Did Jeb actually say his brother kept us safe?

His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
If Bush's 2001 PDB had "most of the information" as Clinton's 1998 PDB, why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't?

why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't

Clinton thwarted an attack?

Terrorist Attacks Bill Clinton Stopped

Just for the record, under Richard Clarke's leadership as Czar of Counterterrorism:.

· CLINTON developed the nation's first anti-terrorism policy,
and appointed first national coordinator of anti-terrorist efforts.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold the Al Qaeda millennium hijacking and bombing plots.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to kill the Pope

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up 12 U.S. jetliners simultaneously.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up UN Headquarters.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up FBI Headquarters.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up the Israeli Embassy in Washington.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up Boston airport.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up Lincoln and Holland Tunnels in NY.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up the George Washington Bridge.

· Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to blow up the US Embassy in Albania.

· Bill Clinton tried to kill Osama bin Laden and disrupt Al Qaeda through preemptive strikes (efforts denounced by the G.O.P.).

· Bill Clinton brought perpetrators of first World Trade Center bombing and CIA killings to justice.

· Bill Clinton did not blame the Bush I administration for first WTC bombing even though it occurred 38 days after Bush left office. Instead, worked hard, even obsessively - and successfully
- to stop future terrorist attacks.

· Bill Clinton named the Hart-Rudman commission to report on nature of terrorist threats and major steps to be taken to combat terrorism.

· Bill Clinton sent legislation to Congress to tighten airport security. (Remember, this is before 911) The legislation was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the airlines.

· Bill Clinton sent legislation to Congress to allow for better tracking of terrorist funding. It was defeated by Republicans in the Senate because of opposition from banking interests.

· Bill Clinton sent legislation to Congress to add tagents to explosives, to allow for better tracking of explosives used by terrorists. It was defeated by the Republicans because of opposition from the NRA.

· Bill Clinton increased the military budget by an average of 14 per cent, reversing the trend under Bush I.

· Bill Clinton tripled the budget of the FBI for counterterrorism and doubled overall funding for counterterrorism.

· Bill Clinton detected and destroyed cells of Al Qaeda in over 20 countries.

· Bill Clinton created national stockpile of drugs and vaccines including 40 million doses of smallpox vaccine.

· Of Clinton's efforts says Robert Oakley, Reagan Ambassador for Counterterrorism: "Overall, I give them very high marks" and "The only major criticism I have is the obsession with Osama".

· Paul Bremer, current Civilian Administrator of Iraq disagrees slightly with Robert Oakley as he believed the Bill Clinton Administration had "correctly focused on bin Laden.

· Barton Gellman in the Washington Post put it best, "By any measure available, Bill Clinton left office having given greater priority to terrorism than any president before him" and was the "first administration
to undertake a systematic anti-terrorist effort".

BartCop's most recent rants - Political Humor and Commentary
I recall everyone saying it wasn't a question of if, but when the US was struck again. Didn't happen. W did keep us safe. Get over it and be grateful. We really didn't need another 9/11.

Oh AFTER the 3,0000+ died, only a few more attacks happened and just some people died?

The anthrax attacks, the fatal shooting at the El Al airlines ticket counter at the Los Angeles International Airport, the DC-area sniper attacks -- all of which occurred in 2002
kept us safe Except
For N Korea getting Nukes
For 9 11 worst act in the Homeland since WW 2
Crashed the economy
Numerous attacks against Embassies and Diplomatic posts
Anthrax attacks
Ricin attacks
No, that's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that you've proven to be full of shit.
- Leaving out 1 event that happened under Bush, compared to the DOZEN or so attacks on US soil under Obama, is not being 'full of shi'ite'.
Obama has nothing at all to do with this thread. This thread is about a comment Jeb Bush made which is complete bullshit. As a sycophant, you can't deal with that so you are trying your hardest to make this thread about Obama.

That's a complete and utter fail on your part since there is nothing whatsoever about Obama that going to magically convert Jeb Bush's moronic statement into some semblance of reality.

Claiming Bush did not keep us safe after 9/11/01, compared to Obama's failed record of keeping us safe at home IS being 'full of shi'ite'!
Again you fail and for the same reason stated above. This thread is not a pissing contest between Bush and Obama. It's about how accurate Jeb Bush's claim is.

