this jerk as saying Christie isn't conservative enough when, in fact, Christie does agree with most of the backward and barbaric beliefs of the GObP.)

I'm sick of hearing the racist shit but, the election of a man married to a black woman and having bi-racial kids should send the same message as when a t-potty candidate loses.

Most of America is not filled with hate for people who are of a different color. Most people just really don't care about this any ore than they care about who marries who.

Too bad we can't send all the racist slime to some barren island - like the asshole who learned he's not 100% white. But of course, they wouldn't last long with out their government checks.

I believe you have a right to like or dislike anyone you want for whatever reason you want.

You have just as much right to be the bigot that you are as he does to be the racist that he is.

I hate stupid people like you. I'd incinerate and sterilize you all if I could.

But alas..

Live and let die
Black men make very good husbands to white women. Plus, white women tend to be very feminist and uppidy, so they need a strong Black male to squash that.

Long as the white women don't mind being slapped around every once in awhile.

Some of them really like it. Yeah.....uhuh.

They don't feel loved unless they get a beating on a regular basis. :eusa_angel:
How is your hate for all tea party members and republicans in general, any different than someone hating all people with a particular skin color? Just because you're a different kind of bigot, doesn't make you any less of a bigot.

It seems to me that Luddley hates people for their hostile or destructive actions.

That is a far cry from hating someone for their skin color (which is neither their doing nor is it destructive or harmful)
(A) There is nothing anywhere in this thread or in the link that quotes Mr. Cohen. What we have is a paraphrase by a person that calls itself, "Justin 'Filthy Liberal Scum' Rosario." If it were anything approaching a work of Journalism, Cohen would be quoted, in context. The lack of any quote is significant.

(B) Even taking the paraphrase at face value, it says nothing about Cohen's own view of interacial marriages, but merely his belief about the opinions of others.

(C) If there is anything that "White People" agree on unanimously, I don't know what that might be.

(D) There can be no doubt that many "white people" find this particular sort of inter-racial marriage to be - I hate to say it - nauseating. In fact, a black woman/white man marriage is very close to statistically non-existent, as contrasted with the opposite composition. This is related to the seldom-mentioned but true fact that white men simply do not find "black" women sexually attractive - unless their skin is VERY light, and they have conspicuously caucasian facial features. Ever seen a Black porn actress with negroid features? Didn't think so.

(E) What does any of this have to do with Republicans?

One of the reasons for black women/white men being more rare is not whether the men find them attractive, but the long history of abuse by black women at the hands of white men. While it may not have happened in decades, the damage is still there.
Black men make very good husbands to white women. Plus, white women tend to be very feminist and uppidy, so they need a strong Black male to squash that.

No doubt that black men prefer a woman with a little sass. But that's not the reason why some white women choose black husbands. Black men are more forgiving about body image. They aren't drawn to the stick skinny women that white men demand. They prefer a little heft which is one of the reasons so many enormous black women have no problem getting a new man in their lives.

White women tired of being judged gravitate to black men.
Black men make very good husbands to white women. Plus, white women tend to be very feminist and uppidy, so they need a strong Black male to squash that.

No doubt that black men prefer a woman with a little sass. But that's not the reason why some white women choose black husbands. Black men are more forgiving about body image. They aren't drawn to the stick skinny women that white men demand. They prefer a little heft which is one of the reasons so many enormous black women have no problem getting a new man in their lives.

White women tired of being judged gravitate to black men.

More forgiving? Its a matter of taste. Personally I think stick thin women look like prepubescent little girls. Why would you would you be attracted to that?

In my experience white women have always been attracted to Black men. In Germany and Sweden for example it seems the darker you are the more the women were attracted to you.

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