Congress has already disqualified Trump from the ballot

No call to be made
Already codified and precedent law
Somebody has to make the call. Somebody has to decide whether to put or keep somebody off the ballot.

Tell me, who makes the call. It doesn't happen by magic, a person or people have to make that happen.

So who makes the call?
Are you talking about the bogus charge of editing the January 6th footage.
That he left 400,000 hours of the footage on the cutting room floor.
Another clueless lib. We know you want to forget Schittferbrains admitting on the record that he fabricated “evidence”. Next pathetic deflection/excuse....
Way to show that your verbal diarrhea is just that. You don’t know that Schittferbrains was caught fabricating evidence in his second shampeachment? Of course you don’t want to see that, because in the real world that’s automatic dismissal of charges and likely disbarment.
I'm sorry. I don't speak PIG-MAGAT.

Yaa know despite the clown based smileys that is a good line.
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Uninformed? I’m not the one claiming a speech by Turtle determines the outcome of the Senate trial, Simp. :cuckoo:
The turtle was in charge of the impeachment. He determined how it would be held, when it would be held, and he lead his party's vote.
So how does the fact that a foreign born is already prohibited from running for POTUS for decades make me a fucking moron?
Time for you to swallow some teeth limp wristed name caller.
Actually the constitution doesn't stop a foreign born from RUNNING for office.
It disqualifies them from holding office.
Anybody can run for president. Do you remember Pat Paulsen? The guy from Rowan and Martins Laughin. And there are dozens more who got onto the presidential ballot in at least one state.
Now does this sound to you like someone trying to use the term "not guilty?"
As regards the turtle's OPINION. Who GAF. Opinions are like rectums--everyone has one (even you) it is just some are full of excrement as yours and the turtle's clearly exhibit. He was acquitted of any crimes, which for any thinking adult is NOT GUILTY. He was not PARDONED--he was acquitted, exonerated, found not guilty. Now run your ignorant garbage down the road. The facts are there for all to see except for morons who refuse to accept the reality.
I have already provided several links backing up my claim, Simp.

So you're saying someone is innocent, even if they committed the crime of which they're charged, if a jury (or in this case, the Senate), for whatever reason, finds them not guilty?

And that makes sense to you, does it, Dumbfuck? :cuckoo:
Somebody has to make the call. Somebody has to decide whether to put or keep somebody off the ballot.

Tell me, who makes the call. It doesn't happen by magic, a person or people have to make that happen.

So who makes the call?
It’s not somebody but rather some thing called existing codified federal law
As regards the turtle's OPINION. Who GAF. Opinions are like rectums--everyone has one (even you) it is just some are full of excrement as yours and the turtle's clearly exhibit. He was acquitted of any crimes, which for any thinking adult is NOT GUILTY. He was not PARDONED--he was acquitted, exonerated, found not guilty. Now run your ignorant garbage down the road. The facts are there for all to see except for morons who refuse to accept the reality.
The FACTS say The Senate Majority Leader at the time pronounced him (your fuhrer) GUILTY of inciting the violence.
Do I need to post his words for you yet AGAIN?
The FACTS say The Senate Majority Leader at the time pronounced him (your fuhrer) GUILTY of inciting the violence.
The FACTS say the turtle can pronounce any bullshit he wants to pronounce but it doesn't carry any weight of the law. AGAIN, opinion. Try again. Howling at the moon because it didn't go your way doesn't seem to be working for you. That is why we have a constitution, fascist.
Link us up to this guilty verdict for insurrection.
Nobody has said he was convicted in the Senate...although The Senate Majority Leader certainly did pronounce hum GUILTY of the crime he was impeached for.
I have posted those words here numerous times.
Are you suffering from some sort of reading disorder?
Nobody has said he was convicted in the Senate...although The Senate Majority Leader certainly did pronounce hum GUILTY of the crime he was impeached for.
I have posted those words here numerous times.
Are you suffering from some sort of reading disorder?

Do you really need to see the answer to that?
Nobody has said he was convicted in the Senate...although The Senate Majority Leader certainly did pronounce hum GUILTY of the crime he was impeached for.
I have posted those words here numerous times.
Are you suffering from some sort of reading disorder?
Too bad for you that the turtle has NO POWER to pronounce anyone guilty. Trump was ACQUITTED TWICE in the Senate, regardless of how many times you howl at the moon.
So you are admitting that before now you never knew that foreign borns cannot run for nor become POTUS
We all here thank you for that startling admission and perhaps now you do know.
I'm admitting that the gibberish you posted is unintelligible.

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