Do liberals even like this country?

Why in the world would we not want to stop leftists from trying to turn us into another European country? We on the right don't want to be another European country, we want to preserve the USA. Do you know what that means? It means not being like Europe, their social structure, or their governments.
Stopping the pander to the rich brainwashing GOP is not becoming European, just fairer to the middle class, investing in our now 2nd class infrastructure and training services...

And regular people can't move anywhere unless they're millionaires and don't need to work or are married to a citizen of that country, or a doctor or some other occupation that's highly needed. It's just an ignorant comment.

Don't worry, if they want to go, we'll pony up the money to get rid of liberals here. It would be an investment.

It doesn't take millions to move to another country. Americans do it all the time, just watch HGTV sometime and you will see poor liberals doing exactly that.
Maybe you should stop and remember this country doesn't belong to you, conservatives or republicans..

No it doesn't, but since we are not a socialist society yet, it's the conservatives that will help stop it from being that way. Remember: once liberals ruin this place and turn it into all the others, there is no other USA to move to. Unlike other liberal and socialist countries, there is only one USA.

But which societies are actually socialist Ray? Hardly any really.
Oh come on. You claim not to know but still say those are the countries we should be more like?
Liberals created this country in 1776

While the country at that time was the best our founders could do. Liberals realized we could do better......end slavery, women's rights, worker rights, civil rights, environmental protections, gay rights.

Conservatives fought every inch of the way

The only problem is that "I" am more of a a liberal than most that call themselves that. As usual the "liberal" aren't liberals at all. They also lie to themselves, they are full on leftists anarchists and communists[, and fascists
Doesn't mean we can't remain Americans, you know.
Of course we can. We just can't be actual Americans. Because we will be just like the other socialist countries. With their own flags and names of course. Not that it matters. We can still be Americans Fly the flag and even celebrate July 4th. We just will be living like they do in Venezuela still being Venezuela but with socialism killing them. Flags and holidays and all.
Not Venezuela, dupe- a 3 rd world mess. Like Reaganist Americans but all with
They're socialist, Red China and Cuba are communist. Only Americans need this explained.
Their both socialist failures. You apparently need an education to explain it.
Venezuala voted in communism. Or what you may call democratic socialism. Of course it's democratic. All you need for a socialist/ communist country to come from a democracy is enough votes. We're a republic. It's why we don't give a shit about your democracy. It was designed to stop it.
Clueless. It's not communist in Venezuela. It's a poor country. Ferchrissake, stop confusing the two, brainwashed one. SOCIALIST IS ALWAYS DEMOCRATIC. COMMIES NEVER. Ay caramba.
Before they became socialist they had one of the top economies in the world. They weren't a third world nation. Now they are. No food, no toilet paper no life. Before socialism they had all of that. After socialism they don't. How do you explain that?
Their oil economy went to hell when W. and YOUR PARTY started the world depression LOL! Their corrupt GOP crony oligarchy would also have collapsed...

Even we're socialist with ACA. "We're all socialists now!"- Finland PM when ACA passed...
Stopping the pander to the rich brainwashing GOP is not becoming European, just fairer to the middle class, investing in our now 2nd class infrastructure and training services...

And regular people can't move anywhere unless they're millionaires and don't need to work or are married to a citizen of that country, or a doctor or some other occupation that's highly needed. It's just an ignorant comment.

Don't worry, if they want to go, we'll pony up the money to get rid of liberals here. It would be an investment.

It doesn't take millions to move to another country. Americans do it all the time, just watch HGTV sometime and you will see poor liberals doing exactly that.
Maybe you should stop and remember this country doesn't belong to you, conservatives or republicans..

No it doesn't, but since we are not a socialist society yet, it's the conservatives that will help stop it from being that way. Remember: once liberals ruin this place and turn it into all the others, there is no other USA to move to. Unlike other liberal and socialist countries, there is only one USA.

But which societies are actually socialist Ray? Hardly any really.
Oh come on. You claim not to know but still say those are the countries we should be more like?
If ACA were implemented WE would be socialist...Thanks GOP- way to sell out again...
Stopping the pander to the rich brainwashing GOP is not becoming European, just fairer to the middle class, investing in our now 2nd class infrastructure and training services...

