Black republicans...who are they really?

I speak about Bush and what he's done to save millions of African lives all the time .. and he did that against the wishes of his own party.

That being said, that still does not discount what nat4900 has said.

On post #2275, I stated:

Must readily admit that GWB DID spend some money on fighting the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

....and I think that what GWB did was truly honorable,
I speak about Bush and what he's done to save millions of African lives all the time .. and he did that against the wishes of his own party.

That being said, that still does not discount what nat4900 has said.

On post #2275, I stated:

Must readily admit that GWB DID spend some money on fighting the AIDS epidemic in Africa.

....and I think that what GWB did was truly honorable,
And see....what an intelligent and rational person thinks is that what GWB did was truly unconstitutional.

But hey - since when do liberals obey the laws? They shoot people for supporting Trump, they kill police officers, they destroy public property, and they assault conservatives trying to exercise their 1st Amendment rights. These people are flat out furious and are on record stating they are leaving the Democrat Party.

Not only that - but they are chanting "Hell no DNC...we won't vote for Hillary". These people are flat out furious and are on record stating they are leaving the Democrat Party.

Not only that - but they are chanting "Hell no DNC...we won't vote for Hillary".

That is some really powerful stuff. If it is any indication of what is going on out there - Trump could win this thing in a landslide.

The Dumbocrats buried themselves with this inexplicably ignorant move. They proved to liberals what conservatives have always known - that Democrats deplore democracy. They are all about, and have always been about, communism. A small elite deciding everything for all of society.
A Hillary controlled Supreme Court would be against white people all the time. Every time a discrimination case involving white victims appears before the court they will vote the same way the 4 Democrat justices voted against the white firefighters in New Haven.

You have the same "knowledge" of the law as my dog.....the dissent by liberal SCOTUS judges was based on the tests used which were skewed against blacks and that same series of tests are NOT used in most other cities and now changed even within New haven

Bullshit. Their dissent was based on political ideology and Disparate Impact Theory.

A Hillary controllled Court will, the next time that Theory is present in a case, will enshrine it as the Law of the Land.
These clowns have helped to convince me of doing something I said I would never do .. vote for Hillary Clinton. I typically do not vote for corporatists .. which is one reason why I did not vote for Obama. Voting for Obama was symbolism, but nothing was going to change beyond that.

Hillary Clinton is most certainly a corporatist .. but voting against Donald Trump is more important then any concern about her.

.. and frankly, black voters and communities may get more from Hillary than they did from Obama.

Today, I'm all in for Hillary Clinton .. dealing with the outrage of my decision from my Green Party friends .. which includes Jill Stein. sure are showing us. Voting for the party that completely silenced you, rigged your primaries, and made it clear that your will and your voice doesn't matter.

Keep it up stupid. Keep voting for the people destroying you.... :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Are you really dumb enough to believe I'd let a fucking racist determine who my enemies are? :lol:

YOU are my enemy .. not Mexicans, not Muslims, not democrats, not white people.

You and your RW ilk are my enemies .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Clap that dummy. :clap:


NOt the guys who killed black people in Boston or Orlando.

NOt the guys taking your jobs, and lowering your wages.

Those guys are not your enemies.

YOur fellow Americans are your enemies.

A natural result of the Democratic Party plans to achieve their agenda by convincing minorities that the party representing the majority of the majority ethnic group are effectively, literally Nazis.

Good Job dems.

Tell me again how the GOP is divisive.
Blacks like all other major groups, except Jews, move politically to the right as they get more successful

Well, either blacks didn't get your memo about "moving to the right" when they become more successful, OR (most likely) you think that blacks are just dumb for not voting republican.....One percent of blacks label themselves "strong republican".......Let me repeat ONE PERCENT.


Which again shows that there is something very weird going on with black voting.

Economic issues do not drive black voting as rich and middle class blacks continue to vote for the party of ever increasing social expenditures.

THis supports my argument that it is based on generations of Race Based Panic Mongering and Lying.
These clowns have helped to convince me of doing something I said I would never do .. vote for Hillary Clinton. I typically do not vote for corporatists .. which is one reason why I did not vote for Obama. Voting for Obama was symbolism, but nothing was going to change beyond that.