Jeb claims his brother kept us safe.

That's patently absurd given we suffered the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history while his brother was president. I don't care if you blame Obama or Clinton or Carter or Washington .... Bush failed to keep us safe. His younger brother's claim is rightardedly insane.

And I'm saying I don't go on wild goose chases inspired by nuts who can't tell the truth.
Funny, it seems to me that you are saying you don't want to face any negative information about the current President. Got it.
You only think that because you've also utterly failed to prove your claims to the point you were reduced to whining about why I'm not searching the web hard enough to prove you right. :lol:

Not to mention, you've posted squat to prove your claim that Obama knew who the Boston Marathon bombers were before the attack.

I have already posted comments made by the FBI and Homeland Security to the Congressional Investigative Committee, that they knew who the older brother was, that they had put out an alert on him, that they let it expire while he was at a terrorist training camp for 6 months, and that after the bombing, both the FBI and Homeland Security allowed this administration to plaster their faces on TV and ask for help identifying them when they already knew who they were.

In the end, I don't really care what you WANT to believe or not. Just next time, when you decide you do some research, I suggest you put your bias aside and try to research the WHOLE truth, not just what supports what you WANT to believe.
Again, let me remind you ... you said Obama knew who they were before the attack. Why would I "research" your bizarre claims when you can't prove them yourself??

FYI, from CNN:
"A year before, Zubeidat and her son Tamerlan were both added by U.S. authorities to the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, or TIDE, database -- a collection of more than a half million names maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center, an intelligence official said.

PUTIN: 'We were right!'
-- "
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday urged closer cooperation between other countries' security services in the wake of the Boston attack. "If we combine our efforts, we will not suffer blows like that," he said during
a live televised call-in session in Moscow on Thursday. "Russia is among the first victims, and I hate it when our Western partners call our terrorists -- who committed some heinous crimes in Russia -- when they call them freedom fighters and never call them terrorists. They supported them," said Putin, accusing unnamed people or groups of providing Russia's foes with political, financial and "media" support.

And U.S. authorities have come under fire at home, with lawmakers asking if the FBI and CIA failed to share information. Sources told CNN that Russia had separately asked the FBI and the CIA to look into Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011.

Boston bombing suspects planned Times Square blasts, Bloomberg says - CNN.com

That's just more of the same you already posted. Still void of any evidence that Obama knew who they were. You've already convinced me you're full of shit. Really no need to reinforce that message.
I don't think Republicans have realized that before this election is over they will be on the ropes to answer for their party's failure to keep America safe. This will be a front and center issue and I hope they have the right answer for how they became blinded by ideology and misplaced priorities.
No, that's not what I'm saying. What I am saying is that you've proven to be full of shit.
- Leaving out 1 event that happened under Bush, compared to the DOZEN or so attacks on US soil under Obama, is not being 'full of shi'ite'. Claiming Bush did not keep us safe after 9/11/01, compared to Obama's failed record of keeping us safe at home IS being 'full of shi'ite'!

And I'm saying I don't go on wild goose chases inspired by nuts who can't tell the truth.
Funny, it seems to me that you are saying you don't want to face any negative information about the current President. Got it.

Not to mention, you've posted squat to prove your claim that Obama knew who the Boston Marathon bombers were before the attack.

I have already posted comments made by the FBI and Homeland Security to the Congressional Investigative Committee, that they knew who the older brother was, that they had put out an alert on him, that they let it expire while he was at a terrorist training camp for 6 months, and that after the bombing, both the FBI and Homeland Security allowed this administration to plaster their faces on TV and ask for help identifying them when they already knew who they were.

In the end, I don't really care what you WANT to believe or not. Just next time, when you decide you do some research, I suggest you put your bias aside and try to research the WHOLE truth, not just what supports what you WANT to believe.

FYI, from CNN:
"A year before, Zubeidat and her son Tamerlan were both added by U.S. authorities to the Terrorist Identities Datamart Environment, or TIDE, database -- a collection of more than a half million names maintained by the National Counterterrorism Center, an intelligence official said.

