Democrats Move Towards Violent Confrontation

What happened to the days when politicians had the common sense to negotiate across the aisle instead of making rash decisions that could trigger a civil war?
What happened to the days when politicians had the common sense to negotiate across the aisle instead of making rash decisions that could trigger a civil war?
Calm down, bedwetter, there isn't going to be a civil war.
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

Flynn has NOTHING, but his guilty plea.
What happened to the days when politicians had the common sense to negotiate across the aisle instead of making rash decisions that could trigger a civil war?

Why don't you ask Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingerich these questions? It's absolutely laughable that Republicans are trying portray themselves as defending future Presidents from a partisan impeachment when Republicans set the standard for purely partisan impeachments with their 6 1/2 year fishing expedition of a Special Prosecutor's investigation that yielded an impeachment because the President lied about having a consenual affair.

These same Republicans who decried the lack of morality of Bill Clinton in this purely personal matter that really had no impact on his performance as President, while Donald Trump has repeatedly endangered national security, to the benefit of the dictators he so admires, routinely lies to the American people (Nixon was impeached for lying to the American people), his policy by Twitter has endangered your troops abroad, as well as those of your allies.

His rescinding of environmental regulations is literally killing Americans by degrading their air and water quality. His much touted partial trade agreement with China which Trump is touting as a victory does NOTHING but get you back to where you started BEFORE the trade war started, except soy bean and other farm exports will still be lower than they were 2 years ago, before the trade war started. China found new markets, cheaper markets, South American markets.

Trump is an unmitigated disasters on all fronts.
They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.

Mass Republican bedwetting is more likely than insurrection.
come and get me, I'm right here. too bad you have no idea where here is. But don't think in your wildest dreams we're afraid of safespace idiots. Did you check the kid that didn't move when the injun pushed a drum in his face? Oh yeah, you all bitched he should have turned and run. he didn't, and none of us would. We might have been a bit aggressive toward old tonto there, but run? Only in your wet dreams

You have it backwards, ya dumbass. It was your side saying they're coming after us if Democrats impeach Trump. Well that's happening later this afternoon and we all know you lazy couch potatoes won't even bother to put down your beer.

You are a lip-service patriot.
We whiny bitches are going to out number you liberal lying pigs in November....get ready for a Trump 2nd term butthole....

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

Flynn has NOTHING, but his guilty plea.
What happened to the days when politicians had the common sense to negotiate across the aisle instead of making rash decisions that could trigger a civil war?

Why don't you ask Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingerich these questions? It's absolutely laughable that Republicans are trying portray themselves as defending future Presidents from a partisan impeachment when Republicans set the standard for purely partisan impeachments with their 6 1/2 year fishing expedition of a Special Prosecutor's investigation that yielded an impeachment because the President lied about having a consenual affair.

These same Republicans who decried the lack of morality of Bill Clinton in this purely personal matter that really had no impact on his performance as President, while Donald Trump has repeatedly endangered national security, to the benefit of the dictators he so admires, routinely lies to the American people (Nixon was impeached for lying to the American people), his policy by Twitter has endangered your troops abroad, as well as those of your allies.

His rescinding of environmental regulations is literally killing Americans by degrading their air and water quality. His much touted partial trade agreement with China which Trump is touting as a victory does NOTHING but get you back to where you started BEFORE the trade war started, except soy bean and other farm exports will still be lower than they were 2 years ago, before the trade war started. China found new markets, cheaper markets, South American markets.

Trump is an unmitigated disasters on all fronts.

You do realize that Gingrich and Clinton came together and compromised on welfare reform, lowering the capital gains tax and on the US budget that brought deficit spending down. You need to quit making up BS and trying to pretend it is fact. You seem to lie on every post and when caught you slink away because you can't defend your partisan BS. Take off hoser!
His rescinding of environmental regulations is literally killing Americans by degrading their air and water quality. His much touted partial trade agreement with China which Trump is touting as a victory does NOTHING but get you back to where you started BEFORE the trade war started, except soy bean and other farm exports will still be lower than they were 2 years ago, before the trade war started. China found new markets, cheaper markets, South American markets.
We need jobs, not job killing environmental laws. The Democrats War on Coal is bad for America.
Clean air and water is vital and stepping on the throats of companies that pollute is good for our economy and the safety of our nation.
They won't care.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.

