CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary isn't a crime.

If they are agents of the Russian Government and it is not is

Intent is not a crime.

You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

Intent is not a crime. I am not sure how much more clear I can be. And Alan Dershowitz, who is the premier constitutional lawyer in the US and a lifelong Democrat and a HRC supporter, says there was no crime?

Are you smarter on constitutional law than the man who teaches the subject at Harvard?
Dershowitz sold out his credibility during the OJ trial

Since then, he has been a Fox News Contributor willing to present any political view that is convenient

He was on CNN for the entire Obama Presidency and during the election. You are false, sir.
Bad day for Trump

Another of his trusted inner circle takes a deal

Time for a Twitter attack

No Collusion, No Collusion
Witch Hunt, Witch Hunt

He plead to a lesser charge. What happened that was bad for Trump?

Oh they all think Cohen will implicate Trump in the Russian hack.

His deal was his own criminal deal. Nothing to do with Trump.

Of course they are all pissing up a rope.

OK. I thought there was some actual new news that came out. Just generic Dem bitching. Sorry. Carry on.

When isn’t it generic dem bitxhing?
And?? ..... :dunno:
And he is now a witness for the prosecution.
Am I missing something? The NYT says he's pled guilty, but is NOT cooperating with federal authorities.

a deal that does not include cooperation with federal authorities, two people familiar with the matter said...
The charges against Mr. Cohen were not a surprise, but he had signaled recently he might be willing to cooperate with investigators who for months have been conducting an extensive investigation of his business dealings. But any bid to negotiate a plea deal under which he would provide information to federal prosecutors in Manhattan in the hopes of a lesser sentence appears to have broken down.

Trump’s Former Fixer, Michael Cohen, Reaches a Plea Agreement Over Payments to Women

No you’re not missing anything. He was just getting a little too excited.
You people are loons. This case is SO important Mueller passed it of to the Southern District of NY. It wasn't worth his time.
Pay attention numb skulls.
I will speak for the GREAT DOUCHE HERE!

This raid on my Atty. Cohen stuff is an attack on America.

FYI: I the Great Douche is America. His his the America!

That said.

This verdict of Manafort is all lies. Fake NEWS. Media ALT-FACTS.
This man could never cheap America, TAX FRAUD.
I only hire the BEST!

You will never see my (Great Douche) 50 years of TAX FRAUD IRS Filings.

Today was an attack on America. I, the great Douche is America. And all that matters to DOPers!

The Douche is running a criminal Enterprise.


The Great Douche is worse than Saddam.

If they are agents of the Russian Government and it is not is

Intent is not a crime.

You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

So you lose freedoms if you run for office?

So Yes or No.

Are you more knowledgeable about this than Alan Dershowitz?

Dershowitz has the credentials
He also has little credibilty as an impartial legal analyst

So I win
Manafort and Cohen go down on the same day
Trump sure knows how to pick his lawyers
Manafort had nothing to with the Trump Administration.

Cohen didnt sign a Cooperation Agreement with DOJ so there is no there ----------> there.
WHEE!!!! Cohen pleads to the Great Douche cover up in campaign funds.

Thank you STORMY! You are the greatest American. The Great Douche has just been shown in TWO a CRIME!

Manafort had nothing to with the Trump Administration.

Cohen didnt sign a Cooperation Agreement with DOJ so there is no there ----------> there.
LOL! Really?

View attachment 212124

Yes really. No Cooperation Agreement unheard of in a plea deal. Especially Federal. He is going to do the time.

Michael Cohen to plead guilty, face jail time as part of deal with federal prosecutors

From the link:

A source familiar with the deal told Fox News that it includes a guilty plea and jail time of between three and five years. The deal does not involve a cooperation agreement with federal prosecutors.
Trump better hire more lawyers. FINALLY, Trump's actions are catching up with him.
This thread soon will be locked and moved to the Badlands to hide this information.

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