Hillary Clinton is most certainly a corporatist .. but voting against Donald Trump is more important then any concern about her.

.. and frankly, black voters and communities may get more from Hillary than they did from Obama.

Today, I'm all in for Hillary Clinton .. dealing with the outrage of my decision from my Green Party friends .. which includes Jill Stein. sure are showing us. Voting for the party that completely silenced you, rigged your primaries, and made it clear that your will and your voice doesn't matter.

Keep it up stupid. Keep voting for the people destroying you.... :clap2::clap2::clap2:

Are you really dumb enough to believe I'd let a fucking racist determine who my enemies are? :lol:

YOU are my enemy .. not Mexicans, not Muslims, not democrats, not white people.

You and your RW ilk are my enemies .. and the enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Clap that dummy. :clap:
The clear majority of white people are Republicans, and many white Democrats are socially damaged, masochist freaks.

You do hate white people, and I don't why don't just admit it like many others on the regressive left have already done.

Kiss my ass you fucking nitwit. Your punk ass is just trying to run for cover behind white people not you who are just as disgusted by shit like you as I am.

There are more white democrats and Independents than there are white republicans.

The GOP has always won the White VOte since Johnson. Always.
I can't miss a point that hasn't been made. Make a point. We're all ears. You're so frustrated because you can't make a point. And you can't make a point because you know we are right.
Now that is a remarkable position considering that since 2010, conservatives have kicked the living shit out of Dumbocrats from coast-to-coast. Dumbocrats went from a super-majority in the House to a minority. They went from a majority in the Sentate to a minority. They lost the most cities and states across the nation than any party in over 100 years.
Yes....tell us again how this thread is about "white people crying that blacks won't support the Republican Party" :lmao:

My last post to a racist dummy.

1. The point is that I don't give a fuck who you vote for .. and the ONLY reason you're crying about who black people vote for is because we elect presidents and seriously damage republican prospects of winning the White House.

2. Republicans have lost virtually every social issue they care about .. AND, when Trump loses as he inevitably will, the Republican Party becomes the Whigs.

Of course this thread is about republicans crying about who blacks vote for.

3. :0) I don't need to tell a racist asshole a goddamn thing. I'm having fun playing with stupid motherfuckers while I work. I'm happy with the enormous divide between blacks and republicans .. hope it grows even wider. :0)

Time for this again.

You are doing a wonderful job convincing this black man to vote GOP. Is this the tactic you use to convince dumb white voters to vote for you?

You lefties have literally convinced them that the GOP are effectively Nazies.

NOthing I say or do matters.

They aren't listening to what I say.

And if they do try to "listen" they can't hear me over the lies you have put in their heads.
So they are stupid is what you are saying.

And now you are not listening to what I am saying.

NOTHING in my posts supports your claim that I am calling blacks stupid.

If you are not purposefully misrepresenting my message in order to straw man it into a "racist" message you are doing the next best thing based on your own preconceptions.
they've been waiting on the republicans. Well get the fk out of the way and stop interfering in elections. Let us do our thingy then.

Sure, moron.......When GWB was president and had a House majority and a senate evenly split, what exactly did you idiots do then for blacks???

To be fair, GWB did quite a LOT for black Africans. Bet you didn't know, they love him over there! Lol.

I speak about Bush and what he's done to save millions of African lives all the time .. and he did that against the wishes of his own party.

That being said, that still does not discount what nat4900 has said.

I actually like GWB. I'll bet he's a really cool guy. We judge our presidents, but it is NOT an easy job and sometimes they are going to muck it up. They are only human after all.
they've been waiting on the republicans. Well get the fk out of the way and stop interfering in elections. Let us do our thingy then.

Sure, moron.......When GWB was president and had a House majority and a senate evenly split, what exactly did you idiots do then for blacks???

To be fair, GWB did quite a LOT for black Africans. Bet you didn't know, they love him over there! Lol.

I speak about Bush and what he's done to save millions of African lives all the time .. and he did that against the wishes of his own party.

That being said, that still does not discount what nat4900 has said.

I actually like GWB. I'll bet he's a really cool guy. We judge our presidents, but it is NOT an easy job and sometimes they are going to muck it up. They are only human after all.
Bullshit. The Chaney's and roves of the world used Reagan and bush to push a very radical right wing agenda.

