BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump Clinton cheated

Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

That a Federal judge was ordered by Obama to halt the recount, as no one in the Obama administration wants Trump to have another 5 million votes and also have won the popular vote. Now this was always the situation, and Obama and Clinton and Trump as well all knew that this was happening before the election, however Trump was expected to lose. Note that if Trump had lost, no recounts would be allowed.

LOL Trump still won


you can't handle the truth........................................!
The Clintons are the most repugnant of people… Fact

The pathetic thing is that the vile bitch Crooked Hillary didn't even had the courage to challenge to results herself so she got her sugar daddy Soros to pay Jill Stein to do it for her.

Typical Clinton dishonesty.

Just think of all these sad delusional Moon Bats that were hoping that the recount would magically overturn the election and they could finally leave their safe place.
The Clintons are the most repugnant of people… Fact

The pathetic thing is that the vile bitch Crooked Hillary didn't even had the courage to challenge to results herself so she got her sugar daddy Soros to pay Jill Stein to do it for her.

Typical Clinton dishonesty.

Just think of all these sad delusional Moon Bats that were hoping that the recount would magically overturn the election and they could finally leave their safe place.
Progressives just cannot stand the fact that people want to do their own thing and live their own lives.
Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

That a Federal judge was ordered by Obama to halt the recount, as no one in the Obama administration wants Trump to have another 5 million votes and also have won the popular vote. Now this was always the situation, and Obama and Clinton and Trump as well all knew that this was happening before the election, however Trump was expected to lose. Note that if Trump had lost, no recounts would be allowed.

LOL Trump still won


you can't handle the truth........................................!

Why didn't you post these lies in the thread you already have up on this topic?
Anyhow, it will be interesting to see how much money this ends up costing the taxpayers. I will be looking for that information.
Why do you people just believe what you want to believe? The recounts were not going to cost anything to tax payers.

Michigan presidential recount could cost taxpayers nearly $1M

With the recount planned to run over the weekend, there will be overtime costs, travel costs, and security costs among other costs not included in current estimates, Republican officials said in a conference call Tuesday.

Midland County Clerk Ann Manary said the recount will cost her county about $10,000, but the county will only be reimbursed about $5,600 from the state.

Ronna Romney McDaniel, chairwoman of the Michigan Republican Party, noted Stein received only about 400 votes in Midland County, compared to more than 23,000 for Trump.
Lol first you say 4 million now it's 1 huh? This is only assuming Stein wouldn't pay the full costs expected from the state.

It's between 1 and 4 million to do a recount depending on the size/population of the particular county.
BREAKING: Voter Fraud In Michigan Favored Clinton – NOT Trump

LOL so do we get to arrest the people who helped Hillary lose by breaking election laws

Optical ballot scanners in Michigan that malfunctioned on election night and may have counted votes twice were situated in heavily Democratic areas, meaning that any vote fraud in the state actually favored Hillary Clinton, not Donald Trump.

This isn't fraud, it's machines malfunctioning.

And what happened to Trump's "millions"?

Yeppers, in PA the machine "calibration" was off so it switched votes to Hillary. Funny how it is always a malfunction when the democrats get caught.

Funny how it's only when this happens to Democrats that Republicans ever remember.
Funny how it always seems to be happening to democrats. If you had a report of it happening to Republicans I am quite sure you would be posting it. Me thinks the calibration error they were talking about means that the votes were being switched too soon so people actually saw it happening.
Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

That a Federal judge was ordered by Obama to halt the recount, as no one in the Obama administration wants Trump to have another 5 million votes and also have won the popular vote. Now this was always the situation, and Obama and Clinton and Trump as well all knew that this was happening before the election, however Trump was expected to lose. Note that if Trump had lost, no recounts would be allowed.

LOL Trump still won


you can't handle the truth........................................!

Why didn't you post these lies in the thread you already have up on this topic?

Get a life retard, the truth is that Clinton cheated big time and still lost, then like a fool tries to uncover that Trump cheated and can only find her own cheats. I do not lie, there is no need to, as you are a fucking loser like your baggy old hero queen.

