CNN: Michael Cohen in talks to plead guilty to criminal charges

Just announced. Michael Cohen implicated his client, Donald Trump, in a coverup of a crime which fits the designation of a high crime and misdemeanor which according to the Constitution, makes the President eligible for removal by impeachment.

BREAKING: Cohen pleaded guilty to five counts of tax evasion, one count of making a false statement to a bank and two campaign finance violations, according to court papers.

President Trump’s former lawyer Michael Cohen has surrendered to the FBI in New York as he prepares to plead guilty Tuesday afternoon in an investigation into his activities and business dealings, according to people familiar with the matter.

Cohen is expected to plead guilty to charges related to bank fraud, tax fraud and a campaign finance violation, according to two people with knowledge of the situation. Cohen agreed to the deal after prosecutors claimed he risked more than a dozen years in prison, one person said.

A hearing in the case is scheduled for 4 p.m. Tuesday at a federal courthouse in Manhattan. Afterward, Deputy U.S. Attorney Robert Khuzami, who has been overseeing the probe, is scheduled to make public remarks.

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Place your bets.
ON the Great Douche newest SPEWS OF RAGE ON TWITTER SOON!

1) Will the Douche start a war?
2) Will the Douche arrest good Americans?
3) Will the Great Douche disband the house and senate? Making them illegal and order marshall LAW?
4) People involved in this will start dying? Outsourced Russian mob hits.
5) Pardon's Manafort today?
Intent is not a crime.

You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

So you lose freedoms if you run for office?

So Yes or No.

Are you more knowledgeable about this than Alan Dershowitz?

Dershowitz has the credentials
He also has little credibilty as an impartial legal analyst

So I win

He is a registered Democrat and voted for HRC?!?!? I don't follow your logic.
And?? ..... :dunno:

Count seven and eight implicates Trump.

Suggests Trump is a co-conspirator - a high crime (I wonder where Ryan is hiding?).
Intent is not a crime.

You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

So you lose freedoms if you run for office?

So Yes or No.

Are you more knowledgeable about this than Alan Dershowitz?

Dershowitz has the credentials
He also has little credibilty as an impartial legal analyst

So I win
Dershowitz knows very little.
You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

So you lose freedoms if you run for office?

So Yes or No.

Are you more knowledgeable about this than Alan Dershowitz?
What does being a Democrat have to do with anything?

Dershowitz has the credentials
He also has little credibilty as an impartial legal analyst

So I win

He is a registered Democrat and voted for HRC?!?!? I don't follow your logic.
And?? ..... :dunno:

Count seven and eight implicates Trump.

Suggests Trump is a co-conspirator - a high crime (I wonder where Ryan is hiding?).
You have to understand the context
Trump is running for PRESIDENT, foreign contacts must be documented

So you lose freedoms if you run for office?

So Yes or No.

Are you more knowledgeable about this than Alan Dershowitz?

Dershowitz has the credentials
He also has little credibilty as an impartial legal analyst

So I win
Dershowitz knows very little.

LOL --- there goes your credibility

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