PUTIN: 'We were right!'
-- "
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday urged closer cooperation between other countries' security services in the wake of the Boston attack. "If we combine our efforts, we will not suffer blows like that," he said during
a live televised call-in session in Moscow on Thursday. "Russia is among the first victims, and I hate it when our Western partners call our terrorists -- who committed some heinous crimes in Russia -- when they call them freedom fighters and never call them terrorists. They supported them," said Putin, accusing unnamed people or groups of providing Russia's foes with political, financial and "media" support.

And U.S. authorities have come under fire at home, with lawmakers asking if the FBI and CIA failed to share information. Sources told CNN that Russia had separately asked the FBI and the CIA to look into Tamerlan Tsarnaev in 2011.

Boston bombing suspects planned Times Square blasts, Bloomberg says - CNN.com


LEAVING OUT ONE ATTACK? Oh right the one where 3,000+ American's died

Putin says Russia had nothing to offer on Tsarnaev brothers

President Vladimir Putin said Thursday that, “to our great regret,” Russian security services lacked any operative information on the Tsarnaev brothers that they could have shared with their American counterparts.

Russian officials had raised concerns about Tamerlan Tsarnaev with the FBI in 2011 and later that year also with the CIA. But analysts here doubt that Russia’s Federal Security Service (FSB) was warning the Americans; more likely, they say, it was acting out of worry that Tsarnaev might join an underground group in the strife-torn Russian region of Dagestan during a visit there.

The FSB did not respond when the FBI asked for more details about him, U.S. officials said.

Putin says Russia had nothing to offer on Tsarnaev brothers
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

hat happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault? lol

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.
Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault?

Indeed, red lights were blinking all over the board...

With no information of when where or how
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
If Bush's 2001 PDB had "most of the information" as Clinton's 1998 PDB, why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't?

why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't

Clinton thwarted an attack?
Apparently. Clinton received a PDB warning about a potential attack inside the U.S. The PDB you mentioned. Clinton took action and there was no attack. Bush received a similar PDB which, as you also mentioned, contained much of the information Clinton was given. In response, unlike Clinton, Bush did absolutely nothing and the result was the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history. I'm just wondering why, since both presidents were given similar warnings, Clinton was able to thwart the attack whereas not only did Bush fail to do so -- he didn't even try. :ack-1:
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.
What a shame rightards are ineducable.

In late 1995,when Bin Ladin was still in Sudan, the State Department and the CIA learned that Sudanese officials were discussing with the Saudi government the possibility of expelling Bin Ladin. U.S.Ambassador Timothy Carney encouraged the Sudanese to pursue this course. The Saudis, however, did not want Bin Ladin, giving as their reason their revocation of his citizenship.

Sudan’s minister of defense, Fatih Erwa, has claimed that Sudan offered to hand Bin Ladin over to the United States. The Commission has found no credible evidence that this was so. Ambassador Carney had instructions only to push the Sudanese to expel Bin Ladin. Ambassador Carney had no legal basis to ask for more from the Sudanese since, at the time, there was no indictment outstanding.

9/11 Commission Report, chapter 4, pg 109-110


President Clinton himself said he should have killed Bin Ladin

Thanks for demonstrating once again just how crazy a rightarded brain really is. You watch that video and your deformed brain translate Clinton's actual words into, "President Clinton himself said he should have killed Bin Ladin"


Uh, no. He had an opportunity but didn't take it because of collateral damage.

No, what? Where did I deny Clinton could have tried in that event to take out OBL? In other words, just how rightarded are you?
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

hat happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault? lol

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.
Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault?

Indeed, red lights were blinking all over the board...

With no information of when where or how

And so he did nothing at all. Brilliant leadership there.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
If Bush's 2001 PDB had "most of the information" as Clinton's 1998 PDB, why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't?

why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't

Clinton thwarted an attack?
Apparently. Clinton received a PDB warning about a potential attack inside the U.S. The PDB you mentioned. Clinton took action and there was no attack. Bush received a similar PDB which, as you also mentioned, contained much of the information Clinton was given. In response, unlike Clinton, Bush did absolutely nothing and the result was the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history. I'm just wondering why, since both presidents were given similar warnings, Clinton was able to thwart the attack whereas not only did Bush fail to do so -- he didn't even try. :ack-1:

Let's get something straight, Bush received much more than a single warning. He ignored all of it because he was focused elsewhere and he wanted a war.