First with stealing the 2000 elections, getting hit on 9-11, not winning Afghanistan because you started a second war based on lies, crashed the economy but the rich got richer.

I believe everything that happened 2000-2008 was by designed.

I don't think bush or the GOP are that stupid and how stupid are they when the rich people they serve got everything they wanted.
they've been waiting on the republicans. Well get the fk out of the way and stop interfering in elections. Let us do our thingy then.

Sure, moron.......When GWB was president and had a House majority and a senate evenly split, what exactly did you idiots do then for blacks???

To be fair, GWB did quite a LOT for black Africans. Bet you didn't know, they love him over there! Lol.

I speak about Bush and what he's done to save millions of African lives all the time .. and he did that against the wishes of his own party.

That being said, that still does not discount what nat4900 has said.

I actually like GWB. I'll bet he's a really cool guy. We judge our presidents, but it is NOT an easy job and sometimes they are going to muck it up. They are only human after all.
Bullshit. The Chaney's and roves of the world used Reagan and bush to push a very radical right wing agenda.

First with stealing the 2000 elections, getting hit on 9-11, not winning Afghanistan because you started a second war based on lies, crashed the economy but the rich got richer.

I believe everything that happened 2000-2008 was by designed.

I don't think bush or the GOP are that stupid and how stupid are they when the rich people they serve got everything they wanted.

Back to the stole the election BS. And Obama was Kenyan, thenuts need to stop with the stupidity.

The partisan BS is just plain crazy.
Sure, moron.......When GWB was president and had a House majority and a senate evenly split, what exactly did you idiots do then for blacks???

To be fair, GWB did quite a LOT for black Africans. Bet you didn't know, they love him over there! Lol.

I speak about Bush and what he's done to save millions of African lives all the time .. and he did that against the wishes of his own party.

That being said, that still does not discount what nat4900 has said.

I actually like GWB. I'll bet he's a really cool guy. We judge our presidents, but it is NOT an easy job and sometimes they are going to muck it up. They are only human after all.
Bullshit. The Chaney's and roves of the world used Reagan and bush to push a very radical right wing agenda.

First with stealing the 2000 elections, getting hit on 9-11, not winning Afghanistan because you started a second war based on lies, crashed the economy but the rich got richer.

I believe everything that happened 2000-2008 was by designed.

I don't think bush or the GOP are that stupid and how stupid are they when the rich people they serve got everything they wanted.

Back to the stole the election BS. And Obama was Kenyan, thenuts need to stop with the stupidity.

The partisan BS is just plain crazy.
It doesn't surprise me you think both sides share equal blame.

Stop asking us to stop being partisan in an election year.

And quit crying when we remind you what the rest of the world already knows. Bush lied us into Iraq.

Maybe bush was lied to. Maybe Chaney is the real asshole. Doesn't matter to me. I believe bush is ashamed and embarrassed and maybe he even truly believed he was doing the right thing. Either way it's a great reason to never vote GOP.

You're voting Gary Johnson so you say. I don't expect you to vote hillary but you should
To be fair, GWB did quite a LOT for black Africans. Bet you didn't know, they love him over there! Lol.

I speak about Bush and what he's done to save millions of African lives all the time .. and he did that against the wishes of his own party.

That being said, that still does not discount what nat4900 has said.

I actually like GWB. I'll bet he's a really cool guy. We judge our presidents, but it is NOT an easy job and sometimes they are going to muck it up. They are only human after all.
Bullshit. The Chaney's and roves of the world used Reagan and bush to push a very radical right wing agenda.

First with stealing the 2000 elections, getting hit on 9-11, not winning Afghanistan because you started a second war based on lies, crashed the economy but the rich got richer.

I believe everything that happened 2000-2008 was by designed.

I don't think bush or the GOP are that stupid and how stupid are they when the rich people they serve got everything they wanted.

Back to the stole the election BS. And Obama was Kenyan, thenuts need to stop with the stupidity.

The partisan BS is just plain crazy.
It doesn't surprise me you think both sides share equal blame.

Stop asking us to stop being partisan in an election year.

And quit crying when we remind you what the rest of the world already knows. Bush lied us into Iraq.

