Democrats call for Killer Cuomo to be investigated.


Gold Member
Feb 18, 2009

A HUGE WASTE OF TIME... No judge is going to hear any arguments against a Governor acting in an emergency. My guess.....they're probably afraid Cuomo will get the nomination at the convention and I think they have a good reason to be afraid.

Cuomo is a politician. He doesn't know anything unless someone else tells him. But the blue state governors have displayed an alarming lack of judgement while the Red state governors are leading our country out of this pandemic as the GREAT majority want. The Democrats are over exposing their weakness in this.
Folks, democrat calls to investigate him simply translates as cover his ass with voters for him! This man, along with that Ethiopian who heads up the WHO(which by the way Trump has agreed to continue funding based on a late Friday document dump), is a fucking murderer! It wasn't negligent, or incompetence, he did it specifically to amplify NY's fatality ratios in effort at shaking down the other 49 states to bail them out after years of democratic spending insanity! It was premeditated murder, it was fully and completely calculated because they knew he'd never face so much as a fine for having done it....
Folks, democrat calls to investigate him simply translates as cover his ass with voters for him! This man, along with that Ethiopian who heads up the WHO(which by the way Trump has agreed to continue funding based on a late Friday document dump), is a fucking murderer! It wasn't negligent, or incompetence, he did it specifically to amplify NY's fatality ratios in effort at shaking down the other 49 states to bail them out after years of democratic spending insanity! It was premeditated murder, it was fully and completely calculated because they knew he'd never face so much as a fine for having done it....
Trump is up to his eyeballs in swampers...Somebody got to him.
Bastard needs to be prosecuted.
For stupidity? Murder or reckless manslaughter?
Reckless endangerment, at the very least, if not manslaughter.
Personally I think manslaughter is a stretch, but clearly knowing the highly contagious nature of the virus it was extremely reckless of Cuomo to direct infected patients back into nursing homes. Claiming he had no choice was bullshit, he is the Governor and certainly had the authority to send them somewhere else. Like the good ship COMFORT for example.

Yes tramp screwed up, and also the CDC, bad tests and no tests.

Only one governor, West Virginia’s Jim Justice, appears to be mandating testing for all nursing homes without conditions. Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan ordered tests at all 26 nursing in the city, using new kits that can spew out results in 15 minutes. Massachusetts abruptly halted a program to send test kits directly to nursing homes this week after 4,000 of them turned out to be faulty. New Hampshire teamed with an urgent-care company to test care workers. Several states including Colorado, Florida, Maryland, Tennessee and Wisconsin have dispatched National Guard testing strike teams.
using new kits that can spew out results in 15 minutes,

which has been found to be faulty.
Bastard needs to be prosecuted.
For stupidity? Murder or reckless manslaughter?
Reckless endangerment, at the very least, if not manslaughter.
Personally I think manslaughter is a stretch, but clearly knowing the highly contagious nature of the virus it was extremely reckless of Cuomo to direct infected patients back into nursing homes. Claiming he had no choice was bullshit, he is the Governor and certainly had the authority to send them somewhere else. Like the good ship COMFORT for example.
I feel that the large number of body bags that Cuomo sent to the nursing homes when he sent the Covid 19 patients there shows that he KNEW his actions would cause more deaths...


And he obviously did it in order to get more federal funds (monetary gain)...

Personally, I think that capital murder charges are appropriate....
March 25 there were a shortage of test swabs and it (today) remains so.

W. V. has a pop of 1/10 the city of NY has, the largest city in the USA. It was hit hard because tramp didn't cut travel from the EU until the end of March, and he excluded the UK and Ireland. Why , we will never know.
March 25 there were a shortage of test swabs and it (today) remains so.

W. V. has a pop of 1/10 the city of NY has, the largest city in the USA. It was hit hard because tramp didn't cut travel from the EU until the end of March, and he excluded the UK and Ireland. Why , we will never know.

The elderly died because they just didn't get the test... Not because Cuomo sent them to their graves.
Even the left's media, in this case NBC NEWS, ran a story by investigative correspondent Cynthia McFadden called “a path to disaster,” in reference to Cuomo's policy.

This guy should be seeing lawsuits coming down the road.
The left's darling:

“They don’t have a right to object. That is the rule and that is the regulation, and they have to comply with that,” Cuomo, a Democrat, said in a Thursday news conference. “If they can’t do it, we’ll put them in a facility that can do it.”

Coronavirus spreads in a New York nursing home forced to take recovering patients
“It’s reckless and careless,” said the granddaughter of a 96-year-old man whose family withdrew him from a Long Island nursing home.


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