"On May 1 the CIA said that a terrorist group in the U.S. was planning an attack.

On June 22 it warned that this attack was "imminent."

On June 29 the brief warned of near-term attacks with "dramatic consequences" including major casualties.

On July 1, the briefing said that the terrorist attack had been delayed but "will occur soon."

On July 24, the president was told again that the attack had been delayed but would occur within months.

These and other similar warnings were ignored by the White House. The Neocons in charge insisted that the threat was instead a coordinated diversion meant to distract attention from Saddam Hussein, according to Eichenwald. This opinion frustrated the intelligence community, who saw the theory as totally illogical." Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized - Business Insider
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
If Bush's 2001 PDB had "most of the information" as Clinton's 1998 PDB, why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't?

why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't

Clinton thwarted an attack?

This is leftwing history whitewashing.
Actually, you're wrong again. That information comes from the 9.11 Commission Report which was headed by Republicans. But I give you credit for trying to eagerly dismiss facts that interfere with your diatribe.
Gee... that wouldn't have ever happened had pervert Bubba Clinton captured obama bin laden when he was offered to him.

Ooops, I mean osama... there's only a little BS difference between the two.
Yeah...we know the RW still mourns OBL.
Trolling is a zone 2 inappropriate behavior infraction. Clean up your act and add something worthwhile to the discussion, and leave your troll bull shit on your face.
How the fuck was that trolling? OBl is a major player if not the architect of 9/11.
Anything said about him is relevent.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
If Bush's 2001 PDB had "most of the information" as Clinton's 1998 PDB, why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't?

why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't

Clinton thwarted an attack?
Apparently. Clinton received a PDB warning about a potential attack inside the U.S. The PDB you mentioned. Clinton took action and there was no attack. Bush received a similar PDB which, as you also mentioned, contained much of the information Clinton was given. In response, unlike Clinton, Bush did absolutely nothing and the result was the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history. I'm just wondering why, since both presidents were given similar warnings, Clinton was able to thwart the attack whereas not only did Bush fail to do so -- he didn't even try. :ack-1:

Clinton took action and there was no attack.


the attack happened after he had left office.

The PDB Bush got had, for the most part, the same information, and was years old.

and there was NOTHING IN IT that would have prevented 9-11.

If there was information in it about Operation Bojinka, you MIGHT have a point.

There wasn't.

So, no point.

But it's been a GREAT exercise in futility trying to open the eyes of the left for OVER A DECADE.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

hat happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault? lol

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.
Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault?

Indeed, red lights were blinking all over the board...

With no information of when where or how

The Deafness Before the Storm

IT was perhaps the most famous presidential briefing in history.

On Aug. 6, 2001, President George W. Bush received a classified review of the threats posed by Osama bin Laden and his terrorist network, Al Qaeda. That morning’s “presidential daily brief” — the top-secret document prepared by America’s intelligence agencies — featured the now-infamous heading: “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” A few weeks later, on 9/11, Al Qaeda accomplished that goal.

On April 10, 2004, the Bush White House declassified that daily brief — and only that daily brief in response to pressure from the 9/11 Commission, which was investigating the events leading to the attack. Administration officials dismissed the document’s significance, saying that, despite the jaw-dropping headline, it was only an assessment of Al Qaeda’s history, not a warning of the impending attack. While some critics considered that claim absurd, a close reading of the brief showed that the argument had some validity.

That is, unless it was read in conjunction with the daily briefs preceding Aug. 6, the ones the Bush administration would not release. While those documents are still not public, I have read excerpts from many of them, along with other recently declassified records, and come to an inescapable conclusion: the administration’s reaction to what Mr. Bush was told in the weeks before that infamous briefing reflected significantly more negligence than has been disclosed. In other words, the Aug. 6 document, for all of the controversy it provoked, is not nearly as shocking as the briefs that came before it.

The direct warnings to Mr. Bush about the possibility of a Qaeda attack began in the spring of 2001. By May 1, the Central Intelligence Agency told the White House of a report that “a group presently in the United States” was planning a terrorist operation. Weeks later, on June 22, the daily brief reported that Qaeda strikes could be “imminent,” although intelligence suggested the time frame was flexible.

