Do liberals even like this country?

Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means the resources of the nation are being owned in common by the entire population. With the top 20% of Americans owning 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 15% barely making ends meet, I would say we are a long way from being a socialist nation. In fact, the nation is moving in the opposite direction. The top 1% of US households has quadrupled it's income over the last thirty years while the bottom 10% has barely changed.
Ownership or REGULATION. All ownership is COMMUNISM, except in terminally misinformed dupeworld.
The government will determine your wage scales, who you will sell to and what price you can charge along with where you can do business and how many of each race of person you will employ.

It's just regulation.
Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Central to the meaning of socialism is common ownership. This means the resources of the nation are being owned in common by the entire population. With the top 20% of Americans owning 85% of the country's wealth and the bottom 15% barely making ends meet, I would say we are a long way from being a socialist nation. In fact, the nation is moving in the opposite direction. The top 1% of US households has quadrupled it's income over the last thirty years while the bottom 10% has barely changed.
Ownership or REGULATION. All ownership is COMMUNISM, except in terminally misinformed dupeworld.
The government will determine your wage scales, who you will sell to and what price you can charge along with where you can do business and how many of each race of person you will employ.

It's just regulation.
Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
Ownership or REGULATION. All ownership is COMMUNISM, except in terminally misinformed dupeworld.
The government will determine your wage scales, who you will sell to and what price you can charge along with where you can do business and how many of each race of person you will employ.

It's just regulation.
Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Of course we can. We just can't be actual Americans. Because we will be just like the other socialist countries. With their own flags and names of course. Not that it matters. We can still be Americans Fly the flag and even celebrate July 4th. We just will be living like they do in Venezuela still being Venezuela but with socialism killing them. Flags and holidays and all.
Ownership or REGULATION. All ownership is COMMUNISM, except in terminally misinformed dupeworld.
The government will determine your wage scales, who you will sell to and what price you can charge along with where you can do business and how many of each race of person you will employ.

It's just regulation.
Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
The government will determine your wage scales, who you will sell to and what price you can charge along with where you can do business and how many of each race of person you will employ.

It's just regulation.
Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
The min wage in OZ is $19, and they have everything Dems want and are damn happy. Reaganism and its propaganda suq.
The government will determine your wage scales, who you will sell to and what price you can charge along with where you can do business and how many of each race of person you will employ.

It's just regulation.
Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Of course we can. We just can't be actual Americans. Because we will be just like the other socialist countries. With their own flags and names of course. Not that it matters. We can still be Americans Fly the flag and even celebrate July 4th. We just will be living like they do in Venezuela still being Venezuela but with socialism killing them. Flags and holidays and all.
Not Venezuela, dupe- a 3 rd world mess. Like Reaganist Americans but all with great vacations, health care, parental leave, pay. Poor dupes...
The government will determine your wage scales, who you will sell to and what price you can charge along with where you can do business and how many of each race of person you will employ.

It's just regulation.
Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
Their both socialist failures. You apparently need an education to explain it.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.
In a nutshell? No they don't like the US. But that's not the worst part. What exactly do they want?

They want socialism, and prosperity. Without having businesses to provide that prosperity or people having to work for it.

They want equal rights for women and gays, but they also want muslim laws.

They want transgender stories be considered normal, kill unborn children and reduce the population, and somehow keep social programs afloat.

They want to cut the military down to nothing, and at the same time take citizens guns away. How they expect to defend the country is a mystery.

These are the real issues with being a left wing nut. They don't like this country, but won't move to another one. They would prefer to fuck up this one.
BS, hater dupe. Absolutely clueless and brainwashed. Dems don't like what the New BS pander to the rich GOP has done to the country the last 35 years. The leftists you're brainwashed about are less than 1% and ARE nuts...The RWNJs you're one of are about half the GOP. Great job, New BS GOP bs/hate propaganda machine.
I always look forward to hearing from you Franco, it's the drug fueled crazy I miss the most.
Stil, your hate for the Clintons, for the Dems etc is all manufatured BS from the greedy ying GOP rich, dupe. Again, dupe doesn't mean yo're stupid. It's a gd good propaganda machine, and huge. Somehow seems to stop the Dems and journalists from doing their job well. Big money.

Of course Dems want prosperity and get it when in power. We love small businesses- That's crazy talk.