Maybe bush was lied to. Maybe Chaney is the real asshole. Doesn't matter to me. I believe bush is ashamed and embarrassed and maybe he even truly believed he was doing the right thing. Either way it's a great reason to never vote GOP.

You're voting Gary Johnson so you say. I don't expect you to vote hillary but you should

So Kerry, Gore and the Clintons also lied? Good grief the lies that are spewed are incredibly insane. No wonder the left and right nutters are considered complete clowns.
I speak about Bush and what he's done to save millions of African lives all the time .. and he did that against the wishes of his own party.

That being said, that still does not discount what nat4900 has said.

I actually like GWB. I'll bet he's a really cool guy. We judge our presidents, but it is NOT an easy job and sometimes they are going to muck it up. They are only human after all.
Bullshit. The Chaney's and roves of the world used Reagan and bush to push a very radical right wing agenda.

First with stealing the 2000 elections, getting hit on 9-11, not winning Afghanistan because you started a second war based on lies, crashed the economy but the rich got richer.

I believe everything that happened 2000-2008 was by designed.

I don't think bush or the GOP are that stupid and how stupid are they when the rich people they serve got everything they wanted.

Back to the stole the election BS. And Obama was Kenyan, thenuts need to stop with the stupidity.

The partisan BS is just plain crazy.
It doesn't surprise me you think both sides share equal blame.

Stop asking us to stop being partisan in an election year.

And quit crying when we remind you what the rest of the world already knows. Bush lied us into Iraq.

Maybe bush was lied to. Maybe Chaney is the real asshole. Doesn't matter to me. I believe bush is ashamed and embarrassed and maybe he even truly believed he was doing the right thing. Either way it's a great reason to never vote GOP.

You're voting Gary Johnson so you say. I don't expect you to vote hillary but you should

So Kerry, Gore and the Clintons also lied? Good grief the lies that are spewed are incredibly insane. No wonder the left and right nutters are considered complete clowns.
You need to go back and refresh yourself on the events that led up to the Iraq invasion. I'm on a smart phone or I'd show you the Brits want to put Tony Blair on trial because it's a fact that Blair agreed to invade long before all other options were exhausted.

It's amazing you are unaware. Pretty shitty liberal media if you don't know.
I actually like GWB. I'll bet he's a really cool guy. We judge our presidents, but it is NOT an easy job and sometimes they are going to muck it up. They are only human after all.
Bullshit. The Chaney's and roves of the world used Reagan and bush to push a very radical right wing agenda.

First with stealing the 2000 elections, getting hit on 9-11, not winning Afghanistan because you started a second war based on lies, crashed the economy but the rich got richer.

I believe everything that happened 2000-2008 was by designed.

I don't think bush or the GOP are that stupid and how stupid are they when the rich people they serve got everything they wanted.

Back to the stole the election BS. And Obama was Kenyan, thenuts need to stop with the stupidity.

The partisan BS is just plain crazy.
It doesn't surprise me you think both sides share equal blame.

Stop asking us to stop being partisan in an election year.

And quit crying when we remind you what the rest of the world already knows. Bush lied us into Iraq.

Maybe bush was lied to. Maybe Chaney is the real asshole. Doesn't matter to me. I believe bush is ashamed and embarrassed and maybe he even truly believed he was doing the right thing. Either way it's a great reason to never vote GOP.

You're voting Gary Johnson so you say. I don't expect you to vote hillary but you should

So Kerry, Gore and the Clintons also lied? Good grief the lies that are spewed are incredibly insane. No wonder the left and right nutters are considered complete clowns.
You need to go back and refresh yourself on the events that led up to the Iraq invasion. I'm on a smart phone or I'd show you the Brits want to put Tony Blair on trial because it's a fact that Blair agreed to invade long before all other options were exhausted.

It's amazing you are unaware. Pretty shitty liberal media if you don't know.

Why did the Clintons and Kerry and Gore tell the same lie? Kerry and Hillary were working off current intelligence, Bill was working with the Intel he was given when he left office.

So has Blair been convicted? On trial? Charged? Or are factions of Brits wanting him to be charged? If it is the later? Then it's more BS like Hillary and Benghazi.

See I don't believe party line BS on either side. Only partisan nut jobs believe the stupid.

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