PS. Tell Huma Hillarie's lezbo lover that we really enjoyed her life insurance folder

The Clintons are the most repugnant of people… Fact

The pathetic thing is that the vile bitch Crooked Hillary didn't even had the courage to challenge to results herself so she got her sugar daddy Soros to pay Jill Stein to do it for her.

Typical Clinton dishonesty.

Just think of all these sad delusional Moon Bats that were hoping that the recount would magically overturn the election and they could finally leave their safe place.

Hil-Liar couldn't challenge the results herself because of what she said when Trump stated he may not accept the results.
The Clintons are the most repugnant of people… Fact

The pathetic thing is that the vile bitch Crooked Hillary didn't even had the courage to challenge to results herself so she got her sugar daddy Soros to pay Jill Stein to do it for her.

Typical Clinton dishonesty.

Just think of all these sad delusional Moon Bats that were hoping that the recount would magically overturn the election and they could finally leave their safe place.

Hil-Liar couldn't challenge the results herself because of what she said when Trump stated he may not accept the results.
Hillary can not challenge the results because Trump will be involved, and a full recount will be demanded by him, which will uncover millions of illegal votes and fraud by Hillary. This way a judge can and has already stopped the recount when they found double counting for Hillary.
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Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

That a Federal judge was ordered by Obama to halt the recount, as no one in the Obama administration wants Trump to have another 5 million votes and also have won the popular vote. Now this was always the situation, and Obama and Clinton and Trump as well all knew that this was happening before the election, however Trump was expected to lose. Note that if Trump had lost, no recounts would be allowed.

LOL Trump still won


you can't handle the truth........................................!

Why didn't you post these lies in the thread you already have up on this topic?

Get a life retard, the truth is that Clinton cheated big time and still lost, then like a fool tries to uncover that Trump cheated and can only find her own cheats. I do not lie, there is no need to, as you are a fucking loser like your baggy old hero queen.

PS. Tell Huma Hillarie's lezbo lover that we really enjoyed her life insurance folder


Are you on mushrooms?
The Clintons are the most repugnant of people… Fact

The pathetic thing is that the vile bitch Crooked Hillary didn't even had the courage to challenge to results herself so she got her sugar daddy Soros to pay Jill Stein to do it for her.

Typical Clinton dishonesty.

Just think of all these sad delusional Moon Bats that were hoping that the recount would magically overturn the election and they could finally leave their safe place.

Hil-Liar couldn't challenge the results herself because of what she said when Trump stated he may not accept the results.
Hillary can not challenge the results because Trump will be involved, and a full recount will be demanded by him, which will uncover millions of illegal voted and fraud by Hillary. This way a judge can and has already stopped the recount when they found double counting for Hillary.

They found no such thing. Fake news.
Thanks Jill! Please demand recounts in more states so we can get Voter ID requirements in place across the country.

Michigan’s Republican-led House on Wednesday night approved a strict voter identification proposal over strenuous objections from Democrats who argued the plan could disenfranchise properly registered voters.

Michigan voters without photo identification could still cast a provisional ballot under the controversial legislation, but they would have to bring an ID to their local clerk’s office within 10 days of an election in order for their vote to count.

The legislation seeks to “protect the integrity of every single Michigan citizen’s vote, because every vote is diluted if fraudulent votes are cast,” said Rep. Gary Glenn, R-Midland.
Recount uncovers serious fraud in Detroit

That a Federal judge was ordered by Obama to halt the recount, as no one in the Obama administration wants Trump to have another 5 million votes and also have won the popular vote. Now this was always the situation, and Obama and Clinton and Trump as well all knew that this was happening before the election, however Trump was expected to lose. Note that if Trump had lost, no recounts would be allowed.

LOL Trump still won


you can't handle the truth........................................!

Why didn't you post these lies in the thread you already have up on this topic?

Get a life retard, the truth is that Clinton cheated big time and still lost, then like a fool tries to uncover that Trump cheated and can only find her own cheats. I do not lie, there is no need to, as you are a fucking loser like your baggy old hero queen.

PS. Tell Huma Hillarie's lezbo lover that we really enjoyed her life insurance folder


Are you on mushrooms?