And regular people can't move anywhere unless they're millionaires and don't need to work or are married to a citizen of that country, or a doctor or some other occupation that's highly needed. It's just an ignorant comment.

Don't worry, if they want to go, we'll pony up the money to get rid of liberals here. It would be an investment.

It doesn't take millions to move to another country. Americans do it all the time, just watch HGTV sometime and you will see poor liberals doing exactly that.
Maybe you should stop and remember this country doesn't belong to you, conservatives or republicans..

No it doesn't, but since we are not a socialist society yet, it's the conservatives that will help stop it from being that way. Remember: once liberals ruin this place and turn it into all the others, there is no other USA to move to. Unlike other liberal and socialist countries, there is only one USA.

But which societies are actually socialist Ray? Hardly any really.
Oh come on. You claim not to know but still say those are the countries we should be more like?
When every modern country has services but us and our rich are ridiculously rich, one might think...
Don't worry, if they want to go, we'll pony up the money to get rid of liberals here. It would be an investment.

It doesn't take millions to move to another country. Americans do it all the time, just watch HGTV sometime and you will see poor liberals doing exactly that.
Maybe you should stop and remember this country doesn't belong to you, conservatives or republicans..

No it doesn't, but since we are not a socialist society yet, it's the conservatives that will help stop it from being that way. Remember: once liberals ruin this place and turn it into all the others, there is no other USA to move to. Unlike other liberal and socialist countries, there is only one USA.

But which societies are actually socialist Ray? Hardly any really.
Oh come on. You claim not to know but still say those are the countries we should be more like?
If ACA were implemented WE would be socialist...Thanks GOP- way to sell out again...

Having socialized health care, does not make a country socialist.

Having socialized police service, socialized military, etc etc, does not make the US socialist.
Don't worry, if they want to go, we'll pony up the money to get rid of liberals here. It would be an investment.

It doesn't take millions to move to another country. Americans do it all the time, just watch HGTV sometime and you will see poor liberals doing exactly that.
Maybe you should stop and remember this country doesn't belong to you, conservatives or republicans..

No it doesn't, but since we are not a socialist society yet, it's the conservatives that will help stop it from being that way. Remember: once liberals ruin this place and turn it into all the others, there is no other USA to move to. Unlike other liberal and socialist countries, there is only one USA.
Maybe you should stop worrying about the worry and fear and see that socialism is nothing to fear since it doesn't exist in the US.

Well I'm sorry, but it does in sectors of our country. What are our social programs if not socialism? What is taking from the rich to give to the poor if not socialism? What is trying to make everybody "equal" if not socialism?
Social programs are not socialism. They can be a step toward socialism just as private ownership can be a step toward capitalism. Having many social programs does not make a socialist nation any more than having a lot of private ownership make a capitalist nation. The success of social program determines whether it promotes more socialism or more capitalism.

Social programs do promote socialism. Surveys of younger people show a majority of them now believe socialism should be the future of this country. How did that happen, because they were raised with the belief of personal responsibility, hard work, taking financial risks, and a goal of financial success?

Just like I was talking about my HUD neighbors next door yesterday. You look at them, having a great time, making noise like they did when they lived in the inner city, living like kings, and then ask yourself WTF am I waking up early every morning to go to work????

Or when you get behind those food stamp people who are buying food you don't want to spend money on for yourself, and then they buy their cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, perfume and flowers and whip out a wad of cash. Again, people like myself just ask WTF am I working to support that?

Sometimes you feel like giving up after a while, and many people do. The Democrats celebrate it too. After a while, people say to themselves "I want to live like that too" and start to get a negative attitude about chasing success and having pride.
What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

That's because countries that follow your philosophy usually turn out to be pretty awful places to live for everyone but the rich.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

Because we need to fix THIS country. What we are doing isn't working, and you know it. You've gotten this answer before, you don't want to hear it.
Social programs do promote socialism. Surveys of younger people show a majority of them now believe socialism should be the future of this country. How did that happen, because they were raised with the belief of personal responsibility, hard work, taking financial risks, and a goal of financial success?

Or they watch their parents work themselves to death only to be in debt to big banks and corporations.

Just like I was talking about my HUD neighbors next door yesterday. You look at them, having a great time, making noise like they did when they lived in the inner city, living like kings, and then ask yourself WTF am I waking up early every morning to go to work????

