Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

Watching this reminds me of the recording of the Johnes Town murder/suicide, Pelosi being Jones and preaching away about the pledge of allegiance while her minions run around and force stragglers at gun point to drink the look-aid. Democrats are so done. The republicans will be unbearable.
The Democrats can't remove President Trump through the impeachment.

They don't have the votes.

The only way the President can be removed is if the GOP does it.

And if the Republican Party were to do this, they know that would be the end of their party, Throwing the Trump people out of the party would make any future victories impossible. Get ready for a 7000 dow and 10% unemployment again,

If they don't remove this President, it will be the end of the Republican Party. They doomed anyway. The moderates are long gone, as are the independents. Only the Trumpbots are left. Racist, misogynistic, ignorant and greedy. There's not enough people in the USA who lack the decency or the morals to vote for this pig again.

"There's not enough people in the USA who lack the decency or the morals to vote for this pig again."

but they know how to rig and steal elections!

I don't think that the Republicans will get away with a sham trial in the Senate, with no witnesses. I think that the demonstrations all across the country will wake up a lot of the Senators to the reality that Americans are concerned about their elections, and that this President has no respect for the voters.

The usual Democrat screamers will affect only like-minded Democrats.

Americans who have not already written off the Democrats are in the process of doing so due to this latest passion play.

The Democrats aren't the "screamers". The Republicans have ranted, raved and screamed "unfair, unfair". It's not working. The American people aren't as stupid as Trump and the Russians think they are. They're not being fooled by his lies and deflections, this time.

Seriously? Republicans have ranted and raved however after Trump was elected, there were riots. The left cried needing recounts, the left cried because they wanted people in the Electoral College to change votes. Then they wanted people to have the Electoral College meet so they could try to change votes from Trump to Hillary. You nuts cry about every stupid little thing, and it isn't just you nuts, it is the nuts on the right as well. Now, we have impeachment rallies, the left already crying because they know the Senate will probably not convict.

The nonsensical crying about Kavanaugh, wanting to convict him without any real evidence. It has been non-stop crying for a long long time, Try growing up.
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They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Democrats have no need to prove politics was Trump's only motive. It's still illegal to solicit a foreign national to look for dirt on a political rival.
But there was no quid pro quo.
I didn't say quid pro quo.
Sounds like another bunch of wingnuts fantasizing about violence if they don't get their way.
You can take that chance if you want to.
We can and we will because everyone knows conservatives are nothing but a bunch of sniveling, whiney pussies who have no desire to mess up their manicures with a civil war. Just watch, impeachment is coming today and there will be no civil war.

They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha
Democrats have no need to prove politics was Trump's only motive. It's still illegal to solicit a foreign national to look for dirt on a political rival.
But there was no quid pro quo.
I didn't say quid pro quo.

It doesn't matter what you said. With partisans, everyone who disagrees with them is on the same "side", and responsible for everything anyone who disagrees with them says. It's how they think.
They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?

Billy looks at his watch.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

He already lost...

Judge sets Flynn sentencing, rejects defense arguments
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

He already lost...

Judge sets Flynn sentencing, rejects defense arguments
No one will put him behind bars...he is going to walk...just like I've been saying for three put your snowflake chub away....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

He already lost...

Judge sets Flynn sentencing, rejects defense arguments
No one will put him behind bars...he is going to walk...just like I've been saying for three put your snowflake chub away....
So you say. That remains to be seen as he hasn't walked yet and he still faces sentencing.
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

He already lost...

Judge sets Flynn sentencing, rejects defense arguments
No one will put him behind bars...he is going to walk...just like I've been saying for three put your snowflake chub away....
So you say. That remains to be seen as he hasn't walked yet and he still faces sentencing.
Just will prolong my pleasure watching you be wrong for a while longer....

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

He already lost...

Judge sets Flynn sentencing, rejects defense arguments
No one will put him behind bars...he is going to walk...just like I've been saying for three put your snowflake chub away....
So you say. That remains to be seen as he hasn't walked yet and he still faces sentencing.
Just will prolong my pleasure watching you be wrong for a while longer....

He hasn't walked yet so I haven't been wrong. So far, you have.
Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

He already lost...

Judge sets Flynn sentencing, rejects defense arguments
No one will put him behind bars...he is going to walk...just like I've been saying for three put your snowflake chub away....
So you say. That remains to be seen as he hasn't walked yet and he still faces sentencing.
Just will prolong my pleasure watching you be wrong for a while longer....

He hasn't walked yet so I haven't been wrong. So far, you have.

Look for Flynn's exoneration the day that President Trump himself is exonerated by the Senate.

I'm sure that The Donald will be in a magnanimous mood when he is inevitably proclaimed to be as innocent as a newborn babe and will be anxious to spread around some good cheer.
If they don't remove this President, it will be the end of the Republican Party. They doomed anyway. The moderates are long gone, as are the independents. Only the Trumpbots are left. Racist, misogynistic, ignorant and greedy. There's not enough people in the USA who lack the decency or the morals to vote for this pig again.

"There's not enough people in the USA who lack the decency or the morals to vote for this pig again."

but they know how to rig and steal elections!

I don't think that the Republicans will get away with a sham trial in the Senate, with no witnesses. I think that the demonstrations all across the country will wake up a lot of the Senators to the reality that Americans are concerned about their elections, and that this President has no respect for the voters.

The usual Democrat screamers will affect only like-minded Democrats.

Americans who have not already written off the Democrats are in the process of doing so due to this latest passion play.