Muslim law only in mosques at most. Not me. A smaller military MAYBE, A good background check- no one wants your guns.

You can't just move LOL. Your whole post is hateful bs...THAT is what's wrong with America. The GOP and its crap and the hater dupes...See sig last line. Nothing personal, get it...

That is correct, Dems do want prosperity and get it when in power, take a look at the net worth of Pelosi, Harry Reid, Clintons, you seriously think any of them would have come close in the private sector. You could even add Bernie Sanders to that list now.
BS. Pelosi married rich, Reid made money in real estate in NEVADA, the rest wrote book s and gave speeches like the Bushes, etc. What crap.
Liberals created this country in 1776

While the country at that time was the best our founders could do. Liberals realized we could do better......end slavery, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights.

Conservatives fought every inch of the way
Apparently, you're not a student of history.
The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery (brought on by a republican president named Abraham Lincoln). The southern states which seceded from the union because slavery was financially advantageous to them and thus wanted to continue it, were democrats, not republicans.
Apparently you are not a student of history

You are not even able to tell the difference between Liberals/Conservatives and Democrats/Republicans

You actually believe Southern Democrats in 1860 were LIBERALS?
They were "Democrats."
What we call Democrats today are simply neo-communists or ultra-socialists.
Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
Their both socialist failures. You apparently need an education to explain it.
Liberals created this country in 1776

While the country at that time was the best our founders could do. Liberals realized we could do better......end slavery, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights.

Conservatives fought every inch of the way
Apparently, you're not a student of history.
The Emancipation Proclamation ended slavery (brought on by a republican president named Abraham Lincoln). The southern states which seceded from the union because slavery was financially advantageous to them and thus wanted to continue it, were democrats, not republicans.
Apparently you are not a student of history

You are not even able to tell the difference between Liberals/Conservatives and Democrats/Republicans

You actually believe Southern Democrats in 1860 were LIBERALS?
They were "Democrats."
What we call Democrats today are simply neo-communists or ultra-socialists.
Dems didn't change, GOPers got brainwashed.
Yes Ray, there is a LOT of bullshit. Your logic is completely out of whack for a start.

Yes, Republicans don't like things that Democrats do, and Democrats don't like things that Republicans do, and somehow this is Republicans loving their country, because as always, the right decide that THEIR POLICIES are PATRIOTIC and Democrat policies are treason, or something like that. It's always been like that, go look at the right in Turkey or Israel or wherever.

I understand what this is trying to do, it's trying to force people to accept your view out of fear of being branded whatever you want to brand them as. In the 1950s-1990s it was Communists, now it could be a Muslim love, a Communist, a traitor, whatever, it's name calling at it's worst, bullying at it's worst and shows you don't have a decent argument to go by.

I'm not a Socialist Ray. I hate Socialism and Communism. But I also hate blatantly obvious bullshit and people who will say ANYTHING to get what they want, no matter how contradictory it is to the last thing they just said, and this is EXACTLY what you're doing.

Then I have no idea what you're reading when you read my posts. My point was that Republicans never try to compare other countries to ours because we believe we have the greatest country in the world. Liberals do not; always telling us how great it is in other places.

The fact that liberals want to change just about everything in America makes me wonder if you people even like this country--not because Democrat policies are treason, but because you are always telling us how wrong our country is compared to others because their systems are so superior to ours.

Bottom line is it seems we Republicans love our country while you on the left love other countries.

I guess I'll never understand some people. Kind of reminds me of what our state is doing now which is putting up sound barriers on the highways to make it a tad bit quieter for the homes that border the highway. To a liberal, this is logical. To a conservative, WTF did you buy a house next to the Fn highway for??? Now we are wasting tens of millions of dollars because you clowns bought cheaper homes by the highway, and then complained to your representatives about the noise!

So to me, it makes no sense when liberals complain we are not like other countries instead of packing your bags and going to these other countries. If it's so great there with their socialized medical care, their gun laws, their taxation, their election system, their education system, move and live in your utopia. But no. Instead, stay here and complain.

No Ray, your point is that everything Democrats do is rubbish and everything Republicans do is fucking amazing. That's your point, and it's bullshit.

So, it makes no sense to you when liberals complain about something and then want their country to be improved. Why? Because you're going to do everything to stop it happening because you want rich people to get richer, and poor people to go fuck themselves.

