Can 500 law professors be wrong?

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What reason could she possibly have for being mad?
Righteous indignation yes,mad no.

Trump and Conservatives are winning at every turn and you think she's mad? :auiqs.jpg:

Pretty sure I didn't ask you.

I'm absolutely certain I dont give a fuck what you think.

And right back atcha, slappy! :21:

Funny....just a minute ago you were pretty sure.
You're like Charlie Brown. Whishy washy.
hey, I like Charlie Brown.

Likable and gullible .....

Wait a minute...I take back the likable part. Pitiable is closer to the truth.
POLITICO 10/02/2018 09:02 pm ET Updated 55 minutes agoMore Than 500 Law Professors Condemn Kavanaugh For ‘Lack Of Judicial Temperament’
As I give zero integrity to any of the far right commentators here, most of whom are clueless on topics they comment on, I'd far sooner believe in the credibility of 500 law professors.
Yeah, because Law Professors have so much real world experience.
If you don't either your trolling or just plain stupid, which is it???


I'm not the one that claimed it took a moron to believe it takes a moron to believe Kavanaugh was the victim of a political hit job. The man is a liar, and doesn't have the temperament to be a judge. How many judges have you seen cry when things didn't go to suit him? How many judges have you seen spouting conspiracy theories at their confirmation hearings?

What does that have to do with these 500 guys who are supposed to be highly educated who can't see a political hit when it's right in front of their face ? And it came from Diane who has a history of dirty politics.


You don't think his lying and crying at his confirmation hearing is an indication of his temperament?
It has not been proven that he lied about anything. His reaction to false charges was perfectly normal. Only a coward like you would just bend over and take that abuse.

The thing that has all you lying sky howlers so upset is that your plan is not working. You were hoping he would quit or Trump would withdraw him. He didn't and now it's all unraveling before you so all you can do is hurl more irrational unfounded lies and tantrums. Sucks to be you.

Sounds good. You can add that to your theory about this being all about Clinton revenge. Throw in some Bigfoot stuff too. The crazies will eat it up.
You do realize that Sasquatch has more eye witnesses than Christine Ford, right?
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500 radical LIB 'professors'.
All Trump haters.
Scared shitless that a strict Constitutionalist will be a SCJ.
Wait until Ruth croaks and Trump is still President.
We will witness the largest LIB/MSM temper tantrum in US history.
Trump should start floating the idea of nominating Ted Cruz for SCJ.
RBG croaks and Thomas retires.....It'll be 6-3 for the next generation.

I believe a SC judge should have better control of his emotions, and shouldn't base his decisions on Alex Jones conspiracy theories.
Of course you would believe that, because it's what your masters told you to think.
The man stood up for his beliefs, he stood up to the political game being played against him. He stood up for his family.
This is the kind of guy that needs to be on the Supreme Court

No. He sat there and cried while making childish and disrespectful remarks to committee members.
:auiqs.jpg: You need to seek help, you have TDS something bad. After taking all the disrespect from the despicable masters of yours,
you got butthurt because he gave it back to them???? He has integrity on his side and you don't recognize that.
Integrity is something your masters haven't a clue on.
the pussy grabber has integrity?
Who are you even talking about?????
The voices, he's answering the voices.
Of course you would believe that, because it's what your masters told you to think.
The man stood up for his beliefs, he stood up to the political game being played against him. He stood up for his family.
This is the kind of guy that needs to be on the Supreme Court

No. He sat there and cried while making childish and disrespectful remarks to committee members.
:auiqs.jpg: You need to seek help, you have TDS something bad. After taking all the disrespect from the despicable masters of yours,
you got butthurt because he gave it back to them???? He has integrity on his side and you don't recognize that.
Integrity is something your masters haven't a clue on.
the pussy grabber has integrity?
Who are you even talking about?????
The voices, he's answering the voices.
I'm talking about the vile lout who wants this garbage on the SC Don't be so dense
But this has nothing to do with the topic. I've beee
I actually know Law Professors.Do you personally know any?
Yup. I'm dating one and am friends with her legal acquaintances. I've been on this forum for over a year and after reading some kind of the worse lies, misinformation and bull shit, I'll take the word of one legal student over anything I've read here. When it comes to facts, this place has no credibility.
10/02/2018 09:02 pm ET Updated 55 minutes ago
More Than 500 Law Professors Condemn Kavanaugh For ‘Lack Of Judicial Temperament’
Eight of the signatures in the letter to the Senate were from professors at Yale, where the Supreme Court nominee obtained his law degree.

By Matt Ferner

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh speaks at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday.

More than 500 law professors from nearly 100 law schools around the nation have signed a letter to the U.S. Senate to say that the volatile temperament Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh displayed on Thursday as he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee disqualifies him from sitting on the nation’s highest court.