The Democrats aren't the "screamers". The Republicans have ranted, raved and screamed "unfair, unfair". It's not working. The American people aren't as stupid as Trump and the Russians think they are. They're not being fooled by his lies and deflections, this time.

Seriously? Republicans have ranted and raved however after Trump was elected, there were riots. The left cried needing recounts, the left cried because they wanted people in the Electoral College to change votes. Then they wanted people to have the Electoral College meet so they could try to change votes from Trump to Hillary. You nuts cry about every stupid little thing, and it isn't just you nuts, it is the nuts on the right as well. Now, we have impeachment rallies, the left already crying because they know the Senate will probably not convict.

The nonsensical crying about Kavanaugh, wanting to convict him without any real evidence. It has been non-stop crying for a long long time, Try growing up.

What bullshit! 200 masked youth ran amok in Washington, DC, after the Inauguration, and you claim this constitutes "riots". There were no riots. There were marches, in accordance with the Constitutional rights of Americans. There was opposition to the criminal Republicans elected, but let's be clear: Trump was NOT democratically elected. The people chose Clinton. Trump was Constitutionally elected, but not democratically. The Electoral College overturned the will of the people, and put a criminal into the White House.

And again, you try to twist the problem and deflect from the unsuitability of both Trump and Kavenaugh to the positions they have been elevated to. The entire Trump Presidency has been an administration of toxic male culture towards women, and the issues facing more than half of the voters in America. Trump has been defeated by the women, and he will continue to lose with the women.

Donald Trump has a long, long history of playing fast and loose with the law, bullying small contractors into accepting pennies on the dollar for the work they did when Trump promised to help them into the big leagues of the construction industry. I've seen a lot of this in the construction industry with crooked and corrupt developers. He stonewalls until they sues, then uses court delay after court delay while the little guys are paying lawyers serious money, they don't really have. Eventually these people settle for pennies on the dollar, and Trump skates away.

This is the first time that Donald Trump has been forced to go to trial in his entire life. This is the first mess, he can't buy his way out of. Donald Trump is being exposed for the lying criminal he's always been and he doesn't like it. So as always, Trump is trying to rig the outcome. I hope and pray, he doesn't succeed.
"There's not enough people in the USA who lack the decency or the morals to vote for this pig again."

but they know how to rig and steal elections!

I don't think that the Republicans will get away with a sham trial in the Senate, with no witnesses. I think that the demonstrations all across the country will wake up a lot of the Senators to the reality that Americans are concerned about their elections, and that this President has no respect for the voters.

The usual Democrat screamers will affect only like-minded Democrats.

Americans who have not already written off the Democrats are in the process of doing so due to this latest passion play.

The Democrats aren't the "screamers". The Republicans have ranted, raved and screamed "unfair, unfair". It's not working. The American people aren't as stupid as Trump and the Russians think they are. They're not being fooled by his lies and deflections, this time.

Seriously? Republicans have ranted and raved however after Trump was elected, there were riots. The left cried needing recounts, the left cried because they wanted people in the Electoral College to change votes. Then they wanted people to have the Electoral College meet so they could try to change votes from Trump to Hillary. You nuts cry about every stupid little thing, and it isn't just you nuts, it is the nuts on the right as well. Now, we have impeachment rallies, the left already crying because they know the Senate will probably not convict.

The nonsensical crying about Kavanaugh, wanting to convict him without any real evidence. It has been non-stop crying for a long long time, Try growing up.

What bullshit! 200 masked youth ran amok in Washington, DC, after the Inauguration, and you claim this constitutes "riots". There were no riots. There were marches, in accordance with the Constitutional rights of Americans. There was opposition to the criminal Republicans elected, but let's be clear: Trump was NOT democratically elected. The people chose Clinton. Trump was Constitutionally elected, but not democratically. The Electoral College overturned the will of the people, and put a criminal into the White House.

And again, you try to twist the problem and deflect from the unsuitability of both Trump and Kavenaugh to the positions they have been elevated to. The entire Trump Presidency has been an administration of toxic male culture towards women, and the issues facing more than half of the voters in America. Trump has been defeated by the women, and he will continue to lose with the women.

Donald Trump has a long, long history of playing fast and loose with the law, bullying small contractors into accepting pennies on the dollar for the work they did when Trump promised to help them into the big leagues of the construction industry. I've seen a lot of this in the construction industry with crooked and corrupt developers. He stonewalls until they sues, then uses court delay after court delay while the little guys are paying lawyers serious money, they don't really have. Eventually these people settle for pennies on the dollar, and Trump skates away.

This is the first time that Donald Trump has been forced to go to trial in his entire life. This is the first mess, he can't buy his way out of. Donald Trump is being exposed for the lying criminal he's always been and he doesn't like it. So as always, Trump is trying to rig the outcome. I hope and pray, he doesn't succeed.

Donald Trump's US presidential election win sparks riots by Hillary Clinton fans as fighting erupts outside the White House

Anti-Trump protests carry on for fourth straight day after election

Liberals RIOTING After Trump Destroys Hillary Clinton (PHOTOS)

‘Not Our President’: Protests Spread After Donald Trump’s Election

Anti-Trump protests, some violent, erupt for 3rd night nationwide

As for the next point. the United States of America is not a Democracy and never has been, we are a Republic and we have a strong Constitution and we decided long ago how Presidents were elected, we don't care how your country elects anyone, it isn't our business, just as it is not your business how we elect our Presidents.

The rest of your post is just a bunch of partisan opinion which that and $4.95 will get you a latte at Starbucks.

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