Why in the world would we not want to stop leftists from trying to turn us into another European country? We on the right don't want to be another European country, we want to preserve the USA. Do you know what that means? It means not being like Europe, their social structure, or their governments.

The problem is Ray that you've taken a side. I look at something to decide whether I think it's good or bad, you just decided that the left like it, therefore it must be bad. That's ridiculous.

Have you been to Europe? Have you seen how the NHS works? Or the French system works? Have you taken the time to learn about these things? Or is it that you know what you want because the rich folk have told you enough times, so you try and make everything fit your view of the world?

You might not want the left to take over, there is always a constant fight in every country between people with different views, but different views aren't the difference between loving the country (if they support YOUR views) and hating the country (because they don't support YOUR views).

So you don't want to be like Europe. The Europe you know nothing about..... surely it should be a case of finding out what WORKS and then seeing how you can make it work in the US. Rather than "Europe does this, so it must be a bad idea".

Yes, I do think most everything the left likes is bad. What's wrong with that? I don't do so blindly, I just happen to be a conservative and believe in conservative policies and government.

I was a child of the 70's. As a teen, I seen bad things happening to this country. I didn't know much about politics back then, but I remember how I felt about what was going on.

When I got older and examined what was taking place as a kid, I seen the damage done to this country by liberals. I seen what happened to two-parent families. Most all of the bad kids in school were those from newly single-parent families. I seen the change when liberals took God out of our society, and continue that push today. I seen the decay of major cities due to bussing--another liberal gem. I've seen and experienced the destruction of great neighborhoods and cities because of so-called fair housing laws. I seen great jobs leave the country because of unions and taxation that Democrats pushed so hard for.

If you could go back in time to let's say the early 70's, and tell people you were from the future and what it would be like, they would have beaten the hell out of you and told you you were FOS. You would tell them that women are all tattooed and men walk around in dresses. You would tell them that gays would be legally married and adopting kids. You would tell them you could get more time in jail for beating up your dog than beating your wife. You would tell them that you could get fired just for flirting with a female coworker. You would tell them that people living on welfare do just as well as people who worked.

Nobody would have believed you. Yet here we are, and liberals are not done trying to ruin this country. They want even more liberalism.

So forgive me if I don't believe in those things, but I don't. Too much damage done, and it's time to stop it now.

What is wrong with that, Ray, is that it isn't based in reality. You're making things fit your view of the world, rather than have your view of the world shaped by what is happening. This leads to nonsense. And it happens on this forum maybe 90% of the time.

And it's boring.

You have ideas of why things have gone bad.

Like the destruction of the family. There are lots of reasons why. One of those reasons is that society has changed with the development of industry. However you're very quick to blame it on those things which FIT YOUR VIEW of the world, and spend almost no time actually looking for the real reasons.

Look, you blame the demise on a lack of God, and then what about Muslims who are supposedly with God and going around bombing and killing? Your argument doesn't make sense.

You can believe whatever you like Ray, this isn't the point I am making here. The point is that you're coming onto a politics site, and you're not really debating, you're just throwing stuff out there and hoping it sticks.

But then you don't see the reality, you see the belief.

Religion is about belief. It's about people accepting instead of using their brain. You have a view that things were better, but better for who? 500 years ago people were forced to live a certain life, but we don't live 500 years ago, we're not subsistence farmers, we have money, we have choices, and people make bad choices because they've not been educated to live in the real modern world, we have religion to educate us, and it doesn't work.
Yes Ray, there is a LOT of bullshit. Your logic is completely out of whack for a start.

Yes, Republicans don't like things that Democrats do, and Democrats don't like things that Republicans do, and somehow this is Republicans loving their country, because as always, the right decide that THEIR POLICIES are PATRIOTIC and Democrat policies are treason, or something like that. It's always been like that, go look at the right in Turkey or Israel or wherever.

I understand what this is trying to do, it's trying to force people to accept your view out of fear of being branded whatever you want to brand them as. In the 1950s-1990s it was Communists, now it could be a Muslim love, a Communist, a traitor, whatever, it's name calling at it's worst, bullying at it's worst and shows you don't have a decent argument to go by.

I'm not a Socialist Ray. I hate Socialism and Communism. But I also hate blatantly obvious bullshit and people who will say ANYTHING to get what they want, no matter how contradictory it is to the last thing they just said, and this is EXACTLY what you're doing.