Or when you get behind those food stamp people who are buying food you don't want to spend money on for yourself, and then they buy their cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, perfume and flowers and whip out a wad of cash. Again, people like myself just ask WTF am I working to support that?

Mostly, to keep these things available. Here's the thing. Food stamps are mostly meant to keep demand for food up, so that it's practical to farm. It's the greatest example of corporate welfare out there.

Same thing with your HUD house you whine about excessively. It's just you with your miserable job that doesn't pay for health care and the HUD people, because everyone who was worth a shit moved the fuck out of Cleveland and who could blame them?
There's a nice place downtown called Old Ebbits Grill and we can meet outside to further discuss the merits of your insults and your dependency mental illness and hostility
Sound like a way to clear the air?
sorry I do not play fair ....

I'm sorry you are Derp, but it is what it is. :dunno:
I am not a kid fighting another kid ...if I am fighting I am fighting to absolutely win ....never give a sucker an even chance...
There's a nice place downtown called Old Ebbits Grill and we can meet outside to further discuss the merits of your insults and your dependency mental illness and hostility
Sound like a way to clear the air?
sorry I do not play fair ....

I'm sorry you are Derp, but it is what it is. :dunno:
I am not a kid fighting another kid ...if I am fighting I am fighting to absolutely win ....never give a sucker an even chance...

The Republican party was the anti-slavery party for crying out loud. Who created the EPA, a liberal?

and if we were still talking about the GOP of Nixon and Ike, one that understood government had to keep an eye on big corporations because they might do stuff like pour flammables into the Cayahooga, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Unfortunately, we are talking about the modern GOP that has been taken over by the Libertarian and Christian Crazies who wouldn't have gotten the time of day from Ike or Tricky Dick.

if the rich have money why can't they keep it? It belongs to them not you.

Since money only represents the value of labor produced, and the 1% didn't do 43% of the labor their share of the wealth represents, they didn't earn it, they stole if from those who did the work.

That you guys don't see this as a problem means that you lack compassion or understanding.
Yes....Classical Liberals, the Founders would be called Conservatives if they were alive today......we share the same beliefs as the Founders do...the left wing do not....

Okay, guy, I can't get worked up about a bunch of slave rapists who didn't want to pay their taxes and saved us from the horror of being.. Canadian.

Do you fucking realize that wealthy people invest their money in their businesses, hire more people, create new businesses, make investments in other businesses which means that they make jobs for everyone else...providing those other people with the means to provide for their families....

Actually, we'd produce more jobs if we taxed that wealth and spent it on infrastructure.
The Republican party was the anti-slavery party for crying out loud. Who created the EPA, a liberal?

and if we were still talking about the GOP of Nixon and Ike, one that understood government had to keep an eye on big corporations because they might do stuff like pour flammables into the Cayahooga, I wouldn't have a problem with it.

Unfortunately, we are talking about the modern GOP that has been taken over by the Libertarian and Christian Crazies who wouldn't have gotten the time of day from Ike or Tricky Dick.

if the rich have money why can't they keep it? It belongs to them not you.

Since money only represents the value of labor produced, and the 1% didn't do 43% of the labor their share of the wealth represents, they didn't earn it, they stole if from those who did the work.

That you guys don't see this as a problem means that you lack compassion or understanding.
Then I guess you'll keep on with your commie crap until the shooting starts. Fine by me. You want other peoples money taken by force. Thief.
Then I guess you'll keep on with your commie crap until the shooting starts. Fine by me. You want other peoples money taken by force. Thief.

Guy, the Commie stuff usually starts shooting when people get fed up with the behavior of the 1%. Just ask these assholes.


Or these assholes...


You see, the thing is, we used to have it pretty good in this country when the workforce was 30% unionized, we had a middle class that brought home good paychecks.

But as Herbert Hoover once opined, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy!"
Then I guess you'll keep on with your commie crap until the shooting starts. Fine by me. You want other peoples money taken by force. Thief.

Guy, the Commie stuff usually starts shooting when people get fed up with the behavior of the 1%. Just ask these assholes.


Or these assholes...


