Democrats Have Just 15 Months to Pick a Leader Who'll Beat Trump

Biden repeatedly beats Trump in the polls and does well in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona

Trump can’t win without them

So did HRC. How did that turn out for her?

Very true

Trump drew on an inside straight and everything went his way in those states. He won by a few thousand votes

Is he counting on getting lucky in those states again?

I view it differently. I have spoken to many people as I travel for work frequently and hence post a lot here to kill time. Many have stated that they dislike him, his tweets, his bravado and his overall demeanor but their paychecks are higher and they don't want to jeopardize that by voting for someone who could disrupt the current economy. These people did not vote for him initially. So he may hit that inside straight again.
Very few middle class voters are bragging about their paychecks

Many are negatively impacted by Trumps trade wars
Coal plants are still closing. Something Trump said he would stop to get votes

Incorrect. Who you consider wealthy are the middle class. People earning between $200-300k annually(family incomes). They have been impacted positively sans those in high RE and state tax states like Cali, NJ and NY but Trump would never win those Leftist states anyway. Think about it. The corporate tax rate is lower so business owners make more and many people are getting raises and higher bonuses. Not everyone to your point but many.
Voters did not see much trickle down from those huge corporate tax cuts
Those tax cuts to the middle class were quickly eaten up by inflation, increased fuel costs and Trump’s trade war
Trump won in 2016 by harnessing the “I hate Hillary” vote

I don’t see the same hatred against Biden

Maybe not the same hatred.....more like exasperation like 'is this the best they can come up with?????'

So did HRC. How did that turn out for her?

Very true

Trump drew on an inside straight and everything went his way in those states. He won by a few thousand votes

Is he counting on getting lucky in those states again?

I view it differently. I have spoken to many people as I travel for work frequently and hence post a lot here to kill time. Many have stated that they dislike him, his tweets, his bravado and his overall demeanor but their paychecks are higher and they don't want to jeopardize that by voting for someone who could disrupt the current economy. These people did not vote for him initially. So he may hit that inside straight again.
Very few middle class voters are bragging about their paychecks

Many are negatively impacted by Trumps trade wars
Coal plants are still closing. Something Trump said he would stop to get votes

Incorrect. Who you consider wealthy are the middle class. People earning between $200-300k annually(family incomes). They have been impacted positively sans those in high RE and state tax states like Cali, NJ and NY but Trump would never win those Leftist states anyway. Think about it. The corporate tax rate is lower so business owners make more and many people are getting raises and higher bonuses. Not everyone to your point but many.
Voters did not see much trickle down from those huge corporate tax cuts
Those tax cuts to the middle class were quickly eaten up by inflation, increased fuel costs and Trump’s trade war

Such as? Say a worker makes $200k per year and his bonus this year and raise are higher because the corporation has done better due to lower tax liability. Gas prices remain reasonable. The trade war generally takes 3-4 months to impact prices and has not yet. I disagree that their pocketbook was worse off hence even the polls show that more people approve of Trumps handling of the economy than disapprove.
Trump won in 2016 by harnessing the “I hate Hillary” vote

I don’t see the same hatred against Biden

We ll see. The other candidates have already begun to bash Biden. It will get ugly.
Usually does

But Biden does not draw the same wrath that Hillary does

That would be impossible but Trump is also no longer an unknown. Historic unemployment is impressive. Those who were sheepish may vote for him to maintain their economic standing.
It really does show what a mess the left side of the false dichotomy is in at the current moment. They could not...would not put forward ANY worthwhile candidate?
I am thinking there is going to be someone show up very late in the process.
I hate to burst your little snot bubble but Trump trails all 20 Dem candidates in the polls. Compared to Mango Mussolini they are ALL worthwhile candidates. None of them have spit on our POWs or mocked a handicapped person.
New 2020 poll shows Trump trailing all Democrats — some by double-digits
If you want to believe an obscure left wing poll 15 months before the election you validate the Left have nothing to run on.