Then I have no idea what you're reading when you read my posts. My point was that Republicans never try to compare other countries to ours because we believe we have the greatest country in the world. Liberals do not; always telling us how great it is in other places.

The fact that liberals want to change just about everything in America makes me wonder if you people even like this country--not because Democrat policies are treason, but because you are always telling us how wrong our country is compared to others because their systems are so superior to ours.

Bottom line is it seems we Republicans love our country while you on the left love other countries.

I guess I'll never understand some people. Kind of reminds me of what our state is doing now which is putting up sound barriers on the highways to make it a tad bit quieter for the homes that border the highway. To a liberal, this is logical. To a conservative, WTF did you buy a house next to the Fn highway for??? Now we are wasting tens of millions of dollars because you clowns bought cheaper homes by the highway, and then complained to your representatives about the noise!

So to me, it makes no sense when liberals complain we are not like other countries instead of packing your bags and going to these other countries. If it's so great there with their socialized medical care, their gun laws, their taxation, their election system, their education system, move and live in your utopia. But no. Instead, stay here and complain.

No Ray, your point is that everything Democrats do is rubbish and everything Republicans do is fucking amazing. That's your point, and it's bullshit.

So, it makes no sense to you when liberals complain about something and then want their country to be improved. Why? Because you're going to do everything to stop it happening because you want rich people to get richer, and poor people to go fuck themselves.

Why in the world would we not want to stop leftists from trying to turn us into another European country? We on the right don't want to be another European country, we want to preserve the USA. Do you know what that means? It means not being like Europe, their social structure, or their governments.
Stopping the pander to the rich brainwashing GOP is not becoming European, just fairer to the middle class, investing in our now 2nd class infrastructure and training services...

And regular people can't move anywhere unless they're millionaires and don't need to work or are married to a citizen of that country, or a doctor or some other occupation that's highly needed. It's just an ignorant comment.

Don't worry, if they want to go, we'll pony up the money to get rid of liberals here. It would be an investment.

It doesn't take millions to move to another country. Americans do it all the time, just watch HGTV sometime and you will see poor liberals doing exactly that.

Like in what socialist country, dupe? NONE. Very scary tho, cold war dinosaur.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Of course we can. We just can't be actual Americans. Because we will be just like the other socialist countries. With their own flags and names of course. Not that it matters. We can still be Americans Fly the flag and even celebrate July 4th. We just will be living like they do in Venezuela still being Venezuela but with socialism killing them. Flags and holidays and all.
Not Venezuela, dupe- a 3 rd world mess. Like Reaganist Americans but all with
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
Their both socialist failures. You apparently need an education to explain it.
Venezuala voted in communism. Or what you may call democratic socialism. Of course it's democratic. All you need for a socialist/ communist country to come from a democracy is enough votes. We're a republic. It's why we don't give a shit about your democracy. It was designed to stop it.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Of course we can. We just can't be actual Americans. Because we will be just like the other socialist countries. With their own flags and names of course. Not that it matters. We can still be Americans Fly the flag and even celebrate July 4th. We just will be living like they do in Venezuela still being Venezuela but with socialism killing them. Flags and holidays and all.
Not Venezuela, dupe- a 3 rd world mess. Like Reaganist Americans but all with
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
Their both socialist failures. You apparently need an education to explain it.
Venezuala voted in communism. Or what you may call democratic socialism. Of course it's democratic. All you need for a socialist/ communist country to come from a democracy is enough votes. We're a republic. It's why we don't give a shit about your democracy. It was designed to stop it.
Clueless. It's not communist in Venezuela. It's a poor country. Ferchrissake, stop confusing the two, brainwashed one. SOCIALIST IS ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. COMMIES NEVER. Ay caramba.
Then I have no idea what you're reading when you read my posts. My point was that Republicans never try to compare other countries to ours because we believe we have the greatest country in the world. Liberals do not; always telling us how great it is in other places.

The fact that liberals want to change just about everything in America makes me wonder if you people even like this country--not because Democrat policies are treason, but because you are always telling us how wrong our country is compared to others because their systems are so superior to ours.

Bottom line is it seems we Republicans love our country while you on the left love other countries.