You see, the thing is, we used to have it pretty good in this country when the workforce was 30% unionized, we had a middle class that brought home good paychecks.

But as Herbert Hoover once opined, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists. They're too damned greedy!"
...and then the liberals took "control".... you commies never stop with your attacks on this country. This is my last response to your never ending mis-characterizations and downright lies.
Maybe you should stop and remember this country doesn't belong to you, conservatives or republicans..

No it doesn't, but since we are not a socialist society yet, it's the conservatives that will help stop it from being that way. Remember: once liberals ruin this place and turn it into all the others, there is no other USA to move to. Unlike other liberal and socialist countries, there is only one USA.
Maybe you should stop worrying about the worry and fear and see that socialism is nothing to fear since it doesn't exist in the US.

Well I'm sorry, but it does in sectors of our country. What are our social programs if not socialism? What is taking from the rich to give to the poor if not socialism? What is trying to make everybody "equal" if not socialism?
Social programs are not socialism. They can be a step toward socialism just as private ownership can be a step toward capitalism. Having many social programs does not make a socialist nation any more than having a lot of private ownership make a capitalist nation. The success of social program determines whether it promotes more socialism or more capitalism.

Social programs do promote socialism. Surveys of younger people show a majority of them now believe socialism should be the future of this country. How did that happen, because they were raised with the belief of personal responsibility, hard work, taking financial risks, and a goal of financial success?

Just like I was talking about my HUD neighbors next door yesterday. You look at them, having a great time, making noise like they did when they lived in the inner city, living like kings, and then ask yourself WTF am I waking up early every morning to go to work????

Or when you get behind those food stamp people who are buying food you don't want to spend money on for yourself, and then they buy their cigarettes, alcohol, huge bags of dog food, cat litter, perfume and flowers and whip out a wad of cash. Again, people like myself just ask WTF am I working to support that?

Sometimes you feel like giving up after a while, and many people do. The Democrats celebrate it too. After a while, people say to themselves "I want to live like that too" and start to get a negative attitude about chasing success and having pride.

Hence why education is important. Studying what happened to Socialist/Communist countries in Eastern Europe should show people the problems of Socialism. Young people are idealistic, but if you have a system that fucks the poor left right and center, then socialism is going to be promoted.

If the system is fairer, then less extremes will appear. The more extreme one side is, the more extreme the other will be.
...and then the liberals took "control".... you commies never stop with your attacks on this country. This is my last response to your never ending mis-characterizations and downright lies.

Well, here's the question- who took "Control" exactly.

You see, there was a point where both parties were kind of in agreement that taxing the rich and unionizing the workers was a good thing. This was from 1932 to about 1980.

Then Ronnie Ray-gun came along, gave obscene tax breaks to the rich and let it be known he was okay with busting up the unions. The middle class has been on the ropes ever since.

The ironic thing is, in the process, you've made the welfare state more powerful when middle class folks have to turn to government programs to make ends meet.
During a debate with a leftist this morning, I was once again told how much better things are in other places, and that made me ask myself if liberals even like this country yet alone love it?

How great other countries have it is a leftist argument they make all the time. It's beginning to be almost as common as saying the right are racist, sexist, homophobes.

What crossed my mind this morning is something I never thought of before: conservatives never say how much better it is in other places. We have our faults, we have our differences, but you never read a conservative say our country is not as good as X.

Liberals are quite the opposite. They want us to change our healthcare system like "theirs." They want us to have gun restrictions like theirs. They want us to have an education system like theirs. They want us to have a government structure like theirs. They want us to have an immigration system like theirs. They want us to have a justice system like theirs. We should take most of the money from rich people like they do. We need to change our election system like theirs.

So I'm going to ask this question one more time even though I've never gotten an answer before: If it's so good "there" WTF are you doing here?

It's apparent that we on the right love our country and the left does not. So the question I have (especially to you leftists) is if you do even like this country? It sure as hell doesn't seem like it since you want to change every aspect of it.
The "patriot" who can actually change this nation for the better must be fully devoted to both GOD and country. Those that do not believe or accept the divine will never understand that human endeavor alone will only achieve more chaos and degradation...
I'm sure, actually positive, that if you didn't live around another Liberal again, you'd find other things to hate.