Do you listen to the fake news on CNN

The Clintons are the most repugnant of people… Fact

The pathetic thing is that the vile bitch Crooked Hillary didn't even had the courage to challenge to results herself so she got her sugar daddy Soros to pay Jill Stein to do it for her.

Typical Clinton dishonesty.

Just think of all these sad delusional Moon Bats that were hoping that the recount would magically overturn the election and they could finally leave their safe place.

I wonder how much these recounts are costing the taxpayers?
Um they aren't at all...

Oh really? Who told you that because guess what? The taxpayers in Michigan are going to be paying around 4 million dollars for this silly recount that accomplished nothing!

Michigan Recount Cost: How Much Will the Recount Cost Taxpayers?

Sump'm fishy here.

From the article:
>> [Michigan Attorney General] Schuette’s lawsuit alleges that the recount has no chance of changing the results and the recount is frivolous because Jill Stein waited three weeks to file it — too close to the deadline to get the results to the Electoral College. ..... He also stated that the recount should be done electronically and not by hand, since a recount done by hand would have no chance of being completed before the December 13 Electoral College deadline. <<
At no point does Schuette explain --- and perhaps is counting on the public not knowing --- that the Electoral College doesn't NEED to know the numbers. It doesn't even need to know the original vote tally. It isn't even necessary for Michigan (or any other state) to hold an Election Day at all.

It's a REcount. December 13 is the deadline to send the results of the original counts to the electoral college.

And again ----- don't know how to put this any simpler --- the Electoral College doesn't need those numbers. They are, to the EC, irrelevant.

They may or may not reveal discrepancies and flaws in a state's voting system, but that has nothing to do with the Electrical College.
Anyhow, it will be interesting to see how much money this ends up costing the taxpayers. I will be looking for that information.

I'd like to see numbers for how much any election --- just the standard election day --- costs the taxpayers. There's a colossal waste of money for a bread and circus that has no meaning. We may as well have the state legislatures just figure it out themselves, as they used to do for all the (non)input we have.
All I know is that people have been concerned about voter fraud and talking about doing something about it for YEARS now, and the liberals would just laugh about it. Now, all of the sudden, they are so CONCERNED about voter fraud. Transparent ninnies is what they are.

I've brought this up several times now.

In California it appears Clintons final vote total will exceed Obamas in both
08 and 12.

In national voting it appears the same will hold true. (Mostly because of California)

Can anyone with half a mind actually believe that Clinton had more people enthusiastic about her then Obama????

If an audit of any state is needed, it is California.

DUH -- there are more votes this year, hello. Because there are more votes every year.

Suuuurrrrrreeeeee there are

Is that why Obamas vote total in 2012 was LESS than 2008?

Lame arguments are, well, lame

Are you just incapable of holding more than one number in that tiny little smoke-filled head at a time, is that it?

Just over 129 million voted in 2008. Over 131 million voted in 2012.
Guess which one of those numbers is higher. Dumbass.

O'bama got more votes in 2008 because turnout was higher. Yet there were over two million MORE votes cast in 2012.

You could have looked this up yourself in like 13 seconds.

The Clintons are the most repugnant of people… Fact

The pathetic thing is that the vile bitch Crooked Hillary didn't even had the courage to challenge to results herself so she got her sugar daddy Soros to pay Jill Stein to do it for her.

Typical Clinton dishonesty.

Just think of all these sad delusional Moon Bats that were hoping that the recount would magically overturn the election and they could finally leave their safe place.

Hil-Liar couldn't challenge the results herself because of what she said when Trump stated he may not accept the results.
Hillary can not challenge the results because Trump will be involved, and a full recount will be demanded by him, which will uncover millions of illegal votes and fraud by Hillary. This way a judge can and has already stopped the recount when they found double counting for Hillary.

I suspect if they did an audit of California they would find at least a million illegal votes, probably more. Maybe much more. I also suspect a real audit would show significant voter fraud in any of the Democrat machine controlled big cities.

You are correct. Crooked Hillary could not demand a recount without putting herself in jeopardy, so she paid Stein to do it for her in the states that could possible lead to her winning.

It was a blatant attempt at dishonest politics. Something we have learned to expect from Clinton, Obama and the filthy ass Democrat Party. The scum of America.

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