I guess I'll never understand some people. Kind of reminds me of what our state is doing now which is putting up sound barriers on the highways to make it a tad bit quieter for the homes that border the highway. To a liberal, this is logical. To a conservative, WTF did you buy a house next to the Fn highway for??? Now we are wasting tens of millions of dollars because you clowns bought cheaper homes by the highway, and then complained to your representatives about the noise!

So to me, it makes no sense when liberals complain we are not like other countries instead of packing your bags and going to these other countries. If it's so great there with their socialized medical care, their gun laws, their taxation, their election system, their education system, move and live in your utopia. But no. Instead, stay here and complain.

No Ray, your point is that everything Democrats do is rubbish and everything Republicans do is fucking amazing. That's your point, and it's bullshit.

So, it makes no sense to you when liberals complain about something and then want their country to be improved. Why? Because you're going to do everything to stop it happening because you want rich people to get richer, and poor people to go fuck themselves.

Why in the world would we not want to stop leftists from trying to turn us into another European country? We on the right don't want to be another European country, we want to preserve the USA. Do you know what that means? It means not being like Europe, their social structure, or their governments.

The problem is Ray that you've taken a side. I look at something to decide whether I think it's good or bad, you just decided that the left like it, therefore it must be bad. That's ridiculous.

Have you been to Europe? Have you seen how the NHS works? Or the French system works? Have you taken the time to learn about these things? Or is it that you know what you want because the rich folk have told you enough times, so you try and make everything fit your view of the world?

You might not want the left to take over, there is always a constant fight in every country between people with different views, but different views aren't the difference between loving the country (if they support YOUR views) and hating the country (because they don't support YOUR views).

So you don't want to be like Europe. The Europe you know nothing about..... surely it should be a case of finding out what WORKS and then seeing how you can make it work in the US. Rather than "Europe does this, so it must be a bad idea".

Yes, I do think most everything the left likes is bad. What's wrong with that? I don't do so blindly, I just happen to be a conservative and believe in conservative policies and government.

I was a child of the 70's. As a teen, I seen bad things happening to this country. I didn't know much about politics back then, but I remember how I felt about what was going on.

When I got older and examined what was taking place as a kid, I seen the damage done to this country by liberals. I seen what happened to two-parent families. Most all of the bad kids in school were those from newly single-parent families. I seen the change when liberals took God out of our society, and continue that push today. I seen the decay of major cities due to bussing--another liberal gem. I've seen and experienced the destruction of great neighborhoods and cities because of so-called fair housing laws. I seen great jobs leave the country because of unions and taxation that Democrats pushed so hard for.

If you could go back in time to let's say the early 70's, and tell people you were from the future and what it would be like, they would have beaten the hell out of you and told you you were FOS. You would tell them that women are all tattooed and men walk around in dresses. You would tell them that gays would be legally married and adopting kids. You would tell them you could get more time in jail for beating up your dog than beating your wife. You would tell them that you could get fired just for flirting with a female coworker. You would tell them that people living on welfare do just as well as people who worked.

Nobody would have believed you. Yet here we are, and liberals are not done trying to ruin this country. They want even more liberalism.

So forgive me if I don't believe in those things, but I don't. Too much damage done, and it's time to stop it now.

What is wrong with that, Ray, is that it isn't based in reality. You're making things fit your view of the world, rather than have your view of the world shaped by what is happening. This leads to nonsense. And it happens on this forum maybe 90% of the time.

And it's boring.

You have ideas of why things have gone bad.

Like the destruction of the family. There are lots of reasons why. One of those reasons is that society has changed with the development of industry. However you're very quick to blame it on those things which FIT YOUR VIEW of the world, and spend almost no time actually looking for the real reasons.

Look, you blame the demise on a lack of God, and then what about Muslims who are supposedly with God and going around bombing and killing? Your argument doesn't make sense.

You can believe whatever you like Ray, this isn't the point I am making here. The point is that you're coming onto a politics site, and you're not really debating, you're just throwing stuff out there and hoping it sticks.

But then you don't see the reality, you see the belief.

