Dems need 23 house seats, they will get at least 26 today.

but arent there seats that the GOP could pick up? I just dont believe that every seat Shrillary won in 2016 are still blue
Still not nearly the 2010 bloodletting when Obama lost 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats, but the House will very likely go to the Dimms today.

Just look at the scoreboard.

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

I was going to write this on your profile page but since I can’t, your Trump quote in your signature is wrong and the one the liberals like to say is accurate. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime... their rapists” is the right one. “They’re rapists” is him saying, well, you know.

I get that you are making a play on their and they're, but I don't get the joke, sorry.

Making a play? Your quote is wrong. “They’re rapists” is what the left claims he said. Do you really need me to explain the difference between their and they’re? You’re not that stupid. They say he called Mexicans rapists and your quote relays exactly what they claim... then you go on to say “stop lying liberals” even though your quote reflects their lie perfectly.

Am I missing something?

Instead of saying “they’re bringing” a third time he nixed it and just said “their rapists” to mean “they’re bringing their rapists.”

Why does your quote say exactly what the left claims he said?

You are saying that he said, "THEIR RAPISTS" They are bringing "THEIR RAPISTS"?


If that is what he said, it was immensely inarticulate regardless.

I appreciate the input.

What is the lie you believe liberals told regarding this?
Still not nearly the 2010 bloodletting when Obama lost 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats, but the House will very likely go to the Dimms today.

Just look at the scoreboard.

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

I was going to write this on your profile page but since I can’t, your Trump quote in your signature is wrong and the one the liberals like to say is accurate. “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime... their rapists” is the right one. “They’re rapists” is him saying, well, you know.

I get that you are making a play on their and they're, but I don't get the joke, sorry.

Making a play? Your quote is wrong. “They’re rapists” is what the left claims he said. Do you really need me to explain the difference between their and they’re? You’re not that stupid. They say he called Mexicans rapists and your quote relays exactly what they claim... then you go on to say “stop lying liberals” even though your quote reflects their lie perfectly.

Am I missing something?

Instead of saying “they’re bringing” a third time he nixed it and just said “their rapists” to mean “they’re bringing their rapists.”

Why does your quote say exactly what the left claims he said?

You are saying that he said, "THEIR RAPISTS" They are bringing "THEIR RAPISTS"?


If that is what he said, it was immensely inarticulate regardless.

I appreciate the input.

What is the lie you believe liberals told regarding this?

Settle down Beavis.

Argue with someone else.
arent there about 7 purple seats in Guam? at least on the side thats still above sea level?
Do you think the BLUE WAVE is because of impeachment?

I thought they were just idiots.

The house can vote to impeach, but it is meaningless without the Senate.
Even after Bill Clinton, they still don't g
get Trump re-elected on 2020 while taking a bloodbath across the board.

Watch the train wreck happen in slow motion.

If the media are actually indicative of the population, the Dimms should be winning in a LANDSLIDE.

Why arent the Dimms picking up 80 or 90 seats?
Still not nearly the 2010 bloodletting when Obama lost 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats, but the House will very likely go to the Dimms today.

Just look at the scoreboard.

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018
Polls? Really?

Just go vote dude

None of this matters UNTIL the votes are counted.

If you haven't voted yet do so..

Nothing is guaranteed until you do

Why didn't you use your libtard mantra so that Democrats will remember to vote early and vote often!

Just this morning I saw a Democrat at the local cemetery looking for votes!
Seriously, how the fuck are 41 Pubs retiring in the midterm cycle?

Such bullshit.

Those are fucking RINOs. They are going back to the private sector to use the connections they made while in Congress.
Seriously, how the fuck are 41 Pubs retiring in the midterm cycle?

Such bullshit.

Those are fucking RINOs. They are going back to the private sector to use the connections they made while in Congress.

They saw the handwriting on the wall
Still not nearly the 2010 bloodletting when Obama lost 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats, but the House will very likely go to the Dimms today.

Just look at the scoreboard.

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

If they do win the House and do not immediately proceed with impeachment, will their voters realize they have been conned?
That doesn't make sense...they didn't campaign on impeachment...
Still not nearly the 2010 bloodletting when Obama lost 63 House seats and 6 Senate seats, but the House will very likely go to the Dimms today.

Just look at the scoreboard.

RealClearPolitics - 2018 Election Maps - Battle for the House 2018

If they do win the House and do not immediately proceed with impeachment, will their voters realize they have been conned?
Democrats will not impeach over silly things like a blow job

He'll remain in office either way.

The only thing that will happen is a bunch of show investigation, and maybe a show trial, anything to keep the population engaged in distractions and divisions.

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