So they are no different than most Democrats.


they are no different

except republicans are traitors who put a LYING MOCKING CON MAN who INSULTS our friends and APPLAUDS dictators and is OBVIOUSLY a puppet of putin.....

while democrats actually believe in rights and freedom for ALL citizens.

and we know who YOU chose.

Sure you do :)
You want to give me the "right" to eat whatever you say is ok for me to eat.
You want to give me the "right" to only drive what you approve of.
You want to give me the "right" to have a Single Payer Medical system.
You want to give me the "right" curtail my gun ownership.
You want to give me the "right" to practice my religion only in ways you approve of.
You want to give me the "right" to ruin my Country by flooding it with low skilled ,low educated people.
You want to give me the "right" to pay for everything they need when they get here.
You've given me the "right" to pay for ballots in all their own languages.

I could go on and on.

YOU believe in "rights" filtered through the State to the people.
I don't think you understand what a right is.
Liberals are so naive.

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached

Trump supporters are warning of civil war if Trump is impeached
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.

So they are no different than most Democrats.


they are no different

except republicans are traitors who put a LYING MOCKING CON MAN who INSULTS our friends and APPLAUDS dictators and is OBVIOUSLY a puppet of putin.....

while democrats actually believe in rights and freedom for ALL citizens.

and we know who YOU chose.

Sure you do :)
You want to give me the "right" to eat whatever you say is ok for me to eat.
You want to give me the "right" to only drive what you approve of.
You want to give me the "right" to have a Single Payer Medical system.
You want to give me the "right" curtail my gun ownership.
You want to give me the "right" to practice my religion only in ways you approve of.
You want to give me the "right" to ruin my Country by flooding it with low skilled ,low educated people.
You want to give me the "right" to pay for everything they need when they get here.
You've given me the "right" to pay for ballots in all their own languages.

I could go on and on.

YOU believe in "rights" filtered through the State to the people.
I don't think you understand what a right is.

I know EXACTLY what it is. You don't get to tell me what you think they are.
Impeachment is tomorrow. What time can we expect the civil war? I predict never because conservatives are nothing but a bunch of whiny bitches who are too lazy to get out of bed and stand up for their convictions.

So they are no different than most Democrats.


they are no different

except republicans are traitors who put a LYING MOCKING CON MAN who INSULTS our friends and APPLAUDS dictators and is OBVIOUSLY a puppet of putin.....

while democrats actually believe in rights and freedom for ALL citizens.

and we know who YOU chose.

Sure you do :)
You want to give me the "right" to eat whatever you say is ok for me to eat.
You want to give me the "right" to only drive what you approve of.
You want to give me the "right" to have a Single Payer Medical system.
You want to give me the "right" curtail my gun ownership.
You want to give me the "right" to practice my religion only in ways you approve of.
You want to give me the "right" to ruin my Country by flooding it with low skilled ,low educated people.
You want to give me the "right" to pay for everything they need when they get here.
You've given me the "right" to pay for ballots in all their own languages.

I could go on and on.

YOU believe in "rights" filtered through the State to the people.
I don't think you understand what a right is.

I know EXACTLY what it is. You don't get to tell me what you think they are.
No, I don't think you do.

Oh? When was the last time you outnumbered us?
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

Flynn has NOTHING, but his guilty plea.
What happened to the days when politicians had the common sense to negotiate across the aisle instead of making rash decisions that could trigger a civil war?

Why don't you ask Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingerich these questions? It's absolutely laughable that Republicans are trying portray themselves as defending future Presidents from a partisan impeachment when Republicans set the standard for purely partisan impeachments with their 6 1/2 year fishing expedition of a Special Prosecutor's investigation that yielded an impeachment because the President lied about having a consenual affair.

These same Republicans who decried the lack of morality of Bill Clinton in this purely personal matter that really had no impact on his performance as President, while Donald Trump has repeatedly endangered national security, to the benefit of the dictators he so admires, routinely lies to the American people (Nixon was impeached for lying to the American people), his policy by Twitter has endangered your troops abroad, as well as those of your allies.

His rescinding of environmental regulations is literally killing Americans by degrading their air and water quality. His much touted partial trade agreement with China which Trump is touting as a victory does NOTHING but get you back to where you started BEFORE the trade war started, except soy bean and other farm exports will still be lower than they were 2 years ago, before the trade war started. China found new markets, cheaper markets, South American markets.

Trump is an unmitigated disasters on all fronts.