Religion is about belief. It's about people accepting instead of using their brain. You have a view that things were better, but better for who? 500 years ago people were forced to live a certain life, but we don't live 500 years ago, we're not subsistence farmers, we have money, we have choices, and people make bad choices because they've not been educated to live in the real modern world, we have religion to educate us, and it doesn't work.
Sometimes you have to wait until Friday or so to get the dumbest post of the week. Other times it comes on Sunday night and nobody can beat it.
Venezuela? Cuba? China? This Dino seems to be pretty alive and well.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Of course we can. We just can't be actual Americans. Because we will be just like the other socialist countries. With their own flags and names of course. Not that it matters. We can still be Americans Fly the flag and even celebrate July 4th. We just will be living like they do in Venezuela still being Venezuela but with socialism killing them. Flags and holidays and all.
Not Venezuela, dupe- a 3 rd world mess. Like Reaganist Americans but all with
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
Their both socialist failures. You apparently need an education to explain it.
Venezuala voted in communism. Or what you may call democratic socialism. Of course it's democratic. All you need for a socialist/ communist country to come from a democracy is enough votes. We're a republic. It's why we don't give a shit about your democracy. It was designed to stop it.
A republic is defined as a representative democracy... clueless.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Of course we can. We just can't be actual Americans. Because we will be just like the other socialist countries. With their own flags and names of course. Not that it matters. We can still be Americans Fly the flag and even celebrate July 4th. We just will be living like they do in Venezuela still being Venezuela but with socialism killing them. Flags and holidays and all.
Not Venezuela, dupe- a 3 rd world mess. Like Reaganist Americans but all with
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
Their both socialist failures. You apparently need an education to explain it.
Venezuala voted in communism. Or what you may call democratic socialism. Of course it's democratic. All you need for a socialist/ communist country to come from a democracy is enough votes. We're a republic. It's why we don't give a shit about your democracy. It was designed to stop it.
Clueless. It's not communist in Venezuela. It's a poor country. Ferchrissake, stop confusing the two, brainwashed one. SOCIALIST IS ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. COMMIES NEVER. Ay caramba.
Before they became socialist they had one of the top economies in the world. They weren't a third world nation. Now they are. No food, no toilet paper no life. Before socialism they had all of that. After socialism they don't. How do you explain that?
No Ray, your point is that everything Democrats do is rubbish and everything Republicans do is fucking amazing. That's your point, and it's bullshit.

So, it makes no sense to you when liberals complain about something and then want their country to be improved. Why? Because you're going to do everything to stop it happening because you want rich people to get richer, and poor people to go fuck themselves.

Why in the world would we not want to stop leftists from trying to turn us into another European country? We on the right don't want to be another European country, we want to preserve the USA. Do you know what that means? It means not being like Europe, their social structure, or their governments.
Stopping the pander to the rich brainwashing GOP is not becoming European, just fairer to the middle class, investing in our now 2nd class infrastructure and training services...

And regular people can't move anywhere unless they're millionaires and don't need to work or are married to a citizen of that country, or a doctor or some other occupation that's highly needed. It's just an ignorant comment.

Don't worry, if they want to go, we'll pony up the money to get rid of liberals here. It would be an investment.

It doesn't take millions to move to another country. Americans do it all the time, just watch HGTV sometime and you will see poor liberals doing exactly that.
Maybe you should stop and remember this country doesn't belong to you, conservatives or republicans..

No it doesn't, but since we are not a socialist society yet, it's the conservatives that will help stop it from being that way. Remember: once liberals ruin this place and turn it into all the others, there is no other USA to move to. Unlike other liberal and socialist countries, there is only one USA.

But which societies are actually socialist Ray? Hardly any really.
Not Venezuela. That's still socialist, tho a mess.. Communist dictatorships, ok. Duh, cold war dinosaur dupe. Think Australia and NZ.
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Of course we can. We just can't be actual Americans. Because we will be just like the other socialist countries. With their own flags and names of course. Not that it matters. We can still be Americans Fly the flag and even celebrate July 4th. We just will be living like they do in Venezuela still being Venezuela but with socialism killing them. Flags and holidays and all.
Not Venezuela, dupe- a 3 rd world mess. Like Reaganist Americans but all with
Is Australia communist? Did I miss that transition?
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
Their both socialist failures. You apparently need an education to explain it.
Venezuala voted in communism. Or what you may call democratic socialism. Of course it's democratic. All you need for a socialist/ communist country to come from a democracy is enough votes. We're a republic. It's why we don't give a shit about your democracy. It was designed to stop it.
A republic is defined as a representative democracy... clueless.
And you haven't convinced enough of the republic socialism is what they want. You got Trump. Good job.

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