But some in the administration considered the warning to be just bluster

. An intelligence official and a member of the Bush administration both told me in interviews that the neoconservative leaders who had recently assumed power at the Pentagon were warning the White House that the C.I.A. had been fooled; according to this theory, Bin Laden was merely pretending to be planning an attack to distract the administration from Saddam Hussein, whom the neoconservatives saw as a greater threat. Intelligence officials, these sources said, protested that the idea of Bin Laden, an Islamic fundamentalist, conspiring with Mr. Hussein, an Iraqi secularist, was ridiculous, but the neoconservatives’ suspicions were nevertheless carrying the day.

In response, the C.I.A. prepared an analysis that all but pleaded with the White House to accept that the danger from Bin Laden was real.

“The U.S. is not the target of a disinformation campaign by Usama Bin Laden,
” the daily brief of June 29 read, using the government’s transliteration of Bin Laden’s first name. Going on for more than a page, the document recited much of the evidence, including an interview that month with a Middle Eastern journalist in which Bin Laden aides warned of a coming attack, as well as competitive pressures that the terrorist leader was feeling, given the number of Islamists being recruited for the separatist Russian region of Chechnya.

And the C.I.A. repeated the warnings in the briefs that followed.

Operatives connected to Bin Laden, one reported on June 29, expected the planned near-term attacks to have “dramatic consequences,” including major casualties. On July 1, the brief stated that the operation had been delayed, but “will occur soon.” Some of the briefs again reminded Mr. Bush that the attack timing was flexible, and that, despite any perceived delay, the planned assault was on track.

Yet, the White House failed to take significant action. Officials at the Counterterrorism Center of the C.I.A. grew apoplectic. On July 9, at a meeting of the counterterrorism group, one official suggested that the staff put in for a transfer so that somebody else would be responsible when the attack took place, two people who were there told me in interviews. The suggestion was batted down, they said, because there would be no time to train anyone else.

That same day in Chechnya, according to intelligence I reviewed, Ibn Al-Khattab, an extremist who was known for his brutality and his links to Al Qaeda, told his followers that there would soon be very big news. Within 48 hours, an intelligence official told me, that information was conveyed to the White House, providing more data supporting the C.I.A.’s warnings. Still, the alarm bells didn’t sound.

On July 24,
Mr. Bush was notified that the attack was still being readied, but that it had been postponed, perhaps by a few months. But the president did not feel the briefings on potential attacks were sufficient, one intelligence official told me, and instead asked for a broader analysis on Al Qaeda, its aspirations and its history. In response, the C.I.A. set to work on the Aug. 6 brief.

In the aftermath of 9/11, Bush officials attempted to deflect criticism that they had ignored C.I.A. warnings by saying they had not been told when and where the attack would occur. That is true, as far as it goes, but it misses the point. Throughout that summer, there were events that might have exposed the plans, had the government been on high alert.

Indeed, even as the Aug. 6 brief was being prepared, Mohamed al-Kahtani, a Saudi believed to have been assigned a role in the 9/11 attacks, was stopped at an airport in Orlando, Fla., by a suspicious customs agent and sent back overseas on Aug. 4. Two weeks later, another co-conspirator, Zacarias Moussaoui, was arrested on immigration charges in Minnesota after arousing suspicions at a flight school. But the dots were not connected, and Washington did not react.

Could the 9/11 attack have been stopped, had the Bush team reacted with urgency to the warnings contained in all of those daily briefs? We can’t ever know. And that may be the most agonizing reality of all.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

hat happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault? lol

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.
Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault?

Indeed, red lights were blinking all over the board...

With no information of when where or how
So? What information did Clinton have when he had airport security raised in response to the PDB he received warning of possible hijackings? Clinton took action. No attack. No planes hijacked. Nobody killed. No buildings blown up. Bush receives a similar PDB and responds by clearing brush at his Crawford ranch.

Result? Massive attack. Four planes hijacked in a single morning. Almost 3,000 people killed. The Pentagon bombed and the World Trade Center obliterated.