“We regret that we feel compelled to write to you to provide our views that at the Senate hearings on Thursday, September 27, 2018, the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court, and certainly for elevation to the highest court of this land,” the letter says.

The letter is signed by many high-profile law professors, including eight from Yale Law School, where Kavanaugh obtained his law degree. The letter remains open for additional signatures through Thursday, when it will be presented to the Senate.

The legal experts fault Kavanaugh for failing to remain open to the necessary search for truth after being accused of sexually assaulting a girl when he was a teen and instead becoming “repeatedly aggressive with questioners.” The signees also criticize the judge for indicating that he believes allegations made by professor Christine Blasey Ford and other women are “a calculated and orchestrated political hit” by members of the Democratic Party rather than acknowledging that the Senate must try to understand and investigate the facts surrounding the allegations.

“Instead of trying to sort out with reason and care the allegations that were raised, Judge Kavanaugh responded in an intemperate, inflammatory, and partial manner, as he interrupted and, at times, was discourteous to questioners,” the letter reads. The law professors cite two statutes, governing bias and recusal, that require a judge to step aside if he or she is at risk of being perceived as being unfair.

Here’s a copy of their letter:

Signed Law Prof Kavanaugh L... by on Scribd
they can be, but in this case they aren't. LOL
So you don’t believe in one’s feminine side?

I believe a SC judge should have better control of his emotions, and shouldn't base his decisions on Alex Jones conspiracy theories.
Of course you would believe that, because it's what your masters told you to think.
The man stood up for his beliefs, he stood up to the political game being played against him. He stood up for his family.
This is the kind of guy that needs to be on the Supreme Court

No. He sat there and cried while making childish and disrespectful remarks to committee members.
:auiqs.jpg: You need to seek help, you have TDS something bad. After taking all the disrespect from the despicable masters of yours,
you got butthurt because he gave it back to them???? He has integrity on his side and you don't recognize that.
Integrity is something your masters haven't a clue on.
the pussy grabber has integrity?
Your continued peevishness over his never grabbing you is noted.
10/02/2018 09:02 pm ET Updated 55 minutes ago
More Than 500 Law Professors Condemn Kavanaugh For ‘Lack Of Judicial Temperament’
Eight of the signatures in the letter to the Senate were from professors at Yale, where the Supreme Court nominee obtained his law degree.

By Matt Ferner

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh speaks at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday.

More than 500 law professors from nearly 100 law schools around the nation have signed a letter to the U.S. Senate to say that the volatile temperament Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh displayed on Thursday as he testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee disqualifies him from sitting on the nation’s highest court.

“We regret that we feel compelled to write to you to provide our views that at the Senate hearings on Thursday, September 27, 2018, the Honorable Brett Kavanaugh displayed a lack of judicial temperament that would be disqualifying for any court, and certainly for elevation to the highest court of this land,” the letter says.

The letter is signed by many high-profile law professors, including eight from Yale Law School, where Kavanaugh obtained his law degree. The letter remains open for additional signatures through Thursday, when it will be presented to the Senate.

The legal experts fault Kavanaugh for failing to remain open to the necessary search for truth after being accused of sexually assaulting a girl when he was a teen and instead becoming “repeatedly aggressive with questioners.” The signees also criticize the judge for indicating that he believes allegations made by professor Christine Blasey Ford and other women are “a calculated and orchestrated political hit” by members of the Democratic Party rather than acknowledging that the Senate must try to understand and investigate the facts surrounding the allegations.

“Instead of trying to sort out with reason and care the allegations that were raised, Judge Kavanaugh responded in an intemperate, inflammatory, and partial manner, as he interrupted and, at times, was discourteous to questioners,” the letter reads. The law professors cite two statutes, governing bias and recusal, that require a judge to step aside if he or she is at risk of being perceived as being unfair.

Here’s a copy of their letter:

Signed Law Prof Kavanaugh L... by on Scribd

Can 500 law professors be wrong? You ask.

Of course if they're fucking commies spewing talking points like you. Ya got any other stupid questions.

yeah tex they're all commies and perverts thieves and cheats Just like Trump

Keep marching to the commie cadence and spewing their talking points, and you'll go far in the welfare line kid. LMAO The non-commie professor is the exception, not the rule.

But this has nothing to do with the topic. I've beee
I actually know Law Professors.Do you personally know any?
Yup. I'm dating one and am friends with her legal acquaintances. I've been on this forum for over a year and after reading some kind of the worse lies, misinformation and bull shit, I'll take the word of one legal student over anything I've read here. When it comes to facts, this place has no credibility.
In others words, “No.”
Law and Economics Professors stay employed based upon the agenda of University donors.
They know nothing about the real world.
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