Oh, loving your country doesn't meaning loving everyone in it, or loving everything about your country. How convenient AFTER you just said Liberals don't like the US because they don't like some things about it. Do you not see the MASSIVE contradiction there? Come on Ray, I thought you were better than that, but it turns out you're just another partisan hack making facts fit the script, and if they don't, get rid of them, they're fake news.

Loving the US does NOT mean that you support the policies that YOU like.

Yes, I know you were talking about me.

I'm sick and fucking tired of your bullshit too Ray. Because all you seem to do lately is bullshit. There's no logic to your posts. It's simple black and white. Republicans have the sun shining out of their fucking asses, and Democrats are evil.

If a Democrat says "today is Sunday" you will think they are wrong. If a Republican says "today is Sunday" they are an enlightened person who is clearly right.

I'm used to people coming on here and talking absolute bullshit. Just because you make a post about it, doesn't make you right.

Here is your "argument" in a nutshell.

Liberals hate some things about America, therefore they hate America.
Conservatives hate some things about America, therefore they love America.


Completely wrong. It seems that liberals hate most things about America, not some things. I gave you the list of the major things liberals would like to change, would you like me to list them again? Of course not because you know I'm right.

There is no bullshit about what I speak of, and if you ever find any, by all means, bring it up. Everything I have said (and do say) is true. If you want to prove them false, I welcome the challenge.

The things we Republicans don't like about our country are the things liberals plagued us with just like those Socialist European countries. We don't want to be Sweden, we don't want to be Poland, we don't want to be Germany, we want to be America. The Socialism we have in the US is what's destroying our country, so we want to send that Socialism back to Europe while you on the left want to keep inviting it back in.

Yes Ray, there is a LOT of bullshit. Your logic is completely out of whack for a start.

Yes, Republicans don't like things that Democrats do, and Democrats don't like things that Republicans do, and somehow this is Republicans loving their country, because as always, the right decide that THEIR POLICIES are PATRIOTIC and Democrat policies are treason, or something like that. It's always been like that, go look at the right in Turkey or Israel or wherever.

I understand what this is trying to do, it's trying to force people to accept your view out of fear of being branded whatever you want to brand them as. In the 1950s-1990s it was Communists, now it could be a Muslim love, a Communist, a traitor, whatever, it's name calling at it's worst, bullying at it's worst and shows you don't have a decent argument to go by.

I'm not a Socialist Ray. I hate Socialism and Communism. But I also hate blatantly obvious bullshit and people who will say ANYTHING to get what they want, no matter how contradictory it is to the last thing they just said, and this is EXACTLY what you're doing.

Then I have no idea what you're reading when you read my posts. My point was that Republicans never try to compare other countries to ours because we believe we have the greatest country in the world. Liberals do not; always telling us how great it is in other places.

The fact that liberals want to change just about everything in America makes me wonder if you people even like this country--not because Democrat policies are treason, but because you are always telling us how wrong our country is compared to others because their systems are so superior to ours.

Bottom line is it seems we Republicans love our country while you on the left love other countries.

I guess I'll never understand some people. Kind of reminds me of what our state is doing now which is putting up sound barriers on the highways to make it a tad bit quieter for the homes that border the highway. To a liberal, this is logical. To a conservative, WTF did you buy a house next to the Fn highway for??? Now we are wasting tens of millions of dollars because you clowns bought cheaper homes by the highway, and then complained to your representatives about the noise!

So to me, it makes no sense when liberals complain we are not like other countries instead of packing your bags and going to these other countries. If it's so great there with their socialized medical care, their gun laws, their taxation, their election system, their education system, move and live in your utopia. But no. Instead, stay here and complain.

No Ray, your point is that everything Democrats do is rubbish and everything Republicans do is fucking amazing. That's your point, and it's bullshit.

So, it makes no sense to you when liberals complain about something and then want their country to be improved. Why? Because you're going to do everything to stop it happening because you want rich people to get richer, and poor people to go fuck themselves.

What exactly is your plan to improve America?

Will an 11 year old be able to go into the woods and shoot rabbits with a gun?

Could an 11 year old go fishing without having to pay the state?
Who cares?

Will an 11 year old have healthcare if he becomes sick?
Will he receive a good education?
Will he be safe walking home from school?

But he can hunt rabbits

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