And THAT is what his brother, Jeb Bush, called keeping us safe. That's just fucking retarded. :cuckoo:
Gee... that wouldn't have ever happened had pervert Bubba Clinton captured obama bin laden when he was offered to him.

Ooops, I mean osama... there's only a little BS difference between the two.
Yeah...we know the RW still mourns OBL.
Trolling is a zone 2 inappropriate behavior infraction. Clean up your act and add something worthwhile to the discussion, and leave your troll bull shit on your face.
How the fuck was that trolling? OBl is a major player if not the architect of 9/11.
Anything said about him is relevent.
I wonder if Bush had a clear shot on Obama like Clinton did. Seems it wouldn't have happened if Clinton hadn't whimped out. Bush made sure it didn't happen again:

Bill Clinton's Chilling Statements Hours Before 9/11 Attacks
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
If Bush's 2001 PDB had "most of the information" as Clinton's 1998 PDB, why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't?

why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't

Clinton thwarted an attack?
Apparently. Clinton received a PDB warning about a potential attack inside the U.S. The PDB you mentioned. Clinton took action and there was no attack. Bush received a similar PDB which, as you also mentioned, contained much of the information Clinton was given. In response, unlike Clinton, Bush did absolutely nothing and the result was the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history. I'm just wondering why, since both presidents were given similar warnings, Clinton was able to thwart the attack whereas not only did Bush fail to do so -- he didn't even try. :ack-1:

Clinton took action and there was no attack.


the attack happened after he had left office.

The PDB Bush got had, for the most part, the same information, and was years old.

and there was NOTHING IN IT that would have prevented 9-11.

If there was information in it about Operation Bojinka, you MIGHT have a point.

There wasn't.

So, no point.

But it's been a GREAT exercise in futility trying to open the eyes of the left for OVER A DECADE.

Evidence piles up that Bush administration got many pre-9/11 warnings

This intelligence delivered on July 10 was specific and was generated within 24 hours of the meeting,” said the first official, who pointed out the text in the Tenet memoir.

Tenet wrote about how after being briefed by his counterterrorism team on July 10 -- two months prior to the attacks -- “I picked up the big white secure phone on the left side of my desk -- the one with a direct line to Condi Rice -- and told her that I needed to see her immediately to provide an update on the al-Qaida threat.”

Tenet said he could not recall another time in his seven years as director of the CIA that he sought such an urgent meeting at the White House. Rice agreed to the meeting immediately, and 15 minutes later, he was in Rice’s office.

An analyst handed out the briefing packages Tenet had just seen and began to speak. “His opening line got everyone’s attention,” Tenet wrote, “in part because it left no room for misunderstanding: ‘There will be a significant terrorist attack in the coming weeks or months!'”

The team laid out in a series of slides its concerns, based on intelligence that included information “from the past 24 hours.”

Citing his notes on the briefing, Tenet wrote, “A chart displayed seven specific pieces of intelligence gathered over the past twenty-four hours, all of them predicting an imminent attack. Among the items: Islamic extremists were traveling to Afghanistan in greater numbers, and there had been significant departures of extremist families from Yemen. Other signs pointed to new threats against U.S. interests in Lebanon, Morocco, and Mauritania.”

A second chart followed, listing a summation of the most chilling comments by al-Qaida. According to Tenet, they were:

• A mid-June statement from Osama bin Laden to trainees that there will be an attack in the near future.

• Information that talked about moving toward decisive acts.

• Late June information that cited a “big event” that was forthcoming.

• “Two separate bits of information collected only a few days before our meeting in which people were predicting a stunning turn of events in the weeks ahead.”

Another slide detailed how Chechen Islamic terrorist leader Ibn Kattab had promised some “very big news” to his troops.

There were more details, as laid out by one of Tenet’s top analysts, known in the book as “Rich B.” Tenet recounts his aide telling Rice and others, “The attack will be ‘spectacular.’ and designed to inflict mass casualties against U.S. facilities and interests. ‘Attack preparations have been made,’ he said. ‘Multiple and simultaneous attacks are possible, and they will occur with little or no warning. Al-Qaida is waiting us out and looking for vulnerability.”

