Coups, assassination attempts, what won't the left do to win the election?


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
When it was apparent that Joe Biden was likely to lose the upcoming election, despite the fact that he was the one winning his primary elections, and despite the fact that he wanted very much so to push on and remain atop the ticket, Democrat operatives with smiling faces and knives behind their backs, dragged Joe out kicking and screaming.

With their new candidate giving new life to what was a failing campaign, Dems were energized as never before!
It was soon evident however, after the initial euphoria, that even with a much younger person-of color candidate, it became evident that the new candidate just could not open a big lead in the polls. Democrats scrambled, and worked desperately to scrub the internet of the new candidate's past positions, that showed America that the new candidate was indeed a leftist, and not what the majority of Americans wanted.
They re-wrote her positions, giving the impression that the new candidate was much more moderate, and was ready to serve mom and pop America like other moderates of the past.
It did not matter that she was in reality, the radical she always was, all's that was needed was the facade to present to America.

Still, the new candidate could not shake the 'orange-man-bad', as polls continued to show a very close race. Even with the endorsements from Hollywood, athletes, other famous Republicans, and even the world's biggest pop-star, the polls remained close.

There was only one thing left to do..........................................kill him!!

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When it was apparent that Joe Biden was likely to lose the upcoming election, despite the fact that he was the one winning his primary elections, and despite the fact that he wanted very mush so to push on and remain atop the ticket, Democrat operatives with smiling faces and knives behind their backs, dragged Joe out kicking and screaming.

With their new candidate giving new life to what was a failing campaign, Dems were energized as never before!
It was soon evident however, after the initial euphoria, that even with a much younger person-of color candidate, it became evident that the new candidate just could not open a big lead in the polls. Democrats scrambled, and worked desperately to scrub the internet of the new candidate's past positions, that showed America that the new candidate was indeed a leftist, and not what the majority of Americans wanted.
They re-wrote her positions, giving the impression that the new candidate was much more moderate, and was ready to serve mom and pop America like other moderates of the past.
It did not matter that she was in reality, the radical she always was, all's that was needed was the facade to present to America.

Still, the new candidate could not shake the 'orange-man-bad', as polls continued to show a very close race. Even with the endorsements from Hollywood, athletes, other famous Republicans, and even the world's biggest pop-star, the polls remained close.

There was only one thing left to do..........................................kill him!!

View attachment 1013170
The Left would fabricate 2 cases to impeach Trump, convict Trump about 30 times or so, and try to murder Trump twice, but they would never lower themselves to steal an election

That's some low-rent BUISs you have on that AR. ;)

Still better than the whack-job's Bubbaed SKS.....The 90s called and want their Ramline-fucked SKS back.
If the SS didn't spot the shooter he would have had a 50 yd shot at Trump from the fence, even the SKS would work.
Maybe Trump needs to call Erik Prince and hire Blackwater for real protection from the SS limits going outward.
There should have been dogs guarding along the fence-line where brush hides the shooters, Ryan should never have made it to his SUV.
If the SS didn't spot the shooter he would have had a 50 yd shot at Trump from the fence, even the SKS would work.
Maybe Trump needs to call Erik Prince and hire Blackwater for real protection from the SS limits going outward.
There should have been dogs guarding along the fence-line where brush hides the shooters, Ryan should never have made it to his SUV.
A uniformed USSS agent walking the side of the public road that runs parallel to the course would likely have prevented the attempt.
A uniformed USSS agent walking the side of the public road that runs parallel to the course would likely have prevented the attempt.
Here are a few alternatives
1. Local off-duty police protect perimeter?
2. State police off-duty protect perimeter?
3. Trump calls Erik Prince and hires a few Blackwater security guys, maybe even with dogs along inside of fence.
4. Mayorkas gives Trump more SS guys (not likely)
That's some low-rent BUISs you have on that AR. ;)

Still better than the whack-job's Bubbaed SKS.....The 90s called and want their Ramline-fucked SKS back.
Notice the bumper sticker on Ryan Wesley Routh’s truck. Who would've thunk??? :stir:

Credit: AP

It's amazing the trash that the right will make up.
Notice the bumper sticker on Ryan Wesley Routh’s truck. Who would've thunk??? :stir:

Credit: AP

Yeah, i posted that this morning in one of the threads.....Of course the leftists here claimed that it was fake.
WTF is this?????????????
Are you suggesting that there weren't TWO ASSASSINATION ATTEMPTS on Trump?????????????
Holy shit I thought your PROJECTION 2025 was bad enough, good grief.
Your only gaslighting YOURSELF, idiot.

I don't believe any of the leftists on this board, have denounced either attempts on Trump's life. They only have made fun of them. Wonder what they would say if it were Biden or Kumalla?
I don't believe any of the leftists on this board, have denounced either attempts on Trump's life. They only have made fun of them. Wonder what they would say if it were Biden or Kumalla?
You can't believe Marxists as they lie like normal people breathe.
Of course they won't express any condemnation of the attempts to assassinate Trump; they love it and want more.

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