You do realize that Gingrich and Clinton came together and compromised on welfare reform, lowering the capital gains tax and on the US budget that brought deficit spending down. You need to quit making up BS and trying to pretend it is fact. You seem to lie on every post and when caught you slink away because you can't defend your partisan BS. Take off hoser!

I'm not referring to their working together. I'm talking about the 6 1/2 year witch hunt carried out by Ken Starr at the behest of Newt Gingerich and the Republican Party, which including Republicans paying for Paula Jones attorneys to sue the President - a law suit that was dismissed, with prejudice as utterly lacking in evidence. Republicans wanted to take down a Democratic President for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, after Watergate and Iran-Contra.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his role in this mess, saying it was wrong. But fools like you are still decying the "corruption" of the Clintons, who have never been charged with a crime of corruption or abuse of power.
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

Flynn has NOTHING, but his guilty plea.
What happened to the days when politicians had the common sense to negotiate across the aisle instead of making rash decisions that could trigger a civil war?

Why don't you ask Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingerich these questions? It's absolutely laughable that Republicans are trying portray themselves as defending future Presidents from a partisan impeachment when Republicans set the standard for purely partisan impeachments with their 6 1/2 year fishing expedition of a Special Prosecutor's investigation that yielded an impeachment because the President lied about having a consenual affair.

These same Republicans who decried the lack of morality of Bill Clinton in this purely personal matter that really had no impact on his performance as President, while Donald Trump has repeatedly endangered national security, to the benefit of the dictators he so admires, routinely lies to the American people (Nixon was impeached for lying to the American people), his policy by Twitter has endangered your troops abroad, as well as those of your allies.

His rescinding of environmental regulations is literally killing Americans by degrading their air and water quality. His much touted partial trade agreement with China which Trump is touting as a victory does NOTHING but get you back to where you started BEFORE the trade war started, except soy bean and other farm exports will still be lower than they were 2 years ago, before the trade war started. China found new markets, cheaper markets, South American markets.

Trump is an unmitigated disasters on all fronts.

You do realize that Gingrich and Clinton came together and compromised on welfare reform, lowering the capital gains tax and on the US budget that brought deficit spending down. You need to quit making up BS and trying to pretend it is fact. You seem to lie on every post and when caught you slink away because you can't defend your partisan BS. Take off hoser!

I'm not referring to their working together. I'm talking about the 6 1/2 year witch hunt carried out by Ken Starr at the behest of Newt Gingerich and the Republican Party, which including Republicans paying for Paula Jones attorneys to sue the President - a law suit that was dismissed, with prejudice as utterly lacking in evidence. Republicans wanted to take down a Democratic President for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, after Watergate and Iran-Contra.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his role in this mess, saying it was wrong. But fools like you are still decying the "corruption" of the Clintons, who have never been charged with a crime of corruption or abuse of power.

Look nutter, I said Gingrich and Clinton worked across the aisle and you go off on Paula Jones and Ken Starr and me saying the Clintons are corrupt, which wasn’t the subject.

Here again is another example of you telling a lie, getting caught then trying to runaway from your lie.

You are a partisan moron, earlier you claim it was all the Republicans fault for welfare reform, when you know that Gingrich and Clinton worked together to get it passed and Clinton signed. Then you falsely claim that the Capital Gains tax went down because of Republicans when 80% of the Democrats in Congress voted FOR it and Clinton signed it. Then you claim that it was Clinton’s doing for balancing the budget when it was clearly a Republican House working across the aisle to balance it.

Not sure of your end game but it is based on your dishonesty and lies.
Shit....only about half of you are smart enough to find the polls...we got ya beat put it like uncle joe would....Buuuuaaahahahahaha

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

Flynn has NOTHING, but his guilty plea.
What happened to the days when politicians had the common sense to negotiate across the aisle instead of making rash decisions that could trigger a civil war?

Why don't you ask Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingerich these questions? It's absolutely laughable that Republicans are trying portray themselves as defending future Presidents from a partisan impeachment when Republicans set the standard for purely partisan impeachments with their 6 1/2 year fishing expedition of a Special Prosecutor's investigation that yielded an impeachment because the President lied about having a consenual affair.

These same Republicans who decried the lack of morality of Bill Clinton in this purely personal matter that really had no impact on his performance as President, while Donald Trump has repeatedly endangered national security, to the benefit of the dictators he so admires, routinely lies to the American people (Nixon was impeached for lying to the American people), his policy by Twitter has endangered your troops abroad, as well as those of your allies.