Rice, Tenet wrote, reacted positively to the briefing and asked her counter terrorism adviser, Richard Clarke, if he agreed with the assessment. Clarke said he did, and Tenet said he and his aides left the meeting feeling that Rice understood the threat. However, he wrote, the White House never followed up on the presidential finding that Tenet had been asking for since March, authorizing broader covert action against al-Qaida. That finding was signed by President Bush on Sept. 17, six days after the attacks.

Roger Cressey, who was Clarke’s deputy and is now an NBC News counter terrorism analyst, says one thing that is missing from Tenet’s description of the events is that the intelligence pointed to overseas attacks. although CIA did tell officials that they couldn’t discount an attack on the US homeland.

“Everything we had (from US intelligence) pointed overseas, specifically to the Gulf,” he said. “There was no actionable intelligence that pointed to the homeland. What we did know, and what we told domestic agencies, was there was "a disturbance in the force” and we were very worried about an attack.

Still, Cressey remains critical of the lack of a response going back to the first week of the administration, saying the counterterrorism team at the National Security Council and experts elsewhere in the government were “butting our heads against the wall” in an effort to get a meaningful response from the White House.

Would action by the White House have helped? Like Eichenwald, Cressey says he isn’t sure, but notes that when similar intelligence pointed to attacks on Jan. 1, 2000, “Sandy Berger (Rice’s predecessor) and (President Bill) Clinton went to battle stations.” Did warnings prior to the millennium help thwart a number of attacks back then? Cressey believes they did.

Evidence piles up that Bush administration got many pre-9/11 warnings - Investigations
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

hat happened on W.'s watch.

Clinton had obl on a silver platter and refused to take him. Had he taken him, 3000 americans wouldnt have died.

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault? lol

Q: Did Bill Clinton pass up a chance to kill Osama bin Laden?

A: Probably not, and it would not have mattered anyway as there was no evidence at the time that bin Laden had committed any crimes against American citizens.
Clinton Passed on Killing bin Laden?

Oh right Dubya IGNORING a dozen plus high level warnings was Bill's fault?

Indeed, red lights were blinking all over the board...

With no information of when where or how

And so he did nothing at all. Brilliant leadership there.
His brother had an intelligence report about Bin Laden planning an attack on U.S. soil one month before this happened:



Are you fucking kidding me?

That happened on W.'s watch.

The August PDB?


You should read it sometime.

And then read it's father...

the PDB Clinton got in December 1998.

Which had most of the information Bush got in August.

You can't imagine how amusing I find it when someone brings up that PDB.
If Bush's 2001 PDB had "most of the information" as Clinton's 1998 PDB, why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't?

why was Clinton able to thwart the attack but Bush couldn't

Clinton thwarted an attack?
Apparently. Clinton received a PDB warning about a potential attack inside the U.S. The PDB you mentioned. Clinton took action and there was no attack. Bush received a similar PDB which, as you also mentioned, contained much of the information Clinton was given. In response, unlike Clinton, Bush did absolutely nothing and the result was the worst terrorist attack in our nation's history. I'm just wondering why, since both presidents were given similar warnings, Clinton was able to thwart the attack whereas not only did Bush fail to do so -- he didn't even try. :ack-1:

Let's get something straight, Bush received much more than a single warning. He ignored all of it because he was focused elsewhere and he wanted a war.

"On May 1 the CIA said that a terrorist group in the U.S. was planning an attack.

On June 22 it warned that this attack was "imminent."

On June 29 the brief warned of near-term attacks with "dramatic consequences" including major casualties.

On July 1, the briefing said that the terrorist attack had been delayed but "will occur soon."

On July 24, the president was told again that the attack had been delayed but would occur within months.

These and other similar warnings were ignored by the White House. The Neocons in charge insisted that the threat was instead a coordinated diversion meant to distract attention from Saddam Hussein, according to Eichenwald. This opinion frustrated the intelligence community, who saw the theory as totally illogical." Bush Received More Warnings About 9/11 Than We Realized - Business Insider

and WHICH of those warnings would have prevented 9-11?

Which gave a MONTH, much less a DAY.

Which gave a CLUE of the method of the attack?

Operation Bojinka was formulated in 1995, and not mentioned in either PDB.

Was it mentioned in any of the other warnings?

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