This election will be a landslide for Trump.

None of these Democrat clowns have anything for America.

Trump has brilliantly been able to paint the Democrat Party as bat shit crazy Socialist. Socialism may fly in San Francisco but it ain't gonna fly in much of the rest of America.

The Democrats clowns will have to go far Left to win the Moon Bat Primary and Trump will cram it up their ass in the General Election. If they weren't such assholes I could almost feel sorry for the abuse the Democrats will have to endure.

Meanwhile the economy is doing great, Trump is making good strides towards protecting the border even with Democrat opposition, the military is strong, we have a great tax cut and his trade deals are undoing the weakness of previous Presidents.
Biden repeatedly beats Trump in the polls and does well in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona

Trump can’t win without them
Polls are meaningless until the day of the election. Biden has zero over Trump and has minute by minute gaffs.

Want to compare Biden gaffs to Trump gaffs?
Biden Isn't Sure If He Could've Beaten Trump in the 2016 Presidential Election: 'I Don't Know'
Looks to me people never learn that polls are as corrupt as the democrats.
Unfortunately for Democrats they put all of their eggs in the impeachment basket only to watch it tumble off Half Dome and make a 4000 foot plunge onto granite.


Really? Each one of those has already supplied hours of quotes that will be used by Trump 2020 against them. And he hasn't even begun to campaign to put them on the spot yet. And what are they going to beat Trump on? Russia? Most Americans acknowledge it was just a political game of lies. Economy? Healthcare? Taxes? Let's go back to the Obama years!

You know why Democrats have a no win lineup don't you?

Hillary was the anointed one and should be running for reelection right now. The Democratic Party not only never bothered to raise up good candidates but made sure anyone who was good was kept out of the race.

And look what's ahead for 2024: The Squad.

The Democratic Party committed suicide.

Trump won't be president he's going down once he's not president it's jail time.
Unfortunately for Democrats they put all of their eggs in the impeachment basket only to watch it tumble off Half Dome and make a 4000 foot plunge onto granite.


Really? Each one of those has already supplied hours of quotes that will be used by Trump 2020 against them. And he hasn't even begun to campaign to put them on the spot yet. And what are they going to beat Trump on? Russia? Most Americans acknowledge it was just a political game of lies. Economy? Healthcare? Taxes? Let's go back to the Obama years!

You know why Democrats have a no win lineup don't you?

Hillary was the anointed one and should be running for reelection right now. The Democratic Party not only never bothered to raise up good candidates but made sure anyone who was good was kept out of the race.

And look what's ahead for 2024: The Squad.

The Democratic Party committed suicide.

Trump won't be president he's going down once he's not president it's jail time.
Any day now .....
Biden at 33% and Kamala Harris at 15%. While the rest are at 12%, 5% and 0%.

Biden will have a difficult time at the next debate between Kamala Harris and Cory Booker. If he survives that 'bloodbath', he could very well be the one that will contest Trump.
Oh My GOD!
IF Biden isn't destroyed by the DNC (anyone with brain knows the back door boys want Harris as the nominee) then watch the Trump campaign shove Hunter Biden's disgraceful/possibly illegal financial life mug-shot into every Trump ad. Hunter was kicked out of the military for cocaine use. You don't think that little fact won't be known to the entire country?
Buy the time the Trump wolverines are finished with Biden all that will be left is a few scattered bones.
We will get to enjoy James Carville again wearing a garbage pail over his head on election night.
Biden repeatedly beats Trump in the polls and does well in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and Arizona

Trump can’t win without them
I'm not sure, but I think he's doing better in the polls than 4 years ago. And Biden is about as lousy a candidate as Hillary.
Biden will work hard in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. He already has a good relationship with those areas

Trump can’t win without them
Biden will run on what?

Oh yeah.

You can keep your health plan.


Very true

Biden has a healthcare proposal to expand Obamacare and widen coverage

All Trump has is empty promises. Elect me and I will show you my great plan that covers everyone and costs less.....Trust me

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