His rescinding of environmental regulations is literally killing Americans by degrading their air and water quality. His much touted partial trade agreement with China which Trump is touting as a victory does NOTHING but get you back to where you started BEFORE the trade war started, except soy bean and other farm exports will still be lower than they were 2 years ago, before the trade war started. China found new markets, cheaper markets, South American markets.

Trump is an unmitigated disasters on all fronts.

You do realize that Gingrich and Clinton came together and compromised on welfare reform, lowering the capital gains tax and on the US budget that brought deficit spending down. You need to quit making up BS and trying to pretend it is fact. You seem to lie on every post and when caught you slink away because you can't defend your partisan BS. Take off hoser!

I'm not referring to their working together. I'm talking about the 6 1/2 year witch hunt carried out by Ken Starr at the behest of Newt Gingerich and the Republican Party, which including Republicans paying for Paula Jones attorneys to sue the President - a law suit that was dismissed, with prejudice as utterly lacking in evidence. Republicans wanted to take down a Democratic President for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, after Watergate and Iran-Contra.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his role in this mess, saying it was wrong. But fools like you are still decying the "corruption" of the Clintons, who have never been charged with a crime of corruption or abuse of power.

I don't recall Starr ever apologizing to the Clinton's and saying it was wrong. In fact, he appears as a guest on Laura's show at least once a week, and discusses the impeachment given our environment today. I never once heard him say he regretted it.

So you say... but you also said the evidence would free Flynn.

Get it right Beavis...I said Flynn will walk and he will...while he is suing the pants off of the FISA court and the FBI....

Flynn has NOTHING, but his guilty plea.
What happened to the days when politicians had the common sense to negotiate across the aisle instead of making rash decisions that could trigger a civil war?

Why don't you ask Rush Limbaugh and Newt Gingerich these questions? It's absolutely laughable that Republicans are trying portray themselves as defending future Presidents from a partisan impeachment when Republicans set the standard for purely partisan impeachments with their 6 1/2 year fishing expedition of a Special Prosecutor's investigation that yielded an impeachment because the President lied about having a consenual affair.

These same Republicans who decried the lack of morality of Bill Clinton in this purely personal matter that really had no impact on his performance as President, while Donald Trump has repeatedly endangered national security, to the benefit of the dictators he so admires, routinely lies to the American people (Nixon was impeached for lying to the American people), his policy by Twitter has endangered your troops abroad, as well as those of your allies.

His rescinding of environmental regulations is literally killing Americans by degrading their air and water quality. His much touted partial trade agreement with China which Trump is touting as a victory does NOTHING but get you back to where you started BEFORE the trade war started, except soy bean and other farm exports will still be lower than they were 2 years ago, before the trade war started. China found new markets, cheaper markets, South American markets.

Trump is an unmitigated disasters on all fronts.

You do realize that Gingrich and Clinton came together and compromised on welfare reform, lowering the capital gains tax and on the US budget that brought deficit spending down. You need to quit making up BS and trying to pretend it is fact. You seem to lie on every post and when caught you slink away because you can't defend your partisan BS. Take off hoser!

I'm not referring to their working together. I'm talking about the 6 1/2 year witch hunt carried out by Ken Starr at the behest of Newt Gingerich and the Republican Party, which including Republicans paying for Paula Jones attorneys to sue the President - a law suit that was dismissed, with prejudice as utterly lacking in evidence. Republicans wanted to take down a Democratic President for SOMETHING, ANYTHING, after Watergate and Iran-Contra.

Ken Starr has publically apologized to the Clintons for his role in this mess, saying it was wrong. But fools like you are still decying the "corruption" of the Clintons, who have never been charged with a crime of corruption or abuse of power.

I don't recall Starr ever apologizing to the Clinton's and saying it was wrong. In fact, he appears as a guest on Laura's show at least once a week, and discusses the impeachment given our environment today. I never once heard him say he regretted it.

Starr never apologized for his investigation. Paula Jones lawyers worked on a contingency, so the Republicans had nothing to do with her going after Clinton. It was his actions that brought that on. When Clinton first became President he signed a law that allowed prior acts to be admitted into lawsuits involving sexual harassment lawsuits and that led to attorneys to question Lewisnsky. Pretty ironic.
The case was not dismissed but settled for $850,000 and it led to Clinton losing his law license in the state of Arkansas.

I don't bother with all on Dragon's lies it would take up way too much time.

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